On the New jewish World Order

This Interview in Swedish
This Interview in German

The General Remer Interview

- About Ahmed Rami - About General Remer - The Jewish "New World Order" - The Gulf War was no war, but barbaric slaughter - The plan of the Jewish organizations -

"Gas chambers and 6 million Jews killed": a shameless lie. -

General Remer, friend of the Islamic Nation, in an interview with " Alshaab", the greatest Islamic newspaper in the world, about how matters stand in the World.

German Translation: by Yasser Kamal, Published by: Dyr Yassin Publishing House (london).

English Translation: by James K. Warner, Published by: Sons of Liberty Books Box 449, Arabi, LA 70032, (USA).

General Remer

General Remer and Ahmed Rami


Retired Major General Otto Ernst Remer was interviewed by Ahmed Rami, who is the correspondent in Europe of the greatest Islamic newspaper, ALSHAAB (The People). The interview was published on July 20 and 23, 1993, as a memento of Nasser's revolution of l9S2. ALSHAAB´s editorial office is in Cairo, in Egypt, and its readers live all over the Arab countries and in the Islamic centers of Europe.

General Remer, who is continuously libelled a so-called "racist" in the jewish anti-German media, ascribing to him an "antiforeigner" attitude toward the men and women from Arab countries, is being looked up to as a model exactly by those people on account of his world outlook.

The reaction among the people of Egypt and other Arab populations to the publication of this interview peaked in a powerful and unanimous acceptance of Remer's arguments. Never before have masses of the people embraced a political thesis in such a manner as it happened with General Remer's statements.

The Jewish organizations of Europe reacted on the spot. Distribution of the whole edition for the French readers of ALSHAAB was prevented on the very day it was delivered. Upon questioning, the German Embassy stated that nothing was known to them about that interview. The "Westliche Wertegemeinschaft" (Western Value Community) froze in dismay and stayed that way for weeks after. Naturally, the Federal Government contemplates the task of obtaining an official translation of Remer's interview. The Islamic newspaper with the widest circulation is naturally attentively read by all western embassies. Why are they silent as the grave now? Because if this text were publicly acknowledged, one's own lies, one's own witch hunt would have to be renounced together with the alleged hatred for foreigners. The nation-haters in Bonn and in the editorial offices of the anti-German newspapers would have to acknowledge that it is only the nation-lovers who can create ties of friendship among peoples. For friendship among peoples can prevail only based on reciprocal respect with the provision that the masses of the peoples continue to inhabit their ancestral lands. Any population displacement, any invading immigration, is a deadly enemy for friendship among peoples. Please read below the proper translation of the entire text connected with Remer's interview. It was printed with the definite approval of ALSHAAB and Ahmed Rami.

Yasser Kamal (Hg.)

[First part issue of July 20, 1993]

General Remer interviewed by ALSHAAB with the occasion of the anniversary of the revolution of the Egyptian people against the corrupted monarchy. General Remer has been one of the most renowned military commanders in World War II and later was one of Nasser's military advisers.

Al Shaab

Who is the interviewer Ahmed Rami?
By Magdy Hussein

Ahmed Rami, correspondent in Europe of ALSHAAB, is an Islamic fighter of Moroccan origin. His story is in many aspects typical of his generation. He was accused of being an accomplice in the failed coup d'etat of Skhirat of July 1971 against Hassan II. At the time Rami was an officer in the Moroccan army. He was sentenced to death but succeeded in fleeing abroad. He is one of Egypt's and Nasser's admirers. Today Rami not only lives in Sweden but has also become in the meanwhile a Swedish citizen. In his new fatherland he has set up the radio Station Radio Islam.

In Islam, Rami perceives the possibility for the unification of the Arab nation. Even today he venerates the time of Nasser. However, notwithstanding his passionate attachment to the past, his view is set on the future. To his mind, the future belongs to the Islamic movement and he embraces the views of Egypt's Islamic Action Party.

As of now, he is the European correspondent for our newspaper. We are happy to receive him among the numbers of the collaborators of ALSHAAB. Ahmed Rami has achieved extraordinary things in Sweden. Almost single-handedly does he struggle against the Zionist power and infiltration in that country. Rami keeps his Radio Islam program up [for the moment broadcasting has ceased because of financial difficulties] out of his 20 square-meter habitation. He would not rent a larger apartment because he is thinking of returning to Morocco or to another part of his Arabian fatherland.

He has written four voluminous books in Swedish, in which he denounces Zionism. It was Swedish Christians that financed their printing! In Sweden, everybody knows Ahmed Rami. His political views are being quoted in Parliament and sometimes even in the Swedish governmental circles. At any rate, the Jewish organizations have managed to accuse him of alleged anti-Semitism and to have him imprisoned for six months.

While in prison, he organized the Radio Islam broadcasts out of his prison cell. He emerged from prison a fearless fighter in the resistance to Zionism. As ALSHAAB's correspondent, he is carrying on thc struggle at another level. May God bless and protect him, as well as all people of his kind, for the benefit of our nation and of all the humanity! Magdy Hussein, ALSHAAB

About General Remer

General Remer was not only one of the most brilliant generals of the German army in World War II, but at age 32 he was also the youngest.

General Remer took part in the offensive in the Ardennes Mountains on the west front and also decided the fate of great battles in the east; in the celebrated battle of Jagerndorf-Troppau in March 1945, with his scout division he destroyed several Soviet armies. As commander of the guards regiment, he defeated the coup against Hitler on July 20, 1944 in Berlin.

Remer had been an officer in the one hundred thousand strong German army before 1933. He was never a member of the National Socialist Party. As a soldier and as an officer, he fought to defend his country.

As Hitler had come to power in a democratic manner, Remer saw no reason to refuse to be loyal to the new government. He was repeatedly honored with high military distinctions (the Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves, the Golden Wounded distinction for his eight combat wounds, the German Gold Cross, the Silver Close Combat Medal for 48 close combats, the Infantry Attack distinction, the Bulgarian Order of Merit for the occupation of Skopje, and others). As Commander of the Panzer Scout Division, he reported directly to Hitler.

General Remer is a true friend of the Arabs and Muslims. He follows the problems and worries of our Islamic nation closely, as an observer and a friend. He has been a military adviser of President Nasser in 1953-1954. After that he lived and worked for six years in Syria.


Stanley Samuelson of the First Infantry Division, American commander of camp of where prisoners of war were concentrated, says about prisoner of war Remer:

"General Remer is one of the very few generals I ever met in my entire life whom I respect as a brave, honorable general."

Rami: General Remer, what do you think of the "New World Order?"

Remer: The "New World Order" suffers from two drawbacks, in that it is neither "new" nor does it cover the world. This concept is nothing but a new mask behind which lies hidden the international power of the Jewish organizations.

The rule according to which the lewish organizations play were laid down after he defeat of Germany in World War II. In fact and in truth, it was the mafia of the jewish organizations that emerged as the true victors out of that struggle of the nations. All peoples whose governments allied themselves in World War II against Germany have lost the war - as Germany has.

The states that allied themselves against Germany were, whether they knew it or not, in the service of Jewish interests and plans that were geared not only against Germany but also against the Islamic and Arab nations and against the western nations. The rape of Palestine and the creation of the Israeli state after World War II is no coincidence but the outcome of a planning process methodically implemented over generations.

The former Soviet Union (that had been set up by the Jews) was the first state that gave official recognition to the colonial state of Israel. The "Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion" offer the clearest statement of the plans of the Jewish organizations to implement their actually vcry old "New World Order".

Signs of change: Germany and Japan wage economic war against the United States of America

Rami: Don't you think that after the demise of the Soviet Union and after the Persian Gulf war there is a complelely new stand of affairs?

Remer: What is "newH lies not in the order but in the developments, which are not favorable for some of the Zionist powers. Because of those developments, the shadow leaders of the "Old World Order" have shuffled the deck of cards anew for a new deal, in order to turn to good account the winds of change.

