Sunday, October 14, 2007
Puzzle by Elizabeth C. Gorski, edited by Will Shortz
ARIVERRUNSTHROUGHIT (65A Robert Redford film… and a hint to what occurs at 23-, 28-, 54-, 77-, 111- and 116-Across) is the featured entry and clue for six inter-related state/river combinations.
GILA (26D Grand Canyon State Stream) crosses RAISINGARIZONA (28A (1987 Nicolas Cage/ Holly Hunter film);
MISSISSIPPI (36D Volunteer State and Show Me State stream) crosses both TENNESSEEWALTZ (54A 1950 #1 hit for Patti Page) and IMFROMMISSOURI (77A Lead-in to “Show me!”);
MOBILE (97D Heart of Dixie stream) crosses ALABAMAJUBILEE (111A 1915 song that popularized the phrase “Hail! Hail! The gang’s all here”); and
Across: 1. Film character who says “Play it once, Sam, for old times’ sake” ; 5. Clear furniture material; 11. Doctrines; 15. Having no cost, in Cologne; 19. Arrive; 20. Choirs may sing in it; 21. On; 22. Make over; 25. “Are we finished?”; 27. C2H4, e.g.; 30. Caterpillar competitor; 31. One of two school colors (along with heliotrope) of New York’s Purchase College; 32. Beluga delicacy; 33. French pupil; 34. Ends of sandwiches?; 36. Light, maybe; 38. “Nearer the Moon” author Nin; 40. Was really agitated; 43. “The fix ISIN”’ 45. French way; 47. Letters of compassion; 48. Setting of Blackmore’s “Lorna Done”; 49. Titles at A.B.A. mtgs.; 50. Doesn’t keep from; 52. “Boola Boola” singer; 53. Big car racer sponsor; 58. Tenor in “The Flying Dutchman”; 60. Yuletide quaff; 61. Time INC; 62. Sounds of relief; 72. “Buona SERA”; 73. Pops; 74. 85-Across, e.g.: Abbr.; 75. Tiny fraction of a min.; 84. “Get it?”; 85. AOL alternative; 88. Tedious; 89. Excellent, slangily; 90. Ready for an emergency; 92. Ear: Prefix; 93. High fashion inits.; 94. Like cotton candy; 95. Works on, as a set of tires; 96. Toscanini’s birthplace; 99. Anwar’s successor; 101. Florida snapper; 102. She was wild about Harry; 104. Rock’s FOO Fighters; 105. Not showing one’s age, in a way; 107. Harding who made headlines in 1994; 114. Muscle relaxant; 115. Party people?; 118. Zodiac symbol; 119. “Bee Season” star, 2005; 120 Not unaware of the joke; 121. Pugilist Spinks; 122. Eye doctor’s concern; 123. “What are the ODDS?”; 124 Soaks in water; 125. Timeless Turner.
Down: 1. Poem that ends with the funeral of Hector; 2. Scooper; 4. Follow; 5. 1966 hit “Little Latin LUPE Lu”; 6. Card game with a draw pile; 7. Kumquat, for one; 8. Esau’s father; 9. Funny Fields; 10. Genesis son; 11. Retort to “You are a liar!”; 12. They get props for their work on Broadway; 13. 1998 French Open winner Carlos MOYA; 14. Church bell locale; 15. Like some assets and smiles; 16. Give a face-lift; 17. Al Bundy player; 18. A Siouan; 24. Having no sequel; 29. Modern home of ancient Media; 31. Walker, briefly; 35. Composed; 37. Dance accompanied by a gourd drum; 39. Astron., e.g.; 40. Zaire’s Mobutu SESE Seko; 41. Cast of thousands; 42. Variety of apple; 43. British verb ending; 44. Geometric figs.; 46. Pipe joint; 49. Many a NASA worker: Abbr.; 50. Georgia TECH; 51. Antler holder; 55. Lillehammer’s land: Abbr.; 56. Med. Specialty; 57. Newswoman Paula; 59. Soprano KIRI Te Kanawa; 63. Treat as a villain; 64. Political writer Shelby STEELE; 66. Improvise; 67. “Nothing UPMY sleeve”; 68. “Platoon” setting; 69. Laughfest; 70. Big Ten sch.; 71. Pull out; 76. Toon pics; 78. Stay too long at the beach; 79. ROSH Hashana; 80. Body of water seen in Munch’s “The Scream” ; 81. Moo SHU pork; 82. SAN Clemente; 83. Altogether; 85. Swab; 86. Abruptly stop; 87. “I’m serious!”; 91. Supermodel on the cover of Sports Illustrated’s 1982 swimsuit issue; 94. Name-dropper, perhaps; 95. Unit of light; 98. Gray matter?” Abbr.; 100. Juicers; 101. Author of “The Third Man,” 1949; 103. Friend of Carlos; 105. Pitch; 106. Orange PEKOE; 108. Child of Asian parents; 110. Range maker; 111. Alerts, for short; 112. Opposite of blew; 113. Cousin of a stork; 114. Chocolate factory needs; 117. Salsa or guacamole.
This Sunday crossword puzzle is a breath of fresh air -- a cool and welcome solve!
For today's cartoon, go to The Crossword Puzzle Illustrated.
Check out the colorful grid for today's puzzle at dannmann's NYT crossword puzzle ramblings
The New York Times Crossword Puzzle solution above is by the author of this blog and does not guarantee accuracy. If you find errors or omissions, you are more than welcome to make note of same in the Comments section of this post -- any corrections found necessary will be executed promptly upon verification.
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