10.01.08 -- Be It Ever So Humble...

“No place like home” Judy Garland with flying house -- The Wizard of Oz


Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Puzzle by Barry Boone, edited by Will Shortz

CONNECTTHEDOTS (20A. Kind of puzzle suggested by this crossword’s theme); NOPLACELIKEHOME (40A. End of a popular saying related to this puzzle’s theme); ALPHABETICALLY (57A. How to link the 12 letters in this puzzle with a single line to make a picture) -- well, what’s to be said…

HAMRADIO (43D. Equipment with a headset) and NEONATAL (4D. Just after birth) are the only other long entries. Alphabetically, the mid-size entries are AGATES (6D. Semiprecious stones); DOTIME (51D. Sit behind bars); ESPRIT (48D. Sparkle and wit); INALIE (46A. One way to be caught); INSANE (35A. Bonkers); and SHOOIN (10D. Sure thing).

A fair amount of five-letter entries ensue, once again alphabetically -- ABNER (71A. Baseball pioneer Doubleday) and ASNER (47A. Ed of “Roots”) and also ASPEN (27D. John Denver wrote two songs about this town); CAJUN (5A. Kind of cuisine in which onions, bell peppers and celery are the “holy trinity”); CAVIL (65A. Quibble); CISCO (5D. Internet equipment powerhouse); COMIC (33D. Doer of stand-up); CRÈME (68A. Oreo filling); DACCA (54D. Bangladesh’s capital, old-style); 21D. “Maria ELENA,” 1941 #1 hit, ENIAC (42D. 1940s computer) and 32. ENOLA Gay; IGLOO (29D. Abode north of the Arctic Circle); 15. Jim Croce’s “IGOTA Name”; IMACS (52A. Mice can be found around them); KNEES (34D. Gardeners may work on them) and KNOTS (26D. Sheepshanks, e.g.); MILER (56D. Athlete who’s not dashing?); NADER (9D. Candidate trailing Bush and Gore); SALAD (18A. Introductory course, often); 25D. “SINGA song of sixpence”; SKATE (25A. Carnivorous fish); VNECK (31A. Sweater type).


…perhaps a second mortgage?


For today’s cartoon, go to The Crossword Puzzle Illustrated.

Click on image to enlarge.

Puzzle available on the internet at

THE NEW YORK TIMES -- Crossword Puzzles and Games

If you subscribe to home delivery of The New York Times you are eligible to access the daily crossword via The New York Times - Times Reader, without additional charge, as part of your home delivery subscription.

Xword Info -- Across: 1. Figure in “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe”; 10. Fake; 14. Hoodwink; 16. Tremendous; 17. Hughes poem with the line “They send me to eat in the kitchen”; 19. Cy Young winner Hershiser; 23. Cleopatra used it as a beauty lotion; 24. King, in Portugal; 28. Terse letter opener; 37. Way to find you way: Abbr.; 39. French rejection; 44. Former telecom giant; 45. Big name in kitchen gadgets; 50. How some packages arrive; 53. Blue; 55. “The Rubáiyát” poet; 64. Drug ___; 66. “Mon ___!”; 67. German car; 69. Author Dinesen; 70. Surveyor’s map; 72. Big lugs. Down: 1. Bank protector, for short; 2. Camera setting; 3. Agreed ___; 7. Big bump; 8. Logan’s locale; 11. Banged up; 12. A long, long time; 13. Florida senator Martinez; 22. The “D” in R&D: Abbr.; 30. Univ. in Troy, N.Y.; 36. Prefix with tourism; 38. What one might do in 27-Down; 41. A+: Abbr.; 49. College cheer; 57. Blue, south of the border; 58. Russian car; 59. Unnice comment; 60. Balanced; 61. Precursor of the Apple Macintosh; 62. Dining table expander; 64. Toy gun ammo.

The True Connections that lead to the 2003 Invasion of Iraq

The reasons for launching the U.S. invasion of Iraq have been cloaked in suspicion, conspiracy and misread intelligence. The most patriotic of Americans choose the misread intelligence theory while championing the byproduct goals of removing Saddam Hussein from power.
Thanks for Bin Laden
The most skeptical usually lean on the war for oil theory. In a strange sense there is a possibility that both have some truth within them yet neither adequately puts all the pieces together because they leave out one major component: 9/11 and the political strategy for avoiding further attacks. For the first time we put all the facts together in their proper sequence to help explain and understand the real reason for the invasion of Iraq.

One-time Reagan administration appointee and longtime G.W. Bush critic Paul Craig Roberts wrote in 2007: "That Bush persists with a war for which he can provide no legitimate reason indicates that there is a secret agenda that has not been shared with the American people." While Craig tends to believe in a more nefarious "secret agenda" we can actually piece together the facts to reveal that there was, in fact, an agenda not revealed to the public; that there were significant political reasons for not revealing this agenda; and most importantly, that the Bush administration believed they had no option but to invade Iraq.

There are potentially hundreds of starting points for this connection but for brevity purposes Saddam's 1990 invasion of Kuwait is a convenient place to begin. Saddam's reasons for launching his invasion of Kuwait appear to stem from his costly 8 year war of attrition with Iran, the large debt owed to Kuwait, and Saddam's belief that Kuwaiti leaders only half-heartedly supported his efforts. It also seems pretty clear that Saddam did not expect the West to react as it did. Within days of the invasion American President G.H.W. Bush started marshaling support for a coalition to oust the Iraqi army from Kuwait. President Bush was adamant about the United States leading but not acting alone to remove the Iraqis. A coalition of some form would be required from a strategic point because the armies had to have a place to mobilize and launch a ground offensive. President Bush mustered an impressive number of participants including the United Nations but the coalition was very thinly held together. The primary fear prior to launch of air and ground attacks was that Saddam would partially pull out of Kuwait and sap the will of the coalition. This would have left the Iraqi army with it full strength poised to reinvade as soon as the coalition broke apart and the armies dispersed. For reasons only known to the warped mind of Saddam Hussein, he didn't do this, instead inviting the coalition to attack, which it did.

As is well known, the American lead coalition tore through the Iraqi army and was poised to march on to Baghdad and remove Saddam from power. As is also well known, 100 hours into the invasion President Bush called a halt to further action. That this was a mistake in retrospect seems pretty clear but at the time Bush had a number of reasons for ending the war. He feared that removing Saddam's Ba'ath Party would create a power vacuum that might be filled by the Iranian backed Shiites. He also feared the continued killing of the fleeing army would cause a backlash among the surrounding Arab populations. Finally, he believed that a better outcome would be for the Iraqis themselves to rid themselves of the tyrant. Unfortunately, he did little to assist them and may, in fact, have contributed to the slaughter of many trying to depose Saddam. The consequences of this decision would prove disastrous.

