J. P. Morgan was a Rothschild agent. When he died, it was discovered that he was not nearly so wealthy as was commonly believed. The wealth he had supposedly controlled in fact ended up in the coffers of the Rothschilds.[1] After the banking crises of the early Twentieth Century, Morgan acted as a scapegoat for the Jews who had deliberately caused these crises.
The highly corrupt Zionist Jews Louis Dembitz Brandeis, a known Frankist Jew,[2] and Samuel Untermyer, who declared war on Germany on behalf of World Jewry in 1933, used Morgan and the debilitating panic of 1907, which the Jewish bankers had deliberately caused, to force the American public into clamoring for banking reforms.[3] As so often happens, corrupt Jews investigated themselves and scapegoated the Goyim for their Jewish crimes, sending off the Goyish goat into the wilderness as a gift to the Devil, whom the Jews believe will then act as their agent with God absolving them of their sins and subverting Gentile interests.[4]
The Jews' goals were to institute the Federal Reserve Act and to consolidate the banks under their virtual monopoly. In this way, the Jews were able to finance World War One and profit from it, while driving European Gentiles into ruin. They also set America up for the "Great Depression" of the 1930's, and profited from it, as well. Louis Brandeis blackmailed Woodrow Wilson into bringing America into WW I on the side of the British. Zionist Jews also saw to it that FDR brought America into the Second World War, while ensuring that European Jews would find no welcome in America.
Congressman Charles A. Lindbergh Sr. was very aware of the fact that the bankers had deliberately caused the panic in 1907 in order to make the public clamor for banking reforms, banking reforms the bankers would draft which would give them complete control over the money supply and wipe out the lower level, but numerous, competing banks,,
"When the Aldrich-Vreeland Emergency Currency Bill was sprung on the House in its finished draft and ready for action to be taken, the debate was limited to three hours and Banker Vreeland placed in charge. It took so long for copies of the bill to be gotten that many members were unable to secure a copy until within a few minutes of the time to vote. No member who wished to present the people's side of the case was given sufficient time to enable him to properly analyze the bill. I asked for time and was told that if I would vote for the bill it would be given me, but not otherwise. Others were treated in the same way.Accordingly, on June 30, 1908, the Money Trust won the first fight and the Aldrich-Vreeland Emergency Law was placed on the statute books. Thus the first precedent was established for the people's guarantee of the rich man's watered securities, by making them a basis on which to issue currency. It was the entering wedge. We had already guaranteed the rich men's money, and now, by this act, the way was opened, and it was intended that we should guarantee their watered stocks and bonds. Of course, they were too keen to attempt to complete, in a single act, such an enormous steal as it would have been if they had included all they hoped ultimately to secure. They knew that they would be caught at it if they did, and so it was planned that the whole thing should be done by a succession of acts. The first three have taken place.
Act No. 1 was the manufacture, between 1896 and 1907, through stock gambling, speculation and other devious methods and devices, of tens of billions of watered stocks, bonds, and securities.
Act No. 2 was the panic of 1907, by which those not favorable to the Money Trust could be squeezed out of business and the people frightened into demanding changes in the banking and currency laws which the Money Trust would frame.
The Act No. 3 was the passage of the Aldrich-Vreeland Emergency Currency Bill, by which the Money Trust interests should have the privilege of securing from the Government currency on their watered bonds and securities. But while the act contained no authority to change the form of the bank notes, the U. S. Treasurer (in some way that I have been unable to find a reason for) implied authority and changed the form of bank notes which were issued for the banks on government bonds. These notes had hitherto had printed on them, 'This note is secured by bonds of the United States.' He changed it to read as follows: 'This note is secured by bonds of the United States or other securities.' 'Or other securities' is the addition that was secured by special interests. The infinite care the Money Trust exercises in regard to important detail work is easily seen in this piece of management. By that change it was enabled to have the form of the money issued in its favor on watered bonds and securities, the same as bank notes secured on government bonds, and, as a result, the people do not know whether they get one or the other. None of the $500,000,000 printed and lying in the U. S. Treasury ready to float on watered bonds and securities has yet (April, 1913) been used. But it is there, maintained at a public charge, as a guarantee to the Money Trust that it may use it in case it crowds speculation beyond the point of its control. The banks may take it to prevent their own failures, but there is not even so much as a suggestion that it may be used to help keep the industries of the people in a state of prosperity.
