01.01.08 -- 2008

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

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Puzzle by Adam G. Perl, edited by Will Shortz

Happy New Year!

The H of FOURH (38A Kind of club that’s a hint to this puzzle’s theme) is the last entry I made on this first crossword puzzle of the year 2008 -- a sort of “Oh, I see!” -- HEAD, HEART, HANDS, and HEALTH! The last time the 4H was in a Times puzzle that I recall was May 24, 2007 -- along with two other multiple-letter entries, 3D and 10K. Today, however, the Four H Club is the sole star on the first day of the New Year!

HEADINTHECLOUDS (17A Daydreamer’s state); HEARTOFDARKNESS (25A Joseph Conrad novella); HANDSONTRAINING (43A Vocational school instruction); and HEALTHINSURANCE (57A Common employment benefit) are the 15-letter entries completely spanning the diagram (or grid) from left to right. The FOURH entry presides in the center of the puzzle -- looking odd as a “word” even after it makes sense! Let’s hope we can also make sense of our world this coming year for the sake of our young, and for all of God’s creation.

For details on the 4H, its affiliations, extensions, et cetera, refer to Wikipedia -- HERE for 4H.

Across: 1. “Mamma Mia” group; 5. Play chauffeur; 10. Money to help one through a tight spot; 14. Either of two directing brothers; 15. All gone, as dinner; 16. Mayberry boy; 20. Directional suffix; 21. A choir may stand on it; 22. Good thing; 23. Sailor, colloquially; 24. Digit in binary code; 34. Edward who wrote the play “The Goat, or Who Is Sylvia”; 35. Pastor’s flock; 36. Rebellious Turner; 37. Vintage autos; 39. Prefix with lock or knock; 40. SNO-cone; 41. Colonial settlement; 42. Bobby Orr, notably; 46. Superannuated; 47. Ring outcome, briefly; 48. CARGO pants (multipocketed wear); 51. Room plus, in a hotel; 54. “Don’t ASK”; 60. Cleveland’s lake; 61. Enlarge a house; 62. Men-only; 63. “The World of Suzie WONG”; 64. Sierra LEONE, Africa; 65. Certain vanity plate for husband-and-wife cars.

Down: 1. Suffer from a charley horse; 2. Transvaal trekker; 3. Vanilla BEAN; 4. “What else?”; 5. “Meet the Fockers” co-star, 2004; 6. Hamelin’s problem; 7. ITHE Jury” (Spillane novel); 38. Zig or zag; 9. S.A.S.E., e.g.; 10. Relax, as rules; 11. Berkeley Breathed comic strip; 12. Lieutenant; 13. Fit snugly; 18. Really hot under the collar; 19. Like Lincoln, in physique; 23. Uno + dos; 24. Straight: Prefix; 25. Hard on the ears; 26. “Maria ELENA” (Dorsey tune); 27. ABOON to mankind; 28. Taken wing; 29. Intimidate; 30. Station with a show; 31. The blahs; 32. Participated temporarily, as with a band; 33. Police con; 38. Victuals; 39. Florence’s river; 41. Letter-shaped opening for a bolt; 42. Harley rider; 44. Links bend; 45. Bring into harmony; 48. Stick of gum, e.g.; 49. Prefix with -postale; 50. Common Seattle forecast; 51. Slaw or fries, e.g.; 52. Reverse, on a PC; 53. “The shoe ISON the other foot”; 54. A couple of chips, maybe; 55. Injury reminder; 56. Purchases for a shindig; 58. HAL 9000, sci-fi computer; 59. Bit of air pollution.

38A FOURH -- a cow before the jury!


For today’s cartoon, go to The Crossword Puzzle Illustrated.

The New York Times Crossword Puzzle solution above is by the author of this blog and does not guarantee accuracy. If you find errors or omissions, you are more than welcome to make note of same in the Comments section of this post -- any corrections found necessary will be executed promptly upon verification.

Puzzle available on the internet at

THE NEW YORK TIMES -- Crossword Puzzles and Games

If you subscribe to home delivery of The New York Times you are eligible to access the daily crossword via The New York Times - Times Reader, without additional charge, as part of your home delivery subscription.

The Last Sunset of 2007

The Last Sunset of 2007, Fire Island, NY, 12.31.07 - 4:38 p.m., photograph by Donald

Why The Bankers Love The Left

Count Cherep-Spiridovitch was a Czarist general who battled the Bolsheviks in the 1917 Russian Revolution.

In 1926 he published a book entitled "The Secret World Government" which shows how the Rothschild's plan for world tyranny dominates modern history. (See "The Jewish Conspiracy is British Imperialism.")

The fact that "Secret World Government" is generally considered "right wing" and "anti Semitic" is revealing:

1) It shows the extent society already has been brainwashed and subverted by the Rothschild conspiracy.

2) It reveals how the bogus issue of antisemitism is used to divert attention from a genuine mortal threat to humanity.

3) It explains the true meaning of "right wing crackpot" and why the Left is an instrument of the bankers.


Compare the treatment of this war in "The Secret World Government" with "A Peoples History of the United States"by Howard Zinn, a leftist, who cannot utter the word "Rothschild."

Cherep-Spiridovitch cites an interview with the German chancellor Otto von Bismarck in 1876. Bismarck explained that the Rothschilds who controlled Europe were afraid the United States would become independent of them if it remained one nation.

"They foresaw tremendous booty if they could substitute two feeble democracies indebted to the Jewish financiers for the vigorous republic confident and self providing. Therefore they started their emissaries in order to exploit the question of slavery and thus to dig an abyss between the two parts of the republic." (180)

The Illuminati used the Masonic "Knights of the Golden Circle" formed in 1854 by George W. L. Bickley, to spread racial tension by making slavery an issue. Members included Lincoln assassin John Wilkes Booth, Confederate President Jefferson Davis, and his adviser Judah P. Benjamin, the Confederate Secretary of War, a Rothschild agent.