The first result was that stories rapidly circulated that American forces would not assist Shiite militias. These included stories of Americans destroying weapons rather than hand them over to Shiites fighting Saddam. The second result, and one with far-reaching consequences, was that no one knew if and when the rebels would be successful deposing Saddam so the American forces had to basically sit and wait.

When it became obvious that Saddam would use any means, including chemical weapons, to suppress the rebels, the "sitting and waiting" began to take on a more permanent structure. By April, 1991, less than a month after the uprisings began, they were crushed. This meant that Saddam Hussein would continue to hold power and the American forces would have to continue a presence in order to prevent any further belligerent moves. In early April, 1991 the United Nations passed Resolution 688 which condemned the repression of Kurds, Shiites, and other Iraqi civilians. As a means for enforcing the resolution, the United States, Great Britain, and France established a no-fly zone and enforced it from a newly constructed base in Northern Saudi Arabia.

This lead to a more permanent presence for the U.S. military in northern Saudi Arabia. The Prince Sultan Air Base near Riyadh would house approximately 4500 U.S. troops throughout the decade of 1990s and became a point of resentment for fundamentalist Muslims. One of the most outspoken opponents of this American presence was Osama bin Laden. On numerous occasions throughout the 1990s bin Laden assailed the Americans for their "occupation of the land of the holy places." In a 1997 interview he flatly stated that his attacks against Americans in the Middle East were directly motivated by this presence and that his primary goal was to remove them from Saudi soil.

Throughout the 1990s the Clinton administration for forced to deal with four issues that intensified the International situation in the region. First; Saddam was becoming increasingly belligerent, challenging the no-fly zone as well as the various efforts to keep him from re-arming and hide this rearmament from international inspectors. This made the U.S. military presence more important as they had to contend with this increased belligerence. Second; bin Laden raised the stakes on his opposition with attacks on U.S. troops stationed in the Middle East. These include an attack on U.S. Marines housed in Yemen, the training of Somalis who killed American soldiers (an alleged but unproven claim), bombings in Nairobi, Kenya, Dar es Salaam, and the U.S.S. Cole attack in October 2000. While it is unclear whether bin Laden was the mastermind behind all of these attacks they were motivated by the most visible American symbol in the region (besides Israel), the troop deployment in Saudi Arabia.

The third of the central issues was largely of President Clinton's own making but certainly played a role in the actions (or inaction) he took. The Monica Lewinsky sex scandal was playing out at the same time as Clinton was dealing with Iraq's muscle flexing and bin Laden's activities. This kept him both preoccupied and hesitant to take actions for fear of the perception that he was trying to deflect attention away from the investigations. The Republicans in Congress were highly skeptical of the timing of Clinton responses to Saddam Hussein and also questioned the effectiveness of the attacks. It is clear they did not want Clinton gathering public support with a "rally-around-the-flag" response that frequently occurs with military action. Their opposition, coupled with the impeachment trial limited what President Clinton could do and even the options he did have at his disposal.

Finally, international opinion, which had been fairly unified in 1991, was anything but later in the decade. There was a growing international debate over the Iraq isolation strategy, blockades, embargoes, the oil for food policy and the U.S. air strike responses. Unfortunately, this opposition to the existing policy didn't put forward any reasonable alternatives.

All of these factors together meant that by 2001 the troop situation in Saudi Arabia was much the same as it had been in 1991 but the political environment had deteriorated significantly. The turning point would come with the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center and the rapid identification of Osama bin Laden as the likely perpetrator. The fact that most of the terrorists were Saudis was also significant and the connection between the New York attacks and the troop presence in Saudi Arabia was clearly made by the Bush administration. It is at this point that the Bush administration faced a dilemma. Killing or capturing bin Laden would be significant if it could be accomplished but still wouldn't resolve the primary issue at hand. Since the motivation for the attacks was the U.S. troop presence the only way to significantly reduce the threat of future terrorists attacks was to remove those troops. However; they really couldn't do this because Saddam's provocations made this impossible. The Bush administration had really only one alternative if they wanted to eliminate the American military presence in Saudi Arabia. They had to remove Saddam.

There have now been hundreds of books, articles, and websites publishing materials about the link between Saddam Hussein and 9/11. Because bin Laden was identified as the culprit and Saddam's hatred of Shiites including bin Laden was well known, these links simply could not be found. The reason they could not be found is that the link was not in any direct action, communications, logistics, or planning. The link was in the motivation! Saddam was tied to 9/11 not in any way that evidence would demonstrate. He was tied to 9/11 because he forced the United States to be in a situation that provoked the attacks.

In the year-and-a-half following September 11, the Bush administration searched for a reason to justify removing Saddam. Because so little was said about the existing U.S. military presence it seems clear the truth would not be an adequate justification. This is the blunder they made and it was most likely politically motivated. They simply found no way to "sell" this reason to the American public without it looking like they were appeasing the terrorists by giving them what they wanted. Their alternative was to fabricate evidence and motivations in order to justify the war. This is obvious from the Downing Street letters and the subsequent disintegration of all the justifications they proposed. It also seems clear that British Prime Minister Tony Blair was in agreement with this assessment since he had read the Downing memos and knew the justification evidence did not exist. He continued to support the war for the same reason as the Bush Administration. They really had no other alternative.

It can now be understood that G.W. Bush's belief was sincere when he stated that the terrorist threat was reduced because of the removal of Saddam Hussein. That he continues to make this proclamation does not hold the same validity or sincerity. The Iraq invasion began on March 20, 2003. By April 9 Baghdad and Saddam had fallen. On April 29 U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld announced that the Prince Sultan Air Base would be turned over to Saudi control and the U.S. would be pulling off of Saudi soil. The problems for President Bush and Tony Blair arose because of all the extraneous motivations that began to be attached to the invasion between September 11, 2001 and March 20, 2003. Had they simply gone in, removed Hussein, and allowed a coalition of Arab states to assume the responsibility of stabilizing the Iraqi government, they could very well have gotten out with their reputations intact and terrorism diminished. Unfortunately, oil greed and global geopolitical influences intervened. As soon as the invasion plans began to include securing the oil fields and allowing U.S. and British contractors to reap profits within Iraq, the war planning and ultimate outcome turned bad. The war evolved from its original motivation into a profit center. All the post April 2003 activities simply compounded upon each other to render the original motivation for the war useless. They wanted the troops out of Saudi Arabia. Now they have them stuck in Iraq. They wanted to reduce terrorist motives for further attacks but instead gave fundamentalist Muslims a new cause. They wanted to diffuse the anti-Western sentiment within the Islamic world but instead antagonized it.

Ultimately, the Iraq war has to be considered a disaster for American policy. This is thanks, not to the original goal; but rather, everything that followed subsequently. Because of the manner in which post-war Iraq has been managed America and Britain have made themselves less safe, more hated, and thousands upon thousands of lives have been lost in the process. It now seems ironic that George W. Bush and Tony Blair have their reputations in tatters even though the they believed they possessed the key to long term stability in the region. All of the reasons for opposing the invasion have been magnified by the post-war activities while the original objectives have been lost in a sea of profit-taking and dreams of oil flowing like honey.

