02.21.08 -- Nuts!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

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Puzzle by Peter A. Collins, edited by Will Shortz

“Pecan“, “filbert“, “cashew“, and “almond” are the anagrammatized nuts being referred to by the entry MIXEDNUTS (55A. Party snack [and a hint to this puzzle’s circled letters]); and its inter-related entries, SAUCEPANS (18. Faberware set); FILTERBASKET (22A. Coffee maker component); CHEWSAT (36A. Bothers); and SAMDONALDSON (44A. Longtime ABC newsman) in this Thursday thistle bush of a puzzle.

Stuffed with three-letter junk-fill, e.g.: ABA, ALI, ATA, CAT, CIN and SIN, ELM, FRS, IDO, NWT, NOU and QUA, OTT, SEL,TDS and ETC (4D. Abbr. that may precede an ellipsis), etc…? Its four-letter words include AIWA, ARID, APED, ASKS, ATAD, BAUM, ELIS, ISEE, LARD, LOAD, NAYS, OINK, OPAL, ORLE, PSAT, QUIT, ROBE, RUSE, SASS, SKIL, THIS, UPAT, UTES, and UTNE -- ughh!

Longer, less trouble-some entries include ASIANMONEY (28D. Yen or yuan) and HARDKNOCKS (10D. Providers of life lessons); along with the seven-letter entries ARIANNA (29A. Huffington of the Huffington Post); CONCERT (41A. It may fill a hall); CREOLES (36D. Some bayou residents); REPAINT (15D. Puts a new coat on).

Six-letter entries continue with the familiar -- ABROAD (21D. Overseas); AHERNE (31D. 1939 Academy Award nominee Brian); AMNION (31A. Embryonic membrane); BALBOA (27D. Sighter of the Pacific, Sept. 25, 1513); CDROMS (42D. Software backups, typically); ENTAIL (24D. Require); ISAACS (26D. Susan who wrote the best seller “Compromising Positions”); RESTED (39A. Post-vacation, say); TATTLE (25D. Get in trouble, in a way, with “on”); and Mother TERESA (9D.).

Five letter entries fill out that old stale mixed-nut feeling of the puzzle with AANDE (7D. Owner of The History Channel); CANOE (53A. It’s often turned upside down when not in use); DIXIE (46D. Classic song with the words “Look away! Look away! Look away!”); ERROL (18A. Film director Morris); IBARS (26A. Some beams); ITEMS (57A. Bullet followers); LAIRS (45D. Hideouts); LISLE (43A. Twisted thread); MESTA (32D. Political hostess Perle); PAPAL (5D. Like a certain court); RAISE (23D. Summon up); READE (15A. “Hard Cash” author Charles); START (6D. Sign of fright); and SWEDE (47D. Singer of the anthem “Sang till Norden”).

I’m not great on nuts, especially if I have to crack them open -- at least these nuts and the words belong to someone else -- I don’t have to eat them!

Last night's lunar eclipse through trees of front yard.


For today’s cartoon, go to The Crossword Puzzle Illustrated.

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Puzzle available on the internet at

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Across: 1. Luxury hotel amenity; 5. Some exam practice, for short; 9. “Get ___!”; 13. Show ___ (attend); 14. Somewhat; 19. Word with red, white or rock; 20. Baker’s supply; 21. Copied; 30. Talk that might get one in trouble; 34. Hitter of 511 lifetime home runs; 35. HBO’s “Da ___ G Show”; 37. Excavation machine, for short; 38. Dr. J’s first pro league; 40. Home tool maker; 48. Heraldic border; 49. Sony subsidiary; 50. Sine ___ non; 58. Sterile; 59. Cry at Old MacDonald’s; 60. Side in a debate; 61. “It’s so obvious!”; 62. Mountain West Conference team. Down: 1. Flimflam; 2. Off-white shade; 3. Creator of Oz; 11. Words with a familiar ring?; 12. “S” on a French shaker; 17. “ ___ Coming” (1969) Three Dog Night hit); 22. Priests: Abbr.; 33. Yukon neighbor: Abbr.; 40. Wrong; 43. Put shells in; 50. Computer command; 51. ___ Reader; 52. Solicits; 53. Red letters?; 54. ___ gallop; 55. Avril follower; 56. ___ -turn.

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