The plan was to divide the United Sates between England controlled by Lionel Rothschild and France, controlled by James Rothschild. France was to take over the whole South while Canada annexed the defeated North. In 1863 France and Spain invaded Mexico with 30,000 troops. The embattled Confederate States actually offered Louisiana and Texas to France in exchange for assistance.

Britain and France were ready to snuff out the young republic but were deterred by Russia, the only European power not in the Rothschild's thrall. Czar Alexander II sent his fleets to New York and San Francisco and declared that an attack on Lincoln would be an attack on Russia.

Meanwhile Lincoln created "greenback" dollars to finance the war and escape indebtedness to the foreign financiers. "They understood at once that the United States would escape their grip," Bismarck said." The death of Lincoln was resolved upon. Nothing is easier than to find a fanatic to strike." (180)

Compare this with Howard Zinn who although a "socialist," makes no mention of European financiers. His book is a soap opera of the oppression of the poor by the rich. He depicts the Civil War as a clash of capitalist "elites."

"The Northern elite wanted economic expansion.... The slave interests opposed all that. " (189) Again, "The American government had set out to ... retain the enormous national territory and market and resources. " (198)

In other words "capitalism" in general and not the Rothschild Illuminati caused this heinous war that cost 500,000 soldiers' lives and eight billion dollars. Is it any wonder these bankers, who are the real establishment, love the Left? Is it any wonder they populate our universities with pious Marxists (and feminists) who never question why they are pulling down big salaries if they are really defying the establishment?

Another Pied Piper is Noam Chomsky who attributes all evil to capitalism and American imperialism. As far as I know, he never mentions the Rothschilds, the llluminati, the Council on Foreign Relations or the New World Order. He pretends that Oklahoma City and 9-11 were NOT inside jobs.

"We shall erase from the memories of men all facts of previous centuries which are undesirable to us," say the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion." "And leave only those which depict all the errors of the government of the goyim." (Protocol 16)

The problem is not American capitalism but the control of the nation's credit by a small private international cartel which has used this advantage to build a monopoly in every key industry. This international group is behind western imperialism and every war. Its totalitarian occult agenda (a.k.a, globalism, feminism, diversity) is now corporate policy.

The big government vs big business paradigm diverts attention from the Illuminati bankers who run both. It places the blame on capitalism and the US, which has been under Illuminati control for at least a century. It teaches each new generation to be alienated from their country, culture and economic system, and to become dysfunctional and impotent.

The bankers love socialism and Big Government. They have a monopoly of money and need a monopoly of power (i.e. government.) Together, these Rothschild banker monopolies are the essence of Communism. Rothschild pawns (liberals, socialists etc.) are elected by bribing the people with social services and jobs which create debt (and profit.)

The bankers need to institute a global police state (New World Order) to ensure that no nation challenges their credit monopoly or defaults on their "debt."


Antisemitism is another tactic to divert attention from the Rothschild's plan for world tyranny.

Cherep-Spiritovitch concludes:

"According to Bismarck the awful Civil War in America was fomented by a Jewish Conspiracy, and Abraham Lincoln the hero and national saint of the United States was killed by the same Hidden Hand which killed six Romanov Czars, ten kings and scores of Ministers only to easier bleed their nations." (181)

He is not talking about Jews in general but only those who advance the Rothschild Illuminati agenda. His book makes an appeal to righteous Jews, and recognizes that many non-Jews have sold out.

"The Jews should bring to bay the 'Satanists' who corrupt the countries in which they have found asylum," the Preface says: " the Gentiles should render every Judas who accepts the bribes of the Jews."

Bankers and their agents (B'nai Brith etc.) deflect this challenge by conflating the Rothschilds with all Jews. Thus they transform a political cultural and economic issue into a racial one that can be dismissed as 'prejudice.'

Why do so many Jews think they are responsible for the Rothschilds and the Illuminati? It looks suspicious.

The bankers' Satanic Conspiracy is the source of antisemitism. The sooner more Jews oppose it; the sooner antisemitism will disappear.

Who actually was behind the assassination of Bhutto Thursday? I can't pretend to know. But throughout history the central bankers routinely have assassinated politicians who stand in their way or whose removal will result in war. Lincoln, Arch Duke Ferdinand and JFK are the most prominent but there are hundreds. See my "Illuminati Murdered At Least Two Other Presidents" http://www.savethemales.ca/002009.html


The Rothschild Illuminati Conspiracy is the essential challenge facing mankind. Talk of US imperialism, capitalism and "hate" (antisemitism) is a red herring.

Modern world history is nothing but the process by which this satanic force is replacing Western Civilization with an occult world police state managed by taser and television. The whole world is being colonized by this imperialist financial power, which is behind all left, liberal, Communist and revolutionary movements. What they call "progressive" is progress only in their occult terms.

Socialist Presidential candidate Norman Thomas said, "The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of 'liberalism' they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened."

The world is in the advanced stages of a diabolical multi generational conspiracy. The general method and goals have all been revealed in The Protocols of the Elders of Zion Our educators, leaders and media have largely been subverted.

Thus, a "right wing crackpot" such as Cherep-Spiritovich is anyone who favors individual freedom and self-reliance, family, nation, race, and God. These are the things that the Illuminati need to destroy.

The ruling classes have been hoodwinked to believe they are building a Brave New World. In fact they are accomplices in the mental, spiritual and possibly physical enslavement of humanity.

By Henry Makow Ph.D. the author of "Cruel Hoax: Feminism and the New World Order." (www.cruelhoax.ca) His articles can be found at his web site www.henrymakow.com He enjoys receiving comments, some of which he posts on his site using first names only. hmakow@gmail.com

12.31.07 -- On the Job!