Please see PoliticalBull.net for further analysis and an assessment of blame.

Bet on Israel bombing Iran

Are we going to have an October surprise, an attack on Iran by either the Bush administration or by Israel to stop the regime from becoming a nuclear power?

It could happen - and alter the dynamics of the presidential race in the blink of an eye - but only if Israel pulls the trigger. Don't expect the United States to drop bombs anytime soon. The reason: Iran has us over a barrel.

According to Britain's Guardian newspaper, Bush earlier this year nixed an Israeli plan to attack Iran's nuclear facilities. Reportedly, the President said no because we couldn't afford Iranian retaliation against our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan or Iran closing down Persian Gulf shipping. Nonetheless, cynical speculation is now swirling in some quarters that with the financial collapse working against McCain - and Bush's legacy coming into focus - the President might reconsider. Could that tail really wag the dog?

Probably not. The fundamental global power dynamics have not changed. Iran has successfully blackmailed us. Iranian Silkworm missiles could close down Gulf oil exports in a matter of minutes, taking about 17 million barrels a day of oil off world markets. Americans could suddenly be looking at the prospect of $10-$12 for a gallon of gas. If the collapse of Wall Street doesn't push us into a depression, that would. And Bush is right: An angered Iran could punish us with thousands of extra casualties in Iraq and Afghanistan, as Iranian-trained, armed and funded fighters flow back into the war zones with a vengeance.

So, giving the go ahead to Israel would just not be worth it.

But none of this changes the fact that Israel - on its own, without U.S. complicity - is moving closer to a decision to attack Iran, almost by the day.

What many Americans miss is that Iran is a threat to Israel's very existence, not an imagined danger used by politicians for political advantage. Every Israeli city is within range of Iranian/Hezbollah rockets. To make matters worse, since the July 2006 34-day war, Hezbollah may have as much as trebled the number of rockets it has targeted on Israel.

Meantime, Hezbollah has become the de facto state in Lebanon. And lest we forget, Israel lost that July 2006 war to Hezbollah, pulling its troops out of Lebanon without having obtained a single objective. In other words, Israel no longer has its deterrence credibility, the fear that it can decisively retaliate against its enemies.

Israel knows that international diplomacy against Iran up until now has been a farce. Iran called Bush's bluff, ignored sanctions and continued its nuclear program with impunity. And if the Israelis needed another psychological kick in the pants, last week North Korea announced that it is back to building a bomb, likewise with impunity.

Finally, Israel has to calculate that American influence around the world is on the wane. Americans are tired of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. And now, after the war in Georgia, Russia is opening up its flow of weapons to Iran.

Couple all of this with Israel's suspicion that Iran is within only a few short years of having a nuclear bomb, and Israel knows time is not on its side. It is starting to believe that it has no choice but to change its fortunes with arms.

This much is certain. Whether the President is named Bush, McCain or Obama, he will either have to prepare for war in the Gulf or find a way to bring Iran back into the nation-state system. The day of reckoning is near.

I myself think a deal can be cut with Iran. During the last 30 years, Iran has gone from a terrorist, revolutionary power to far more rational, calculating regional hegemon. Its belligerence today has more to do with a weakened United States and Israel than with any plans to start World War III.

The question is what price Iran would exact for a settlement. Or more to the point: Would we prefer to take our chances with an Israeli surprise?

By Robert Baer
Baer, a former CIA case officer, is author of the just-released "The Devil We Know: Dealing with the New Iranian Superpower."


09.30.08 -- Assignation


JOHNWILKESBOOTH (36A. “Sic semper tyrannis!” crier) dashes across today’s crossword, landing smack-dab in the center of the grid, upstaging the interrelated entries of GEIGERCOUNTER (20A. Particle-detecting device) and PERIODICTABLE (54A. Chemistry class poster, perhaps) with the counter and table joining his booth as choices of seating at a restaurant.

Others lurking in the puzzle include 1. “AMAHL” and the Night Visitors”; ANI (52. Singer DiFranco); ASCH (23A. “The Nazarene” novelist Sholem); 52D. Journalist ADELA Rogers St. Johns; a CZAR (58A. Winter Palace figure); IMPS (55D. Little mischief-makers); IRA (34A. Glass of public radio); IRVIN (17A. Wide receiver Michael nicknamed “the Playmaker); MEDEA (14A. Jason jilted her); MMES (60A. Fr. Ladies); NERDS (51D. Dweebs); OMAR (16. Baseball exec Minaya); a SOPH (27D. Jayvee player, maybe); and RIORITA (21D. Abbott and Costello movie based on a Ziegfeld musical).

Longer entries -- AMARETTO (11D. Almond-flavored liqueur); HEIGHTENS (4D. Grows more intense); HYDEPARK (38D. Franklin D. Roosevelt’s birthplace); STETSON (28A. Western topper); MASONIC (31D. Like Knights Templars); 35D. Zero TOLERANCE; and UNDERGO (46A. Be subjected to).

Middle-size -- ACRES (64A. The 40 of “the back 40”) and AREAS (25A. Polygon calculations); ADVICE (3D. “Dear Abby” offering); AMIGAS (1D. Early Commodore computers); ENOLS (61A. Organic compounds); FALCON (6D. Atlanta gridder); GALLEY (48D. Shipboard kitchen); GHENT (50A. Belgian treaty city); KENYA (67A. Home of Barack Obama’s father); MEREST (2D. Most trifling); ODESSA (49D. Ukrainian port city); POWER (10D. Word before tie or lunch); REBORN (47D. Having new vigor); UNION (7D. Bargainer at strike talks); and UNISEX (46D. For all, as a salon).


…and finally, ETTU (8D. Caesarean rebuke), a phrase to please the ear of assassins!


For today’s cartoon, go to The Crossword Puzzle Illustrated.

Click on image to enlarge.

Puzzle available on the internet at

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The Rich Are Staging a Coup This Morning ...


Let me cut to the chase. The biggest robbery in the history of this country is taking place as you read this. Though no guns are being used, 300 million hostages are being taken. Make no mistake about it: After stealing a half trillion dollars to line the pockets of their war-profiteering backers for the past five years, after lining the pockets of their fellow oilmen to the tune of over a hundred billion dollars in just the last two years, Bush and his cronies -- who must soon vacate the White House -- are looting the U.S. Treasury of every dollar they can grab. They are swiping as much of the silverware as they can on their way out the door.

No matter what they say, no matter how many scare words they use, they are up to their old tricks of creating fear and confusion in order to make and keep themselves and the upper one percent filthy rich. Just read the first four paragraphs of the lead story in last Monday's New York Times and you can see what the real deal is:

"Even as policy makers worked on details of a $700 billion bailout of the financial industry, Wall Street began looking for ways to profit from it.

