01.17.08 -- CinepleX-Word

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Puzzle by Matt Ginsberg, edited by Will Shortz

This marquee for a CinepleX-Word puzzle features as FILM fare TEQUILA SUNRISE, TREASURE ISLAND, ANIMAL CRACKERS, BLAZING SADDLES, THE BLOB, REPOMAN, BESS, OSCAR, VITUS and HELP. PATRONS should be pleased, OSCAR or not. Our lone star is Steve McQueen and the director is Ivan REITMAN. Of course, one can stay at home and watch CBS (48A. “The Guiding Light” airer).

To BRIEF (11D. Give a rundown) on the remainder of the puzzle -- Tank up! This crossword ABSORBS ICEE and BOOZE such as SOAVE and TEQUILA. Promising SPREADS, but yielding only CRACKERS and PILAF with a TIN (43A. Altoids holder) and SESAMES (66A. Bun toppers) -- IDEST, AVARICE will give us TSURIS and the UGLIEST SCOURGE, causing CASS to CUSS!

Lights, action, camera!

Across: 1. Learns; 8. 1958 sci-fi classic starring Steve McQueen; 15. Jose Cuervo, for one; 16. --- ; 17. Director Ivan; 18. Most monstrous; 19. Taylor, Wilson or Harding; 20. Rear-ENDER; 22. Book in the Book of Mormon; 23. “That’s all I ASK”; 24. Rice dish; 27. Place for a houseplant; 30. Column of boxes on a questionnaire; 31. Defendants, legally; 34. Prize; 37. --- ; 39. Supporters of the arts; 40. Plague; 41. Brute; 42. --- ; 44. Saint of dancers; 46. Once, in old times; 47. Letters before gimels; 50. Very; 53. Jazz’s Peterson; 55. It may be said while crossing the fingers; 58. 1984 film with the tagline “It’s 4 a.m., do you know where your car is?”; 61. A deadly sin; 63. Of tremendous fervor; 64. ---

Down: 1. Pivoting razor; 2. Existed; 3. 1/64 of checkerboard, maybe: Abbr.; 4. So last year; 5. Country singer with the 1997 triple platinum hit “How Do I Live”; 6. Fill in the BLANK (a hint to this puzzle’s theme); 7. Ocean liner?; 8. Oy, vey!” cause; 9. Show of affection; 10. Film developing order: Abbr.; 12. It may be on a property; 13. Bone: It.; 14. Red and black, perhaps; 21. Flexible blade; 23. Startle; 25. Classic camera; 26. Org.; 27. Parade honoree, briefly; 28. Tabriz native; 29. Admit; 30. ‘04, ‘08 and others; 31. Not so well done; 32. Hwy. Planners; 33. Explanatory phrase; 35. Dry white; 36. Dark; 38. St. LUKES (common hospital name); 40. Class of ‘08 in ‘08, e.g.; 42. Ornery sort; 45. Risque beachwear; 47. Sauce; 48. Venae CAVAE (major blood vessels); 49.Some fasteners; 50. The sun, moon and stars; 51. Toolbar heading; 52. Boom; 54. Famous Mama; 55. What each completed pair of theme answers in this puzzle is; 56. Frozen drink brand; 57. Former first lady; 59. “O patria MIA” (“Aida” aria); 60. “So …?”; 62. Dietary std.

The balcony is closed …and now the CinepleX-Word goes BLANK!


For today’s cartoon, go to The Crossword Puzzle Illustrated.

Puzzle available on the internet at

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