Monday, December 31, 2007

Click here for LARGE PRINT

Puzzle by Lynn Lempel, edited by Will Shortz

After a weekend from the New York Times that issued a bruising and brutal cold-hearted Saturday crossword puzzle from Bob Klahn (who of us will soon forget, golconda, peripeteia, ochlocracy and xantippe?), followed by a delightful warm-hearted Frosty the Snowman puzzle by Elizabeth C. Gorski on Sunday, regular solvers are left with little to do but tuck the collective tips of their medullae oblongatae between their shanks and skulk off in appreciation for an end-of-the-year crossword which presents little humor or challenge.

For the gory details, read the two assessments at The JimH Crossword Blog -- The Saturday Bob Klahn puzzle stinks and Elizabeth C. Gorski wraps up the year again. Jim says it all -- and while you’re at it, check out his companion blog -- XWord Info -- a great crossword puzzle archive for the entire past year and beyond!

With a last gasp, Father Time and Lynn Lempel bring the year to a close in the form of the final NYT puzzle of 2007, swiping it across the cranium to SOOTHE (22A Relieve) the perplexed grey matter after a horrendous Saturday and a humorous Sunday.

On the job! BLOODTYPING (10D Pre-transfusion procedure); NAMECALLING (25D Some verbal abuse); IRONFILING (17A A magnet attracts it in a physics experiment); and TOPBILLING (57A Star’s marquee position), along with (or for) CPAS (54A Inspectors of fin. Books) make this a Monday office worker’s special!

Plus, we get classic twin Shortzesque clues for NOTAWHIT (43A Zilch) and NADA (52A Zilch) -- the year’s last! This crossword SPLITSUP (28A Divorces) THEMET (32A Locale for a York diva) and her ARIA (15A Diva’s song) with a SPLAT (39A Tomato-hitting-the floor sound) of an EXIT (34D Escape route) from EDEN (60A Genesis garden) on the SKIDS (going to pot)(1D) with SCADS (1A Oodles) of SIN (8D Envy or gluttony) and WOE (44D Misery) -- OUI (23D “Yes, madame”), we ate the tomato!

Counting down to the New Year:

8-letter entries include SAFETIES (5D Two-point plays in football) and SPIRALED (39D Shot up, as inflation);

7-letter entries, SLANTED (24A At a tilt), CARGOES (47A Freighters’ freights), TAGSALE (9D Event before moving), and CHORTLE (41D Gleeful laugh);

6-letter entries, ANGLER (51A One with a hook, line and sinker), SPIELS (42A Sales pitches);

5-letter, KOREA (14A Seoul’s land), HEXES (37A Jinxes), EATIN (62A Have a meal at home), DOSES (65A Medicinal amounts), CORAL (2D Deep pink), AROMA (3D Enticing smell), VALID (6D Legitimate), INERT (18D Lifeless), SWAMI (42D Hindu teacher), OMITS (48D Skips), ERNIE (49D Old TV comic Kovacs) (actually, he’s more dead than old), and SIGNS (50D Leo and Libra).


3-letter, AGE, AIR, CON, DAM, DEN, DEN, MRI, and last but not least WIN (Carry the day)!

Did Lynn say WIN! In the event you think that I’ve taken this puzzle thing too seriously, two bloggers have taken on the hubristic task of handing out awards this year! Seriously! On January 4, 2008, the American Crossword Critics Association (ACCA) - which is just Amy Renaldo (Orange of Diary of a Crossword Fiend) and Michael Sharp (Rex Parker Does the NYT Crossword Puzzle) - will be handing out their Best of 2007 Crossword Puzzle Awards, with five categories -- so, roll out the red carpet! …or is it orange!

3...2...1... HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!


For today's cartoon, go to The Crossword Puzzle Illustrated.

The New York Times Crossword Puzzle solution above is by the author of this blog and does not guarantee accuracy. If you find errors or omissions, you are more than welcome to make note of same in the Comments section of this post -- any corrections found necessary will be executed promptly upon verification.

Puzzle available on the internet at

THE NEW YORK TIMES -- Crossword Puzzles and Games

If you subscribe to home delivery of The New York Times you are eligible to access the daily crossword via The New York Times - Times Reader, without additional charge, as part of your home delivery subscription.

The NSA-Crypto AG Sting

For years US eavesdroppers could read encrypted messages without the least difficulty

For decades, the US National Security Agency (NSA) has been reading effortlessly ultra sensitive messages intercepted from all parts of the world. This extraordinary feat was not the consequence of the work of some genius cyber mathematician. Nor was it the result of the agency dominance in the field of super computers, which allegedly have outpaced their most direct rivals by orders of magnitude. The truth is far simpler and quite troubling. The game was rigged.

For half a century, Crypto AG, a Swiss company located in Zug, has sold to more than 100 countries the encryption machines their officials rely upon to exchange their most sensitive economic, diplomatic and military messages. Crypto AG was founded in 1952 by the legendary (Russian born) Swedish cryptographer Boris Hagelin. During World War II, Hagelin sold 140,000 of his machine to the US Army.

"In the meantime, the Crypto AG has built up long standing cooperative relations with customers in 130 countries," states a prospectus of the company. The home page of the company Web site says, "Crypto AG is the preferred top-security partner for civilian and military authorities worldwide. Security is our business and will always remain our business."

And for all those years, US eavesdroppers could read these messages without the least difficulty. A decade after the end of WWII, the NSA, also known as No Such Agency, had rigged the Crypto AG machines in various ways according to the targeted countries. It is probably no exaggeration to state that this 20th century version of the "Trojan horse" is quite likely the greatest sting in modern history.

In effect, US intelligence had spies in the government and military command of all these countries working around the clock without ever risking the possibility of being unmasked.

An Old and Venerable Company

In the aftermath of the Islamic revolution, Iran, quite understandably, would no longer trust encryption equipment provided by companies of NATO countries.

The Swiss reputation for secrecy and neutrality lured Iranians to Crypto AG, an old and venerable company. They never imagined for a moment that, attached to the encrypted message, their Crypto machines were transmitting the key allowing the description of messages they were sending. The scheme was perfect, undetectable to all but those who knew where to look.