"Financial firms were lobbying to have all manner of troubled investments covered, not just those related to mortgages.

"At the same time, investment firms were jockeying to oversee all the assets that Treasury plans to take off the books of financial institutions, a role that could earn them hundreds of millions of dollars a year in fees.

"Nobody wants to be left out of Treasury's proposal to buy up bad assets of financial institutions."

Unbelievable. Wall Street and its backers created this mess and now they are going to clean up like bandits. Even Rudy Giuliani is lobbying for his firm to be hired (and paid) to "consult" in the bailout.

The problem is, nobody truly knows what this "collapse" is all about. Even Treasury Secretary Paulson admitted he doesn't know the exact amount that is needed (he just picked the $700 billion number out of his head!). The head of the congressional budget office said he can't figure it out nor can he explain it to anyone.

And yet, they are screeching about how the end is near! Panic! Recession! The Great Depression! Y2K! Bird flu! Killer bees! We must pass the bailout bill today!! The sky is falling! The sky is falling!

Falling for whom? NOTHING in this "bailout" package will lower the price of the gas you have to put in your car to get to work. NOTHING in this bill will protect you from losing your home. NOTHING in this bill will give you health insurance.

Health insurance? Mike, why are you bringing this up? What's this got to do with the Wall Street collapse?

It has everything to do with it. This so-called "collapse" was triggered by the massive defaulting and foreclosures going on with people's home mortgages. Do you know why so many Americans are losing their homes? To hear the Republicans describe it, it's because too many working class idiots were given mortgages that they really couldn't afford. Here's the truth: The number one cause of people declaring bankruptcy is because of medical bills. Let me state this simply: If we had had universal health coverage, this mortgage "crisis" may never have happened.

This bailout's mission is to protect the obscene amount of wealth that has been accumulated in the last eight years. It's to protect the top shareholders who own and control corporate America. It's to make sure their yachts and mansions and "way of life" go uninterrupted while the rest of America suffers and struggles to pay the bills. Let the rich suffer for once. Let them pay for the bailout. We are spending 400 million dollars a day on the war in Iraq. Let them end the war immediately and save us all another half-trillion dollars!

I have to stop writing this and you have to stop reading it. They are staging a financial coup this morning in our country. They are hoping Congress will act fast before they stop to think, before we have a chance to stop them ourselves. So stop reading this and do something -- NOW! Here's what you can do immediately:

1. Call or e-mail Senator Obama. Tell him he does not need to be sitting there trying to help prop up Bush and Cheney and the mess they've made. Tell him we know he has the smarts to slow this thing down and figure out what's the best route to take. Tell him the rich have to pay for whatever help is offered. Use the leverage we have now to insist on a moratorium on home foreclosures, to insist on a move to universal health coverage, and tell him that we the people need to be in charge of the economic decisions that affect our lives, not the barons of Wall Street.

2. Take to the streets. Participate in one of the hundreds of quickly-called demonstrations that are taking place all over the country (especially those near Wall Street and DC).

3. Call your Representative in Congress and your Senators. (click here to find their phone numbers). Tell them what you told Senator Obama.

When you screw up in life, there is hell to pay. Each and every one of you reading this knows that basic lesson and has paid the consequences of your actions at some point. In this great democracy, we cannot let there be one set of rules for the vast majority of hard-working citizens, and another set of rules for the elite, who, when they screw up, are handed one more gift on a silver platter. No more! Not again!

Michael Moore

P.S. Having read further the details of this bailout bill, you need to know you are being lied to. They talk about how they will prevent golden parachutes. It says NOTHING about what these executives and fat cats will make in SALARY. According to Rep. Brad Sherman of California, these top managers will continue to receive million-dollar-a-month paychecks under this new bill. There is no direct ownership given to the American people for the money being handed over. Foreign banks and investors will be allowed to receive billion-dollar handouts. A large chunk of this $700 billion is going to be given directly to Chinese and Middle Eastern banks. There is NO guarantee of ever seeing that money again.

P.P.S. From talking to people I know in DC, they say the reason so many Dems are behind this is because Wall Street this weekend put a gun to their heads and said either turn over the $700 billion or the first thing we'll start blowing up are the pension funds and 401(k)s of your middle class constituents. The Dems are scared they may make good on their threat. But this is not the time to back down or act like the typical Democrat we have witnessed for the last eight years. The Dems handed a stolen election over to Bush. The Dems gave Bush the votes he needed to invade a sovereign country. Once they took over Congress in 2007, they refused to pull the plug on the war. And now they have been cowered into being accomplices in the crime of the century. You have to call them now and say "NO!" If we let them do this, just imagine how hard it will be to get anything good done when President Obama is in the White House. THESE DEMOCRATS ARE ONLY AS STRONG AS THE BACKBONE WE GIVE THEM. CALL CONGRESS NOW.

a message from Michael Moore

The Tyranny Of The Law

As we sleep peacefully in our beds at night (some more than others) the drip by drip introduction of the Federal Soviet European Superstate continues apace. Regardless of the Irish `No` vote on the Lisbon Treaty last June.

The existence of an armed European Gendarmerie has been denied and refuted by the Europhile press and mass media across the member states and dismissed as a "Europhobe's Scaremongering Nightmare".

Well, a nightmare is exactly what it is, but we didn't dream it up, they did. Its existence is a fact, documented from EU sources. But throughout the EU there has been a almost total news black regarding it's inception. To my knowledge the only mention of it in the European media was a full-page article by Jason Groves in the Sunday Express on September 2007 and a passing mention in the Telegraph by Philip Johnston on February 2008, It was also the subject of several columns during the Lisbon debate in the House Of Lords (Hansard, col.s 1103-1110, 14/5/8).

At present, the Euro-gendarmes are training, in Vicenza, Italy. But since it is a Pan European Force and the Treaty of Velsen has given it a legal basis under clear EU auspices, it is not going to remain forever in North-East Italy.

In the UK there are serious rumblings of discontent amongst it's citizens as slowly they begin to feel the effects of what has been a massive `Europeanising` of the country's system of justice over the past ten years or so. These `changes` have been introduced under the cover of what is known as `Statutory Instruments`, which simply put is law introduced, and which does not require parliamentary debate.

The countries of continental Europe not only have a tradition of criminal justice that is completely different to that of the UK (no habeas corpus, no trial by jury, etc.). They also have a totally different tradition of policing. The Police Forces of Europe are based on a common "military root", and the EU gendarmerie displays this proudly in its emblem, with a flaming grenade.

To the British, this is a very foreign ideal and not one which would be likely to sit well with a population more prone to acts of heated demonstration. The potential for massive civil disorder is obvious. The moment these Gendarmes take to the streets of Britain, confrontation will be inevitable.

These officers will look like soldiers to the British public, with their battle helmets and their heavy automatic rifles. Police in mainland European countries are routinely armed and carry lethal weapons at all times. British Police Officers are generally unarmed.

