Military Already Above Congress

When the honorable Senator John Glenn, former U.S. astronaut, went before Congress and appealed to them to disallow and stop the hideous electronic, psychotronic program against U.S. citizens, his efforts were rejected. He did not go to Congress with conspiracy theory, and the Bush-Klinton-KGB type of psychotronics used against Americans is not about conspiracy theory.

Author-scientist-inventor John Mecca discovered an energy beam coming through his home and took his issue of electronic harrassment to the police department there in N.York and he says he was told the military was involved in his case and the police could do nothing for him about the electronic torture. Since then Mecca has gone on to expose the hideous electronic harrassment system used by the United States against U.S. citizens and this information can be read at:

There are many other such examples of electronic torture in the U.S. which I don't have time and space here to list, but there are enough examples and incidents, including court cases where government officials and agents entered into "admissions" concerning the use of such electronic weapons against citizens.

If a senator such as John Glenn knows about and objects to these hideous, insidious weapons, then it follows that maybe all the senators and representatives in Congress also know about these weapons and do not want to fall victim to being radiated by them. In this way the military already rules over Congress who cannot seem to stop the electronic torture agents from going about and applying torture radiation to U.S. persons and, undoubtedly, the Congresspersons are indeed fearful of having this torture applied to themselves, especially if they don't display that their "minds are right" by delivering the "correct" vote, the vote which Bush-Cheney demand.

It would indeed be better for all of Congress to adjourn to bunkers to escape the electronic torture long enough to deliver the necessary impeachment of Bush-Cheney and reorganize the Pentagon-military apparatus, than to stand idly by and watch the end of America, as we know it, occur. During such an adjournment the FBI and white hat CIA agents should be directed, along with U.S. Treasury to remove all foreign dual citizens who are not only in CIA (see Nicole's article "The Mossad In The CIA" at but in every and any U.S. agency or network which deals with U.S. Government. The various state police personnel of the respective states of The United States of America could assist such an operation. Along with the dual citizens, any foreign agent or spy should be immediately removed from U.S. Soil, especially while "HOUSECLEANING" is done.

If this isn't implemented soon, as in immediately, I think you can count on more false flag attacks such as 911 to happen soon.

When you think back over your life, even remembering the worst of times, don't you still believe that life in these United States of America, your home, has been beautiful and is the best thing on Almighty God's earth, and don't you honestly believe it's worth it to appeal to your leaders to oust the Bush-Cheney Regime and save this country?

For those of you who did not know this is the main problem with getting a truthful response from Congress and Pelosi, (who asked for a military aircraft) go look up the links I've listed and begin to believe in what you don't see around you.

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