Crypto AG, of course, denied the allegations as "pure invention." In 1994, the company issued a message in the Swiss press, stating that "manipulation of Crypto AG equipment is absolutely excluded."

On the Wikipedia page of Crypto AG, one can read: "Crypto AG rejected these accusations as pure invention, asserting in a press release that in March 1994, the Swiss Federal Prosecutor's Office initiated a wide-ranging preliminary investigation against Crypto AG, which was completed in 1997. The accusations regarding influence by third parties or manipulations, which had been repeatedly raised in the media, proved to be without foundation."

However, meetings between a NSA cryptographer and Crypto AG personnel to discuss the design of new machines have been factually established. The story was also confirmed by former employees and is supported by company documents. Boris Hagelin is said to have acted out of idealism. What is certain is that the deal for Crypto AG was quite juicy. In return for rigging their machines, Crypto AG is understood to have been granted export licenses to all entities controlled by the NSA.

Early Hints

A book published in 1977 by Ronald Clark (The Man Who Broke Purple: The Life of Colonel William F. Friedman) revealed that William F. Friedman, another Russian-born genius in the field of cryptography (he deciphered the Japanese code in World War II) and onetime special assistant to the NSA director, had visited Boris Hagelin in 1957. Friedman and Hagelin met at least on two other occasions. Clark was urged by the NSA not to reveal the existence of these meetings for national security reasons. In 1982, James Bamford confirmed the story in his book on the NSA: The Puzzle Palace. The operation was codenamed the "Boris project." In effect, Friedman and Hagelin had reached an agreement that was going to pave the way to cooperation of Crypto AG with the NSA.

Despite these very obvious hints, countries such as Iran, Iraq and Libya continued using the Crypto AG machines for encrypting their messages. And so did the Vatican, among many other entities.

Persian Suspicions

In 1987, ABC News Beirut correspondent Charles Glass was taken hostage for 62 days in Lebanon by Hezbollah, the Shi'ite Muslim group widely believed to have been founded by Ali Akbar Mohtashemi, when he was Iranian ambassador to Syria in the early 1980s.

Washington claimed that NSA had intercepted coded Iranian diplomatic cables between Iran's embassies in Beirut and the Hezbollah group. Iranians began to wonder how the US intelligence could have broken their code.

After the USS Vincennes shot down an Iranian Airbus over the Persian Gulf on July 3, 1988, "Iran vowed that the skies would rain with American blood." A few months later, on Dec. 21, a terrorist bomb brought down Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland.

Once more, NSA intercepted and decoded a communication of Iranian Interior Minister Ali Akbar Mohtashemi linking Iran to the bombing of Pan Am 103.

One intelligence summary, prepared by the US Air Force Intelligence Agency, was requested by lawyers for the bankrupt Pan American Airlines through the Freedom of Information Act.

"Mohtashemi is closely connected with the Al Abas and Abu Nidal terrorist groups. He is actually a long-time friend of Abu Nidal. He has recently paid 10 million dollars in cash and gold to these two organizations to carry out terrorist activities and was the one who paid the same amount to bomb Pan Am Flight 103 in retaliation for the US shoot-down of the Iranian Airbus."

Moreover, Israeli intelligence intercepted a coded transmission between Mohtashemi in Teheran and the Iranian Embassy in Beirut concerning the transfer of a large sum of money to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command, headed by Ahmed Jibril, as payment for the downing of Pan Am 103.

The Iranians were now at a loss to explain how Western and Israeli intelligence agencies could so easily defeat the security of their diplomatic traffic. The ease with which the West was reading Iranian coded transactions strongly suggested that some may have possessed the decryption keys.

The Bakhtiar Murder

In April 1979, Shahpour Bakhtiar was forced to leave Iran as the last prime minister of the Shah. He returned to France where he lived in the west Paris suburb of Suresnes. In July 1980, he narrowly escaped an assassination attempt. On Aug. 6, 1991, Bakhtiar and his personal secretary Katibeh Fallouch were murdered by three assassins.

Two of them fled to Iran, but the third, Ali Vakili Rad, was apprehended in Switzerland. One of the six alleged accomplices, Zeyal Sarhadi was an employee of the Iranian Embassy in Berne and a great-nephew of former president of Iran Hasemi Rafsanjani. Both men were extradited to France for trial.

On the day of his assassination and one day before his body was found with his throat slit, the Teheran headquarters of the Iranian Intelligence Service, the VEVAK, transmitted a coded message to Iranian diplomatic missions in London, Paris, Bonn and Geneva. "Is Bakhtiar dead?" the message asked.

Switzerland's Neue Zurcher Zeitung reported that the U.S. had provided the contents of encrypted Iranian messages to France to assist Investigating Magistrate Jean Louis Bruguiere in the conviction of Ali Vakili Rad and one of his alleged accomplices Massoud Hendi. This information was confirmed by L' Express.

The NSA interception and decoding of the message led to the identification of the murderers before the murder was discovered. From the Swiss and French press reports, Iranians now knew that British and American SIGINT operators had intercepted and decoded the crucially embarrassing message. Something was definitely wrong with their encryption machines.

The Buehler Arrest

Hans Buehler was a top Crypto AG salesman who had worked at the Zug company for 13 years. In March 1992, Buehler, a strongly built cheerful man in his 50s, was on his 25th trip to Iran on behalf of Crypto AG.

Then, on March 18, he was arrested. Iranian intelligence agents accused him of spying for the United States as well as Germany. Buehler was held in solitary confinement in the Evin prison located in the north of Tehran. He was interrogated everyday for five hours for more than nine months.

"I was never beaten, but I was strapped to wooden benches and told I would be beaten. I was told Crypto was a spy center that worked with foreign intelligence services."

