09.14.07 -- Dead in the Water

William Holden "Sunset Boulevard" (11D)


Friday September 14, 2007

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Puzzle by John Farmer, edited by Will Shortz

GASP (54D One might fight to the last one)! I'm VERKLEMPT (17A Choked up)! After yesterday's court-room puzzle, today's was just plain murder! I GOFORADIP, like uh, AQUATICS and get hit by TSUNAMIS!

I read the clues -- then I'm dead in the water...I swam out of it by sneering rapidly with the left side of my upper lip while thumbing through a soggy reference!

This is a real odds-and-ends crossword puzzle with entries such as ABORIGINE, CURACAO, GAVAGE, GAZASTRIP, PASTRAMI, QUIXOTIC, QUANTA, SOPOR, SOULPATCH, VERKLEMPT, all with rather vague clues; while AMBIENT refers to ENO; LAO shares an O with LAOTZU; NEAT precedes MUSSEDUP; two entries begin with TS -- TSELIOT and TSUNAMIS, there’s a Q with no U -- QEII; combinations of GOFORADIP; ACTSALONE; BIASTIRE; INPRINT; a RAJ and an ASSAD; and several O’s -- OBERON; ORKIN, OLSON; and ORATORIO.

Including the Moon of Uranus (2D), this galaxy of words is all tangle and no tango -- the clues:

Across: 1. What you might do at the beach ; 10. Lethargy; 15. Early inhabitant; 16. Light smoke; 17A Choked up; 18. This is a test; 19. Shaw who led the Gramercy Five; 20. Muscleman with a 1980s cartoon series; 21. Old-time actress Crabtree; 22. Subject of interest in the question “Who are you wearing?”; 23. Modern-day monarch, for short; 24. Register; 25. Brian known for 33-Across music; 26. John who succeeded Pierre Trudeau as Canadian P.M.; 28. Uris hero; 29. Comment after getting something; 30. Waves with long wavelengths?; 33. See 25-Across; 37. "Ash Wednesday" writer; 38. Starry-eyed; 40. Movie villain voiced by Douglas Rain; 41. Miss USA; 42. Spell checker?; 44. Indian viceroy's authority; 47. Damascus V.I.P.; 50. Eventful times; 51. Take METO the River" (Talking Heads hit); 52. Geometric prefix; 53. Kip spender; 54. Spanish kitties; 55. Jerk; 56. Doesn't support a conspiracy theory?; 58. Deleted part; 59. Oslo Accords concern; 60. Gear; 61. Frank Zappa or Dizzy Gillespie feature.

Down: 1. Forced feeding, as with a tube; 2. Moon of Uranus named for a Shakespearean character; 3. Like a romantic dinner; 4. Big name in pest control; 5. Get to; 6. Jazz AGE; 7. Certain switch; 8. Available; 9. Small in the biggest way?" 10. 100 to 1, e.g.; 11. Actress Nancy of "Sunset Boulevard"; 12. Sandwich filler; 13. Church piece; 14. Old Tory; 23. Fundamental energy units; 26. "Vincent & THEO" (1990 Robert Altman film); 27. Dailies, in the movie biz; 20. AIX-en-Provence, France; 31. Groomed; 32. Word before and after "in"; 33. Swimming, surfboarding, etc.; 34. Uncombed; 35. Whitewall, maybe; 36. Delays; 39. Largest of the ABC islands; 43. "The Tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao philosopher; 44. "Touche!" elecitor; 45. Not accented; 46. Important figure in the Gospels; 48. Faulkner's "AROSE for Emily"; 49. Out; 51. 1945 conference site for Roosevelt and Churchill; 54. One might fight to the last one; 57 Sonny's partner in "Dog Day Afternoon".

"All right, Mr. DeMille, I'm ready for my close-up!" -- Norma Desmond, "Sunset Boulevard"


For today's cartoon, go to The Crossword Puzzle Illustrated.

The New York Times Crossword Puzzle solution above is by the author of this blog and does not guarantee accuracy. If you find errors or omissions, you are more than welcome to make note of same in the Comments section of this post -- any corrections found necessary will be executed promptly upon verification.

Puzzle available on the internet at

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