One of those developments is that both great losers of World War 11, Germany and japan, became superpowers, even if only in the economic area. Against the background of those relations, there is a kind of economic war between Germany and Japan on the one hand, and the United States of America on the other, between the two losers in the war and the USA. That is what is new. The Islamic revolution in Iran is a positive developments

At the same time, the Islamic revolution of Afghanistan, sprung exclusively from spiritual roots, dealt a heavy blow to the communist regime in the former Soviet Union. In face of that revolution, the red Soviet empire had to concede that it is incapable, in spite of its military superiority, to defeat the Mujaheddin, whose main weapons were their right and their spiritual strength.

Another quite new situation appeared as a consequence of the Islamic revolution in Iran, that destroyed the Zionist rule in that country and shook its foundations in that part of the world. Khomeini's letter to Gorbachev, in which he was inviting the latter to convert to Islam, had great symbolic power! What is new again is the movement of Islamic rebirth and the continuous decay of the strength of the colonial government bodies directed from afar by Israel in many Islamic countries.

And another new situation arose from the fact that Iraq was on the way to break the Israeli monopoly on the atomic bomb in the Near East, and to break the Israeli technological hegemony, and thus to jeopardize the Israeli power over the Islamic parts of the world.

Moreover, the development of the so-called "Islamic bomb" which is allegedly being carried on in Pakistan, will lead to a completely new constellation. And finally, among the new developments I cite the emergence of new countries in which the Jewish organizations have no influence. All those new items have made the puppeteers of the "Old World Order" to panic.

They reacted strongly, in order to avoid the threatened loss of their power over the fate of the nations. Those developments at that time certainly did not please them. The triumph of Islamic might in Afghanistan gave hopes to the peoples who lived under Soviet dominion.

That was seen in the emergence of revolutionary independence movements, and it led to the complete collapse of the red empire, to the reunification of Germany and to the independence of Islamic republics that lie south of the former Soviet Union.

Rami: Today certain powers in the so-called third world deplore the collapse of the Soviet Union. They believe that two devils who compete for power are better than just one devil who rules over all. That is true of the smaller countries. What do you think?

Remer: The USSR was rabidly anti-Islam ic. It almost managed to turn Afghanistan into a new Palestine, after having left nothing undone in order to annihilate religion in its Islamic republics. An obvious reality is also the enormous power of the Jewish lobby in the USA.

It has been already generations since all United States Presidents must cry favor with the Jews in order to ensure that they be elected, respectively re-elected, with the help of the Jewish mass-media. Please read Zionist books like "The Jewish Paradox" of Nabum Goldman, or "Hammer", the autobiography of the lewish billionaire Armand Hammer. Hammer's firm "Petroleum Occidental" owns extensive Arab oil fields and oil wells. It is well known that that Jewish financial magnate was a close friend of Lenin, Stalin, and all further Soviet leaders.

As an American Jew and capitalist, he owned in the Soviet Union huge oil fields and oil wells. Did you know that a plan was implemented during the American Civil War according to which two branches of one and the same Jewish bank - the bank of Rothschild - financed both sides of the conflict? The Paris branch of the Rothschild bank financed the Southern Confederates, and the London branch of the Rothschild bank financed the Northern States.

The aim of that strategy was to ruin both sides, making them get hopelessly in debt to the same bank. The head of the London branch was the Jew August Belm ont Schonberg . The Paris branch w as represented by his uncle, the Jewish Senator from Louisiana, John Slidell. The latter was also a good friend of the then British Prime Minister, the Jew Benjamin Disraeli.

It is well known how astutely the Jews that are higher up have always known in the course of history how to cast their roles in pursuit of the same Zionist aims. So as not to fall a prey to those Jewish machinations, every country and every nation must needs develop its own strategy for the protection of its national security. That must not depend on the existence or the collapse of a superpower.

Let us take Sweden or Switzerland as an example. Both countries call themselves "neutral" and have no conflict with any other country. No part of their territory is occupied by a foreign power. Nevertheless both countries maintain their own armies and carry on an independent policy of national security, while not relying on the support of a superpower. During both World Wars, Sweden was neither attacked nor occupied by the Soviet Union.

And that not because she was neutral, but because on account of her military strength, she would have been conquered only with severe losses on the part of the attacker. The strategy of the Soviets was to get to control the Arab and Islamic countries through the communist parties. Their decreed aim was in Palestine, for instance, "human liberation", what translates in communist lingo to the fact that the human becomes a communist.

Therefore Palestine was to turn communist too, which would have been nothing but another form of Jewish influence. At any rate the Soviet empire carried the seeds of its own destruction within itself; the small countries that deplore today the disappearance of the Soviet Union can do nothing about it.

The Persian Gulf War was no war but a barbaric slaughter

Rami: Now do you evaluate the Gulf War?

Remer: What is being called "the Gulf War" was no war or battle. There were no important land, air, or sea fights. What took place there was a barbaric slaughter in the form of a one-sided attack. To illustrate the opposite: when Argentina occupied the Falkland Islands, Great Britain carried on a war for their recovery, but not for the slaughter of the Argentinean population.

The USA on the contrary did not intervene to liberate Kuwait, as they alleged, but solely for the purpose of destroying Iraq; to destroy the Iraqi army, the Iraqi state, the Iraqi civilian population and the Iraqi infrastructure and economy. After the "war" and after the "liksation," the USA made their purpose public: the economic, technological, industrial reconstruction of Iraq must be prevented during the next centuries.

Rami: Why is that?

Remer: Everybody knows that Iraq could not threaten America even if she had atomic weapons. Saddam Hussein has neither the secret nor the declared intention to attack the USA, what would be a sheer military and strategic impossibility. Normally, there is absolutely no issue or conflict between Iraq and the USA.

The economic interests of the USA proper were never threatened by the Iraqis or the Persians either, and are not threatened today. It remains a fact that Iraq has never planned a war against the USA, and even less has it declared one! Why then has America mobilized her entire forces and those of her western and Arab allies against Iraq?

The answer is that Israel saw her interests and her regional hegemony threatened through the growing strength of Iraq. For that reason, America in the service of Israel waged war against Iraq. (Federal Chancellor Kohl stated in a press conference in the Rose Garden of the White House on September 16, 1991: "I am a little surprised that exactly that man [President Bush] is being attacked in such a manner, he being the one who more than anyone else, even to the extent of [a Gulf] war, has taken the responsibility and has stood by Israel and stands by Israel").

Israel saw in Iraq a military threat for her dominion over the Muslims in that area. That is why she mobilized, as usual, her Jewish propagandists, who control the mass-media in the West. (About that the Israeli newspaper Ha'aretz writes on January, 13, 1991: "The Jewish lobbyists in the USA are deeply involved in the propaganda work of the champions of a war against Iraq".)

The propaganda of the lewish organizations knew perfectly how to exaggerate the military strength of Iraq. Thus they wanted to enhance the strike against Iraq and to make it annihilating. Nowadays Israel sees in Iran a military and ideological threat. The Jewish state will no longer forego any opportunity to goad the USA against Iran, and thereby the entire West and the "public opinion" of the western states controlled by the mass-media. Israel's aim is to liquidate Iran - and at the same time to destroy the Islam, the Islamic movement, and also any resistance against the tyranny of the Zionist world order.

[ Part Two, issue of July 23,1993 ]

Rami: In your opinion, is there a plan to destroy Iran in the sane manner in which it happened with Iraq during the Gulf War?

Remer: As you know, the Jews are numerically a very small minority. Their entire strength lies in the might of their organizations. That might rests first and foremost in the shrewdness and ability to manoeuvre of those organizations, and also in the way they propagate historical forgeries and falsities, using their influence in the mass-media. With those historical forgeries and the falsities they propagate, the Jewish organizations enslave the souls of the non-jews. To do that, they use, as we said before, the media they control, such as the cinema, the press, the television, the news agencies, the publishing houses etc.

On top of that, they control most political parties and political as well as non-political organizations. In the Arab society, the Israeli agents from the Jewish communities work like microbes; that is, they work from within, in order to decompose the organism of the nation, by exploiting its weaknesses. Under present-day circumstances, the Islamic movements play the part of antibodies striving to preserve the health of the nation.