Buehler never confessed any wrongdoing on his part or on the part of Crypto AG. It appeared that he had acted in good faith and the Iranians came to believe him. "I didn't know that the equipment was bugged, otherwise the Iranians would have gotten it out of me by their many methods."

Back to Switzerland

In January 1993, after nine months of detention, Crypto AG [or was it Siemens?] paid US$1 million to secure Buehler's freedom. During the first weeks after his return to Switzerland, Buehler's life was once again beautiful. The euphoria did not last long. Once more, his life came to an abrupt change. Crypto fired him and demanded repayment of the $1 million provided to Tehran for his liberation.

Back to Zug, Buehler began to ask some embarrassing questions about the Iranian allegations. And the answers tended to back up Iranian suspicions. Soon, reports began to appear on Swiss television and radio. Major Swiss newspapers and German magazines such as Der Spiegel picked up the story. Most, if not all, came to the conclusion that Crypto AG's equipment had been rigged by one or several Western intelligence services.

Buehler was bitterly disappointed. He felt nothing short of having been betrayed by his former employer. During all these years, Buehler never thought for a second that he had been unknowingly working for spies. Now, he was sure that he had done so.

Buehler contacted several former Crypto AG employees. All admitted to him, and eventually to various media, that they believed that the company had long cooperated with US and German intelligence agencies.

The Truth Emerges

One of these former engineers told Buehler that he had learned about the cooperation from Boris Hagelin Jr., the son of the company's founder and sales manager for North and South America. In the 1970s, while stranded in Buenos Aires, Boris Hagelin Jr. confided that he thought his father had been wrong to accept rigging the Crypto AG machines.

Stunned by the revelation, the engineer decided to take this matter directly to the head of Crypto AG. Boris Hagelin confirmed that the encryption methods were unsafe.

"Different countries need different levels of security. The United States and other leading Western countries required completely secure communications. Such security would not be appropriate for the Third World countries that were Crypto's customers," Boris Hagelin explained to the baffled engineer. "We have to do it."

The NSA-Crypto AG Collaboration

A Crypto AG official document describes an August 1975 meeting set up to demonstrate the capacity of a new prototype. The memorandum lists among the participants Nora L. Mackebee, who, like her husband, was an NSA employee. Asked about the meeting, she merely replied: "I cannot say anything about it."

During the '70s, Motorola helped Crypto AG in making the transition from mechanical to electronic machines. Bob Newman was among the Motorola engineers working with Crypto AG. Newman remembers very well Mackebee but says that he ignored that she was working for the NSA.

Juerg Spoerndli left Crypto AG in 1994. He helped design the machines in the late '70s. "I was ordered to change algorithms under mysterious circumstances" to weaker machines," says Spoerndli who concluded that NSA was ordering the design change through German intermediaries.

"I was idealistic. But I adapted quickly … the new aim was to help Big Brother USA look over these countries' shoulders. We'd say 'It's better to let the USA see what these dictators are doing,'" Spoerndli says.

"It's still an imperialistic approach to the world. I do not think it's the way business should be done," Spoerndli adds.

Ruedi Hug, another former Crypto AG technician, also believes that the machines were rigged.

"I feel betrayed. They always told me that we were the best. Our equipment is not breakable, blah, blah, blah. Switzerland is a neutral country."

Crypto AG vs. Buehler

Crypto AG called these allegations "old hearsay and pure invention." When Buehler began to suggest openly that there may be some truth to them, Crypto AG not only dismissed him on the spot, but also filed a legal case against him.

Yet Crypto AG settled the case out of court, in November 1996, before other former Crypto AG employees could provide evidence in court that was likely to have brought embarrassing details to light.

No one has heard from Buehler since the settlement. "He made his fortune financially," whispers an insider.

A Fuzzy Ownership

The ownership of Crypto AG has been to a company in Liechtenstein, and from there back to a trust company in Munich. Crypto AG has been described as the secret daughter of Siemens but many believe that the real owner is the German government.

Several members of Crypto AG's management had worked at Siemens. At one point in time, 99.99 percent of the Crypto AG shares belonged to Eugen Freiberger, the head of the Crypto AG managing board in 1982. Josef Bauer was elected to the managing board in 1970. Bauer, as well as other members of Crypto AG management, stated that his mandate had come from the German company Siemens.

The German secret service, the Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND), is believed to have established the Siemens' connection. In October 1970, a secret meeting of the BND had discussed how the Swiss company Graettner could merge with it. "The Swedish company Ericsson could be influenced through Siemens to terminate its own cryptographic business," reads the memo of the meeting.

A former employee of Crypto AG reported that he had to coordinate his developments with the "central office for encryption affairs" of the BND, also known as the "people from Bad Godesberg."

American "watchers" demanded the use of certain encryption codes and the "central office for encryption affairs" instructed Crypto AG what algorithms to use to create these codes.

Bakhtiar Murder Trial

"In the industry everybody knows how such affairs will be dealt with," says a former Crypto engineer. "Of course such devices protect against interception by unauthorized third parties, as stated in the prospectus. But the interesting question is: Who is the authorized fourth?"

On Dec. 6, 1994, a special French terrorism court convicted two Iranians of murdering Bakhtiar. Vakili Rad was sentenced to life in prison. But, to the dismay of all observers, Sarhadi was acquitted.

"Justice has not been entirely served for reasons of state," complained Bakhtiar's widow.

It appears indeed that France, Switzerland, the German BND and the NSA decided to let Sarhadi go free in order to preserve the "secrecy" of the Crypto AG cooperation with the NSA.

In 1991, the US and the U.K. indicted two Libyans for the bombing of Pan Am 103. To the surprise of many observers, the indictment did not mention those believed to have contracted the act of terror in spite of the fact that their guilt had been established by the interception of official communications by several intelligence agencies.

To many observers, justice was not served at the Lockerbie trial. Could it be that the US and U.K. governments decided to sacrifice the truth in order to preserve the (in)efficiency of their intelligence apparatus?