Police in many if not all European countries are organised very much like the Military with similar Officer ranks such as `Colonel` and `General`. The command and control structure is national and centrally organised by the national government. Officers are transferred to parts of the country other than their own place of origin, so each city will be patrolled by `strangers` with no ties to the local community. The British Police are by tradition locally recruited, and locally accountable. The primary duties of a UK Constable are `The protection of life and property, the prevention and detection of crime, and the prosecution of offenders against the peace`.

The Euro-gendarmerie practise street-fighting tactics in battle formation. They can fire tear-gas grenades over the heads of, or straight into, a crowd to disperse them, or utilise rubber, or more usually lead bullets, with lethal effect. Random deaths from police gunfire have occurred over recent years in Italy and in Sweden during G8 and other protests. When ordered the Gendarmes will charge forward swinging their batons and anybody who gets in their way is likely to be seriously injured. European police forces are not so familiar with the concept of "policing by consent".

The fact that they have different nationalities drilling side by side is intended to `harmonise` the national forces, creating a unified European Service. The primary function of this new Gendarmerie will be uphold the authority of the EU State. It is based on that operational section in each continental police force which specialises in crowd control and dispersal. `Upholding the authority of the State` means primarily putting down manifestations of civil unrest and dealing with protests and demonstrations.

Of course the big question is; "Will they ever be deployed on the streets of the individual members states"? And this is where all Europhiles and Eurosceptics go into denial. Of course they will. Perhaps not yet, but come the day when Federalisation is forced upon the citizens of Europe, you can be guaranteed that they will be out in force and if you live in Denmark for instance, don't expect to be dealing with a Dane, because just as illustrated above, the individual officers will be moved, not to another town, but another country or EU region.

As things stand at present the EU could not deploy them, because Justice and Home Affairs is still a member state's prerogative - what is called a "third pillar competency". If the EU tries to legislate on the matter, each member state can wield a veto. But this will change if the Lisbon Treaty is finally ratified. With that most erroneous treaty in place, justice and home affairs throughout all member states will become an EU competence, like practically everything else. And let us not forget that justice and home affairs are the heart of state power, for it includes the right to use physical force on the citizens, to put people in prison and take away their liberty. When the EU assumes this power, it ceases to be an association of sovereign states, and becomes at last a state in its own right, with powers to repress directly all behaviour it considers or legislates as being undesirable by citizens of any member state.

Throughout the EU, deceitful and lying Europhile politicians are saying that they have obtained certain assurances safeguarding national autonomy . But several of the `bloc's` senior international lawyers still left with a conscience, have said these `assurances` will not be worth the paper they are written on. They will be subject to the interpretation of the European Court of Justice and an opt-out can be readily turned into an opt-in with no need to go through a parliamentary debate and vote. The various parliaments will hand over supreme authority to Brussels. Once that has happened there can be no going back under EU legal doctrine.

Article 6.3 of the Treaty of Velsen allows the EU gendarmerie to be deployed in another EU State with the simple "consent" of that state. The presence of the Euro-gendarmerie within the once sovereign borders of any or all member states will be what makes the whole EU process physically irreversible. It will not be enough for the once democratically elected national governments to pass an Act repealing the ECA72 and then to simply "tell" them to go. By that time, they will be subject only to Brussels, and will obey only decisions taken there and decisions taken by majority voting. It would require physical force to eject them. The peoples of Europe must be warned.

Another little `bi product` of all this is the `European Arrest Warrant` which means that if you are found guilty in your absence by a court in any EU member state, your government will have no option but to extradite you to serve your prison sentence there. A measure passed by the European Parliament some weeks ago, would mean that no member state could refuse to extradite an individual sought by another member state - even if that individual had been sentenced after a trial at which he was not present, and could not defend himself, and may not even have known about. The right to defend yourself in person is "not absolute", says the new regulation, so the EU has decided it can be dispensed with, when doing so increases "efficiency".

The perceived and falsely propagated threat of terrorism has been diabolically successful in getting countries to accept Pan-European steps to integrate procedures for criminal justice. The `planners` behind 9/11 and the bogus war on terror could hardly have dreamt how much their machinations and manipulations would achieve in such a short space of time.

Ref: Bob Spink MP `Here Come The Eurocops`.

" The Matrix is a system, and that system is our enemy. When you are inside it, you look around and what do you see? Businessmen, Teachers, Lawyers, Carpenters. The very minds of the people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are part of that system and that makes them our enemies. You have to understand that most of these people are not ready to be `unplugged`. And many are so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to defend it ".

By Philip Jones


Protests on Wall Street - what the news media isn’t showing you

Protests took place on Wall St. to protest the bail out plan - and the mainstream news media didn’t even mention it.

Hundreds of protestors demonstrated agains the proposed $700 Billion bail out plan for the finance and banking industry, yet the national news media in America didn’t even report it! Why not? It seems strange that this barely generated a gander from the big news outlets like ABC, CNN, CBS, NBC etc. all of whom have a presence in New York City. Despite having such a large protest event occurring in their backyard, the major news media chose not to tell the American people about it. I had to stumble upon this on the internet to find out about it. That’s really indicative of the pathetic state of affairs in the U.S. media today.

Anyway, in case you haven’t seen it, I have collected a bunch of video from the protests on Wall Street (Sept. 25) and posted them below. Have a look at what the news media DIDN’T show you! Warning: some of the protest videos contain profanity. Hubpages

Human Rights Watch in Venezuela: Lies, Crimes and Cover-ups

Human Rights Watch, a US-based group claiming to be a non-governmental organization, but which is in fact funded by government-linked quasi-private foundations and a Congressional funded political propaganda organization, the National Endowment for Democracy, has issued a report “A Decade Under Chavez: Political Intolerance and Lost Opportunities for Advancing Human Rights in Venezuela” (9/21/2008 hrw.org). The publication of the “Report” directed by Jose Miguel Vivanco and sub-director Daniel Walkinson led to their expulsion from Venezuela for repeated political-partisan intervention in the internal affairs of the country.

A close reading of the “Report” reveals an astonishing number of blatant falsifications and outright fabrications, glaring deletions of essential facts, deliberate omissions of key contextual and comparative considerations and especially a cover-up of systematic long-term, large-scale security threats to Venezuelan democracy posed by Washington.

We will proceed by providing some key background facts about HRW and Vivanco in order to highlight their role and relations to US imperial power. We will then comment on their methods, data collection and exposition. We will analyze each of HRW charges and finally proceed to evaluate their truth and propaganda value.