The Islamic revival movement is today, to use a metaphor, the life-preserver of the respective peoples. It embodies a cultural revolution aiming at the liberation of culture, of the mass-media, of the language, of politics, and of education. The Islamic revival movement takes over the role of the lifepreserver, in order to save the

Islamic nation from drowning in the sea of corruption of the Jewish organizations. In your countries nowadays the leading political, cultural and opinion making class is the product of western intellectual and cultural colonialism, which is strongly Jewish in its essence. The prevalence of the Jewish secret police in the West can be compared with diseases such as cancer, or AIDS. (Victor Ostrovsky, "Der Mossadt, Hoffmann and Campe, 1991, p. 14: "The Israeli secret police can rely on an important and loyal support from the Jewish communities the world over.

That is possible through a unique system of voluntary Jewish activists"). Inimical cells, disguised as antibodies belonging to the body, have penetrated the body. The organism trusts the disguised immunizing cells and has thus become defenceless against a viral attack. The organism dies.

The Islamic system of Persia is the only legitimate form of government of the Muslim world, because it springs from the way the people think and expresses their will. The government of Sudan is like that, too. Khomeini did not seize power through a military coup, through sheer force, or through a partisan movement: his trump card was his spiritual power and the Suppon of the people.

The Islamic system has remained stable in Iran even after the death of Khomeini and the change in the person of the leader and of the leadership group the only one to remain stable in the entire Islamic world.

On the contrary, the demise of the Shah meant at the same time the collapse of his regime, his artificial form of government, and his army. All that went to the dust-bin of history. The same fate awaits the other regimes that prevail in the Muslim world. Israel knows that very well.

She tries desperately to cause the wheel of history to stand still. However, any strike against Iran or against the growing Islamic movements, will cause the anger of the Muslim masses to grow, and the fire of the Islamic revolution to ignite. Nobody will be able to suppress that revolution.

Rami: Having been one of the greatest military commanders of World War II, and having to this moment attentively followed developments in military technology and strategy, how do you see the future of the military power of the Islam?

Remer: The jewish organizations, helped by their state alliances, have humiliated what remained of Germany after World War 1.

Our nation was degraded then in the same manner in which the Islamic peoples are today. The Versailles Dictate was thrust down our throat. My generation was took comfort in Abd elKrim's victories in the Rif war against the French and the Spaniards at the beginning of the twenties [Abd el-Krim, 1880-l963, the leader of the Rif Kabyls, fought against French and Spanish occupation and was exiled and imprisoned by the French between 1926 and 1947].

I remember how my mother used to rave about the courage of Abd el-Krim. He was very popular in the twenties in the rest that remained of Germany, that was humiliated by the French. Later, I was privileged to meet personally that Breat Arab hero, and I was honored with his friendship.

The German people sees from his life story and from his tragedy that he has something in common with the fate of the Palestinians and the Muslims. As a result of World War I and World War II, millions of Germans were chased away from their homeland and their country. The rest of Germany was torn apart.

To this day, large German regions are occupied, especially by the Poles, who got them from the Soviet occupation armies. In West Poland there certainly is a German Palestine. It will be the task of future generations to recover those areas, the same 8S it will be the task of the Intifada generations to free Palestine.

Because Hitler recognized the interests and problems that he had in common with the Arab peoples, during World War 11 he proposed to the Mufti of Jerusalem, Mohammed Aman Husseini, to relocate to Berlin. The mufti was received in Germany like a head of state.

The humiliations wrought upon us in World War I prompted us to great efforts, and occasioned a great national rebirth under Hitler. Under Hitler, Germany became free of the elements that had always been responsible for the weakening of Germany before. The German nation has always managed in its long history to rise again after deep collapses.

Until the 1945 capitulation, the defeats we suffered could never destroy our cultural, ethnic and civilization-building greatness and our achievements. Until then, it had been mostly military defeats. Until 194S we had never lost a war without fighting. In only six years (1933-1939) we made it possible in an unprecedented act of might - prompted only by joy and trust - to wring out of the earth an industry, an agriculture, a united people, that have remained without equal in history.

I say that because a strong army is not possible without a strong economy and industry, without progressive technology and without a legitimate government supported by the people. In today's Islamic world your citadels are threatened from within, with the exception of Iran and Sudan. You barely have legitimate states and legitimate forms of government, that should express the will of the people. One could say that you live under the worst kind of occupation: occupation that is intellectual, cultural, journalistic, and economic.

Your leaders, whether consciously or unconsciously, are mere subordinates of the external enemy. Your armies do not serve today to defend the Islamic nation, but to defend the reigning regime. In the Islamic countries, the army no longer perceives an external enemy as the enemy, but the Islamic movement and the Islam. Nowadays, in the Israeli Embassy in Berlin there are dozens of scientific and technological "attaches" who are conversant witb scientific, technological and economic spying. That serves to ensure the strategic security of the rscist Jewish state in Palestine.

In contrast, in the embassies of the Islamic states, with the exception of that of Iran, hundreds of police spies do their worst, and their task is the surveillance of their own citizens who live in Germany. That is supposed to ensure the security of the regime in power in the Islamic countries. The money that is being spent for that kind of work would suffice to keep alive an entire Palestinian city. It would be better to close down all those embassies and to spend for the poor in the Islamic and Arab countries, the money that is being used for them. The damage that those embassies do to their countries by & surpasses the benefits they bring.

As for the journalists and the press in your countries, they have regrettably become parrots that recite the propaganda of th§ Jewish organizations that is being handed to them by the so-called "news agencies". I am speaking as a friend who wishes the Islamic nation well. I have been for a year and a half a political and military adviser of the Egyptian President and general staff.

That was in the years 1953 to 1954. I have lived for six years in Syria. I looked upon the Islamic land as my second homeland. It pains me to have to bear the humiliations and wrongs inflicted upon the Islamic nation by neo-colonialism and by the puppet regimes it has set up. I read recently about the military talks between USA and Egypt. I was very surprised to learn that the Egyptian army will buy used materials from the American army.

The blue paper prepared by the Egyptian delegation stresses that the role of the Egyptian army is to help the USA in ensuring "peace" and "stability" in the region !!! What kind of stability??? Quite obviously Egypt's adversary is no longer Israel but the Islam, Iran and Sudan! How is it possible that the Islamic world has fallen to that depth of decadence and degradation? In the meantime, I can hardly believe the reports about the huge rifts between the leaders of the Islamic countries and the striving of their peoples. The Islamic nation deserves a better fate, a more honorable place among the peoples and more capable leaders.

The riches of the Islamic states lie hidden in the safes of the Jewish bankers who finance the state status and the economy of Israel. Your heroes, your 8reat persons languish in jail or live in exile. The traitors enjoy power and determine your fate. Your armies have become instruments for the maintenance of "stability" and "peace", i.e., for the defense of the Israeli occupants and tourists, while those who resist and flght are beinB considered "terrorists" and "extremists".

Treason is being labelled "wisdom" and "diplomacy" in your news-media. Loyalty to one's principles is being called "extremism". The future will be the fruit of our present-day actions. In view of all that, I see no way out of the serious current circumstances other than the setting up of a true Islamic society and of an Islamic state in every Muslim country, and the implementation of the political and economic unity of the Islamic states. The setting up of a large, strong state on the foundation of a cultural and social Islamic revolution is a prerequisite, if you wish to be able to efficiently meet the challenges that face you.

Rami: Currently, a wave of racism is seen in the West directed especially against Arabs and Muslims. How do you account for that phenomenon, that has increased in violence in the past three years?

Remer: In the first place: I do not want to hear our Islamic friends reciting like parrots the hogwash of the Zionist media.

The front-line does not run between the Islamic world and the West. The cherished dream of Israel, of the Jewish organizations, and of their media, is to convince public opinion in the West that the Islam is an enemy and a threat for the West, and that all the Jews want is but preventive protection from an Islamic strike force in order to defend the West. Islamism is a world religion that is accessible to all. Judaism on the contrary is reserved for the racist ethnic group of the Jews, the "chosen people".