Ludwig De Braeckeleer has a Ph.D. in nuclear sciences. He teaches physics and international humanitarian law. He blogs on "The GaiaPost."

Benazir Bhutto: US Policy Causes World Terrorism

Benazir Bhutto paid the ultimate price for stating that the US imperial policy of propping up tin horn dictators causes world terrorism. She dared to say so. Condemning what she called "A False Choice for Pakistan", the late Benazir Bhutto laid "terrorism" at the White House doorstep, blaming US policies for causing, fueling and inspiring what US regimes call "terrorism".
When the United States aligns with dictatorships and totalitarian regimes, it compromises the basic democratic principles of its foundation -- namely, life, liberty and justice for all. Dictatorships such as Musharraf's suppress individual rights and freedoms and empower the most extreme elements of society. Oppressed citizens, unable to represent themselves through other means, often turn to extremism and religious fundamentalism.

Benazir Bhutto, A False Choice for Pakistan

The claim that she died from having banged her head is a ludicrous cover story not even worthy of the Bush regime. Bhutto's considered remarks are consistent with previous articles on this blog, specifically: Terrorism is always worse under GOP regimes. Bhutto would have found FBI statistics that support her analysis: the root causes of "terrorism" are US imperialistic policies, specifically the material and diplomatic support of dictators like Musharraf and earlier, Saddam Hussein and the Shah of Iran, et al. It should be obvious that citizens of other nations resent US support of dictators who oppress them.
For too long, the international perception has been that Musharraf's regime is the only thing standing between the West and nuclear-armed fundamentalists.

Nothing could be further from the truth. Islamic parties have never garnered more than 13 percent in any free parliamentary elections in Pakistan. The notion of Musharraf's regime as the only non-Islamist option is disingenuous and the worst type of fear-mongering.

Much has been said about Pakistan being a key Western ally in the war against terrorism. It is the fifth-largest recipient of US aid -- the Bush administration proposed $785 million in its latest budget. Yet terrorism around the world has increased. Why is it that all terrorist plots -- from the Sept. 11 attacks, to Madrid, to London, to Mumbai -- seem to have roots in Islamabad?

Benazir Bhutto, A False Choice for Pakistan

The policies Bhutto alludes to are primarily those of the right wing, the GOP in particular, though Democrats and every other party are compromised by the US Military/Industrial Complex, at the very heart of US imperialism and, thus, the root cause of terrorism.

War is a racket fought by the masses for privileged elites, big corporations, and venal politicians like Bush. The war racket creates victims in the US and enemies --potential terrorists --abroad.

War policies benefit a tiny elite, no-bid contractors like Halliburton and Blackwater and their stockholders. The war against Iraq is financed by America's working poor and middle classes who continue to pay for the war with their lives abroad and with their jobs, their retirement prospects, and their access to health care at home.

Because of Reagan/Bush tax cuts, this group disproportionately and unfairly picks up the tab for a war that has created for the US legions of enemies. But no friends. [See: Frankenstein the CIA created, Mujahideen trained and funded by the US are among its deadliest foes, reports Jason Burke in Peshawar, Sunday January 17, 1999, Guardian Unlimited]

The policies that oppress Americans have even worse effects for millions who must live under repressive regimes backed by Bush and his sponsors in big oil.
The National Accountability Bureau has persecuted opposition leaders for a decade on unproven corruption and mismanagement charges, hoping to grind them into submission. However, when politicians accused of corruption cross over to the regime, the charges miraculously disappear.

Musharraf's regime exploits the judicial system as yet another instrument of coercion and intimidation to consolidate its illegitimate power. But the politics of personal destruction will not prevent me and other party leaders from bringing our case before the people of our nation this year, even if that could lead to imprisonment.

Benazir Bhutto, A False Choice for Pakistan

Bhutto refers to Bush's remarks in his State of the Union address. In that address, Bush said that the great question of the day "... is whether America will help men and women in the Middle East to build free societies and share in the rights of all humanity." Benazir Bhutto was not naive. I am sure that she understood that Bush's remarks were but a sop to the audience, his base, the media, the gullible. Bush, a proven liar, must be judged only by his actions. He does not get the benefit of the doubt. Like every other GOP regime, he has made terrorism worse.

The Brookings Institution had written a report based on FBI stats. It was entitled: Total Acts of Terrorism in the US 1980-98, America's Response to Terrorism. It dealt primarily with Ronald Reagan's similarly failed "War on Terrorism". Brookings, inexplicably, pulled the article. Nevermind! I have saved the chart that they prepared based on FBI stats. The conclusion now safe from a conservative memory hole is this: during the two year period in which Ronald Reagan promised "terrorists" that "you can run but you can't hide", terrorist attacks against the United States increased. There were, as I recall, about three times as many terrorist attacks against US interests as during the Clinton administration. [Source: Total Acts of Terrorism in the US 1980-98, America's Response to Terrorism, The Brookings Institution (Based on FBI Statistics)] As it was in the economic sphere, the Reagan administration was utterly ineffective against terrorism.

Reagan's adventure in Lebanon is remembered for two things: a) the thousands of lives lost amid even more waves of refugees; b) Reagan's ignominious pull-out following the bombing of the US marine barracks. Thought cowardly at the time, it may be too charitable in retrospect to attribute to Reagan remorse for having wrongly invaded to begin with. That's too much to expect from the GOP. In this earlier invasion, Ronald Reagan supported Israel just as Bush has done more recently. [See: Reagan Orders Marines Out of Lebanon]

Bush's continuing partnership with big oil is salt in the wound. Millions disaffected by US oil imperialism understand better than do Americans the reasons a Bush regime supports the ruthless dictators who oppress them. As an Iranian diplomat told me in Houston: oil is a curse. He was not alone. Many "industry-watchers" now use the term "curse" to refer to the nature of oil exploitation that democracy, public institutions, and civil liberties are often retarded because of it. Civil liberties are most often dispensed with altogether.