Background on Vivanco and HRW

Jose Miguel Vivanco served as a diplomatic functionary under the bloody Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet between 1986-1989, serving no less as the butcher’s rabid apologist before the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights. His behavior was particularly egregious during the regime’s brutal repression of a mass popular uprising in the squatter settlements of Santiago in 1986-1987. With the return of electoral politics (democracy) in Chile, Vivanco took off to Washington where he set up his own NGO, the Center for Justice and International Law, disguising his right-wing affinities and passing himself off as a ‘human rights’ advocate. In 1994 he was recruited by former US federal prosecutor, Kenneth Roth, to head up the ‘Americas Division’ of Human Rights Watch. HRW demonstrated a real capacity to provide a ‘human rights’ gloss to President Clinton’s policy of ‘humanitarian imperialism’. Roth promoted and supported Clinton’s two-month bombing, destruction and dismemberment of Yugoslavia. HRW covered up the ethnic cleansing of Serbs in Kosovo by the notorious Albanian terrorists and gangsters of the Kosovo Liberation Army and the unprecedented brutal transfer of over 200,000 ethnic Serbs from the Krajina region of Croatia. HRW backed Clinton’s sanctions against Iraq leading to the deaths of over 500,000 Iraqi children. Nowhere did the word ‘genocide’ ever appear in reference to the US Administrations massive destruction of Iraq causing hundreds of thousands of premature deaths.

HRW supported the US invasion and occupation of Afghanistan where Kenneth Roth advised the US generals on how to secure the colonial occupation by avoiding massive civilian deaths. In words and deeds, HRW has played an insidious role as backer and adviser of US imperial intervention, providing the humanitarian ideological cover while issuing harmless and inconsequential reports criticizing ‘ineffective’ excesses, which ‘undermine’ imperial dominance.

HRW most notorious intervention was its claim that Israel’s murderous destruction of the Palestinian city of Jenin was ‘not genocidal’ and thus provided the key argument for the US and Israeli blocking of a UN humanitarian mission and investigative report. As in all of its ‘research’ their report was deeply colored by selective interviews and observations which understated the brutality and killings of Palestinian civilians by the Israeli state – even while the fanatics who run the major pro-Israel organizations accused HRW of bias for even mentioning a single murdered Palestinian.


HRW currently makes a big play of its widespread interviews of a broad cross section of Venezuelan political and civic society government and opposition groups, as well as its consultation of most available documents. Yet the Report on Venezuela does not reflect anything of the sort. There is no careful, straightforward presentation of the government’s elaboration and justification for its actions, no academic critiques of the anti-democratic actions of anti-Chavez mass media; no discussion of the numerous journalists’ accounts which expose systematic US intervention. The Report simply records and reproduces uncritically the claims, arguments and charges of the principle publicists of the opposition while dismissing out of hand any documented counter-claims. In other words, Vivanco and company act as lawyers for the opposition rather than as serious and objective investigators pursuing a balanced and convincing evaluation of the status of democracy in Venezuela.

The political propaganda intent of Vivanco-HRW is evident in the timing of their ‘investigations’ and the publication of their propaganda screeds. Each and every previous HRW hostile ‘report’ has been publicized just prior to major conflicts threatening Venezuelan democratic institutions. In February 2002, barely two months before the US backed military coup against Chavez, HRW joined the chorus of coup planners in condemning the Chavez regimes for undermining the ‘separation of powers’ and calling for the intervention of the Organization of American States. After the coup was defeated through the actions of millions of Venezuelan citizens and loyalists military officers, HRW moved quickly to cover its tracks by denouncing the coup – but subsequently defended the media moguls, trade union bureaucrats and business elites who promoted the coup from prosecution, claiming the coup promoters were merely exercising their ‘human rights’. HRW provides a novel meaning to ‘human rights’ when it includes the right to violently overthrow a democratic government by a military coup d’etat.

Following the military coup in 2002 and the bosses’ lockout of 2003, HRW published a report condemning efforts to impose constitutional constraints on the mass media’s direct involvement in promoting violent actions by opposition groups or terrorists. President Chavez’ “Law for Social Responsibility in Radio and Television” provided greater constitutional guarantee for freedom of speech than most Western European capitalist democracies and was far less restrictive than the measures approved and implemented in Bush’s US Patriot Act, which HRW has never challenged, let alone mounted any campaign against.

Just prior to the political referenda in 2004 and 2007, HRW issued further propaganda broadsides which were almost identical in wording to the opposition (in fact HRW ‘Reports’ were widely published and circulated by all the leading opposition mass media). HRW defended the ‘right’ of the US National Endowment for Democracy to pour millions of dollars to fund opposition ‘NGO’s’, such as SUMATE, accusing the Chavez government of undermining ‘civil society’ organizations. Needless to say, similar activity in the US by an NGO on behalf of any foreign government (with the unique exception of Israel) would require the NGO to register as a foreign agent under very strict US Federal laws; failure to do so would lead to federal prosecution and a jail term of up to 5 years. Apparently, HRW’s self-promoted ‘credibility’ as an international ‘humanitarian’ organization protects it from being invidiously compared to an agent of imperialist propaganda.

HRW: Five Dimensional Propaganda

The HRW Report on Venezuela focuses on five areas of politics and society to make its case that democracy in Venezuela is being undermined by the Presidency of Hugo Chavez: political discrimination, the courts, the media, organized labor and civil society.

1.Political Discrimination

- The Report charges that the government has fired and blacklisted political opponents from some state agencies and from the national oil company.

- Citizen access to social programs is denied based on their political opinions.

- There is discrimination against media outlets, labor unions and civil society in response to legitimate criticism or political activity.

Between December 2002 and 2003, following the failure of the military coup of the previous April, the major business organizations, senior executives of the state oil company and sectors of the trade union bureaucracy organized a political lockout shutting down the oil industry, paralyzing production through sabotage of its computer-run operations and distribution outlets in a publicly stated effort to deny government revenues (80% of which come from oil exports) and overthrow the democratically elected government. After 3 months and over $20 billion dollars in lost revenues and hundreds of millions of dollars in damage to machinery, with the aid of the majority of production workers and technicians, the bosses ‘lockout’ was defeated. Those officials and employees engaged in the political lockout and destruction of equipment and computers were fired. The government followed normal procedures backed by the majority of oil workers, who opposed the lockout, and dismissed the executives and their supporters in order to defend the national patrimony and social and investment programs from the self-declared enemies of an elected government. No sane, competent, constitutional lawyer, international human rights lawyer, UN commissioner or the International Court official considered the action of the Venezuelan government in this matter to constitute ‘political discrimination’. Even the US State Department, at that time, did not object to the firing of their allies engaged in economic sabotage. HRW, on the other hand, is more Pope than the Pope.

Nothing captures the ludicrous extremism of the HRW than its charge that citizens are denied access to social programs. Every international organization involved in assessing and developing large social programs, including UNESCO, the World Health Organization and the UN Food and Agricultural Organization, have praised the extent and quality of the coverage of the social programs instituted by the Chavez government covering 60% of the population and almost 100% of the poor. Since approximately between 20-30% of the poor still vote for the opposition, it is clear that needy citizens critical of the government have equal access to social programs, including food subsidies, free health care and education. This social safety net is more inclusive than ever before in the history of Venezuela. In fact some of the poor suburbs of Caracas, like Catia, which voted down the 2007 referendum, are major recipients of large-scale, long-term social assistance programs.

