Miscellaneous Monday

Monday, October 1, 2007

For the post of 09.29.07, click HERE.

For the post of 09.28.07, click HERE.

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Puzzle by Allan E. Parrish, edited by Will Shortz

This Monday's back-to-work puzzle features a JUNKDRAWER (30D Location for the ends of the answers to the four starred clues) -- you know, those PIGPENS (24D *Sties) into which we PLUNK (36A Put [down], as money) something in case we might ever need it? FLORIDAKEYS (18A *Popular Sunshine State vacation); TICKERTAPE (3D *Material for an old-fashioned parade); and THIRDSTRING (61A *Like players below the B team) are also thrown into this miscellaneous mess -- however, that's really not enough junk, so I'm throwing in a YOYO (12D Toy that might go "around the world") and an UZI (14A Israeli submachine gun) too.

Oh, junk?! Want junk? -- here's junk! -- lots and lots of words we see over and over again and again in puzzle after puzzle after puzzle -- ALOE, BET, BUNT, SON, OPT, ASTA, HINDI, OKIE, ERE, ADO, WAR, OPED, LOCI, EMI, EZRA, FROM, JAS, NRC, UAR, SLIM, SESS, ASTA, STAGE, DODO, EDGE, INTL, NETS, SKIED, STLO, NICE, ETTA, RES, NAME, IHOP and REX! Now, that's junk!

O.K., that drawer's full, I'll just have to leave the rest of it out FORALL (15A Last words of the Pledge of Allegiance) to see and EFFUSE (4A Gush) over! MEDICOS (22A Docs); TAKEAIM (20A Prepare to shoot) and TARGET (26A Dartboard, for one); EFFACE (4D Wipe off) or get ERODED (Wore away).

We'll need chairs for ISIAH (53D N.B.A. coach Thomas); LIONEL (37D Hampton of jazz fame); ALEC (11D One of the Baldwin brothers); ANDIE (31D Actress MacDowell) and ADOLPH (19D Coach Rupp of college basketball); Fur trader John Jacob ASTOR (27D); DESI (43A Arnaz of "I Love Lucy") and MAYS (10A Willie of the 19850s-'60s Giants). The ELDEST (9D Firstborn) is a TOPER (42A Serious drinker) who never MINDED (49A Objected to) "MAKIN Whoopee!" (10D)!

Get ready to FOLIATE (5D Decorate with leaves) your DORSAL fin (48D) and LASHES (68A Mascara goes on them) to ENGAGE (21D Take on); not ODON (47A Take too much of, briefly), but SIMMER (52A Keep just below boil) and TASTE (26D One of the five senses) ACRID (51D Pungent) TRIX (60D Cereal whose ads feature a "silly rabbit") -- be SINCERE (64A Not deceitful), ATEASE (65A "Relax, soldier!"), ENCAMP (23A Stop for the night, as soldiers) -- I have IMAGES (50D Representations) of an IMMENSE (44D Really, really big) ADO (51A Brouhaha)!

The rest will just have to go in the round file, there's no more room!


The New York Times Crossword Puzzle solution above is by the author of this blog and does not guarantee accuracy. If you find errors or omissions, you are more than welcome to make note of same in the Comments section of this post -- any corrections found necessary will be executed promptly upon verification.

Puzzle available on the internet at

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09.30.07 -- Invitation to the Dance -- the Acrostic

Abraham Lincoln & Mary Todd Lincoln greeting Union generals, Cabinet members, & others at a reception. Hand-colored lithograph by John Smith, Philadelphia, 1865, from The Library of Congress


Sunday, September 30, 2007

Puzzle by Emily Cox & Henry Rathvon, edited by Will Shortz


The defined words with their clues are:

A. DIPTYCH (Artwork on two hinged panels);
OLDGLORY (What Betsy Ross worked on (2 wds.);
RICHTER (Eponym of a widely used logarithmic scale);
INDICTED (Charged in an unwelcome way);
SAGUARO (Set item in many a western);
GETHELP (“You should see a psychiatrist!”);
ORBITAL (Making the rounds?);
OBDURATE (not likely to say “I’m sorry” for a crime);
DYNASTY (Sports franchise that perennially dominates);
WILLYNILLY (Whether desired or not; randomly [hyph.]);
ICELAND (Country with the oldest known geyser…and from which the word “geyser” comes);
NEVILLE (Longbottom, bumbling friend of Harry Potter);
TAILWIND (Pilot’s aid in making good time);
EDAMAME (Boiled soybean pods, in Japanese cuisine);
ANTENNA (Destination of some waves);
MEMPHIS (Home of the bluesy Beale Street);
OUTLAWRY (State occupied by Jesse James beginning in 1866);
FLETCHER (Person who makes arrows);
RENOWNED (Having widespread name recognition);
INCENSE (Staple of aromatherapy);
VERMONT (Abutter of Lake Champlain);
ACIDITY (What a pH below 7 indicates);
LADYDAY (Jazz nickname, or March 25 on the Christian calendar [2 wds.]);
SALUTES (Fire off 21 rounds, maybe)

Another fine acrostic from Emily Cox and Henry Rathvon!

The New York Times Crossword Puzzle solution above is by the author of this blog and does not guarantee accuracy. If you find errors or omissions, you are more than welcome to make note of same in the Comments section of this post -- any corrections found necessary will be executed promptly upon verification.
Puzzle available on the internet at
If you subscribe to home delivery of The New York Times you are eligible to access the daily crossword via The New York Times - Times Reader, without additional charge, as part of your home delivery subscription.

09.30.07 -- ...and sometimes "Y"

Sunday, September 30, 2007
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Puzzle by Kelsey Blakley, edited by Will Shortz

AEIOU (17D Fivesome seen in order in the answer to each starred clue) is a great entry/clue for nine entries in this wonderful Sunday crossword puzzle: GAMEMISCONDUCT (23A *Ice hockey penalty); FACETIOUS (34A "Tongue-in-cheek); HALFSERIOUSLY (40A *Somewhat in jest); GATHERINGCLOUDS (68A "Sign of coming danger); WANDERINGSOUL (94A *Drifter); TAKEITOUT (102A *What "dele" means); WATERINGTROUGH (119A *Barnyard fixture); TRADEDISCOUNT (13D *Professional courtesy in pricing); and LATENIGHTHOUR (58D *Time during a graveyard shift). I was reminded of my school days when we learned the vowels by reciting "A, E, I, O, U, and sometimes Y"!

Note: The electronic puzzle differs from the newsprint. AEIOU is clued as "Fivesome seen in order in the answer to each italicized clue"; and the clues are subsequently italicized without a "star".

This is a nice easy-going Sunday solve -- a very friendly and near-perfect crossword puzzle that left me with a very satisfied feeling accompanied by amazement at how brilliantly word upon word fell into place. This crossword is without a single clumsy entry or far-fetched clue, making it akin to the perfect fits of a jig-saw puzzle. So many crosswords are being Googlized these days with ridiculous lazy entries, that to encounter one without a single odd-ball abbreviation, variation, permutation, et cetera, is a genuine relief and pleasure!

YOU (99D Crossword solver, presumably); however, becomes someone else after its entered! No matter -- from EDEN (1A Starting point) to ESSO (129A Bygone U.S. gas brand), this puzzle is so tight and together with so many great entries that it’s a little classic! ...and SNOOK (8D Derisive gesture)?! -- never knew it had a name!