Oil wealth concentrates at the top. People in Venezuela, Nigeria, and Azerbaijan enjoy few benefits of oil production in their countries. We now see in the US the unseemly spectacle that other nations have always known, that is, ruthless factions scrapping for control and riches. US policy and its fascist partnership with big oil inspires resentment among those who are left out, those who bear the brunt, those for whom oil means only oppression.

Bush's base —the nation's elite, his corporate sponsors, and the so-called defense industry —have paid nothing, risked nothing! Rather —they feed at the trough. The upper one percent of the population has gotten several tax cuts while the big oil companies report record profits rising concurrently with higher prices at the pump.

Just two days after 9/11, I learned from Congressional staffers that Republicans on Capitol Hill were already exploiting the atrocity, trying to use it to push through tax cuts for corporations and the wealthy. ... We now know that from the very beginning, the Bush administration and its allies in Congress saw the terrorist threat not as a problem to be solved, but as a political opportunity to be exploited. The story of the latest terror plot makes the administration’s fecklessness and cynicism on terrorism clearer than ever.

Hoping for Fear, by Paul Krugman, Using Fear Commentary, NY Times
There are big profits in the death business. Go to Texas and consult the CEO of Murder, Inc., otherwise known as DynCorp.
The war in Iraq has boosted DynCorp's revenues, responsible for about $400 million of the company's nearly $2 billion in sales. And while the company didn't specify how much the effort has added to profits, there has certainly been an upside, Lagana said, although he added that profit margins are lower than in other private industry -- often below 10 percent.

For government contractors and other US-based businesses that are doing work in Iraq, the war there has continued to provide opportunity and benefits, although experts and companies alike say they are difficult to quantify. To be sure, security businesses, oil producers and defense contractors are among the biggest winners. Those who manufacture key products, from bulletproof vests to bullets themselves, and, more recently, those involved in reconstruction, have reaped the benefits, too.

--Businesses find benefits, costs in war work
Given their miserable records, why do GOP regimes persist? I can think of two reasons off hand. 1) wars are easily exploited to stir feelings of patriotism and false pride; 2) the GOP is the official party of big oil. Big oil depends upon the GOP to wage its oil wars. You pick up the tab. In return, the GOP gets a lot of money with which to steal and/or rig elections.

In the meantime, Americans are less safe under the dictators of "Imperial America". According to the Pew Research Center, American skepticism about the war in Iraq has increased steadily from its inception. The war in Iraq, like American imperial policies cause terrorism.

Now --let's put to rest the idiotic "cover story" that Bhutto's "main death" was a bump on the head. BS!!! It was a mob style hit job and there is unambiguous video of at least two hit men.

Two 'Hit Men' Murder Bhutto

In the meantime, consistent with US destruction of 911 evidence, "fire crews" hose down the crime scene. Evidence against Bhutto's murderers may be lost forever. Bhutto's Assassination Evidence Destroyed

UPDATED: Benazir was defintely shot dead before the Blast

12.30.07 -- The Adorable Snowman

Sunday, December 30, 2007

WINTER FIGURE, Puzzle by Elizabeth C. Gorski, edited by Will Shortz

This Sunday delight is headed by the note: The 16 circled letters, starting in square #4 and proceeding roughly counterclockwise, ending at #38, will spell the opening lyric of a popular song. Well, if you’re reading this, you’ve either solved the puzzle or I’ve ruined your fun!

Fun it is too! Intelligent and frivolous! While the diagram (or "grid", as some prefer) is a bit clunky with its black squares roughly (hold it a distance from the eyes) outlining a snowman; however, the circled-squares do so with much more finesse -- the top hat at the top of the diagram gives a top-heavy look to the puzzle, taking one aback at very first glance. I thought, “who’s going to wear that to a New Year’s party?” -- EVENTS (145A. New Year‘s Eve parties, e.g.) -- and then discerned a coal-like outline of a snowman -- so like a SERF (144A Lord‘s worker) or VASSAL (90A Lord‘s worker), (so Shortzesque!), proceeded to solve this romp in the snow.

The 16 circled letters, as you know by now, whether through your own imperturbation or the less subtle machinations of this commentary spell out F R O S T Y T H E S N O W M A N. I couldn’t resist putting little baby Frostys into the grid instead of the letters -- too much free time? Why no! If people can go out and roll snow into big balls, stack them, stick objects into the result, e.g., coal, carrots, pipes, whatever, place a hat on top -- 107A. Provider of an old silk hat, e.g. (as depicted at the top of this puzzle) = HABERDASHER -- or even wrap a scarf around it, stick twigs into it to indicate appendages, and give it a broom, then my efforts at continuing the tradition with this entertaining cyber-snowman construction is not so outrageous that I need to seek analysis, or is it?!

Onward -- after FROSTY, THE SNOWMAN is 3D. Lyric, part 2, after “Was a”, JOLLYHAPPYSOUL; 134A Lyric, part 3, after “With a” CORNCOBPIPE; 16D Lyric, part 4, ANDABUTTONNOSE; 114A Lyric, part 5, ANDTWOEYESMADEOUTOFCOAL. So to beat this to death, the following:


Frosty the snowman was a jolly happy soul,

With a corncob pipe and a button nose

And two eyes made out of coal.

Frosty the snowman is a fairy tale, they say,

He was made of snow but the children

Know how he came to life one day.

There must have been some magic in that

Old silk hat they found.

For when they placed it on his head

He began to dance around.

O, Frosty the snowman

Was alive as he could be,

And the children say he could laugh

And play just the same as you and me.

Thumpetty thump thump,

Thumpety thump thump,

Look at Frosty go.

Thumpetty thump thump,

Thumpety thump thump,

Over the hills of snow.

