Study this entire post if you are interested in the Truth that they would hide from you and lie to you about. A new image of Islam will result in your minds if you take the time to do your research
Islam: What the West needs to know
Everything you've always wanted to know about Islam but were afraid to learn
Everything you've always wanted to know about Islam but were never told
Is the history of Islam nothing but bloodshed?
Well, another "new" propaganda film about Islam is being marketed by the Ziogandists™ called, "Islam, what the west needs to know"
I say "new" because in essence, it espouses nothing new that crusaders or missionaries in India didn't propagandize about centuries ago.
And they try everything constantly
The following is a trailer of this new propaganda film parading the cream of the anti-islam Ziogandists™ and their cohorts.
What's really interesting is that they use clips of public government leaders, who ARE CONDUCTING a WAR ON ISLAM, claiming Islam is a peaceful religion, then utilizing the anger and hatred against said public leaders to state that they are basically misguided, incorrect or LYING about Islam being a peaceful religion.
It's a clever tactic to fool the unaware into assuming that since government puppets lie, they must be lying about Islam being peaceful also. Then they immediately "refute" these statements about the "peaceful religion of Islam" with Ziogandist™ extremists who are the "experts."
The objective of this seems to be to somehow justify the illegal, immoral, and cruel ZIONIST WAR ON ISLAM in the name of the noble goal of saving the world from a "barbaric religion"
Here, you'll see what I'm talking about:
and here is the rest of this garbage film
Here's just ONE refutation of the LIE about the details of the slaughter of the Jews that this film propagandizes about:
The Real story of the execution of the Banu Qurayzah tribe of Jews
The reaction of most "real" muslims to these types of things is also useless as well. Most will point out the history of violence in the name of Christianity or Judaism. This is ineffective.
The people who make these films don't want anyone to follow ANY religion and really, despise the concept of a Unified, Omnipotent, Omniscient, Self-Sufficient, ALL-Sustaining Creator of all existence.
So when people talk about "Christian violence" the counter will be:
"So what? We agree Christianity is violent as well. We don't follow any religion. Religion is the opiate of the masses. It was devised by man as a system of mass hive mind control by 'elites' to make him subservient to them and parasitically exploit his fear of the unknown and natural tendency towards worship"
The correct and best way to counter this propaganda is to show with historical facts and scriptural reality that claims of Islam being a religion of "terror, hatred, and violence" are utterly FALSE and that there is an agenda by many, mostly, correctly identified as Zionists, who want to portray Islam in this way, because IT IS THE LAST MAJOR ROADBLOCK boldly standing in the face of a ONE-WORLD totalitarian COMMUNIST government run by the Zio-Monsters™. It also is helpful to show that secular rule is FAR WORSE as witnessed by the Atheist/Communist rule of Stalin alone causing more deaths than all "religious" wars and rule in HISTORY by a factor of AT LEAST 100.
I don't wanna whine about how "so-called 'muslim' terrorists are extremists defiling a great religion" because that not only goes without saying and has been done to death, but also because there is no correlation between "suicide bombers" & "Islamic fundamentalism" as noted by non-Muslim scholars
Islam IS a PEACEFUL religion.
ISLAM is a peaceFULL religion.
Islam IS a PEACE-LOVING religion.
Islam lays down the principles and foundations of peace
We overstand the Israel/Palestine issue OBJECTIVELY
^Refute those if you plan on perpetuating the COWARDLY LIE that Islam was forced on people, historically, through war, or advocates violence as a legitimate means of propagating/proselytizing its ideals.
And for the RECORD, our Message of Love & Brotherhood to Africa is for EVERYONE:
we promote a UNIVERSAL BROTHERHOOD built on love, peace and justice, which the Quran elaborates on as Absolute Justice, Kindness & Kinship:
We have ALREADY re-established a GLOBAL CALIPHATE.
Here's what the CALIPHATE is ABOUT
It's already HERE. and it's not GOING ANYWHERE.
It's been HERE for 100 YEARS. And it's going to get stronger until it spiritually colonizes the entire GLOBE
And it's peaceful, loving, and desirous of justice for ALL MANKIND, not just muslims or believers.
Take the synopsis from the 5th Khalifa himself:
You can read a summary of his Friday Sermons here:
2008 Friday Sermon Archive
We got nothing to hide. But THEY wanna hide the TRUTH.
My community, the indisputably and undeniably NOTORIOUSLY peace-advocating, peace-loving, and peace-ENACTING Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam is EVEN recognized by ultra rabid, xenophobic, anti-islam, racist Zio-monster™, Ziogandist™, Daniel Pipes AS PEACEFUL.
Not as if that loser's opinion means anything. I'm just explaining how STRICT ADHERENCE to the ENTIRE QURAN is not opposed to an ABSOLUTE and perfect conformity to PEACE & justice as recognized by even the most VILE of Ziogandists™
We overstand that Shari'a interpretation and Politics should rarely if ever, mix.
NO, REALLY, we get it
We KNOW why the west consistently confuses "muslim" actions with Islam
We disagree with the LIE that apostates should be persecuted or punished
This is how we respond to the Pope's LIES
Because we know about the TRUE nature of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw)
His exemplary compassion cannot be denied or destroyed by Zionists
You see, Islam safeguards human rights
That's because Islam is the SUMMIT of religious evolution
Study the Philosophy of the Teachings of Islam which Leo Tolstoy lauded
Islam is still applicable to modern man
That's also because the PROMISED MESSIAH still awaited by many, has come.
1400 years ago it was ahead of modern cosmology and the search for extra-terrestrial life
Take it from these folk, did we FORCE them to JOIN US?
WHO forced them to convert? was it Allah? Are they all lying?
Subhanallahi Amma Yushrikoon (Glory be to Allah, far above that which they associate with Him)
Peace & Blessings upon all humans and especially all guardians, restorers, lovers and seekers of Truth, Peace, and Love.
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