People question the holocaust for exactly the same reason they are currently questioning the official version of what really happened on 9-11, because there are so many legitimate questions, and no forthcoming answers.
Carefully consider the following questions and comparisons:
Question #1. Why do people question the idea that six million Jews were gassed during WWII in places like Auschwitz, Sobibor, Treblinka and Dachau? [It is against the law to law to question this number in many European countries today and will result in a prison sentence - see here for a list of some of the better known prisoners of conscience at present]
Question #2. Why do people question the idea that two planes crashing into two buildings and their subsequent fires caused the collapse of THREE skyscrapers in NYC on September 11, 2001?
Answer to #1. People question this number for many reasons, two of which include the fact that NOBODY was ever gassed at Dachau, not even the purveyors of the official holocaust story suggest otherwise today, and in 1990 Auschwitz dramatically reduced the number of killed there by more than 2.5 million - most people are unaware of this empirical fact because the western media never covered the story.
Original plaque claiming 4 million dead on the left, plaque on the right quietly replaced the one on the left in 1990.
Answer to #2. No skyscraper anywhere has ever collapsed due to a fire, none, never, not anywhere. WTC Building #7 was never hit by an airplane, yet it too collapsed, just as did the two main towers. The evidence that all of these buildings collapsed as a result of controlled demolitions is beyond dispute - there is no doubt - only the US Government and the Zionist media keep the “official version” alive and in front of the public.
Question #3. Why do people question the idea that there were gas chambers at Auschwitz, they are still there for all to see right?
Question #4. Why do some people suggest that Flight 93 was shot down when the Zionist media is telling that brave passengers forced their way into the cabin and the evil Arab hijackers flew it into the ground?
Answer to #3. People question whether or not there were gas chambers at Auschwitz because the buildings one can see today on display at Auschwitz were built many years after the Second World War had ended - this according to the Auschwitz Museum curator Franciszek Piper in a videotaped interview conducted by the Jewish revisionist historian David Cole. See interview HERE
Answer to #4. People question the idea that Flight 93 was forced down and crashed into a relatively contained area, a field in rural Pennsylvania, because there is a tremendous amount of evidence that Flight 93 left a debris field behind it that was eight miles long - which suggests of course that it began to come apart in the air, rather than burrowing into the ground at a single location as it must have if the official version of the story were true. Watch suppressed live news coverage related to a debris field HERE.
Question #5. Why would anyone question whether or not the holocaust story is true - it was proven true at the Nuremberg trials and there are thousands of eyewitnesses right?
Question #6. Why would anyone question the idea that 19 Arab hijackers took over four flights crashing two of them into the WTCs on 9-11, wasn’t one of their passports found intact on the streets of NYC after the impacts proving that they were there?
Answer to #5. The answer to why people would question the enormous amount of eyewitness testimony at the Nuremberg trials is that it continuously contradicted itself, few witnesses could or would corroborate the testimony of others - some testimony was so ridiculous that it is nothing less than unbelievable - consider the idea that the Nazis used an atomic bomb to instantaneously incinerate without a trace 20,000 Jews during WWII. I’m not kidding, this was brought up by America’s number one prosecutor, Justice Jackson during the trial. Not only was it used as evidence against German leadership during the trial, it was also used to justify their execution at the end of the Show Trial. For other ridiculous items of testimony see here.
Answer to #6. One of the reasons people question the idea that 19 hijackers took over four airliners and crashed two of them in NYC leaving behind an unburned and intact passport is because the official version of what happened that day states that an unburned and intact passport identifying on of the hijackers was found on the streets of NYC after the impacts, which of course included an enormous fireball which would have consumed any paper material, like a passport that had passed through it. The fact is, someone planted the passport. The question is, if the official version of what happened on 9-11 is true, why?
Question #7. Why would people question the idea that millions [plural] of Jews were gassed at Auschwitz, the former Camp Commandant Rudolf Hoess confessed to gassing more than 2.5 million right?
Question #8. Why would people question the idea that 19 Arab “Islamo-Fascists” hijacked four airplanes, flying one of them into the Pentagon, two into the WTCs in NYC and another into the ground in Pennsylvania, Muslims hate us don’t they, don’t they hate us for our freedom?
Answer to #7. People question the validity of Rudolf Hoess’ confession for dozens of reasons, but most importantly nobody denies today that Hoess was tortured, that becomes clear when people understand that Hoess confessed to gassing more than 2.5 million JEWS, when the official number” of killed today is 1.1 million. This of course proves that Hoess was tortured into making a false confession, unless of course you’re ignorant enough to believe that he “just forgot” and/or just got carried away with how many million Jews he allegedly gassed. [See here for a transcript of Hoess’ testimony courtesy of the University of Georgia Law School]
Answer to #8. People question the idea that 19 Arabs hijacked four airliners and crashed them into three structures and a field because there is considerably more tangible evidence to suggest that the United States government and Israel carried out the crime, not 19 troglodytes, I.e. cave dwellers from the Middle East. Consider these two facts - Five Israelis were arrested after filming BOTH impacts into the WTCs - they were witnessed to be laughing and clapping one another on the back in a congratulatory manner wile filming - later their photographs were developed revealing one of them holding a flaming lighter in front of one of the burning trade centers - of course the Zionist media failed to mention these FACTS. Consider too that there were more than 100 Israeli spies arrested by the US Government in the days leading up to 9-11 and immediately afterward that were quietly deported back to Israel by Michael Chertoff, a Zionist Jew with dual US/Israeli citizenship who now is America’s director of Homeland Security. This FACT too was of course completely covered up by the Zionist media.
Question #9. Why would anyone question the holocaust, there are mountains of evidence and everyone accepts what happened right?
Question #10. Why would anyone question the official version of what happened on 9-11, there are mountains of evidence and everyone accepts what happened right?
Answer to #9. WRONG - There are no mountains of evidence proving the holocaust, in fact there is nothing more than the continuous lies of government and the media and everyone does NOT accept what happened, this is a Zionist lie perpetuated by the media, which is wholly in the hands of ethnic Jews who also lie about the idea that everyone accepts the official version by assigning unknown so called “famous experts to be the official spokespeople for their “official version” of what happened.
Answer to #10. WRONG - There are no mountains of evidence proving the official version of 9-11, in fact there is nothing more than the continuous lies of government and the media and everyone does NOT accept what happened, this is a Zionist lie perpetuated by the media, which is wholly in the hands of ethnic Jews who also lie about the idea that everyone accepts the official version by assigning unknown so called “famous experts to be the official spokespeople for their “official version” of what happened.
So there you have it - now you know why people question the holocaust and 9-11 - it has nothing to do with hating Jews and/or being a Nazi. What you may not know is that the powers that be have made questioning the official version of the holocaust a criminal offense in many countries which they will undoubtedly attempt to do in the future with 9-11 if the tens of millions of people in the United States that currently question the official story don’t go back to sleep.
Now relax, clear your mind and consider the following sentence very carefully:
“Truth needs no laws to support it. Throughout history, from Giordano Bruno and Galileo, to Ernst Zundel and David Irving, only lies and liars have resorted to the courts to enforce adherence to dogma.” [Michael Rivero].
Are you awake yet?
Free Ernst Zundel! Free Sylvia Stolz. Free Horst Mahler! Sign the Free Speech in Germany Petition HERE
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