The witch hunt against the Islam is a tactical propaganda of the Jewish organizations that served at its time to sway public opinion in favour of 8 war against Iraq. The same tactic is being used today in the witch hunt against Persia. Unfortunately, there are no Islamic media that should be a match for the Jewish media.

There is an urgent need for the setting up of a training institute for Islamic journalists, where our epoch, the geopolitical map of the West and today's problems, should be taught more thoroughly rather than the 6th century. Your schools for training journalists and your Islamic Al-Azhar University are not equal to the task of producing educated Islamic cadres.

The war against the Jewish organizations is a total war that must be waged in the areas of spirituality, the news-media, science, culture, and politics. In the West, the prevalence of the Jewish organizations in those areas is the foundation of their strength. The Jews have never waged a real war themselves and have never gained a victory by their own means.

To conquer Palestine, they have made the West serve them, not because the people of the western states loved the Jews, but because the Zionists have studied thoroughly the frame of mind and the political systems of the West. That has made it possible for them to find out how one can occ

upy and control the West. With the Arab leaders (such as Sadat), they did the same. Thus did they gain entrance in the Islamic world without a battle. They could get to control a whole country without firing a single shot. Let us not be led by the nose by the mendacious propaganda of the Jewish organizations. The real front-line runs between Good and Evil, between Right and Wrong, not between the Islam and the West. If the Islamic media were the equal of the jewish ones, then the majority of the people in the West would be convinced of the righteousnes of the Islamic cause.

They would side with right and not with the Zionist wrong. The "Satanic Verses" by Salman Rushdie and "Not without My Daughter" by Betty Mahmoudi are consummate propaganda. They have most certainly been commissioned. Both books were finamced and published by Jewish publishing houses. Their style is attractive and easy to understand.

They were distributed in the West in million-strong editions and they contain mendacious propaganda against the Islam and the Muslims. If only one book with similar content were written against the Jews, both author and publisher would promptly find themselves in jail. Books of that kind, together with the Jewish propaganda in the media, have played a great part in the stirring up of racial hatred against the Arabs and the Islam.

The agents of the Mossad commit or organize the terrorist attacks against foreigners in Germany and in other parts of Europe, in order to besmirch the reputation of the German people and to stir up enmity between the Germans and the Muslims. I draw attention to the fact that in Rostock there are more former Soviet-block Jews than Turks, yet the violent attacks are not directed against the Jews. Racist propaganda is an invention of the Jewish organizations.

Naturally the economic crisis, the raging unemployment, and the glut with foreigners have created in Europe a set of circumstances that give rise to an alarmed defensive attitude in the indigenous population. That is normal. In view of that state of things, the only solution for the preservation of the dignity of the Muslims and of the Arabs is for them to return to their homelands.

In that manner they will be able to put an end to their unworthy exile and to contribute to the liberation of their fatherland from under tyranny and corruption. The tyrants who reign there are the main reason that millions of Muslims have fled poverty, injustice, and corruption.

The immigration into the West from Islamic countries is a loss for you, because many educated and creative persons, whom you need urgently, are lost to you. The problem of immigration into Europe is a result of your internal economic, political, and social difficulties. You cannot conquer those by exporting to Europe your sons and daughters by the millions.

The increase in your migration to Western Europe will not improve your image, on the contrary it will sully it, and it will detract from your national dignity. You have been colonized in the past, because you were in a state that allowed colonization, because of your decadence and internal dissolution. Today, it is one of your outstanding duties to shake off colonialism and to conquer the decadence and degradation that have struck roots in your hearts.

Th e occurrences of Iran were not only a change in the form o f government but a change in the consciousness of the Iranian people. When that people rose and conquered its fear and passivity, the Shah fled immediately like a scared dog. Your corrupt regimes are just the peak of a pyramid of corruption and decadence. Colonialism could also gain entrance only thanks to your internal rottenness.

Your weakness is Israel's strength. When Islam and the Muslims wake up, the earth will shake under the feet of the Israelis and of the Jewish organizations in the West, and their control of the West will be shaken in its very foundations. Find your strength inside yourselves!

Rami: Now do you see a possible solution of the Palestinian question?

Remer: The main task of your generation is finding a healthy and honorable solution to the Palestinian question. Capitulating before Israel is not a solution; it is betraying the future generations. If you cannot obtain a victory today, the least you can do is not to capitulate without resisting. Instead of giving up, you must work seriously and create the economic, political and social conditions for the future victory. In the first place, you must conquer tyranny, decadence and corruption in your own heart!

You must know that your strength is Israel's weakness. The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics collapsed like a rotten shed, whereas the vitality of the German people has been preserved in the seed and could lead us Germans to fresh progress. The Islam began in the 6th century as a cultural, spiritual and reforming movement against the superpowers of that time.

The military strength of the Islam grew as a consequence of its spiritual strength. The only real solution of the Palestinian question lies in the return of the Palestinian people to their fatherland, in the setting up of a true Palestine, that should be able to confine within its limits the Jewish usurping state. Any solution violently extorted, any unjust peace will be rejected by future generations.

The regimes that are in power in the Arab and Islamic world are like dead bodies. They perished because of their weakness. The future belongs to the forces of Islam. The Hamas and the Jihad [two uncompromising Islamic movements] are the Islamic response to the Zionist challenge. This is what takes place in your countries today: your leaders are politically finished. Instead of stepping down in honor, they cling bitterly to power and try to drag their peoples along into the precipice.

Boutros Ghali's Jewish wife qualified him to be appointed Secretary General of the United Nations Organization

Rami: How do you judge the UNO?

Remer: The world is ruled today by the USA without a rival. That means: whoever controls the USA, controls the world. As a matter of fact, in the USA the Jewish organizations hold the sceptre.

he UNO in its present-day state is nothing but an executive body in the worldwide strategy of the Jewish organizations and of Israel. Israel, with its Israel-lobby in the USA, takes the decisions in the domestic and foreign policy of the USA. That executive body was faced now with the problem of Japan's and Germany's emergence as economic superpowers, what should have normally ensured them the right to a permanent seat in the World Security Council.

In that case, naturally, the question of the veto would have arisen: would Japan and Germany have it or not? At any rate, the role of the UNO in its current state consists of giving a semblance of legality to the American world hegemony. I read somewhere, that one of the main assets that Boutros Ghali brought to qualify him as General Secretary of the UNO is the fact that he is married to a jewess!

If, for instance, Israel's interests had been affected directly in Bosnia, the United Nations, which are of course controlled by the USA, had struck long ago, as they did in the Gulf War lOn August 9, 1993, in the 10:30 news commentary, Martin Schulze said, about US influence in the UNO: For it is the USA that have that kind of influence in the UNO that detennines war and peace].

Since in Bosnia and in Palestine only Muslims are slaughtered, the United Nations never moved a finger in either case. I learned recently from a French TV broadcast that 95 percent of the arms smuggled to the Serbians come from Israeli sources ... What were the matters discussed at the Tokyo conference of the Great Seven [economic powers]? US President Bill Clinton, Israel's errand boy, stated that he would bring before that conference the blockade of Iran and of Sudan and the hedging in of the Islamic threat.

He said he would ask Germany and Japan to participate in that policy. As far as Franc,ois Mitterand is concerned, he stated that he "had promised Israel to bring up at the conference the question of the end of the Arab economic boycott of Israel." And John Major promised in a statement that he would support any action against the Islamic threat Thus it is obvious that in the elevated club of the great economic powers everything is a matter of fealty toward Israel and the Jewish organizations.

That slavish allegiance to the Jewish organizations finds express ion in the fight against the Islam! France and the USA have even assured officially the governments of Algiers, Tunis and Egypt that they will cover them in their fight against the Islamists.

In the last year that Bush was president, America has presented Israel with an additional $10 billion, to finance the invasion of former Soviet-block jews into Palestine. For a long time already, the USA has given and continues to give Israel at least $3.5 billion yearly, to which must be added all the military deliveries, that ensure the latter's military superiority over all Islamic countries taken together.