I feel like such a child! Well, let me tell you, as a child, we had a blizzard that closed the whole town down for nearly a month, nothing came in, nothing went out. Could not touch the window panes as they were something of a cross between glass and ice upon to which one’s hands would adhere as if with crazy glue. We bundled up ala Eskimo to sleep at night, and yet during the day, we did -- yes, we built a huge snowman, which spent the good part of the winter evolving with the weather, vandalism, repairs, smack dab in the middle of the front yard, where it terrorized the neighborhood for months!

Across: 1. Land of 300+ islands; 5. Not straight; 10. Words: Abbr.; 15. Eclipse feature; 19. Borodin’s “Prince IGOR”; 20. N.F.L. team for which Barry Sanders played; 21. “Dancing With the Stars” winner APOLO Ohno; 22. Shortly; 23. Wright wings; 24. Playwright Fugard; 25. Not familiar with; 26. Nuptial exchange; 27. Shed some light on? 29. Deli offering; 31. Artificial heat?; 32. Pull; 40. Like some folders; 41. Cadaverous; 42. Class in factories; 44. Oil by the barrel; 45. Photographer Adams; 47. Avalons, e.g.; 48. Have ANOUT (be innocent, maybe); 50. Date with a Dr.; 52. No fancy threads; 54. Piece of soap; 56. Poker great Ungar and others; 59. Breaches; 60. Gets a move on; 63. Rain forests and grasslands, e.g.; 65. R.N.’s locale; 66. Ice cream maker Joseph; 67. Clarinetist’s purchase; 68. Scatter; 70. Smidgen; 72. Cultural funding org.; 73. “ITSNO big deal!”; 75. 13; 78. Dec. holiday plans?; 80. Pump room?; 82. Five min. periods, maybe; 83. A wee hour; 85. Without slack; 86. “Jurassic Park” actress; 88. Advantages; 90. Lord’s worker; 91. Part of R.S.V.P.; 92. Cen. Parts; 54. Yule LOG; 95. No longer working: Abbr.; 96. Bourg’s department; 97. Before, in verse; 98. Ginger treats; 100. Cole Porter’s “You Don’t Know PAREE; 102. Hitches; 104. Fraternity letters; 110. Rugged wheels, briefly; 119. Rustic setting; 120. Ear-relevant; 121. State one’s views; 122. J.F.K. alternative; 123. “The Oath” author Frank; 125. Horizontal molding pieces; 131. Wolves; 133. Mountain ridge; 137. Contents of some scrolls; 138. Kind of track; 140. Wound (up); 141. Herbal tea; 142 Loses ground?; 143. Crawl (with); 144. Lord’s worker; 145. New Year’s Eve parties, e.g.; 146. Wood measure; 147. OSLO Accords; 148. News agency started in 1925.

I’ll dispense with the downs, so the snowman stays up as long as possible! -- with the exception of 1. FIESTA (Holiday Party); 2. IGLOOS (Homes that may have tunnel entrances); 58. SPARKLE (What icicles do); 118. FESTIVE (Holidayish); and 126. ANGEL (Harpist, of sorts) -- something else to do with the snow!


For a festival of snowman cartoons, go to The Crossword Puzzle Illustrated.

The New York Times Crossword Puzzle solution above is by the author of this blog and does not guarantee accuracy. If you find errors or omissions, you are more than welcome to make note of same in the Comments section of this post -- any corrections found necessary will be executed promptly upon verification.

Puzzle available on the internet at

If you subscribe to home delivery of The New York Times you are eligible to access the daily crossword via The New York Times - Times Reader, without additional charge, as part of your home delivery subscription.

Down: 1. Holiday party; 2. Homes that may have tunnel entrances; 4. Cheater hunters, maybe; 5. French chief Ducasse; 6. Luxuriousness; 7. One who can’t have everything?; 8. Rocker Brian; 9. Certain computer connection, briefly; 10. Sliding door place; 11. “Set ___ the doors, O soul”: Whitman; 12. Forage plant; 13. Sask. Neighbor; 14. Leg up; 15. Snarl unsnarled; 17. Arose; 18. Kind of kick; 28. Giant successes?’ 30. Shell food?; 33. “I beg to differ!”; 34. “Kiss my grits” lady; 35. Writer Willy who popularized space flight; 36. ___ -Aztecan language; 37. “Have some!”; 38. Second Amendment advocacy grp.; 39. “The ____ Kid”; 42. Part of many a test; 43. “Here!”; 46. Highlands tongue; 49. Cardinal’s home; 50. Favorers of the young; 51. Dish with stir-fried rice noodles; 53. “Passion” director; 55. French treaty city of 1802; 57. Accord of 1985?; 58. What icicles do; 61. Literary inits.; 62. Bully; 63. It may be fit for a king; 64. 1945 battle site, for short; 67. Long Island Rail Road station; 69. Alphabet trio; 71. Esoteric; 74. End up with; 76. Fall (over); 77. “The ____ Cat” (Tom and Jerry short); 79. Pacino and others; 81. Banks on a runway; 84. Horace contemporary; 87. Bobstays, e.g.; 89. Kyle ___, “The Terminator” hero; 93. Globular; 96. When the show must go on; 98. Grounded flier; 99. “Don’t ____ words!”; 101. Dietary abbr.; 102. Start another tour; 103. Animal pouch; 104. Feel one’s way around?; 105. High-hats; 106. Timid words; 108. Places for tolls; 109. 1986 Gene Hackman film; 111. Not narrow; 112. Tramps; 113. ½ and 1/3 parts; 115. Sprinkler; 116. Heavily sedated; 117. ___ trial basis; 118. Holidayish; 124. “Revolutionary” piece by Chopin; 126. Harpist, of sorts; 127. Nobody; 128. Visitor’s sleeping spot, maybe; 129. “So ____ be on my way / in the early morning’ rain” (Gordon Lightfoot lyric); 130. Sleep problem; 132. Old Testament prophet; 135. Dr. Octavius, Spiker-Man foe; 136. Some E-mail attachments; 139. Legal conclusion?; 141. Shatner’s “ ___ War”