Other acrosses: 5. Wraps on stage; 9. Org. that inspects factories; 13. Frog’s place; 19. DEMI-pointe (ballet position); 20. Footballer-turned politician Swann; 21. Inn’s offering; 22. Hungry lion, e.g.; 26. Mame, e.g.; 27. Motrin rival; 28. They may be high before a competition; 29. Purges; 31. Companion of a spade; 32. Surgically excise; 33. Pod that’s sometimes pickled; 36. Cote d’ AZUR; 38. Observed; 46. Unbroken; 50. Dinner spread; 51. Food label abbr.; 52. Rocky Mtn. highs?; 55. Patron saint of metalworkers; 58. Not skip a beat?; 59. Go-go-go; 61. Not go by one’s own locomotion; 61. Connections; 63. Family V.I.P.’s; 65. “Myself was stirring ERE the break of day”: Shak.; 66. Oiled, in a manner; 72. To be handled by; 75. DOE-eyed; 76. “TV Funhouse” show, for short; 77. Key holder? Abbr.; 80. “Fantastic Mr. Fox” author, 1970; 81. Upshot; 85. Lack of variety; 87. Special case?; 88. Dan ISSEL, former N.B.A. star and coach; 89. Roman historian; 91. Jazzy Anita; 92. Sharp bend; 98. Colorless, flammable gas; 101. Imitator; 105. PEAT moss; 108. Does just all right; 113. Top-notch; 114. Israeli statesman Barak; 115. Actress/spokeswoman Belafonte; 116. Ancient Greek region; 117. Tin: Prefix; 122. New Hampshire senator John; 123. 1965 movie “ISAW What You Did”; 124. Give a come-hither look; 125. Toy company whose name is an anagram of 124-Across; 126. Corkscrew, e.g.; 127. One-liners; and 128. General TSOS chicken.

Downs: 1. Annual literary award; 2. Silas of the Continental Congress; 3. Thompson and Lazarus; 4. Relative of 26-Across; 5. Jewish crepe; 6. Exclamations of exasperation; 7. Religious recluse; 8. Derisive gesture; 9. Periods in prison, e.g.; 10. Old French coins; 11. Ad follower; 12. City of New Orleans operator; 14. First word spoken to earth from the lunar surface; 15. Dashed; 16. Maker of Bug-B-Gon; 18. Shady sorts?; 24. Biotite and phlogopite; 25. Home of “The Diane Rehm Show”; 30. Put away for good; 34. Christopher Morley novel “Kitty FOYLE; 35. Future residents; 37. Banquet holder; 39. Designer Cassini 40. Some cliff dwellers; 41. English playwright Ayckbourn; 42. “I’m game!”; 43. Backing; 44. Landlord, e.g.; 45. Development sites; 47. Came down; 48. Word with bar or color; 49. One-to-one, e.g.; 53. Card catalog abbr.; 54. Chiantis, e.g.; 57. Poet who wrote “The moving finger writes; and, having writ, moves on”; 60. Tears to pieces; 64. Arch sites; 67. Nothing doing?; 68. Sea of GALILEE; 69. Newts; 70. Stephen Jay GOULD, author of “The Panda’s Thumb; 71. Role in “The Color Purple”; 72. Carded, say; 73. Grp. Conducting Operation Deny Flight; 74. Repeated cry at a beer blast; 77. Cousin of Spot; 78. Beach bash; 79. AMYL nitrate; 82. Lick again; 83. Flair; 84. Nielsens; 86. To-DOS; 90. Small bark; 93. Saint-ETIENNE, capital of France’s Loire department; 95. 4-Down’s brothers; 96. Brings to naught; 97. Feminist Germaine; 100. Philosopher Wittgenstein; 102. Italian poet Torquato TASSO; 103. Misbehave; 104. “The Family Circus” cartoonist; 106. Side flap; 107. Rampaging; 109. “A Confederacy of Dunces” author; 110. Pivots; 111. “American Pie” actor Jason; 112. Uneducated boor; 115. Unaccompanied; 118. Novice, maybe; 120. Simile’s center; and 121. Day-GLO.

I (excuse the expression) was glad to see ELOI clued differently, and OMAR shedding the extra R -- and the favorite of the AEIOU entries? WANDERING SOUL.

For today's cartoon, go to The Crossword Puzzle Illustrated.

The New York Times Crossword Puzzle solution above is by the author of this blog and does not guarantee accuracy. If you find errors or omissions, you are more than welcome to make note of same in the Comments section of this post -- any corrections found necessary will be executed promptly upon verification.

Puzzle available on the internet at

If you subscribe to home delivery of The New York Times you are eligible to access the daily crossword via The New York Times - Times Reader, without additional charge, as part of your home delivery subscription.

Traitorous UK 'Common Purpose' Shills For NWO

Brian Gerrish discovered Common Purpose when he was involved with a group in Plymouth in the west of England helping people find jobs and one of their projects was repairing wooden boats. He said they had lots of public support and backing from the local authorities and everything was going fine. But then it suddenly changed and the council support was withdrawn. When they tried to continue alone, he said that within a short time key people were being threatened:

'When we started to explore why we were being threatened we were absolutely staggered to find a very strange organisation called Common Purpose operating in the city. And we were absolutely amazed that there were so many people involved but they were not declaring themselves ...

'[Common Purpose] was operating throughout the structure of the city, in the city council, in the government offices, in the police, in the judiciary. Essentially we discovered what is effectively, at best, a quasi secret society which doesn't declare itself to ordinary people.'

Further research has led Gerrish to establish that Common Purpose is recruiting and training leaders to be loyal to the objectives of the organisation and the European Union and preparing the governing structure for what it calls the 'post-democratic society' after nations are replaced by regions in the European Union. 'They are learning to rule without regard to democracy, and will bring the EU police state home to every one of us', Gerrish says. Common Purpose 'graduates' are increasingly everywhere, as you will see from the partial list at the end of this article.

When the organisation was given an award in 2005 by one of it clients, Newcastle University in the North East of England, it was revealed that among its graduates in that area were: Michael Craik, Northumbria Police Chief Constable; Andrew Dixon, Executive Director of the Arts Council England, North East; Glyn Evans, City Centre Chaplain; Chris Francis, Centre Manager of the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust; Anne Marshall, Chief Officer of Age Concern; Anthony Sargent, General Director of The Sage Gateshead; Miriam Harte, Director of Beamish Museum; and Sue Underwood, Chief Executive of NEMLAC (the North East Museums, Libraries and Archives Council). Brian Gerrish has found them to be throughout the government structure with more than £100 million of taxpayers money spent on Common Purpose courses for state employees. It has members in the National Health Service, BBC, police, legal profession, religion, local councils, the Civil Service, government ministries,! Parliament and Regional Development Agencies.

The official founder and Chief Executive of Common Purpose is Julia Middleton who in her profile at the Common Purpose UK Website (www.commonpurpose.org.uk) fails to mention a rather relevant fact: she is also Head of Personnel Selection in the office of John Prescott, the Deputy Prime Minister to Tony Blair. Prescott has been the man with responsibility for creating 'regional assemblies' around the United Kingdom which are part of the plan to abolish nations and bring their powerless 'regions' under the jackboot of the European Union. He has, of course, sought to sell this policy as 'devolving power to the people'.

