03.06.08 -- I'm In!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Puzzle by Pamela Amick Klawitter, edited by Will Shortz

“Somewhere I’ll Find You” is neither LANA (18A. Turner of “Somewhere I’ll Find You,” 1942) Turner’s best or best-known film, but it is nice to see Lana back in crosswordese -- it seems she’s been away for a long time! When it comes to Lana, well…

IMIN (57A. Poker cry … or an apt title for this puzzle) is the tie-in for the inter-related entries of PRODIGALSIMON (20A. “American Idol” judge who wastes money?); IMAGE OF CONSENT (27A. Nodding picture?); SEDIMENTARYJOB (43A. Geologist?); and GRIMACEPERIOD (51A. Moment after a bad pun?) -- that last entry is self-definitive!

ARTISTS (42D. Some colony members) like LANA worked under the roar of the MGM LION (39D. Horoscope figure) and caused the LOBO (40D. Animal that howls) to run AMOK (24D. Out of control) behaving like APEMEN (11D. Sci-fi figures). Turner's film career began -- so the story goes -- when she was discovered sipping soda at the fountain in Schwab's Drug Store. She was dubbed "The Sweater Girl" after an on screen appearance walking down the street in a tight skirt and sweater in the appropriately titled 1937 film, They Won't Forget." A favorite pin-up girl during World War II, Turner embodied the beautiful blonde, passionate and troubled, with a shadowy past.

DINA (8A. Actress Merrill of “Desk Set”), CONAN (29D. First name in late-night); TAM (35D. Mary Tyler Moore headwear); WIT (49A. Jon Stewart asset);AINT No Sunshine” (1971 Grammy-winning song); and DUO (21D. Rap’s OutKast, e.g.) are the other show-biz entries.

Then of course, there’s…

Across: 1. York successor; 6. Country addresses, for short; 10. Part of an Einstein equation; 14. It might start “By the way…”; 15. Lake ERIE, south of London; 16. Word with black or fire; 17. Twig broom; 19. Not yet final, in a way; 23. VAL-d’Oise (French department); 25. Directly; 26. Eskimo-ALEUT language family; 32. The anesthetic lidocaine, e.g.; 33. Obligation; 34. Barely makes, with “out”; 35. George who once led the C.I.A.; 37. Part of the foot; 41. Prefix with normal; 42. AUDIO feed; 48. D’APRES (according to: Fr.) ; 50. Spanish 30-Down; 56. Affluent, in Acapulco; 58. Some family histories; 61. Quaint exclamation; 63. Fraternity letter; 64. Start of North Carolina’s motto; 65. Binge; 66. Lazy” one.

Down: 1. Pop-top feature; 2. Consume; 3. Bump; 4. Cause for opening a window; 5. Fix up; 6. Late-inning pitching, maybe; 7. Assault with a grenade, as a superior officer; 9. Diploma feature; 10. Crib plaything; 12. Didn’t play; 13. Italicize, say; 22. Mouthing off; 23. Reprehensible; 30. Primary figure; 31. Fruitcake; 36. Poetic conjunction; 37. Bullish order on Wall Street; 38. Deems in court; 41. Home of Galileo Galilei International Airport; 43. Small shoots; 44. Heath plants; 45. Out of fashion; 46. “Jackson”; 47. Draft contents; 48. What nouns and verbs must do; 52. Farewell in 41-Down; 53. Ruler in a kaffiyeh; 54. Pinball sound; 55. Home of Pearl City; 59. ATA loss; 60. Start of many Latin American city names.

Am I imaging things, or did Pamela Amick Klawitter manage to get her middle name in the puzzle.

That’s it… of GAS (28D. Empty talk), I’m out!


For today’s cartoon, go to The Crossword Puzzle Illustrated.

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