11.12.07 -- Wreath

Monday, November 12, 2007

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Puzzle by Harvey Estes, edited by Will Shortz

DRIVINGMISSDAISY (18A “Floral” film that was the Best Picture of 1989); THE BLACKDAHLIA (34A “Floral” film of 2006 with Josh Hartnett and Scarlett Johansson); THENAMEOFTHEROSE (“Floral ” film of 1986 based on an Umberto Eco novel) comprise the bouquet for the work desk from this some-do-and-some-don’t-go-back-to-work Monday crossword.

Work-related entries one may or may not wish to hear are ONREPORT (2D Written up, as to a superior);

STENOS (64A Shorthand takers); MEDIA (50A Newspapers, TV, radio, etc.); VASSALS (43A Feudal workers); CLIENTS (29A Customers); ONSITE (61A Like some inspections); USER-friendly (62A); NETZERO (42D EarthLink alternative); OPT (24A Quit, with “out”); POLITY (55A System of government); APPEASER (39D One who’s making nice); and the opposite of T.G..I.F., “Woe ISME!” (19D).

Conversational entries include BADMOVE (1D “You’ll regret that!”); ISUPPOSE (38D Noncommittal agreement); ERSE (30A Celtic dialect); PATOIS (31A Regional dialect); ENCORE (26A “Again!”); SCRAM (5A “Get lost!”); YEAS (63A “For” votes);
LOLA (36A Name repeated in “Whatever ___ wants, ___ gets”); and DITTO (52A “Me too”).

States, actions, conditions, etc. -- ACE (32D Hole-in-one); PIGSTY (5A Filthy place); ENAMOR (16A Win over); MET (21A Ran into); RUN (59D Hurry); VOICED (27A Gave utterance to); SKITTISH (3D Easily started); GAMUT (7D Entire range); SMITE (8D Slug, old-style); STYLES (14D Shag, beehive, updo, etc.);
TOSS and turn (9D); ELFIN (51D Spritelike); GLANCE (11D Quick look); RAISON d’etre (12D); CEE (28D Grade between bee and dee); PADS (31D Cushions); ASSERT (13D State with conviction); POLITY (55A System of government); TITHES (47D Gives 10 percent to the church); PEN (55D Shut [up]); and TKO (33D W.B.A. decision).

People and such in the puzzle, ANKA (15A Paul who sang “Puppy Love”); ANSEL (23A Wilderness photographer Adams); Josh Hartnett and Scarlett Johansson; a TROUPE (47A Traveling group of actors); VASSALS; ARETHA (49A Motown’s Franklin); PET (Teacher’s favorite); Umberto Eco;

LIND (60A Swedish soprano Jenny); STENOS; NERO (65A Fictional detective Wolfe); PENTAD (5D Group of five); CAV (4D Cleveland cager, for short); ELIA (26D Kazan who directed “On the Waterfront”); ARCHIE (44D Jughead’s pal); SERENA (45D One of tennis’s Williams sisters); RAYE (48D Funnywoman Martha); LEO (37D Virgo’s predecessor); and MOOSE (50D Bullwinkle, e.g.).

Time and place, YRS (10D 1812, 2001, etc.: Abbr.); LAST (17A Bringing up the rear);
RODEOS (40A Cowboy contests); ESPN (41A “SportsCenter” channel); STANDS (46D Bleachers); La PAZ, Bolivia (56A); DANISH (20D From Copenhagen, e.g.); Mardi GRAS (11A); MOS (58D Calendar pgs.); and VASTLY (43D To a huge degree).

Food and drink: BOSC (1A Pear variety);
STOUTS (22A Some ales); CODS (29D Atlantic swimmers).

And in the end --
BRAHMA (35D The Creator, to Hindus).

Take time today to remember and honor our

Puzzle available on the internet at

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