Prescott has common purpose with Common Purpose and Julia Middleton because they are all committed to the same end. The European superstate is designed to be centrally controlled and managed at lower levels by bland and brain dead 'leaders' who are all programmed to think the same. This is where Common Purpose comes in.

You can always tell an Illuminati front by its desire to centralise everything and that includes the centralisation of thought as diversity is scorned, ridiculed and dismissed in favour of a manufactured 'consensus'; you will also see the Orwellian Newspeak technique in which the organisation claims to stand for what it is seeking to destroy - Common Purpose says its aim is to develop 'diverse' leaders; and Illuminati fronts always tend to use language that actually says nothing when describing what they do.

When you look at the propaganda for Common Purpose it is bland and without specifics, just as you would expect. So what does this organisation teach its 'leaders'? You wouldn't know by reading its blurb and with its courses costing thousands of pounds it would be expensive to find out. But for sure it will manufacture consensus among its 'diverse' clientele.

This is a key technique of the Illuminati throughout society - to manipulate agreement on a range of issues that then become the norm to be defended from all challenge and true diversity. It has been developed by organisations like the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations in London which was funded into existence in 1946 with a grant from the Rockfeller Foundation and is one of the Illuminati's global centres for developing the 'hive mind' mentality or 'group and organisational behaviour'. Tavistock works closely with 'public sector' (state-controlled) organisations including the UK government and the European Union and the Orwell-speak on its website could have come straight from the pages of Common Purpose. Or the other way round. Jargon is always the language of the junta:

'Multi-organisational working, cross-boundary working and the global-national-local interface each raise their own set of organisational dynamics which must be surfaced and worked with if collaboration is to be effective. They also raise particular challenges for leadership (and followership). The Institute's approaches to organisational consultancy and leadership development, based on organisational theory and systems psychodynamics are particularly appropriate for helping organisations to address these complex issues.'

Like working out what the hell all that is supposed to mean. What we can see is that Tavistock and Common Purpose share the same pod. Both want to develop 'leaders' and they do it in the same way by manufactured consensus that then stamps out all diversity by using those who have conceded their right to free thought to the group psyche. Mind manipulation techniques like Neuro-linguistic programming or NLP are also employed in the language employed to engineer consensus. NLP is a technique of using words to re-programme the body computer to accept another perception of reality - in this case the consensus agreed by the manipulators before their victims even register for the 'course'. Apparently the CIA refers to these pre-agreed 'opinions' as 'slides'. As one Internet writer said:

'A "slide" is a prefabricated, "politically correct" blanket "pop" "opinion", "view" or "take" upon a particular issue of general interest which is designed to preclude further consideration, analysis or investigation of the issue in question. In other words, it is a "collectivised" mental position which is never to be questioned. This is precisely the "product" of the Deputy Prime Minister's insidious neurological linguistic control programme "Common Purpose".'

Anyone who resists the programming is isolated and the group turned against them until they either conform or lose credibility to be a 'leader'. Look at global society in any country and you will see this happening in the workplace, among friends down the bar and in television discussions. The consensus on global warming has been manipulated to be that carbon emissions are the cause and anyone who says otherwise is an uncaring, selfish, racist and quite happy to see the planet and humanity face catastrophe. The fact that carbon emissions are not the cause of global warming is irrelevant because the 'truth' is what the consensus has agreed it to be. In short, if you don't agree with the extreme consensus you are an extremist.

It is the manipulation of consensus that has turned the three main political parties in Britain into one party with their leaders Tony Blair, David Cameron and 'Ming' Campbell all standing on the same ground. They might offer slightly different policies - and only slightly - but they are all agreed on the fundamentals and this makes elections irrelevant. The Conservative Party's David Cameron, the likely winner of the next General Election, is Blair Mark II and this pair certainly have common purpose.

The Tavistock Institute has been working this flanker for decades and Common Purpose seems to me to have the Curriculum Vitae of a Tavistock front. One of the Tavistock founders, Dr. John Rawlings Rees, who also became co-founder of the World Federation for Mental Health, talked of infiltrating all professions and areas of society - 'Public life, politics and industry should all ... be within our sphere of influence ... If we are to infiltrate the professional and social activities of other people I think we must imitate the Totalitarians and organize some kind of fifth column activity!' He said that the 'salesmen' of their perception re-programming (mass mind-control) must lose their identity and operate secretly. He said:

'We must aim to make it permeate every educational activity in our national life ... We have made a useful attack upon a number of professions. The two easiest of them naturally are the teaching profession and the Church: the two most difficult are law and medicine.'

The common purpose of the Tavistock/Illuminati guerrilla war on the human psyche is to wipe clean any sense of the individual and unique because only that way can they impose the global dictatorship and have the masses accept it. Brock Chisholm, former Director of the UN World Health Organisation, was right when he said: 'To achieve One-World Government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism'.

Enter Common Purpose and its training of 'leaders'. If you can get the leaders to think the same it makes it much easier to transfer that to the general population. Julia Middleton's organisation, and whoever and whatever else is really behind it, has been making dramatic inroads into British society while it has flown below the radar. It is time we gave it a much higher profile as it goes ever-more international.

Related: Do you know the truth about the EU?

Must See Video

Brian Gerrish Full Presentation

The Unseen Invasion

09.29.07 -- Secrets

MATAHARI (15A She was executed in 1917)


Saturday, September 29, 2007

Puzzle by Robert H. Wolfe, edited by Will Shortz

Three long entries, THATSRIDICULOUS (17A "Nonsense!"); SENSITIVENATURE (36A Delicacy); and HEYDONTLOOKATME (55A "I'm not volunteering!") set a tone for this SASSY (14D Flip) and evasively-clued Saturday puzzle. ASSOONAS (1A When) I uncovered MATAHARI (15A She was executed in 1917) occupying the upper left of the puzzle with a prone SALMINEO (62A "Tonka" star, 1958) in the lower left under DRILLERS (60A Boring people) and in dead center, DIVAS (29D 45-Down performers), flashing a "V" as the central letter of this crossword, I was INADILEMMA (40A Stuck with no way out), and WARNED (61A On notice) that my ROLE (50A Lead, e.g.) as solver may be labeled RIP (52A Engraved message?: Abbr.) -- but to be overwhelmed?, why PSHAW (44D 17-Across, quaintly)!

BLEEPS (9A Slip covers?) -- I wrote for an hour without saving and lost it all!

Across -- 16 100 centesimal; 19 Pentax Spotmatic, e.g., in brief; 20 Boy in the comic strip “Rose is Rose”; 21 Parents; 22 Parts of many jam sessions; 25 Minute; 27 African evergreen shrub; 29 Vlasic varieties; 33. Like VCRs in the 1970s; 39 One-striper: Abbr.; 40 Stuck with no way out; 41 Kitchen pieces; 43 Animal visitor to Paris in a classic children’s book; 44 Cornmeal concoction; 47 One that takes a picture?; 49 Crosses; 50 Lead, e.g.; 52 Engraved message?: Abbr.; 59 Ring of anatomy; 61 On notice. Down -- Withdrawal figs.; 2 Joke writer for many Kennedy campaign speeches; 3 Astrological set; 4 Some husk contents; 5 Understanding responses; 6 Pusher; 7 Botanical appendages; 8 Fries, say; 9 A telly may get it; 10 Old Olympics award; 11 Scarlett O’Hara’s mother and others; 12 W.W. II vessel; 13 Cascades; 18 Comment before turning in; 23 Director of the Associated Press, 1900-35; 24 Scale succession; 26 Nicholas Gage title character; 27 More; 28 Tout’s opposite; 29 45-Down performers; 31 How some hats are worn; 32 Drawing, e.g.; 33 Start of some countdowns; 34 “Piece of My Heart” singer Franklin; 35 Result of regular use; 37 “Sin City” actress, 2005; 38 Stagecoach puller; 41 Body band; 42 Flat part; 44 27-Across, quaintly; 45 See 29-Down; 46 Parfait part; 47 It’s a big part of life; 48 Do some tune-up work on; 51 Aurora producer; 53 2002 Literature Nobelist Kertesz; 54 Capital of Colombia; 56 Land of “20,000 Leagues Under the Sea”’; 57 Dutch traveler’s choice; 58 Figure in the Sunni/Shia split.

