11.06.07 -- 5

I Saw the Figure Five in Gold, Charles Demuth (1883-1935) United States, oil on composition board, 36” x 29 1/4”, The Metropolitan Museum of Art; NYC, 1928. The painting was inspired by the poem, "The Great Figure," written by the artist's friend William Carlos Williams


Tuesday, November 6, 2007

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Puzzle by John Underwood, edited by Will Shortz

Is that a digitalesque black-square depiction of the number five in the center of the grid -- looks like it! There are six other fives in this crossword: FIVESTARGENERAL (17A Eisenhower was one); FIVEBELLS (23A 2:30, aboard ship); TAKESFIVE (49A Rests for a bit); QUARTERPASTFIVE (57A Shortly after quitting time, for many); FIVECENTS (3D Nickel); and GIMMEFIVE (32D Request for a congratulatory slap).

Across: 1. Home in an old warehouse district; 5. Virus named for a river; 10. Trans-Siberian Railroad stop; 14. Peculiar: Prefix; 15. U.S./Canada early warning syst.; 16. City bond, for short; 17. Eisenhower was one; 20. Move unsteadily; 21. Delon of “Purple Noon”; 22. Cedar Rapids college; 23. 2:30, aboard ship; 27. Dele undoers; 29. Something new; 30. Ho Chi Minh’s capital; 31. Boris Godunov, for one; 32. Rove, with “about”; 35. Full range; 37. It’s off the tip of Italy; 40. Bad-mouth; 41. GULF war syndrome; 45. NOMDE plume; 46. Chiang Kai-shek’s capital; 48. Mountain cats; 49. Rests for a bit; 52. Singleton; 53. “Waiting for Lefty” playwright; 54. Like Dickens’s Dodger; 57. Shortly after quitting time, for many; 62. Forearm bone; 63. Shul V.I.P.; 64. Pizzeria fixture; 65. Hot times in France; 66. Befuddled; 67. Try for a role.

Down: 1. Brit’s elevator; 2. Garfield’s foil; 3. Nickel; 4. Slugging it out; 5. ENTR’acte; 6. Feathery wrap; 7. Bobby of the Bruins; 8. Dillydally; 10. Brunch dish; 11. Wall art; 12. Symbol of slowness; 13. Ceramists’ baking chambers; 18. Welcomes, as a guest at one’s home; 19. Catches red-handed; 23. Jack Sprat’s taboo; 24. Hypotheticals; 26. Blunders; 27. Outbuilding; 28. Vehicle with a medallion; 32. Request for a congratulatory slap; 33. Pierce player; 34. Gray concealers; 36. End-of-workweek cry; 38. At a cruise stop; 39. Be worth; 42. AP competitor; 43. “My Name is Asher LEV”; 44. “For shame!”; 46. Colorful fishes; 47. Helper: Abbr.; 49. Brimless cap; 50. At least 21; 51. “The Family Circus” cartoonist Bil; 54. Home to most Turks; 55. Iris’s place; 56. Libraries do it; 58. Big Band ERA; 59. Turn state’s evidence; 60. “Sesame Street” channel; 61. Honest ABE.

...and the red fire truck?!


For today's cartoon, go to The Crossword Puzzle Illustrated.

The New York Times Crossword Puzzle solution above is by the author of this blog and does not guarantee accuracy. If you find errors or omissions, you are more than welcome to make note of same in the Comments section of this post -- any corrections found necessary will be executed promptly upon verification.

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