Only scoundrels or the ill informed could be convinced of the HRW charge of discrimination against mass media outlets, labor unions and civil society groups. The opposition controls 95% of the newspapers, a majority of the television and radio outlets and frequencies, with the widest national circulation. The government has ‘broken’ the ruling class monopoly on information by funding two major TV stations and a growing number of community based radio stations.

There are more trade union members and greater trade union participation in enterprises, internal debates and free elections than ever before under previous regimes. Rival lists and intense competition for office between pro and anti-government lists are common in the trade unions confederation (UNT). The entire HRW ‘Report’ is based on complaints from the authoritarian CTV(Confederation of Venezuelan Workers/Confederacion de Trabajadores de Venezuela) bureaucrats who have lost most of their supporters and are discredited because of their role in supporting the bloody April 2002 coup. They are universally disdained; militant workers have not forgotten their corruption and gangster tactics when they collaborated with previous rightwing regimes and employers.

2. The Courts

HWR claims that President Chavez has “effectively neutralized the judiciary as an independent branch of government”. The claim that the judiciary was ‘independent’ is a new argument for HRW – because a decade earlier when Chavez’ 1999 constitution was approved by referendum, HRW decried the ‘venality, corruption and bias of the entire judicial system’. After years of releasing the leaders of the 2002 coup, postponing rulings and undermining positive legislation by elected legislative bodies and after revelations of high and lower court bribe taking, the Government finally implemented a series of democratically approved reforms, expanding and renewing the judicial system. The fact that the new court appointees do not follow the past practices of the opposition-appointed judges has evoked hysterical cries by HRW that the new reformed courts ‘threaten fundamental rights’. The most bizarre claim by HRM is that the Supreme Court did not ‘counter’ a 2007 constitutional reform package. In fact the Supreme Court approved the placing of constitutional reforms to a popular referendum in which the Chavez government was narrowly defeated. The Venezuelan Supreme Court subsequently respected the popular verdict – unlike US Supreme Court, which overturned the popular vote in the 2000 and 2004 Presidential elections, a constitutional crime against the popular will, which Kenneth Roth, Vivanco and the rest of HRW have yet to condemn.

3. The Media

Every outside media specialist has been highly critical of the advocacy of violent action (leading up to the coup) and gross falsifications and libelous ‘reports’ (including racist epithets against Hugo Chavez) propagated by the ruling class-dominated mass media. A single opposition television network just had one of its many outlets suspended for openly backing the opposition military seizure of power, an action that any Western capitalist democracy would have taken in the wake of a violent uprising. HRW did not, has not and will not condemn the arrest of dozens of US and international journalists, some brutally beaten, covering the Republican and Democratic Presidential Conventions. Nothing even remotely resembling the extraordinary powers of ‘preventive detention’ of journalists by the US Homeland Security/local and state police forces exists in Venezuela. The wanton destruction of journalists’ cameras and tape recorders by the police at the US Republican Party Convention would be un-imaginable in Venezuela today. In contrast the only offense prosecuted in Venezuela against the media is the act of supporting and advocating violence aimed at overthrowing democratic institutions. Like all countries, Venezuela has laws dealing with libel and slander; these are far weaker than any comparable statutes in the countries upholding the tradition of the Magna Carta. HRW blatantly falsifies reality by claiming state control of the print media: All one needs to do is peruse any newsstand in Venezuela to see a multiplicity of lurid anti-government headlines, or tune into the radio or television stations and view news accounts that compete for the worst anti-Chavez propaganda found in the US Fox News or CNN.

4. Organized Labor

HRW claims that the Venezuelan government has violated ‘basic principles of freedom of association’ because it requires state oversight and certification of union elections and that by denying the right to bargain collectively to non-certified unions, it undermines workers’ rights to freely join the union of their choosing and to strike. Practically every government in the West has rules and regulations regarding oversight and certification of union elections, none more onerous than the US starting with the Taft-Hartley Act of the 1940’s and the ‘Right to Work’ Laws current in many states, which have reduced the percentage of unionized workers in the private sector to less than 3%. In contrast, during the Chavez Presidency, the number of unionized workers has more than doubled, in large part because new labor legislation and labor officials have reduced employer prerogatives to arbitrarily fire unionized workers. The only union officials who have been ‘decertified’ are those who were involved in the violent coup of April 2002 and the employers lockout intended to overthrow the government, suspend the constitution and undermine the very existence of free unions. Former Pinochet official Jose Miguel Vivanco delicately overlooks the gangsterism, thuggery and fraudulent election procedures, which ran rampant under the previous rightwing Venezuelan labor confederation, CTV. It was precisely to democratize voting procedures and to break the stranglehold of the old-guard trade union bosses that the government monitors oversaw union elections, many of which had multi-tendency candidates, unfettered debates and free voting for the first time.

I attended union meetings and interviewed high level CTV trade unions officials in 1970, 1976 and 1978 and found high levels of open vote buying, government and employer interference and co-optation, collaboration with the CIA-funded American Institute of Free Labor Development and large-scale pilfering of union pension funds, none of which was denounced by HRW. I attended the founding of the new Venezuelan union confederation, Union Nacional de Trabajadores (UNT) in 2003 and a subsequent national congress. I have witness a totally different unionism, a shift from government-run ‘corporate’ business unionism to independent social movement unionism with a decidedly class oriented approach. The UNT is a multi-tendency confederation in which diverse currents compete, with varying degrees of support and opposition to the Chavez Government. There are few impediments to strikes and there is a high degree of independent political action with no inhibition to workers resorting to strikes in order to demand the ouster of pro-employer labor officials.

For example, this year, steel workers in the Argentine-owned firm SIDOR, went on strike several times protesting private sector firings (HRW, of course never discussed private sector violations of workers rights). Because the Venezuelan Labor Minister tended to take the side of the employers, the steelworkers marched into a meeting where Chavez was speaking and demanded the dismissal of his Minister. After conferring with the workers’ leaders, Chavez fired the Labor Minister, expropriated the steel plant and accepted workers demands for trade union co-management. Never in Venezuelan labor history have workers exercised this degree of labor influence in nationalized plants. There is no doubt that there are government officials who would like to ‘integrate’ labor unions closer to the state; the new unionists do spend too much time in internal debates and internecine struggles instead of organizing the informal and temporary worker sectors. But one fact stands out: Unionized and non-unionized Venezuelan workers have experienced greater social welfare payments, rising living standards, greater job protection and greater free choice in union affiliation than any previous period in their history. It is ironic that Vivanco, who never raised a word against Pinochet’s anti-labor policies, an uncritical apologist of the AFL-CIO (the declining and least effective labor confederation in the industrialized West), should launch a full-scale attack on the fastest growing, independent and militant trade union movement in the Western hemisphere. Needless to say, Vivanco avoids any comparative analysis, least of all between Venezuelan and US labor over the spread of union organizing, internal democracy and labor representation in industry, social benefits and influence over government policy. Nor does HRW refer to the positive assessment by independent international labor organizations regarding union and labor advances under the Chavez Presidency.