As a German, I am ashamed that my country gives in to American pressure and throws away yearly 3 billion German marks as war restitution, upon a state that did not exist in World War II and therefore suffered absolutely nothing during that war. Germany has presented Israel with more than 100 billion German marks since it was set up.

According to the conditions imposed upon Germany, my country must give to Israel until the year 2030 further 37 billion marks. And that without mentioning the "loans" which turn mostly into gifts. Germany has financed 72 percent of the building of the economic and industrial infrastructure of Israel.

That is acknowledged by Nahum Goldman in his book "The Jewish Paradox". Goldman has been for many years the president of the jewish World Council. ln his book he shamelessly boasts of having milked Germany of billions of marks, and all that only through wiles, blackmail, and the spreading of myths. Please note: myths, not history. Every years the German communities must invite and treat 20,000 jews from the USA, Israel, and other countries. Each jewish tourist costs the German tax-payer easily 20,000 mark. And all that at a time when financial problems and unemployment increase threateningly, and the Germans suffer seriously from recession.

The "gas chambers and the destruction of 6 million Jews" are shameless lies

Rami: Why does Germany give Israel and the Jews such financial support?

Remer: The Jews have enriched their religious legendary inheritance with the legend of the murder of six million Jews, who it is claimed were for the most part killed in German "gas chambers" during World War II. Although the number of Jews in the territories controlled by Germans did not rise above 1.5 million, the Jewish organizations, with the help of the media controlled by them, managed to turn their legend into "common knowledge."

The alleged gas chambers of Auschwitz are just one of the many propagandistic lies of the Jewish organizations against Germany. I declare categorically as one of the top military commanders of World War II that our army never murdered not even as much as one human being in any gas chamber.

As a well-informed general I learned that Hitler's plan was to free Europe from the control of the Jewish organizations. The Jews were to be relocated to Eastern Europe and Russia; in Birobidjan (in Siberia) there had been already set up a Jewish state. Hitler had categorically refused an offer of the Jewish organizations aimed at striking an alliance between the National Socialists and the Jews, whose aim should have been the immigration of the Jews into Palestine.

We must not forget first and foremost that it was the Jewish organizations that repeatedly declared war against the German Reich between 1933 and 1939. The loss of human lives through the death of defenseless German women and children and of German soldiers was more than a hundred times greater than the loss of Jewish lives. During World War II there were approximately 5S million victims. No other ethnic group except the Jews demands such perennial restitutions.

The Jewish pillage policy against the German people is a continuous provocation for our national feelings and for our human dignity, especially since we know that the entire aid that we give Israel is but a contribution to Israel's war efforts against the Palestinian people and against the Islamic nation. Currently, Israel has over 200 atomic bombs, that were basically built for the destruction of Muslims.

Is there a leadership in the Islam ic world that has prepared a strategic plan for the defense of the Islamic national security in view of this threat that hangs over every Muslim? In Nasser's time there were serious efforts to bring about a common Arab plan that should guarantee national security from Israel. Nowadays, on the contrary, we see nothing but Arab dissensions and Arab armies that see their task as being to defend the ruling regime even at the cost of cooperating with the enemy.

After Nasser, up to now, only once ;has there been a common military operation undertaken by a number of Arab states - and that one was controlled by an American-Jewish leadership during the Gulf War, and destroyed an Islamic country. In areas where there is no freedom and no legitimate popular government, where civilized political rules do not apply , where state terrorism prevails, in order to achieve political change or to express the will to political change, there is only one way, namely to reveal the true nature of the despotic state power.

Take, for example, Sweden. That nation does not have the same serious problems (decadence, corruption) that the Islamic world has. Still, the people can elect their government every three years. The Islamic nation struggles against huge difficulties, but al so has giant possibilities . It shou ld be possible to discuss its problems in free, open debate.

For one of the main reasons why decadence has prevailed among you is the political tyranny that suppresses any free discussion. Nothing is more dangerous than a stupid tyrant. How many such stupid tyrants are there in your countries?Nasser rose against colonialism, Sadat capitulated, and the Islamic movement has taken up again the torch of the struggle

Rami: What is your personal message to the readers of ALSHAAB?

Remer: Through the newspaper ALSHAAB, I greet the generous, sympathetic Egyptian people, among whom I lived wonderful years during the revolution. Ever since those years I have attentively followed Egypt's fate and the fate of its people.

In Egypt, none of the succeeding regimes managed to suppress the freedom of the press completely. And that not because of the "humaneness" of the rulers, but because freedom is not given, it is conquered. In Egypt, the journalists - especially those of ALSHAAB nowadays - play an extremely important part in the education of the people, the clarification of notions, and the fight against corruption and treason. An opposition and a press of the opposition are the attributes of every freedom-loving and legitimate governing system.

The free press can be useful even to an intelligent dictator, helping him see the negative sides of his rule, that in the absence of a courageous, open-minded and constructive oppositio4 remain hidden from him. The existence of the ALSHAAB newspaper, its freedom of expression and its continuous appearance. does honor to President Mubarak and proves that there is still hope to improve Egypt's condition without violence and without civil war.

The circumstances of the Islamic nation are tightly knit with those of Egypt. The latter's progress and regress are mirrored in the entire Muslim world. The Egyptian people has launched the anti-colonial struggle during the forties up to the sixties from Cairo. However, after Nasser's death and Saddat's capitulation, capitalism has spread ovcr the entire Islamic world. Nowadays, the Islamic movements raises the torch of the resistance. That torch burns brightest in Iran and Sudan. Egypt will soon occupy the place she deserves in the Islamic world - in the struggle for freedom, dignity and justice.

ALSHAAB: We thank our friend, General Remer, for granting our newspaper this interview.


General Remer is dead

The 85 year old German General Otto Ernst Remer - died on 4. Oct. 1997 in his Spanish exile-home near Marbella.

In the last few years General Remer suffered serious illness mainly due to the relentless persecution proceedings of the German authorities.

The German persecution machinery wanted to incarcerate the already dying bearer of the "Knight cross with Oak leaves" to see him die there in his final agony. Germany's political juris prudence directed wave after wave of extradition demands to the Spanish authorities to have the paralysed and blind War Hero caged up in their facilities.

To add heavy pressure to their demands, a delegation from the Jewish Wiesenthal Center was dispatched to Spain and received by the Spanish government where they demanded: We want Remer!

The Spanish judicial system denied their request.

The German people is indebted to General Remer for the "Rudolf Report" about the "attested gas chambers" of Auschwitz as well as the breakthrough of the Holocaust-truth due to his Remer Depesche, published from 1991 to 1994.

The Remer Depesche separated the Holocaust-truth from the Holocaust-lies. It shook the very foundations of the pillars of Allied atrocity-propaganda and brought large portions of some temples of lies to a collapse. Also due to the Remer Depesche disclosures, many of the dogmatic Holocaustians had to admit a number of Holcaust-stories were lies.

For spreading the Holocaust-truth in his publication, the General was sentenced to 22 months in jail at the "Landgericht Schweinfurt" by judge Siebenbürger on 22. Oct. 1992 without parole. His wife and friends urged him to go into exile. He himself was ready to go to the German dungeons to live out his life under the inhumane conditions that await political prisoners, just to stand up for the historical truth.

Should the German people ever throw-off the chains of bondage, then it will be also for Remers immeasurable contribution to expose the historical truth.

The gnomes of hate persecuted this great German like the Devil chases a poor Soul. But Wiesenthal never got the Hero alive, a Triumph for the Good! The intellectual dwarfs of German politics and the media tried hopelessly to defame General Remer, when unexpectedly a renown publication of one of Germany's ex enemy states literally set a monument for General Remer. The oldest British politically weekly-magazine The Spectator wrote (issue 8. March 1997) about Remers battle units "Gross-Deutschland":

"Gallant men of great discipline who fought bravely against terrible odds for their fatherland and after defeat was certain - for the honour of their units and comrades. I am particularly thinking of the tankers of Gross Deutschland and Goering divisions who fought until the bitter end ... They were the bravest of the brave. Those who traffic in the Holocaust are neither brave nor honourable. Just low and greedy. Taki"

The hate mongers who despise the German people, and the defamers of the German "Wehrmacht" and Heroes will be flushed like excrements through the sewer pipes of history. But Heroes like General Remer will always and forever shine in the glory of their deeds.

