11.13.07 -- Business District

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Puzzle by Fred Piscop, edited by Will Shortz

Three inter-related entries are featured in this Tuesday's puzzle -- SHOWINGCONCERN (20A Striptease business?); HOLDINGFIRM (35A Wrestling business?); and PARTINGCOMPANY (53A Comb business?). Everybody back to work!
Other business-related entries are BOOM (10A Thriving time); ATM (23A Drive-thru convenience, perhaps); perhaps OUT (24A Having lunch, say); LEASES (26A Some auto deals); JOES (28A Stereotypical sandwich board diner); EATS (40A Beanery sign); maybe TEND (65A Look after); ABC (1D "Dancing With the Stars" airer); TRUSTEE (One on a board); TREE (34D Kind of diagram) ; AGENT (6D Go-between); DEMO (9D Floor model); OMERTA (12D Mafia code of silence) ; MANNED (13D Unlike drone aircraft); DUE (37D Expected in); STAND (50D Witness's place); and GMEN (55D Hood fighters).

However, a little more is at hand than business. “IHATE to say this, but…” (25A); LOATHE (44D Not be able to stomach); ORDEAL (11D Tough time); MISHMASH (3D Jumble); SAD (42D Bummed out); WOE (21D Reason to cry “Alas!”); RATS (60A “Darn!”); PEST (32A Younger brother, say); AGAPE (15A Visibly stunned); CUSS (17A Ornery sort); ARTY (57D Pseudo-cultured); ORGY (29D Bacchanalian revelry) are entries that keep INMIND (47D Under consideration) our daily ASPECT (43D Appearance) in life.

Today’s entertainment and the like, include JANET (28D A singing Jackson); TRIO (64A ZZ Top, e.g.); MEGAN (63A Mullally of “Will & Grace”); SOUSA (49A The March King); ERMA (16 Humorist Bombeck); VILA (33D TV handyman Bob); PAULEY (39A Former “Dateline NBC” co-host Jane); TINYTIM (41D Cratchit boy); BOP (48D Dizzy Gillespie’s genre); SNERD (66A Dummy Mortimer); and EPIC (8D Cast-of-thousands film).

BRIS (14A Jewish ritual) (ouch!); OMANI (59A Dweller along the Arabian Sea); ADEN (19A Yemeni port); IBERIA (47A Portugal’s place); ETNA (58A Volcano known to locals as Mongibello); OSSO buco (4D); ALP (23D Jungfau or Eiger) bring an Old World flavor to this crossword, while LANAI (36D The Pineapple Island); MARINARA (38D Sauce for some seafood); and YAMS (67A Thanksgiving side dish) provide TANG (7D Zesty flavor).

RATED (5A Assigned stars to) as eclectic solo entries are ATMO (1A Prefix with sphere); DENIM (18A Cutoffs fabric) VARLET (33A Knight’s attendant); ALT (43A Cockpit abbr.); NEAT (46A Carefully arranged); SNO-Caps (Nestle candy) (51A); IND (52A Row C abbr., maybe); CHIN (Goatee site); RADIUS (5D Figure that’s squared in a common formula); BEACH (10D Place for an umbrella); NISEI (22D Some Japanese-Americans); STOP (27D Metro map feature); ELF (3D Polar drudge) and LAD (31A Young ‘un); TURNIN (45 Submit, as homework); SONAR (51D School locator?); NOMS (54D Pierre, Francois, etc.); CAGE (56D Parakeet keeper) ; and SOS (61D Brillo alternative).

In the world of crossword puzzles, it's just business as usual!

For today's cartoons, go to The Crossword Puzzle Illustrated.

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