5. Civil Society and HRW: The Mother of All Perversities

Jose Miguel Vivanco, who kept quiet during his years as a state functionary serving the Chilean dictator Pinochet, while thousands of protestors were beaten, jailed and even tortured and killed and courageous human rights groups were routinely assaulted, shamelessly claims that President Chavez has adopted “an aggressively adversarial approach to local rights advocates and civil society organization.”

President Chavez has actively promoted a multitude of independent, democratically elected community councils with over 3 million affiliated members, mostly from the poorest half of the population. He has devolved decision-making power to the councils, bypassing the party-dominated municipal and state officials, unlike previous regimes and US AID programs, which channeled funds through loyal local bosses and clients. Never has Venezuela witnessed more intense sustained organization, mobilization and activity of civil society movements. This cuts across the political spectrum, from pro-Chavez to pro-oligarch neighborhood, civic, working class and upper class groups. Nowhere in the world are US-funded groups, engaged in overt extra-parliamentary and even violent confrontations with elected officials, tolerated to the degree that they enjoy freedom of action as in Venezuela. In the US, foreign-funded organizations (with the exception of Israeli-funded groups) are required to register and refrain from engaging in electoral campaigning, let alone in efforts to destabilize legitimately constitutional government agencies. In contrast, Venezuela asked the minimum of foreign government-funded self-styled NGOs in requiring them to register their source of funding and comply with the rules of their constitution, that is, to stay out of virulent partisan political action. Today, as yesterday, all the ‘civil society’ organizations, including these funded by the US, which routinely attack the Chavez government, can operate freely, publish, assemble and demonstrate unimpeded. Their fundamental complaint, echoed by HRW, is that the Chavez government and its supporters criticize them: According to the new HRW definition of civil society freedom,the opposition has the right to attack the government - but not the other way around; some countries can register foreign-funded organizations - but not Venezuela; and some government can jail terrorists and coup-makers and identify and criticize their accomplices – but not Venezuela. The grotesque double-standard, practiced by Human Rights Watch, reveals their political allegiances: Blind to the vices of the US as it descends into a police state and equally blind to the virtues of a growing participatory democracy in Venezuela.

The ‘Report’ contains egregious omissions. It fails to mention that Venezuela, under President Chavez, has experienced twelve internationally supervised and approved elections, including several presidential, congressional and municipal elections, referenda and recall elections. These have been the cleanest elections in Venezuelan history and certainly with more honest vote counting than one would find in the US presidential contests.

The ‘Report’ fails to report on the serious security threats including the recording of phone conversations of active and retired high military officials planning to violently seize power and assassinate President Chavez. Under the extraordinary degree of tolerance in Venezuela, not a single constitutional right has been suspended. In the US, similar terrorist actions and plans would have led to a state of emergency and the probable pre-emptive mass incarceration of thousands of government critics and activists. HRW ignores and downplays security threats to Venezuelan democracy – whether it involves armed incursions from Colombian paramilitary groups allied with the pro-US Venezuelan opposition, the assassination of the chief federal prosecutor Danilo Anderson who was investigating the role of the opposition in the bloody coup of April 2002, the US-backed secessionist movement in the state of Zulia, the collusion of the mass media with violent student mobs in assaulting Chavez supporters on campus or the economic sabotage and panic caused by the private sector’s hoarding of essential food and other commodities in the lead-up to the 2007 referendum.

One of Vivanco’s most glaring omissions is the contrast between Venezuela’s open society approach to the hundreds of thousands of undocumented immigrant workers from Colombia and the US authoritarian practice of criminalizing its undocumented laborers. While the US Homeland Security and Immigration police have implemented arbitrary mass arrests, assaults and deportation of working heads of immigrant families – leaving their wives and children vulnerable to destitution, Chavez has awarded over a million undocumented Colombian immigrant workers and family members with residency papers and the opportunity for citizenship.

HRW has yet to protest Washington’s brutal denial of human rights to its Latin American and Asian immigrant workers in recent months. HRW did not issue a single protest when US-backed local oligarch politicians, local government officials and racist gangs in Bolivia went on a rampage and slaughtered three dozen unarmed Indian peasant workers. Vivanco’s squalid selective slandering of Venezuela is only exceeded by his systematic silence when there are abuses involving US collaboraters!


The Human Rights Watch Report on Venezuela is a crude propaganda document that, even in its own terms, lacks the minimum veneer of ‘balance’, which the more sophisticated ‘humanitarian’ imperialists have put out in the past. The omissions are monumental: No mention of President Chavez’ programs which have reduced poverty over the past decade from more than 60% to less than 30%; no recognition of the universal health system which has provided health care to 16 million Venezuelan citizens and residents who were previously denied even minimal access; and no acknowledgment of the subsidized state-run grocery stores which supply the needs of 60% of the population who can now purchase food at 40% of the private retail price.

HRW’s systematic failure to mention the advances experienced by the majority of Venezuelan citizens, while peddling outright lies about civic repression , is characteristic of this mouthpiece of Empire. Its gross distortion about labor rights makes this report a model for any high school or college class on political propaganda.

The widespread coverage and uncritical promotion and citation of the ‘Report’ (and the expulsion of its US-based authors for gross intervention on behalf of the opposition) by all the major newspapers from the New York Times, to Le Monde in France, the London Times, La Stampa in Italy and El Pais in Spain gives substance to the charge that the Report was meant to bolster the US effort to isolate Venezuela rather than pursue legitimate humanitarian goals in Venezuela.

The major purpose of the HRW ‘Report’ was to intervene in the forthcoming November municipal and state elections on the side of the far-right opposition. The ‘Report’ echoes verbatim the unfounded charges and hysterical claims of the candidates supported by the far right and the Bush Administration. HRW always manages to pick the right time to issue their propaganda bromides. Their reports mysteriously coincide with US intervention in electoral processes and destabilization campaigns. In Venezuela today the Report has become one of the most widely promoted propaganda documents of the leading rightist anti-Chavez candidates.

For the partisans of democracy, human rights and self-determination, every effort should be made to expose the insidious role of HRW and its Pinochetista propagandist, Vivanco, for what they are – publicists and promoters of US-backed clients who have given ‘human rights’ a dirty name.

Professor Petras latest book Zionism,Militarism And the Decline of U.S Power(clarity press Atlanta) - August 2008


Human Rights Watch Attempts to Pass Off Israeli Cluster Bombs as Russian

Insider describes zionist control of Amnesty International