The German people will memorialise General Remer and be forever grateful for the eternal Spanish friendship shown towards General Remer for granting him an exil-residency.


02.29.08 -- The Leap Year Puzzle

Leap Froggie -- Roominations by Carol

Friday, February 29, 2008

Click here for LARGE PRINT.

Puzzle by Patrick Berry, edited by Will Shortz

If we are to do one extra crossword puzzle every four years, this would be the one to do! Of course, as we all know, and Wikipedia puts it so aptly, “A leap year (or intercalary year) is a year containing one or more extra days (or, in case of lunisolar calendars, an extra month) in order to keep the calendar year synchronized with the astronomical or seasonal year.”

It is the day that every four years, a maiden may propose to her BEAU (56A Ball boy?) with full intent of discarding her MAIDENNAME (15A. One abandoned at the altar?). It’s the year the calendar seems to TAKEABREAK (28D. Stop working), instead of going along regularly ATALLTIMES (27A. Continuously).

INAPOTHER (1D. Agitated), one may leap for escape -- or a YOKEL (25A. Clodhopper) may do so in a stunt! Others as an OMEN (54A Mystical indicator) of life or death!

Ah, but on with today’s crossword -- in a word, it’s own word, COOL (23A Snazzy)!

In addition to the three ten-letter entries mentioned above, add ALPHATESTS (17A. In-house debugging); ICEICEBABY (52A. 1990 #1 rap hit that starts “Yo, V.I.P., let’s kick it”); THE NATURAL (55A. Bernard Malamud’s debut novel); MONOPHONIC (2D. Like most 1950s recordings); and ANOTHERYOU (3D. Final Gene Wilder/Richard Pryor comedy).

Nine-letter entries: For leap day, we have SKATEOVER (5A Barely mention, as something one doesn’t want to discuss); BETWEENUS (33D. “Don’t spread this around, but …”); and SORELOSER (57A. One who refuses to shake hands, maybe).

Eight-letter: CONTESSA (4D. Neapolitan noblewoman); TEAROSE (8D. Flowers named for their scent); SORRIEST (20A. Most useless); THESSALY (24A. Region bordering Mount Olympus); LEMONLAW (42A. It protects car buyers); BEDCOVER (47A. Soft spread); CLEAVETO (35D. Tightly embrace); and MANITOBA (35D. Home for the Ojibwa and Cree).

Seven-letter: OPHELIA (21A. “Rich gifts wax poor when givers prove unkind” speaker); LETITBE (46A. #1 Beatles hit with the only known vocal contribution by Linda McCartney); ENTROPY (9D. Tendency toward chaos); and BIFOCAL (38D. Split right before your eyes?).

Six-letter: POTTER (18A. Person at the wheel?); RETIRE (51A. Hang it up); ONEILL (10D. “The Great God Brown” playwright); and RACINE (41D. Wisconsin city that’s home to S.C. Johnson & Son).

Five-letter: Stepping down the center of the puzzle without a break -- 15. MARIA Full of Grace” (2004 film); 22. ALGAE, Pool owner’s nuisance; 25. YOKEL; 31. REPEL, Push off; and 43. MERYL, Actress Streep. Stepping across and up without a break -- 40. CURIE, Unit of radioactivity; 38. BLEEP, Dispel a curse?; 30. GORY, Edward who created the Gashlycrumb Tinies -- here’s a filmed version; and 26. SPLAT, Sound of a dropped scoop of ice cream. There’s also HORSE (29A. Certain chess piece, informally); VALET (39A. Man); ADHOC (7D. Having a single purpose); and REBUS (45D. Picture writing, of a sort).

Four-letter: IMAC (1A. Product once advertised with the catch- phrase “There’s no step 3!”); NONO (14A. Putting regular gas in a diesel engine, e.g.); ANON (16A. Presently); ENYA (34A. “Caribbean Blue” singer); MAKE (36A. Ford or Lincoln); AFAR (44A. In the distance); ASKS (58A. Poses); KIPS (6D. Goes to bed, in Britspeak); VASE (11D. Classical art medium); EMTS (12D. Lifesavers, for short); REST (13D. Others); ELSE (19D. Other); VOTE (39D. Go for a party, say); BITS (47D. Atoms); ECHO (48D. Comeback); DEER (49D. Pullers of the chariot of Artemis); and RARE (50D. Practically unheard-of).

Three-letter: SAL volatile (5D.); TAB (32A. Coca-Cola creation); RIO (37A. “Notorious” setting); and BAR (53D. Rule out).

From today’s Free Press : “Being a leaper, as adults are called, brings with it the novelty of staying young because the person's birth date occurs once every four years. But it also brings some frustration -- from trouble registering for services online with computer programs that don't recognize Feb. 29 as a valid date, to getting arrested for having a driver's license where the birth date and expiration date don't match. Despite a few frustrations with their actual birth date, area leapers say they enjoy their quadrennial event.”

Well, sure -- you're special!


For today’s cartoon, go to The Crossword Puzzle Illustrated.

Click on image to enlarge.

Puzzle available on the internet at

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Four Men Who Built The Zionist State

It is a peculiarity of history that the farther back we stand to get a look at it, the better we see it. And thus, with the smoke lifted and the rubble swept aside, those two increasingly distant calamities, World Wars I and II, are every day making a clearer picture.

It may be argued that the abiding effects of a war are not always the precise effects intended by the war’s planners. But when two international conflicts, fought within twenty-five years of each other, have both resulted in the establishment and extension of the same two world powers (to the detriment of all others), then there is more than mere chance to be reckoned with.

Those two powers, the chief two in the world today, are Communism and Zionism. The First World War gave them both a solid footing: the tracts of land they needed if they were to continue. The Communists announced a claim to all of Russia; the Zionists were granted one to Palestine. And World War II more than made good these claims. It gave the Communists the largest empire the world has ever known — stretching from Berlin to the China Sea. More unlikely, it gave the Zionists a sovereign Jewish state in the Holy Land.

That the fortunes of Zionism and Communism have been complementary, that world events of the past several decades have been to their common advantage, is obvious. That both movements are avowedly anti-Christian, and that both are in origin and direction Jewish, is a matter of record. But although the Jewish power of Communism has been quantitatively a greater oppressor of the Church — having killed more priests and desecrated more altars — the Jewish power of Zionism has hit the Church at the very core by seizing and profaning the one land which above all others is the Holy Land.

As an organized program of racism and revenge, fulfilling centuries of thwarted Jewish dreams, Zionism is larger than any one of the men who have been its leaders. Out of the last hundred years, however, there are four of these men who stand as symbols of Zionist progress. Considered in sequence, these leaders of Zionism will tell all of the story that must so urgently be known.

Moses Hess

In the year 1862, a German Jew named Moses Hess published at Paris a book called Rome and Jerusalem. If modern Zionism must be assigned a specific starting point, this was it. Hess’s message was straightforward. “Papal Rome,” he writes, “symbolizes to the Jews an inexhaustible well of poison.” But the Jews should not be discouraged, Hess continues. A “regeneration” of the world has been going on since the “great” French Revolution. Rome is already on the way down, he declares, and the job of the Jew is to establish Jerusalem in place of it. Christianity will be “finally replaced among the regenerated nations by a new historical cult. To this coming cult, Judaism alone holds the key.”

Hess nailed the whole argument in with the resounding blasphemy: “Every Jew has within him the potentiality of a Messiah and every Jewess that of a Mater Dolorosa ... The Messianic Era is the present age.”