IMTIRED (18D Comment before turning in) -- Goodnight!

The New York Times Crossword Puzzle solution above is by the author of this blog and does not guarantee accuracy. If you find errors or omissions, you are more than welcome to make note of same in the Comments section of this post -- any corrections found necessary will be executed promptly upon verification.

Puzzle available on the internet at

THE NEW YORK TIMES -- Crossword Puzzles and Games

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The History Channel Shills For Che Guevara

The A&E Network recently produced a Biography show on Ernesto "Che" Guevara. Years back they produced one on Senator "Tail-Gunner Joe" McCarthy. The depictions contrast sharply.

The second mentioned of these historical figures was a freely-elected official who campaigned to remove Stalinist agents that had infiltrated the government of a representative republic. Joe McCarthy launched his congressional inquiry into Communist penetration of the U.S. government at a time when Stalin's regime had already murdered more people, conquered more nations, and enslaved more of their citizens than Hitler's regime had managed at its murderous apex. On top of this, Stalin's regime had recently developed the Atomic bomb.

In 1950 Senator McCarthy claimed to know of 57 Stalinist agents in the employ of the U.S. government. Not a single one of these alleged agents suffered so much as a day in jail, though some lost their cushy government jobs.

Ernesto "Che" Guevara was second in command, chief executioner, and chief KGB liaison for a regime that outlawed elections and private property. This regime's KGB-supervised police – employing the midnight knock and the dawn raid among other devices – rounded up and jailed more political prisoners as a percentage of population than Stalin's and executed more people (out of a population of 6.4 million) in its first three years in power than Hitler's executed (out of a population of 70 million) in it's first six.

Can you guess which show The History Channel titled, "Epidemic of Fear"?

The regime Che Guevara co-founded stole the savings and property of 6.4 million citizens, made refugees of 20 per cent of the population from a nation formerly deluged with immigrants and whose citizens had achieved a higher standard of living than those residing in half of Europe. Che Guevara's regime also shattered – through executions, jailings, mass larceny and exile – virtually every family on the island of Cuba. Many opponents of the Cuban regime qualify as the longest-suffering political prisoners in modern history, having suffered prison camps, forced labor and torture chambers for a period THREE TIMES as long in Che Guevara's Gulag as Alexander Solzhenytzin suffered in Stalin's Gulag.

Can you guess which A & E show mentioned, "hundreds of destroyed lives"?

One week into power the regime Che Guevara co-founded abolished Habeas Corpus. Guevara commanded his regime's prosecutorial goons to "always interrogate our prisoners at night. A man's resistance is always lower at night." He boasted that, "we execute from revolutionary conviction!" and that "judicial evidence is an archaic bourgeois detail." Edwin Tetlow, Havana correspondent for London's Daily Telegraph, reported on a mass "trial" orchestrated by Che Guevara where Tetlow noticed the death sentences posted on a board before the trial had started.

Can you guess which show had "The Great Inquisitor" in the title?

In case you haven't guessed, the answer to all of the above questions is: Joe McCarthy's.

One signed his name "Stalin II," professed that "the solutions to the world's problems lie behind the Iron curtain," and boasted that "if the nuclear missiles had remained we would have fired them against the heart of the U.S. including New York City." He also professed that the victory of socialism was well worth "millions of atomic victims."

Can you guess which show mentioned, "his idealism will rarely be equaled"?

Immediately upon entering Havana Che Guevara stole and moved into what was probably the most luxurious mansion in Cuba. The rightful owner fled the country barely ahead of a firing squad and a reporter who wrote of Che's new house in a Cuban newspaper was himself threatened with the firing squad. A year later thousands of Cubans were sent to forced-labor camps on Che's orders, based on his whim to fashion "a new man,"

Can you guess which show includes the phrase "he never abused his power"?

During a 1961 speech in Cuba, Che Guevara denounced the very "spirit of rebellion" as "reprehensible." Earlier he had cheered the Soviet invasion of Hungary and the concurrent slaughter of thousands of Hungarians who resisted Russian Imperialism. According to Guevara, these freedom-fighters were all "fascists and CIA agents."

Can you guess which show described its subject as: "a potent symbol of rebellion, liberation and resistance to imperialism"?

In case you haven't guessed, the answer to the above questions is: Che Guevara's

On his second to last day alive Che Guevara ordered his guerrilla charges to give no quarter, to fight to the last breath and to the last bullet. With his men doing just that, a slightly wounded Che snuck away from the firefight and surrendered with a full clip in his pistol, while whimpering to his captors: "Don't Shoot! I'm Che! I'm worth more to you alive than dead!" He then groveled shamelessly, desperate to ingratiate himself. "What's your name, young man?" Che asked one of his captors. "Why what a lovely name for a Bolivian soldier!"

"So what will they do with me?" Che asked Bolivian Captain Gary Prado. "I don't suppose you will kill me. I'm surely more valuable alive....And you Captain Prado," Che commended his captor. "You are a very special person ...I have been talking to some of your men. They think very highly of you, captain! And don't worry, this whole thing is over. We have failed." Then to further ingratiate himself, "your army has pursued us very tenaciously....now, could you please find out what they plan to do with me?"

Nonetheless The History Channel gushes that Guevara "was valiant until his last moment alive."

So far, subjective matters. Now on to more objective ones.

Despite numerous attempts, nobody has managed to locate any record of Ernesto Guevara's medical degree. Shortly after his capture Che admitted to his captor's commander, Captain Gary Prado, that he (Che) was not a doctor but "had some knowledge of medicine."

Nonetheless The History Channel refers to Ernesto Guevara as a "newly qualified Doctor."

It is a matter of historical record that in January 1959 the U.S. gave diplomatic recognition to the Castro/Che regime MORE QUICKLY than they had recognized Batista's in 1952. State Department records also show that the U.S. imposed on arms embargo on the Batista government and refused to ship arms the Cuban government had already paid for. The official record also documents that U.S. ambassador Earl T. Smith personally notified Batista that he had no support from the U.S. government, which strongly recommended that he leave Cuba. Batista was then denied political asylum in the U.S.

In 2001 while visiting Havana for a conference with Fidel Castro, the CIA's "Caribbean Desk's "specialist on the Cuban Revolution" from 1957–1960, Robert Reynolds boasted that: "Me and my staff were all Fidelistas."

"Everyone in the CIA and everyone at State were pro-Castro, except ambassador Earl Smith." This statement is from former CIA operative in Santiago Cuba, Robert Weicha.

Nonetheless, The History Channel reports that "Che Guevara helped overthrow the "U.S.- BACKED" Cuban dictator, Fulgencio Batista."

