You will hear, every so often, Black African leaders and intellectuals (in Africa and America) bitching and moaning about the Colonial borders of Africa and what a spot that left Africa in and what a nasty situation it is and how... blah blah blah... it is all the White man's FAULT!
But have you ever asked yourself this question: If Colonial boundaries and borders are such a problem for African leaders - then WHY HAVE THE AFRICAN LEADERS NOT GONE AND CHANGED THE BORDERS?
Yes, you heard me right.
Go and look at a map of Africa at the time it was de-colonised. And look at the map now in 2008. It has been almost 50 years... and you will find that virtually no border has been changed. None that I know of. The map of Africa is now almost identical to what it was then.
99% of Africa's borders are today as they were in the 1950's and 1960's. Yet, every one of them, slices one or more tribes in half. Some tribes are split between 2 or even more countries.
If this problem of Colonial boundaries, cutting tribes in half and causing so many problems was such an important issue, then why, in 50 years have borders not been redrawn? After all... who was going to stop the independent Black countries from convening meetings and thrashing out new borders? They were after all, independent. They could have met around a table, discussed the matter, drawn up new borders, agreed to them, and hey presto... all the Colonial borders are gone! It was that simple... And, they have had 50 years to solve this problem. So, why did they not do it?
But there are many who lived in Africa who DID want their borders redrawn! Yet why did it not happen? And when some went to war to do it... WHY DID AFRICA AS A WHOLE STOP IT?
You heard me right. Why do the leaders of Africa, to this day, RETAIN THEIR COLONIAL BOUNDARIES?
In fact, if you examine the history of Africa, you will see the lengths they will go to in order to keep their colonial borders. They will in fact, murder blacks who want change. They will engage in the genocide of non-whites in order to ensure that the Colonial borders (which they bitch about incessantly) are RETAINED. The lengths they will go to, to retain these borders... is quite shocking.
In the 1960's, the Katanga province of the Congo (later Zaire, now DRC), wanted to break away. A civil war was fought in order to destroy Katanga. Katanga was not allowed to exist.
In the 1960's, the Biafrans wanted to break away from Nigeria to rule themselves. The Nigerians fought them... and a million people died. Biafra was not allowed to exist.
I'm sure there are other examples, but I'll list the others I know of.
Recently, Kevin Woods, who was in Mugabe's secret CIO (Central Intelligence Organisation), told us in his memoirs how Joshua Nkomo, the leader of the Matabele people in Zimbabwe had a plan to break Zimbabwe in two and to secede and create a new Matabele country where the Matabele would not be dominated by the more numerous Shona. Robert Mugabe unleashed a hell on the Matabele the likes of which they have never known, as he tried to exterminate them through genocide. 30,000 people were murdered. (See: How 200 Guerillas beat Robert Mugabe: Parallels between Matabele Genocide & the ANC invasion of Lesotho). Matabeleland was not allowed to exist.
Yesterday we saw the whole African Union approve the invasion of the tiny island of Anjouan in the Comoros group so that a tiny breakaway nation can be reigned in using a multinational African military force. This little nation, the most prosperous in the group, has NOT attacked anyone. It has never used violence against another nation. All it has done since 1997, is to want to rule itself. The price for that was African Union sanctions and 3 invasions - the latest being by several African countries. Anjouan, like Biafra, like Katanga, like Matabeleland... WAS NO THREAT TO ANYONE ELSE. They are just a bunch of people who want to rule themselves. That is their only crime. Anjouan is not allowed to exist.
Why are the Governments of 54 African nations willing to deny Anjouan that right? Why are they willing to go to WAR to stop this little group of poor people on their own little island from ruling themselves?? They've lived there for centuries, so why can't they govern themselves?
The late Dr Piet Liebenberg was a professor of Revolutionary Warfare at the Rand Afrikaans University here in Johannesburg. I met him several years ago when I was researching my book, Government by Deception.
Dr Liebenberg and I spoke on many occasions and I found him extremely knowledgeable.
One day he told me something that nearly knocked me off my feet.
Dr Liebenberg told me that when the OAU (Organisation of African Unity) had been formed in the 1960's, it passed an interesting resolution. The OAU is now disbanded, but its successor is the AU (African Union). He said that round about 1963, the OAU passed a resolution stating that ALL THE BORDERS OF AFRICA WOULD BE RETAINED AS IS. I repeat: The OAU, passed a resolution to retain all the Colonial borders of Africa. As best I can remember from my conversations with him, I think he said it was in 1963.
From then, until this day, neither the OAU nor the AU nor any African Govt has changed a single border in Africa.
Now it would be interesting to know WHY the leaders of all of Africa passed this resolution. But if you want to know why Africa has retained all the arbitrary borders drawn by the European Colonial powers - THEN ASK THE LEADERS OF AFRICA AND THE AU WHY THEY ARE PREPARED TO MURDER BLACKS ALL ACROSS AFRICA IN ORDER TO RETAIN COLONIAL BORDERS? ASK THEM WHY THEY ARE WILLING TO GO TO WAR, EVEN NOW IN 2008, IN ORDER TO PRESERVE OLD COLONIAL BOUNDARIES?
If you will examine Apartheid, then you will see that Apartheid represented a totally opposite tendency. Apartheid was in fact about REDRAWING BORDERS. Here is an article I posted some time ago about the redrawing of borders in South Africa: [Map] Apartheid History: The Black Homelands
In fact, the primary movers, shakers and thinkers on the subject of redrawing African borders are... White Afrikaners from South Africa! They are the ones who have done the most thinking and writing on this subject.
I have in my possession, papers by Dr Kruger, who wrote an entire paper some years back on redrawing Africa's borders. I still want to put up a map of Africa... This is a map of Africa that you will never be allowed to see and which is known only to scholars. It is a map of the territories of Africa owned by the various tribes of Africa. It is a map, not of the 54 artificially created countries of Africa... but the 300 countries of Africa that existed when Africa was colonised.
But the next time you hear some Black leader (in Africa or America) bitching about those Colonial borders... or some Black intellectual moaning about those Colonial borders... then do me a favour: Ask them: Why did the OAU pass that resolution in 1963 to retain all the Colonial borders of Africa and why, in 2008, is the African Union willing to go to war (again), in order to stop African borders being redrawn? Why are the leaders and intellectuals of Africa willing to engage in war, murder and outright genocide in order to keep a system in place, which they (publicly) claim to have a problem with?
Drop me a line when you get an answer. I would like to know the answer myself.
Posted By: Jan
AfricanCrisis Webmaster
Author of: Government by Deception
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