There was no Jew in Europe that was not interested. But, for many, Hess’s call to arms was too dangerous. There would be Christian resentment, they said. There would be a reaction, and all those new liberties so lately acquired by the Jews, as a result of the Masonic revolutions, would be revoked. To these “assimilated” Jews of Western Europe, Hess was a stab of bad conscience. He was telling them that, despite their white gloves and tall hats and changed names, they were still, and irrevocably, Jewish.

On the other hand, to the Jews of Eastern Europe, still confined in the Polish and Russian ghettos, Moses Hess was a prophet. His book begot a dozen secret societies dedicated to a revived Jewish nationalism. And it set the stage for a more versatile Jewish leader.

Theodore Herzl

If Moses Hess was the violent revolutionist that Zionism needed to start it off, Theodore Herzl was the capable calculator who brought order to the Zionist frenzy, won for Zionism the support of Western Jews, and gave permanent direction to the Jewish resurgence by advocating the immediate establishment of a self-governing Jewish state.

With diabolical doggedness, Herzl peddled his plan for a Jewish homeland on every important doorstep in Europe. The Kaiser listened to him. And so did the King of Italy and the Sultan of Turkey. England offered him a piece of her own property in Uganda. But the Zionists were determined against second-class handouts. They wanted Palestine or nothing for their nation, and Jerusalem for their capital.

Herzl dared approach even the Pope, Saint Pius X, to ask support for a Jewish settlement in Palestine. To so fantastic a proposal, the Holy Father (says Herzl’s Diaries): “answered in a stern and categorical manner: ‘We are unable to favor this movement. We cannot prevent the Jews from going to Jerusalem — but we could never sanction it. The ground of Jerusalem, if it were not always sacred, has been sanctified by the life of Jesus Christ. As the head of the Church, I cannot answer you otherwise. The Jews have not recognized Our Lord; therefore, we cannot recognize the Jewish people.’ ”

The Pope did not discount the possibility of some measure of success for Zionism. Himself the virtual prisoner of Italy’s Masonic administrators, Saint Pius X held no illusory view of “Catholic Europe.” The men who were then running Europe’s governments were the offspring of those same Freemasons who had gloried in tearing down the ghetto walls while they sacked the churches. For Freemasonry had set the Jews up; and now that the Masons were in unchallenged power, the Jews could expect great things. But could they really expect Palestine? Besides being the Holy Land of the Christians, the territory of Palestine was the guarded property of the Turkish Empire, the centuries-old home of an established people. It seemed unlikely to the Pope that great numbers of Jews could ever settle there — and unthinkable that circumstances would ever permit the Jews to set up their own government in the place.

The Zionists, on their part, were confident that when desired circumstances do not present themselves on their own, they can be made to order. In a speech before the Sixth Zionist Congress in 1903, Herzl’s colleague, Max Nordau, said (and we repeat that the year was 1903): “Let me tell you the following words as if I were showing you the rungs of a ladder leading upward and upward: Herzl, the Zionist Congress, the English Uganda proposition, the future World War, the peace conference where, with the help of England, a free and Jewish Palestine will be created.”

Chaim Weizmann

When the World War that Nordau had foretold eventually came, in 1914, Herzl was ten years dead. But a new Zionist leader was on hand to oversee the expected Jewish triumph. This was Chaim Weizmann, an itinerant chemist who had moved from his native Russia to Manchester, England, sometime before the outbreak of the War. It was Weizmann’s task to acquaint the British government with Jewish designs on the Holy Land. In exchange for an official smile on these Zionist ambitions, Weizmann could promise that his race — its financiers, presidential advisors, newspaper publishers and all — would join whole-heartedly in helping Britain win the war. Consequently, on Nov. 2, 1917, the British Foreign Secretary, Lord Balfour, addressed a letter to Lord Rothschild, English representative of the powerful Jewish banking house.

“His Majesty’s Government,” wrote Balfour, “view with favor the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people ... ” Though the letter further specified that “nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine,” the Jews assumed this clause was meaningless. The Balfour Declaration, as this letter came to be called, gave the Jews a foot in the Holy Land, and they set out with determination to wriggle the rest of their bulk through the door.

To direct this operation, Chaim Weizmann went to Palestine in 1918, as head of the Zionist Commission. Under Weizmann’s supervision, armies of Jewish immigrants pushed into Palestine (made a British Mandate in 1922) till eventually they had swollen their numbers to one-half the total inhabitants. (Their land-purchases were less prodigal; by 1948 they owned only six per cent of the available property.)

Through all this, the Church remained adamantly anti-Zionist. In a 1921 allocution, Pope Benedict XV expressed his fear that “the Jews should come to take in Palestine a preponderant and privileged position.” Most Catholic observers, however, thought such a possibility remote. Father Bede Jarrett, noted English Dominican, gave the majority opinion when he wrote, also in 1921: “The Jew has always specialized in money. Industrial labor has no interest for him, and agricultural labor even less. Therefore, he will never go back to Palestine, where the wealth is almost entirely in agriculture. Indeed, why should he worry over Palestine when he has the whole world at his feet?”

What Father Jarrett did not realize was that “the Jew” intended to demonstrate just how abjectly at his feet the world was — and precisely by taking over Palestine.

World War I, as Nordau revealed, had been the scheduled means for setting up a Jewish state. But it did not quite do the trick. A second World War was needed to bring the Jews’ otherwise unthinkable scheme to perfection. At the conclusion of World War II, Chaim Weizmann came to America to claim the spoils. Spurred on by him and fellow-Zionists, the United Nations obediently decreed that at the expiration of the British Mandate, the Holy Land should be partitioned into two areas; the smaller to be governed by Arabs, the larger by Jews.

The British were to withdraw on May 15, 1948. At midnight of May 14, Zionist leaders announced the formation of a Jewish State. Ten minutes after their announcement, President Harry Truman, defying all protocol, accorded this infant monstrosity official United States recognition. Later, Mr. Truman was to write in his published memoirs: “I do not think I ever had as much pressure and propaganda aimed at the White House as I had in this instance. The persistence of a few of the extreme Zionist leaders — actuated by political motives and engaging in political threats — disturbed me and annoyed me.”

Even if it were not known otherwise, events of the last decade would bear stern witness that the Masonic Mr. Truman overcame his annoyance.

David Ben-Gurion

Though Chaim Weizmann was duly named President of the Jewish State, and held that office until his death in 1952, it was a position of honor only. The Jews were grateful for all Weizmann had done, but they were confident they had come to a new season: the full flowering of that “Messianic Era” that Moses Hess had proclaimed. And they had a new leader: their Prime Minister, David Ben-Gurion.

As effective head of the Jewish State, Ben-Gurion represents the fulfillment of Hess, Herzl, and Weizmann; the achievement of Zionist victory. He is the symbol of Jewry on its own — the crucifiers of Christ free at last of Christian standards and surveillance. How alien the Jews are to those standards, their ten years of sovereignty have enabled them to show.

The acts of Jewish terrorism that had marked the final months of the British Mandate (when Jews were blowing up British buildings in Palestine, hanging British soldiers, mailing time-bombs to members of the British cabinet) seemed like mere schoolboy pranks when the Jews went to work on the Arabs. One million Arab residents of Palestine were forced to flee their ancestral homes — the orchards, pastures, and farms their people had worked for centuries. And as Archbishop George Hakim of Galilee insisted: “They were terrorized out.” The persuasive device employed by the Jews was simple: they massacred one whole Arab village; then they sent a sound-truck through all the neighboring villages, promising each one the same fate unless the people evacuated their homes immediately.

All this was apart from the military aggression, when Jewish soldiers, with arms supplied by Communist Czechoslovakia, invaded the Arab-assigned regions of Palestine and increased their national holdings by forty per cent. Feats like this thrilled the Jews who were watching from afar, swelled the fantastic sums being poured into Palestine by World Jewry, and provoked statements like this one by New York’s Jewish Congressman, Emmanuel Celler: “Maybe the Israelis may have to give the Arabs another lesson and cut through their forces again like a hot knife through butter. Only this time the pleas of the United Nations will not deter them. They will shoot their way clear into Beirut, Amman, and Alexandria.”