"At his (Che's) orders around 50 men were executed," asserts The History Channel

"The Black Book of Communism," written by French scholars and published in English by Harvard University Press (neither an outpost of the vast right-wing conspiracy, much less of "Miami maniacs!") estimates 14,000 firing squad executions in Cuba by the end of the 1960's. "The facts and figures are irrefutable," wrote the New York Times (no less!) about "The Black Book of Communism." A Cuban prosecutor of the time who quickly defected in horror and disgust named Jose Vilasuso estimates that Che signed 400 death warrants the first few months of his command in La Cabana. A Basque priest named Iaki de Aspiazu, who was often on hand to perform confessions and last rites, says Che personally ordered 700 executions by firing squad during the period. Cuban journalist Luis Ortega, who knew Che as early as 1954, writes in his book "Yo Soy El Che!" that Guevara sent 1,892 men to the firing squad.

In his book Che Guevara: A Biography, Daniel James writes that Che himself admitted to ordering "several thousand" executions during the first year of the Castro regime. Felix Rodriguez, the Cuban-American CIA operative who helped track him down in Bolivia and was the last person to question him, says that Che during his final talk, admitted to "a couple thousand" executions. But he shrugged them off as all being of "imperialist spies and CIA agents."

Historically speaking, documenting regime murders while that murderous regime remains in power has proven almost impossible. Yet the Cuba Archive project headed by Maria Werlau and Dr Armando Lago have already documented 216 firing squad death warrants signed by Che Guevara, a figure quadrupling The History Channels'. What can possibly account for such a relentless contempt for the truth by The History Channel?

We'll see in a minute.

"He studied the evidence in each case (of the "50" executions) with methodical care. The executed were all torturers and murderers of women and children," asserts The History Channel in their Che Biography.

Well, Guevara's judicial methods I've already mentioned, simply by quoting Che Guevara himself. If "judicial evidence is an archaic bourgeois detail" if no defense counsel or witnesses are permitted then just how did Che determine who is "a torturer and murderer of women and children?" The History Channel provides no clue.

But their main source, Che biographer Jon Lee Anderson who is interviewed and quoted extensively through the "documentary," does. This diligent historian got the figure of 50 executed and the accounts of the sterling judicial procedures preceding the executions, from one of the Communist prosecutors himself, Orlando Borrego, who features as major source in Anderson's book and who is a minister in Cuba's Stalinist government to this day. Indeed, Anderson wrote his book while living in Cuba using ministers of a Stalinist government as his primary sources. Other sources such as "Che's Diaries" were edited and published by Castro's propaganda ministry with the preface written by Fidel Castro himself. Given the subject, perhaps such a thoroughly "revolutionary" form of historiography is fitting. Let's step back for a second and contemplate it.

Adolph Eichmann, Rudolf Hess, Karl Donitz, Baldur von Schirach and many other Nazi officials were still alive when William Shirer wrote The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich. Yet these were not Shirer's primary sources. Therefore, applying contemporary logic as it applies to Cuban history, Shirer's book should be thoroughly discredited. Anything and everything former Nazi officials had to say should have been taken at face value. Instead Shirer relied on sources such as German exile Fritz Thyssen. This man was "embittered," had an obvious "ax to grind" against the Nazi regime, and should have been discounted as biased and not credible by William Shirer and by all right-thinking people.

Robert Conquest was also derelict in using Ukrainian refugees such as Marco Carynnyk as sources for his book, The Great Terror. From Leonid Brezhnev to Yuri Andropov, to Nikita Khrushchev thousands of Stalin's henchmen were available to Conquest as perfectly reliable sources. For not relying upon them exclusively in his studies of Stalinism, Robert Conquest should be laughed off any lectern. His book consists of nothing but embittered ravings and cheap gossip from people with "an ax to grind."

Simon Weisenthal, Eilie Weisel and Ann Frank all had obvious "axes to grind' against the Nazi regime so nothing they said or wrote should be taken seriously. Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Cardinal Mindszenty, Nathan Scharansky, Vladimir Bukovsky, etc. are all "embittered exiles and cranks" with obvious "axes to grind" against the Soviet regime. So the same applies to them.

The above may sound flippant, but it's precisely the methodology applied in media and "scholarly" circles when it comes to studying Cuban totalitarianism. The normal rules of historiography – and even of decency, logic and common sense – get turned on their heads, resulting in shows like those on The History Channel.

