01.23.08 -- ˈdā-zē

Detail: Graf-Mural by Daze at Club Lit, East Village, NYC

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

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Puzzle by Henry Hook, edited by Will Shortz

Three inter-related entries play on the rhyming of Swayze, daisy, lazy, hazy, and crazy -- 20A. PATRICKSWAYZE; 36A. MICHAELMASDAISY; and 55A. LAZYHAZYCRAZY -- everything but Maisy and A-Z, rhyme-wise. The rhyme-less (except perhaps LANA and IVANA... any others?) are as follows:

Across: 1. And SOTO bed”; 5. Personification of desire; 9. Some Spanish Surrealist paintings; 14. Like some traffic, for short; 15. Delete; 16. Call off, as in an emergency; 17. Not an orig.; 18. Field unit; 19. Perilous; 20. “She’s Like the Wind” singer, 1988; 23. Understanding; 24. C’s in shop class?; 27. Something detested; 30. Ginger ALE; 31. SPIC and Span; 34. Square; 35. Soul singer Corinne Bailey RAE; 36. Aster; 41. Raiser of Tarzan; 42. Half-oz.; 43. Part of the Dept. of Homeland Security since 2003; 44. Agent, for short; 45. Tabby; 49. Hadrian’s predecessor; 51. Musical based on a T. H. White novel; 55. Like some days of summer, in song; 58. She said “Don’t get mad, get everything!”; 60. Attention getter; 61. Any minute now; 62. To say in Spanish?; 63. La Citta Eterna; 64. Superboy’s girlfriend; 64. Spirited mount; 66. Cannon of “Heaven Can Wait”; 67. Property attachment.

Down: 1. Michael of R.E.M.; 2. “Jeez!”; 3. Travis who sang “T-R-O-U-B-L-E”; 4. Public relations effort; 5. Bettor’s option; 6. Rise rapidly; 7. Willa Cather’s “One of OURS”; 8. Hasenpfeffer, for one; 9. Its motto is “Manly deeds, womanly words”; 10. Resort island near Majorca; 11. Longtime “Hollywood Squares” regular; 12. TV planet; 13. What a mess!; 21. Wayfarer’s refuge; 22. High spots; 25. Cellular biology material; 26. “Bye”; 28. Rope fibers; 29. Mendes or Longoria; 31. Stylish; 32. Tootler; 33. Winter carnival structure; 37. On the line; 38. Sister magazine of Jet; 39. Fighting Tigers’ sch.; 40. Despite expectations; 46. Dermatologist’s case; 47. Caribbean’s CAYMAN Islands; 48. Film lover’s cable choice; 50. Title girl with a gun in a 1989 Aerosmith hit; 52. Veranda; 53. A high flier may fly in it; 54. English drama critic Kenneth; 56. Obdurate; 57. Sailor hailer; 58. Employee cards and such, briefly; 59. Dog doc.


For today’s cartoon, go to The Crossword Puzzle Illustrated.

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