When Prime Minister Ben-Gurion’s plans for the further expansion of the Jewish state are realized (when international circumstances have been ordered to that end), there will be a fresh field open to the Jews. And it will be open not only for additional confiscation of Arab property, but for further desecration of Christian shrines and churches in those parts of the Holy Land that the Jews do not yet control. Bethlehem, for example, can expect a repetition of the profanity and sacrilege that the Jews have already perpetrated in Mount Carmel, Ain-Karim, Haifa, Capharnaum, Tiberias, Beit-Jala, Katamon, in all of Galilee, and in Jerusalem, the Holy City itself. These previous desecrations, so well calculated by Mr. Ben-Gurion, prompted the well-known but little-heeded warning of the late Apostolic Delegate, Archbishop Hughes, who stated that there is in operation a “deliberate Jewish effort to decimate the Arabs and to destroy Christianity in Palestine.”

The consequences of this “deliberate Jewish effort” will spread in our time far beyond the borders of Palestine. For the once-Christian West has betrayed Our Lord’s Holy Land into the hands of His crucifiers, and already the price of the betrayal is being paid, in kind. It has cost England her empire. And it has put that other chief Zionist supporter, the United States of America, face to face with a Third World War — one that looms like a terror out of the Apocalypse, and that will provide the most fantastic chapter yet in the unfinished story of Zionism.


An Invention Called 'The Jewish People'

The Taboo As Proof

“Love may cover a multitude of sins, but so too does censorship, subterfuge and government-sanctioned silence on taboo topics.” -PG


By Patrick Grimm

Taboos, at least the ones possessed of longevity, exist and subsist for a reason. Two taboos that spring easily to mind are the prohibitions against incest and cannibalism. These two prohibitions, mostly unspoken and never even verbally assented to, remain for obvious reasons, mainly having to do with dysgenic consequences and notions of the rights of man culled from both religion and natural law. While other taboos have fallen away, some rightly, others wrongly, these two have stood the test of time, and they have done so because the perils of violating them have been seen in Third World and backward cultures throughout the ages.

But what of other taboos, those topics which have become verboten in contemporary America? This would include the unassailability and the untouchability of Jews as a group, an innocent subset that is only “hard done unto” and never the harbinger of hardship and injustice themselves. In other words, when perpetual victims rule, those they victimize can never lay claim to victim status themselves. In the Jewish mind, considering that they are “history’s premier victims” this is guaranteed in ways that have been covered in other essays, exposes and op-eds that won’t be cited here, but is part and parcel of the extensive psychological programming that the American Gentile public has been subjected to non-stop for at least forty years, though its history goes back much further than this, at least to the beginning of the twentieth century.

The taboos with staying power are imbued with said power because the fallout of knocking down the warning signs and the stigmas attached would be unthinkable. A society that indulges in incest on a ubiquitous scale (which is highly unlikely in most societies) would, given enough time, be a society containing persons with birth defects and other maladies brought on by blood relations producing offspring together. The Orthodox Jewish community and their own specialized diseases and neuroses attest to this. The proof they say, is in the pudding and this taboo seems self-evidentiary, but does not need strong and regular condemnation because it is rarely breached and rightly condemned in the harshest of moral terms when it is violated. The same would go for cannibalism. Social evolution has created these prohibitions quite naturally.

What of the taboo on discussing Jewish power, Jewish motives and the Jewish religion? Has it come from the evolution of societies? Not entirely. Much of it has been imposed from the top down since War World II when sympathy for Jews was the highest and when it could be easily capitalized upon by media, film and political organizations, as well as psychology and sociology, all roughly rounded up and diverted from true intellectualism to the pursuit of crude propagandistic purposes. These were all molded to serve only one purpose. To convince the Gentile that Jews were only victimized, never victimizers and always angels, never devils and were pure spirits who beamed with holy light, with a selflessness and altruism that not even the most pure-hearted humanitarian could exude.

Try an experiment. Talk about “Jewish business practices” and place a serious expression on your face. Use “Jew” as a verb rather than a noun and you will find that you are condemned as worse than someone who practices incest or cannibalism. And don’t you dare say you think they control our economy or manipulate our currency. You might just lose your job and all your friends too.

Try another experiment. Talk about “Jewish business practices” and place a warm smile on your face. When you say “Jew” say it solemnly, in a tone as if you are talking about a godhead or a triune and then literally glow as you marvel at how Jews are so hard-working, how they helped create modern capitalism and how that they have been a blessing to our country with their business and financial acumen. You will find swooning concurrence from your listeners, who will fall all over themselves to outdo your praise.

The taboo against critical Jew-examination is rigid and unbending, for to be an “anti-Semite” is not just to be a moral criminal. It is to be hardly better than a murderer such as Josef Mengele or a chief propagandist like Julius Streicher. You forget that the National Socialists’ greatest crime was not what they purportedly did to their Jewish population, but that they even dared to see Jews as anything but benevolent, as exemplary and as a boon to the nation that they (Jews) had stabbed in the back. Of course, the Jews themselves know that they are rarely any of these aforementioned beneficial things.

But the Jews want immediate revenge, immediate censorship once they realize that they no longer possess, inhabit, control, contort and compress a nation’s mind, as they are slowly finding out too late in the sleeping giant of America, as whites are jumping up with a horror-stricken realization as the broken inner alarm clock gets fixed.

Nationalism as a defense mechanism has the possibility of truncating Jewish supremacist internationalism, Mammonite greed and ADL/Mossad intrigue and treason if it is ever allowed to blossom. Jews are absolutely correct to say that “nationalism” always portends “anti-Semitism” and anti-Jewish outbursts on the part of the citizenry and they desperately work to stamp it out everywhere they reside. Jews hate all nationalism but their own, just like they hate all solidarity and pride in heritage that is non-Jewish. As Russia revives its national pride, its tolerance for Jewish oligarchy, Jewish criminality and Jewish-run media and banking will wear thin. In this case, the populace knows who the enemy is. The Czar was not slaughtered by ethnic Russians, after all.

All taboos exist for a reason. In this case, the taboo against chattering and stream-of-consciousness round-table talk of Jewish power does prevent a disaster, the disaster that would beset the Jewish people if the Gentile majority knew the truth about them, about their criminality, about their lies, about their hate and the repulsion they feel towards our European heritage. The fact that this taboo is so engrained is proof of the reality of what it protects, what it covers up and how it blurs and hides the truth, the unbelievable truth about Jewish supremacism. But you, dear friend, in choosing to believe that unbelievable truth, will take a monumental stride towards a freer, more peaceful, more equitable world for every people, who will be allowed both self-determination and the liberation of being unshackled by the autocrats who now chain them, steal the very money from their pockets, the very food from out their mouths and the very diamonds and minerals from out of their nations’ blessed lands. White European people must free themselves from Jewish oligarchy so that they may help every race and heritage find deliverance from the Zionist monster.

The taboo is the proof and behind every taboo can be hidden either a utilitarian benefit or a reality so horrible that none wish to wrap their brains around the possibility of the possibility of its accuracy. We have both in this instance. The “greatest good for the greatest number” will only occur when this particular taboo is not upheld, but smashed to smithereens. The horrors and terrors of Big Jewry’s anti-white dysgenics, its theft of our earnings, its purloining of our heritage can only be spotted when we jackhammer our way through the concrete foundation of deception and greed. We must tear the voice boxes from the throats of those who feed poison and bile to our children as they tempt them to suicide their race, their honor and their country.

I will only leave you with these lyrics by songwriter Mark Heard that seem at least partially apropos to the predicament I have described:

Like bees in a bottle we are flying at fate
Beating our wings against the walls of this place
Unaware that the struggle is the blood of the proof
In choosing to believe the unbelievable truth

But they have captured our siblings and rendered them mute
They’ve disputed our lineage and poisoned our roots
We have bought from the brokers who have broken their oaths
And we’re out on the streets with a lump in our throats

Zionist Watch.