The main thing, however, that the Money Trust accomplished as a result of the passing of this act was the appointment of the National Monetary Commission, the membership of which was chiefly made up of bankers, their agents and attorneys, who have generally been educated in favor of, and to have a community interest with, the Money Trust. The National Monetary Commission was placed in charge of the same Senator Nelson W. Aldrich and Congressman Edward B. Vreeland, who respectively had charge in the Senate and House during the passage of the act creating it.
The act authorized this commission to spend money without stint or account. It spent over $300,000 in order to learn how to form a plan by which to create a greater money trust, and it afterwards recommended Congress to give this proposed trust a fifty-year charter by means of which it could rob and plunder all humanity. A bill for that purpose was introduced by members of the Monetary Commission, and its passage planned to be the fourth and final act of the campaign to completely enslave the people.
The fourth act, however, is in process of incubation only, and it is hoped that by this time we realize the danger that all of us are in, for it is the final proposed legislation which, if it succeeds, will place us in the complete control of the moneyed interests. History records nothing so dramatic in design, nor so skillfully manipulated, as this attempt to create the National Reserve Association,—otherwise called the Aldrich plan,—and no fact nor occurrence contemplated for the gaining of selfish ends is recorded in the world's records which equals the beguiling methods of this colossal undertaking. Men, women, and children have been equally unconscious of how stealthily this greatest of all giant octopuses,—a greater Money Trust,—is reaching out its tentacles in its efforts to bind all humanity in perpetual servitude to the greedy will of this monster.
I was in Congress when the Panic of 1907 occurred, but I had previously familiarized myself with many of the ways of high financiers. As a result of what I discovered in that study, I set about to expose the Money Trust, the world's greatest financial giant. I knew that I could not succeed unless I could bring public sentiment to my aid. I had to secure that or fail. The Money Trust had laid its plans long before and was already executing them. It was then, and still is, training the people themselves to demand the enactment of the Aldrich Bill or a bill similar in effect. Hundreds of thousands of dollars had already been spent and millions were reserved to be used in the attempt to bring about a condition of public mind that would cause demand of the passage of the bill. If no other methods succeeded, it was planned to bring on a violent panic and to rush the bill through during the distress which would result from the panic. It was figured that the people would demand new banking and currency laws; that it would be impossible for them to get a definitely practical plan before Congress when they were in an excited state and that, as a result, the Aldrich plan would slip safely through. It was designed to pass that bill in the fall of 1911 or 1912."--C. A. Lindbergh, Banking and Currency and The Money Trust, National Capital Press, Washington, D.C., (1913), pp. 92-98.
The Jews are again setting up a scenario whereby they will investigate themselves, institute the policies and agencies they seek, consolidate the banks under their control, and scapegoat the Goyim for their crimes. The Jews will then instigate World War III. For years, I have expected the events which are taking place today. In my book The Manufacture and Sale of Saint Einstein, which I published in May of 2006, I wrote at page 1000, inter alia,
"In 1913, the creation of the Federal Reserve together with the creation of the Federal Income Tax made war an immensely profitable venture. The Jewish bankers had at last a means to tax the American People and heat up the economy and then collapse it in the Great Depression by contracting the money supply, which created a wonderful buying opportunity for them in that it forced others to sell and yet maintained the value of the bankers' money enabling them to buy up whatever they wanted to buy.It appears that another trap is today being set for the American Public. Americans will be asked to chose between the gold standard as one panacea, or an international currency issuing from a central world bank as another panacea. Either option could ruin the nation. Poseurs serving the interests of the Jewish bankers, bankers who are driven by greed and religious fervor to place all of the wealth of the world in Jewish hands, will step forward and ridicule the bankers and the Federal Reserve and might even scapegoat all Jews including assimilated Jews. These propagandists will be the agents of the bankers themselves and they will offer up the poisoned fruit of the gold standard. Jewish bankers control most of the gold in the world and if America were to adopt the gold standard it would transfer America’s wealth into the hands of Jewish bankers. America would lose its sovereignty to the prophesied Jewish world government and ultimately the gold will be melted down and shipped to Jerusalem severely contracting the money supply and destroying all Gentile economies (Genesis 47).