Humberto Fontova
Lew Rockwell.com
Tuesday September 25, 2007

The Zionist Brainwashing Of America

The existence of "God's chosen people" has been a destabilizing factor in human history since God first made the covenant with Abraham. This covenant has been God's chosen vehicle for the teaching of mankind and the sorting-out of those humans who are morally unteachable. His lessons reached down into the darkest depths of the human soul, to bring out that which lies hidden deeply within. He set into motion a never-ending series of moral choices, beginning with Abraham's wife Sarah. The primary lesson was to have faith in His Word, even when it seemed illogical to do so. Sarah's refusal to believe that a one-hundred year old man and a ninety year old woman could have a child caused her to take an immoral action (acting outside His will). This choice caused Abraham to father Ishmael, the patriarch of the Muslim people.
Thus began the education of planet earth. The savage, barbaric world of primitive man was introduced to the concept of "right and wrong." That teaching came to be known as Judaism. It was a religion intended to sow division, even as it promoted the unity of man's common cause. It was constantly dividing the people and then re-solidifying the scattered halves. This was God's purpose, to manipulate the minds of all humans, creating the world's longest running psy-ops program.
God's choice, to honor the seed of Abraham over all other humans, magnified the animosities and the emotional turmoil, which divided the world. Both of the bloodlines of Abraham were blessed, something that no other race on the planet can claim. The fact that God chose to favor one of Abraham's sons and his offspring over the other, giving them the central role in all human history, has given birth to the idea of racial superiority.
Nonetheless, the two similar religions that later flowed from the sons of Abraham have both prayed to the same God, the God of Abraham, Creator of all things.
God's choice to separate the chosen people from the world for special training and giving them the bulk of His teachings, as well as the blessings and curses, our Creator made the children of Israel the focus of a special form of scorn. After they were exiled from the Holy Land and forced into the midst of Gentiles who (like all men) harbored a primitive hatred of God, where the repressed jealousy because of the Jew's special status revealed itself. Jewish intellectualism, as later documented in European [Ashkenazi] Jews, (Ashekenazis as a distinct group have consistently been tested to have a higher average IQ. http://homepage.mac.com/harpend/.Public/AshkenaziIQ.jbiosocsci.pdf ) and belief in their own superiority only made things worse, helping to give substance to several virulent counter-theories of organized anti-Semitic racial supremacy.
Muslim anti-Semitism (even though one-third of all Muslims are Semitic) is the most problematic http://www.dendulkforcongress.com/jihad_terrorist.shtml strain of the sickness, since it began when Jacob usurped Esau's birthright as Abraham's firstborn son.
The violent anti-Semitic quotes from the Koran which are cited by the by today's new anti-Semitic Muslim haters as alleged proof that Islam is a religion of hate are no more disturbing than some quotes from the Old Testament and the Talmud:
...thou shalt hough their horses, and burn their chariots with fire. (Joshua 11:6)
...in the cities of these peoples that the Lord your God gives you for an inheritance, you shall save alive nothing that breathes, (Deuteronomy 20:16)92
And they utterly destroyed all that was in the city, both man and woman, young and old, and ox, and sheep, and ass, with the edge of the sword . . . (Joshua 6:21)88
Baba Mezia 114a-114b. "the Talmud learns from Ezekiel that the term for man, Adam, only applies to Jews," meaning that only Jews are human, while [Gentiles] a lesser life form.
Compared to the Koran:
Sura of the Sword - 9:5 "...slay the idolaters wherever you find them. Arrest them, besiege them, and lie in ambush everywhere for them."
Surah 9:27- "Fight against such as those to whom the Scriptures were given [Jews and Christians]...until they pay tribute out of hand and are utterly subdued."
Judaism itself is split into two currents, with one stream dedicated to following the words of Moses (Torah) and the other half relying on the teachings of the later rabbis, as given in the oral traditions (Talmud.) Where the true Torah followers are dedicated to accepting their exile from the Holy Land, as ordained by God (until Messiah comes [again] and restores all things), the Talmudic Jews (especially the atheistic apostates) gave birth to a militant ideology, Zionism, which was created in rebellion to God's timing, intending to forcefully restore all things.
Another major part of the "master plan" has been to disguise the true nature of Zionism and the deep roots of Jewish supremacism, from which it sprang. The Zionist's singular goal, "the...negation of exile," was a fraud, according to the neocon prophet Leo Strauss, who confessed that they had harbored an equally important secondary objective of proving that "the power of religion has been broken." (from Leo Strauss review of Freud's Future Of An Illusion )
Their real intention was to force a reversal of world history, all the way back to pre-exile Eretz Yisrael. The plan was to force the fulfillment of "The Birthright," without God's help, creating a kingdom of Jews without God, enthroning themselves at the center of the world. Zionism is an atheistic movement masquerading as the fulfillment of religious prophecy. Zionism is a plan for an end run around God's. It is Satan's plan.
After reclaiming the Holy Land, America was to be the second nation which had to come under Zionist domination, in order for the plan to succeed. The neoconservative movement is the vanguard of the centuries-old plan. The method of operation chosen by the movement has been to seize the "conservative" cause and to mutate it into a new racist form of fascism, modeled after National Socialism. Their anti-Muslim beliefs provided the foundation for their "master class" theories. Their aim was to prove that only the strong deserved to be treated as human beings using the new ideology of American "exceptionalism" and manifest destiny. With their rise to power, America became a tool for digging up the Middle East and rebuilding "Zion." (The planned Jewish dominated world order.)
The Zionist "neocons" had inherited the corporate/government machinery that had been taken over by previous Zionist agents, incorporating the brainwashing techniques developed from the psychiatric methods created by mostly Jewish psychologists. http://www.jinfo.org/Psychologists.html They had developed their theories of psychotherapy and social engineering through their study of deviant human nature and anti-Semitism in Nazi psychological indoctrination in the heart of fascist Europe. The Zionist social scientists studied the world which had been distorted by fascist nationalism, seeking to create a science to manipulate personalities, hoping to change the fascist mindset, so that it might truly happen "never again."
The corporate government propagandists who had studied their work on the aberrant psychology of the worst of all human beings developed highly coercive manipulative group psychotherapy techniques. The therapeutic conditioning which had been created by Sigmund Freud and his associates became the foundation for brainwashing techniques and a reverse conditioning process, intended to produce a new generation of fascists here in America and wherever else it was to be used. Now variants of these psy-ops techniques are being used in every strata of society, to control and to manipulate large groups of people, most notably through advertising, government disinformation and the "entertainment" industry.
Intellectual Jewish refugees, who had fled to America and England from Nazi Germany and Austria, brought different elements of the new Nazism with them, which they later formulated into their specialized sciences by interpreting their own personal experiences and research. The neoconservative students of those scholars fashioned their research into a science of political indoctrination, based on their combined knowledge of fascist tactics of deception and intimidation. The Zionist neoconservatives didn't build the government machinery; they merely inserted themselves into the driving seats and forced the American people to line-up quietly behind them. Through fear and terrorist intimidation, they forced the people to accept a fascist/racist ideology that they would never willingly accept otherwise.
They had inherited a government of self-seeking "public servants" who had stopped serving the public long ago, most of which had been indoctrinated with the new ideology at foundations (mostly associated with the Tavistock Institute). Their mentors, the Jewish psychologists and social scientists who were key players in the history of Tavistock, had done their preparatory work very well, from their seats on the thousands of think tanks and foundations. The Tavistock Institute is a $6 Billion a year network of Foundations in the U.S., consisting of ten major institutions, 400 subsidiaries, and 3000 other study groups and think tanks. It is funded by a grant from the Rockefeller Foundation. From these positions of power, they applied the manipulative psychological techniques that had been developed by Sigmund Freud and his students. http://www.barefootsworld.net/tavistok.html (source for all quotes on Tavistock)
Statue Of Sigmund Freud In Front Of
The Tavistock Institute Of Mind Control
Sigmund Freud (avowed atheist with admitted Oedipal impulses toward his own mother) considered mankind to be the vilest of all of God's creation. Freud's work reflected his own repugnant beliefs:
"The individual is essentially an enemy of society and has instinctual urges that must be restrained to help society function. 'Among these instinctual wishes are those of incest, cannibalism, and lust for killing.' His view of human nature is that it is anti-social, rebellious, and has high sexual and destructive tendencies. The destructive nature of humans sets a pre-inclination for disaster when humans must interact with others in society. 'For masses are lazy and unintelligent; they have no love for instinctual renunciation, and they are not to be convinced by argument of its inevitability; and the individuals composing them support one another in giving free rein to their indiscipline.' So destructive is human nature, he claims, that 'it is only through the influence of individuals who can set an example and whom masses recognize as their leaders that they can be induced to perform the work and undergo the renunciations on which the existence of civilization depends.' All this sets a terribly hostile society that could implode if it were not for civilizing forces and developing government..."
