10.13.07 -- Ψυχή κίνησις

(Some dance honorees) -- Sissy Spacek in "Carrie", 1976


Saturday, October 13, 2007

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Puzzle by Barry C. Silk, edited by Will Shortz

It's all Greek to me! -- that's how I often feel when I glance through the clues for a crossword and come up with just one, that's right, "one" sure answer -- today's was ASTAIRE (30A "Follow the Fleet" co-star, 1936) in the near-dead-center of the GRID (27A Power system), but whoa! What's that? PROMQUEENS (11D Some dance honorees) -- "Carrie" sprang to mind, as I wistfully wished for her telekinetic powers to solve this puzzle!

Like that poor deranged and betrayed soul, who's FEMININE (2D Like some charms) beauty, bespattered with a bucket of pig's blood before one and all to see, I would summon up my unique powers and zap away!

Poof! There goes the TFORMATION (1A Classic sports lineup); INHIBIT (8D Check) me, will you?! Zing! Your REPUGNANCE (15A Antipathy) is in TATTERS (7D Ribbons)! With my eyes ICEDOVER (36D Like some streams in winter) I'd create an OPENAREA (3D Range, e.g.) and run AMOK (54A Wild), BRR (28D Cold response?) with havoc not to SNEEZE (14D Cold response?) at! NOTAKERS (37D "Isn't anyone interested?")?! This INITIATIVE (56A Enterprise) would stagger STAGGERLEE! SAYHITTO (40A Greet) the Almighty JUDGE (43A Decision maker), or DETERMINER (59A Decision maker), or so I GUESSSO (38A "Seems that way"), amen, AMENTOTHAT (17A "I hear ya!") -- We're ATIT (54D Buckling down)!

Remains of the day....

Across: 11. All in favor; 16. Not be fair?; 18. Regard impolitely; 19. Low square; 20. Work period; 21. Intelligence problem; 22. Winter fall, in Falkirk; 23. Fortune 500 company founded in 1995; 24. It’s often administered orally; 25. Needle holders; 28. Birthplace of Evel Knievel and Martha Raye; 29. Dill herb; 32. Precursor to a historical “party”; 34. Winner of four Oscars for musical scores; 42. One-named singer with the 1980s Velvet Underground; 46. Calls in a field; 47. Proof word; 48. Home of Gannon University; 50. Lovelace who was called “The Enchantress of Numbers” 51. Cossacks’ leader; 52. Take the top off; 55. Break; 56. Enterprise; 58. Natural healer; 60. Revolutionary War general Thomas.

44D URSULA (Legendary Christian martyr) --The Martyrdom of Saint Ursula, Caravaggio, 1610

Down: 1. Dietary danger; 4. Old character; 5. Company keepers: Abbr.; 6. Calendario units; 9. Preceder of many hockey games; 10. Like a snood, commonly; 12. Cousin of goulash; 13. Like some old-fashioned lamps; 26. 1959 #1 hit for Lloyd Price; 27. Track take; 31. Corp. capital raisers; 33. Breaking need; 35. It’s found in eggs; 39. Like many supermarket lines?; 41. Producer of some beads; 43. It can give people flight reservations; 44. Legendary Christian martyr; 45. It’s open for discussion; 49. “Life is Beautiful” hero; 53. Spare change? 57. Org. with its own insurance agency.

Crikey! Go see Amy "Orange" Reynaldo at "Diary of a Crossword Fiend"!


For today's cartoon, go to The Crossword Puzzle Illustrated.

The New York Times Crossword Puzzle solution above is by the author of this blog and does not guarantee accuracy. If you find errors or omissions, you are more than welcome to make note of same in the Comments section of this post -- any corrections found necessary will be executed promptly upon verification.

Puzzle available on the internet at

THE NEW YORK TIMES -- Crossword Puzzles and Games

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