America's gold should be recovered by legal and military means and reparations and damages, as well as the principal and accrued interest stolen from the American economy by Jewish bankers should be recovered. However, the method of securing the lasting value of American money most likely to succeed is for the American Government to issue its own notes and so pay down the debt without accruing more debt. This cannot be done by adopting a gold standard.
J. P. Morgan served the interests of the Zionists by funding England in the war, which tied America to it in the minds of the public, and by financing the American war machine. He made immense profits doing it, most of which ended up in the hands of the Jewish bankers, who ultimately served Rothschild, King of the Jews. The newspapers were edited and staffed by a disproportionate number of Jews. At the end of Morgan's life, it was discovered that most of the monies thought to be controlled by him found their way back to the Rothschilds."
1).E. C. Mullins, Secrets of the Federal Reserve: The London Connection, Bankers Research Institute, Staunton, Virginia, (1983); and The Federal Reserve Conspiracy, Common Sense, Union, New Jersey, (1954); and A Study of the Federal Reserve, Kasper and Horton, New York, (1952).
2). A. Hertzberg, The Jews in America: Four Centuries of an Uneasy Encounter: A History, Simon and Schuster, New York, (1989), p. 218.
3). On Untermyer, see: Corp Author: United States., Congress., House., Committee on rules., Investigation of the Money Trust. No. 1-[2] Hearings Before the Committee on Rules of the House of Representatives, on House Resolutions 314 and 356. Friday, January 26, 1912., Washington, D. C., U. S. Govt. Print. Off., (1912). See also: Corp Author: United States., Congress., House., Committee on Banking and Currency., Money Trust Investigation. . . Statistical and Other Information Compiled under Direction of the Committee., Washington, D. C., U. S. Govt. Print. Off., (1912). See also: A. P. Pujo and Arsène Paulin and E. A. Hayes. Corp Author: United States., Congress., House., Committee on Banking and Currency, Money Trust Investigation. Investigation of Financial and Monetary Conditions in the United States under House Resolutions Nos.429 and 504, Before a Subcommittee of the Committee on Banking and Currency., Washington, D. C., U. S. Govt. Print. Off., (1913). See also: J. G. Milburn, W. F. Taylor, Money Trust Investigation: Brief on Behalf of the New York Stock Exchange, New York, C.G. Burgoyne, (1913). See also: J. P. Morgan, Testimony of Mr. J. Pierpont Morgan and Mr. Henry P. Davison Before the Money Trust Investigation, J.P. Morgan & Co., New York, (1913). On Brandeis, see: L. D. Brandeis, Other People's Money and How the Bankers Use It, F.A. Stokes, New York, (1914). See also: L. D. Brandeis, M. I. Urofsky and D. W. Levy, Editors, Letters of Louis D. Brandeis, In Five Volumes, State University of New York Press, Albany, New York, (1975). This set has numerous letters as well as editorial comment related to Brandeis and Untermyer’s campaigns against some bankers.
4). Leviticus 16. Cf. J. A. Eisenmenger, The Traditions of the Jews, Contained in the Talmud and other Mystical Writings, Volume 1, J. Robinson, London, (1748), pp. 199-201.