--From The Future Of An Illusion, by Sigmund Freud.
Freud equates religion with an instinctual drive, the product of a childlike mind -
"Religion is an outshoot of the father-complex, and represents man's helplessness in the world, having to face the ultimate fate of death, the struggle of civilization, and the forces of nature. He views [belief in] God as a child-like 'longing for [a] father.' In his words '...gods...must exorcize the terrors of nature, they must reconcile men to the cruelty of Fate, particularly as it is shown in death, and they must compensate them for the sufferings and privations which a civilized life in common has imposed on them'." Future Of An Illusion
The psychologists and social scientists associated with Tavistock have woven the degenerate ideas of Freud into the neoconservative ideology. There they have implemented their mass-conditioning techniques as part of the plan to create a fascist Zionist America and a fascist world. The plans for us are almost completed.
According to Dr. John Coleman, in his revelatory work, CONSPIRATORS' HIERARCHY: THE STORY OF THE COMMITTEE OF 300 - http://www.barefootsworld.net/tavistok.html
"The ideology of American foundations was created by the Tavistock Institute...study the effect of shellshock on British soldiers who survived World War I... to establish the breaking point of men under stress, under the direction of the British Army Bureau of Psychological Warfare...its prophet, Sigmond Freud,...Tavistock's pioneer work in behavioral science along Freudian lines of controlling humans...Tavistock Institute developed the mass brain-washing techniques which were first used experimentally on American prisoners of war in Korea...All Tavistock and American foundation techniques have a single goal---to break down the psychological strength of the individual and render him helpless to oppose the dictators of the World Order."
At Tavistock, German refugee, Kurt Lewin originated the anti-Germany propaganda campaign to "turn the American public against Germany and involve us in World War II...James Paul Warburg, son of Paul Warburg who wrote the Federal Reserve Act, and nephew of Max Warburg who had financed Hitler, set up the Institute fir Policy Studies to promote [LSD]... and the New Left counter-culture."
"[The] National Training Laboratories... operation revolves around the particular form of Tavistock degenerate psychology known as 'group dynamics,' developed by German Tavistock operative Kurt Lewin...In a Lewinite brainwashing group, a number of individuals from varying backgrounds and personalities, are manipulated by a 'group leader' to form a 'consensus' of opinion, achieving a new 'group identity.' The key to the process is the creation of a controlled environment, in which stress is introduced (sometimes called dissonance) to crack an individual's belief structure. Using the peer pressure of other group members, the individual is cracked, and a new personality emerges with new values. The degrading experience causes the person to deny that any change has taken place...
At the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School of Finance & Commerce, the indoctrinated are taught how to produce cooked statistics known as econometrics from the Wharton Econometric Forecasting Associates.
At the Institute For The Future they work to manipulate government to control large groups of people, writing position papers advocating destabilizing actions intended to be negative catalysts for change in America, such as;
"liberalizing abortion laws, drug usage and that cars entering an urban area pay tolls, teaching birth control in public schools, requiring registration of firearms, making use of drugs a non-criminal offense, legalizing homosexuality."
The Stanford Research Institute "emphasis on mind control research and future sciences... Stanford Research is plugged into at least 200 smaller think tanks doing research into every facet of life in America...At present Stanford's computers are linked with 2500 sister research consoles."
At the Rand Research and Development Corporation, "there are literally thousands of highly important companies, government institutions and organizations that make use of RANDS's services...brainwashing remains the primary function of RAND."
At Tavistock, Alexandre Kojève's studies of Hegelian dialectics provided the final pieces of the puzzle for the Zionist plotters seeking to force the new fascist ideology on to the unsuspecting American people. It was Kojève's interpretations of "Hegel through the lens of Marx," in his "End of History" thesis that produced the "clash of civilization" theory of Francis Fukuyama. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexandre_Koj%C3%A8ve
Using the dialectic method, they constructed a credible "bogeyman," in the form of Islamic terrorism, with which to herd the frightened American sheeple right into Israel's open arms, since the Zionist state would logically appear to be the antithesis of the Islamists.
Since the 9/11 attacks the Islamists have been inflated into an almost supernatural menace. A dark whisper campaign has nearly succeeded in equating all Islam with terrorism. The echo chamber of the corporate media has amplified their reputations as terrorists by focusing on their former exploits against the Soviets in Afghanistan. The coining of the deceptive term "Islamofascists" linked Islamic ideology to the Nazis, providing the propagandistic ammunition needed for the brainwashing campaign. In the indoctrinated neo-fascist ideology, modeled after National Socialism, liberals are traitors, the enemies of the growing police state, while anti-liberals (conservatives) are the new anti-Semitic super-patriot agitators.
Their mind-numbing campaign of fear and intimidation created a state of dissonance within the minds of the targeted American populace, making the people susceptible to suggestion. Utilizing the brainwashing methods of group dynamics, they made this new paradigm the new national "consensus." Hyper-patriotism became a guilt weapon, used to bludgeon the new fascist group identity into the scrambled conscious of post 9/11 America. The historical lessons taught by Jewish refugee George Mosse (mentor of neoconservative agitator Michael Ledeen) on the psychological and political indoctrination skills used by the Nazi propagandists, showed the way to the fascist transformation of American political parties, using the new mythology of Islamofascism.
The object of that government/media campaign was to make the people easily suggestible through the psychology of "learned helplessness." The mixture of hyped patriotism, guilt, fear and helplessness made us true sheeple, who could only trust the new fascistic government to shepherd us to safety past all those scary Muslims. According to another Jewish psychologist, Martin Seligman, the author of "Learned Optimism" (the alleged psychological antidote to learned helplessness), human minds can be trained to passively accept unpleasant situations, http://www.jinfo.org/Psychologists.html
"...nullifying the natural reactions, which normally cause attempts to escape or to control the situation. It is a state of deep depression, brought on by prolonged immersion in a reality of learned helplessness...A person with learned helplessness easily gives in her/his goals if s/he failed few times in achieving them. Such persons show apathy, no motivation, depression and pessimism."
The American military is now developing virtual reality computer simulations, based on the theory of learned helplessness, to help it plan psy-ops operations to help it manipulate the populations of entire nations.
The intent is to "...test multiple courses of action to anticipate and shape behaviors of adversaries, neutrals, and partners. By applying theories of economics and human psychology, its developers believe they can predict how individuals and mobs will respond to various stressors... They try to anticipate how stressed-out populations can be manipulated by increasing the fear and anxiety-induced helplessness, through the introduction of panic-causing events."
The A. I. thinking of the massive computer simulations used in the program is based upon the theories of Israeli-American cognitive psychologist Daniel Kahneman.
The Zionist Brainwashing of America - Part 2
"Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of State and corporate power."
--Benito Mussolini (1883-1945), Fascist Dictator of Italy
The Zionist neoconservative fascist ideology has been developed over many decades. American society has lived under a state of psychological siege for many years, as the slow indoctrination with the growing ideology has been carried out by agents of the new "Zion." We have constantly been bombarded, every minute of every day, with their psychological conditioning which has been meant to lead us into a state of helpless despair. In this hopeless condition, we would theoretically willingly surrender our individuality to the state controllers. We have literally been scared and "entertained" to death, so that we would give-up, roll over, and play dead. They wanted our surrender to be assured before they took the final steps to murder our democratic-Republic. The final step is the last act in the war on terrorism, the bombing of Iran. This is the critical step that is necessary in the Zionist plot to claim the "birthright" of the "chosen people," as promised to the true "Israel."
