06.13.07 -- Feast

The Feast of the Gods -- Bellini, Giovanni, 1514

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Puzzle by Curtis Yee, edited by Will Shortz

This Wednesday FEAST (24A Big spread) includes quite a stew of clues and entries -- it STEAMS (49D Cooks, in a way) a HOTDOG (11D Ballpark buy), serves a PLATE (18D Catcher’s place) of CHILE (31D Big copper exporter) (I know, I know), with a side of SALSADIP (40D Spicy bowlful) and PATES (19A Party spreads), and a DELIORDER (66A What the ends of 17-, 30-, and 49-Across spell)…uh... GOTOPLANB (17A Scrap the original strategy), THECHICAGOL (30A Loop looper) and SLEEVELESST (49A Muscle shirt, e.g.)…oh, I get it…a BLT -- well NEATO (61A “Cool!”)…don’t include that though, it would then be a BLOT -- nothing to wash it down with? Sure there is -- ONALEASH (33A Restrained) -- you know, uh…ALE!

So go GAGA (1D Totally smitten) and AWOL (32D Wanted G.I.), OVERDO (12D Take too far) it, take one of the GTOS (1A Classic muscle cars) you STOLE (4D Took off with) for a ROADTEST (6D Driver’s license prerequisite) ALONE (64A Unaided) but LIELOW (50D Stay out of sight) if a CRIP (22D Blood’s rival) attempts an AMBUSH (8D (Plot feature in many a western), or if DRE (23A Rap’s Dr. ___), KEV (43A Bandleader Eubanks, familiarly), LANDIS (52D “The Blues Brothers” director John), MOREY (68A Comic Amsterdam), LANCE (59A Cyclist Armstrong), or SOSA (36A Three-time 60-homer man) LOISLANE (46A Metropolis figure) and Lou COSTELLO (38D “Who’s on first?” asker) give you the EVILEYE (44D Curse, of sorts) or ABHOR (9A Not be able to take) you, just be ATPEACE (9d Calm), TOOT (2D Attention-getting sound) your horn, act SANE (7D All there) when you run OUTOFGAS (3D On empty) and STOP (72A Cry after the sound of a bell) or call TIME (70A Cry after the sound of a bell).

While you’re getting your ticket, RESEAL (13D Use again, as a Ziploc bag) that doggie-bag snack and save it for an ENCORE (51D Call for more) -- it’ll be a while before your free to ROAM (15A Gad about) again!

OUTOFGAS (3D On empty) -- Kuwait oil fire.

The New York Times Crossword Puzzle solution above is by the author of this blog and does not guarantee accuracy. If you find errors or omissions, you are more than welcome to make note of same in the Comments section of this post -- any corrections found necessary will be executed promptly upon verification.

Puzzle available on the internet at

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