The creation of the myth of the Islamic threat has long been a part of our slow conditioning process. The "war on terrorism" has been waiting in the wings for three decades. The primary motivators of this clash of civilizations have been Israeli and American Zionists. They are behind an American campaign intended to radicalize Islamists and to ignite a global "holy war" against the enemies of Zionism, beginning with the Soviets in Afghanistan. As inheritors of the mantle of the Zionist Jewish Communists, the plotters have faithfully followed the radical dialectic method, by working in secret to bring about their opposites, sowing the seeds of violence, in order to bring about the desired synthesis. It is the ideology of Zionism itself, that has been dividing the world and multiplying violent hatreds for centuries, as the key to a planned campaign to force all the Jewish people of the Diaspora back to the land of Israel, whether that be their desire, or not.
"By Way Of Deception Thou Shalt Do War" is the official motto of Mossad. We know that Hamas is a creation of Mossad, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/mj-rosenberg/a-
hamasrun-gaza-we-can-_b_52438.html created to push the PLO into compliance with Israel's demands, or into an existential bloodbath. This Hegelian logic of creating a terrorist enemy to negate a terrorist threat has been the cornerstone of American foreign policy for thirty years. By secretly creating a real Islamic threat to both America and Israel, they created a very threatening, very anti-Semitic motivator, to force all the Jewish people out of their comfortable complacent lives and back to Eretz Yisrael.
It was during the Reagan years that the Israeli lobby began to really dominate the Republican Party. http://www.ujc.org/page.html?ArticleID=66189 Reagan's embrace of Israel and its methods for fighting "Islamic terrorism," and the placement of key neoconservatives like Wolfowitz and Perle within the Defense Dept. effectively turned American foreign policy over to the Zionists. According to former Texas congressman Charlie Wilson, in Charlie Wilson's War, American foreign policy has been shaped by Israel and the Israeli lobby since the early days of the covert war against the Soviets in Afghanistan, in the late eighties.
In Wilson's account (which was heavily biased in favor of Israel), he was brought into contact with AIPAC by New York Mayor Ed Koch. Once this connection was made, he was adopted by an agent of Mossad, who goaded him to push Congress to do more to agitate and arm the Islamists to fight against the Russians. This was at a time when Israeli Zionists were desperate to bring Russian "Jews" to Israel, to make up for the shortage of new immigrants from Western countries who refused to migrate to a new harsh life in Israel.
Through the skillful manipulation of Congressman Wilson and others like him, Israel managed to reap immeasurable returns on their investment in creating a probable future enemy ­ alliance with the United States moved tons of Israeli seized Russian weapons and allied Israel indirectly with Iran, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia.
After his embrace of Israel, Wilson was aided by a group of Jewish congressmen, who were instrumental in moving him into the powerful House Appropriations Committee. From this seat of power, Wilson poured money into the nascent CIA aid program for the Afghan mujahedeen and began to demand bigger and bigger results from the covert operators. The CIA program, in effect, sought to recreate a mirror image version of the Zionist militant Jewish Self Defense Corps. training programs which had been created by "Wolf" Jabotinsky. The "defensive" efforts to train and indoctrinate Jewish males to defend Zion blossomed later into the most radical right-wing Israeli militant groups: Irgun, Stern gang, Likud, Jewish Defense League. The CIA's militant/indoctrination camps, created on the Betarian model, have been duplicated throughout the Muslim world, proving to be the source of terrorist paramilitary expertise and radical indoctrination of Islamists that haunts us today in the "war on terror." (When Zionist paramilitary "self-defense" camps are reproduced in the Muslim world they are now described by our press as "terrorist" camps. The "bogeyman" was complete.
It was time for the war against democracy to get underway. Since the assassination of President Kennedy, Americans have experienced political extortion (terrorism), to force the government's secret agenda upon us. Beginning with the "October surprise," (political op by CIA spymaster William Casey to give Reagan the presidency), we have witnessed a series of staged events, to force the anointed candidates and their unwanted laws upon us, until the Bill of Rights itself has become endangered. A new series of violent acts followed, beginning with the assassination attempt on Reagan's life (which made his unacceptable policies suddenly acceptable), leading up to the Oklahoma City attack which began to force the unacceptable anti-terror laws upon us, www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/law/militia_4-24.html - 25k - culminating in the "al Qaida" attacks. We watched passively while violence has determined our national direction.
Our electoral process has been violated, as well, through the use of tactics developed by the CIA in their long-running manipulations of elections in Europe and elsewhere, by instigating terrorist tactics, primarily in the form of "false flag" pre-planned "terrorist" attacks upon our allies. http://www.informationliberation.com/?id=16921 "Operation Gladio" revelations have exposed the "parallel apparatus" by the secret government and their "stay behind" army operations that have quietly, subversively implemented the plans of the neo-fascist Zionist manipulators. Seeing the benefits to be gained in popular reaction to terrorist events, they planned for the day when a sufficiently devastating terrorist attack would take place in the United States, to allow the big push to make the new dictatorship a fait accompli.
The parallel government forces moved heaven and earth, utilizing the "al Qaida" Islamists to carry-out US policy in Europe, Asia and Africa, bringing them ever nearer to American soil. The neo-fascist planners waited for the inevitable catastrophic breakdown of society, when they could have acted to prevent the calamity. Instead of working to save American lives, they made their extremist plans that would be justified by the catastrophe which they worked so hard to cause, bestowing upon them the opportunity to rebuild our destabilized world, from a clean slate. The plan to acquire total power from manufactured chaos was to be achieved through a balancing act between the forces that they fully control and those hostile forces that they merely manipulate. The Zionist neocon war plan was made in preparation for the planned day of chaos and especially for the day after that. It is a fascist policy that treats every act of violence and suffering as an opportunity to enact the master plan. It is a plan that the people have broadly rejected in peacetime, yet would likely accept willingly in times of war and great danger.
Israeli (and now American) aggression and acts of violence have clearly been intended to create enemies so threatening as to frighten the people into supporting a state of total war and its accompanying genocide, as necessary defensive acts. The American/Israeli campaign of terror is going very well from their perspective. Every step that we have taken in the "war on terror" has been to duplicate the "failed" tactics that have been honed over the years by the IDF and Mossad. We the people do not understand, that by government standards, these polices are considered to be quite successful.
The key to understanding this contradiction between what government says and what it really means is that everything is considered to be part of a psy-ops operation. All government pronouncements and leaked "news" should be considered to be disinformation. In our limited dictatorship (which poses as a limited democracy), as opposed to a blatant full-blown dictatorship, government must persuade the people to go along with its secret decisions, without provoking open rebellion to the lurking police state. If government is to rely on persuasion, instead of force, to acquire voluntary compliance with its demands for sacrifice from its citizens, then it has to practice deception on a very large scale.
As always, the desired violent Muslim reactions of self-defense, which have followed our military moves are then spun into "aggression." America and Israel foreign policy is to purposely undertake acts which force others to defend themselves, in order to escalate their own counter-attacks and to create the illusion that they are acting in "self-defense" against "terrorism." Through skillful use of the controlled media, to practice their dark brainwashing crafts, they then cause their societies to forget who started the cycles of violence and impart legitimacy to their cause.
Today's Israeli move to brand all of Gaza as terrorist enemy territory (and American moves to brand Iran's Revolutionary Guard as terrorists) is being used (according to plan) to justify ramping-up the siege of the helpless Palestinians. Zionist propagandists have succeeded in convincing many Americans that cutting off the water and power to Gaze, in retaliation for the use of homemade rockets which were launched as desperate acts of self-defense against artillery and F-l6 attacks, is justifiable. We watch the slaughter and ethnic cleansing of Palestine without raising our voices, witnessing the destruction of International Law and the concept of universal human rights along with them.
Israel tells America what to believe in the Middle East. They serve as an echo chamber for our worst suspicions about the Muslim people, confirming the propaganda generated by the neocon press. The only evidence on Iran's alleged nuclear weapons program comes from the terrorist organization, Mujahadeen-e-Khalq. Mossad is deeply involved with MEK, training them in Iraq, to attack targets inside of Iran. According to former weapons inspector Scott Ritter, the "evidence" on Iran's nuclear program (given by the MEK) actually came from the Mossad, to be passed to the MEK by neocon Michael Ledeen.
The mysterious Israeli incursion into Syria is laying the final groundwork for the nuclear strike on Iran that will make war a permanent fixture in the Middle East.
The only thing that will prevent the missiles from firing is the power of the American people to restrain our own leaders. With enough political pressure we can theoretically prevent Bush from bombing Iran or using America's nuclear arsenal to back up Israeli aggression. Overcoming the Zionist brainwashing is imperative if our world is to survive what Israel and the corporate hierarchy has wrought.