Gary Hart Attempts to Re-Brand the New World Order the "GDSO" With His New Book

Former Senator Gary Hart kicked off his new book release Under the Eagles Wing: A National Security Strategy of the United States for 2009, with a book signing, speech and Q&A at the Tattered Cover bookstore in Denver, CO.

Joining a repertoire of 17 books, Hart’s latest installment proves to be less of a look at a U.S. security policy and more like a proposed plan for Global Government enforced through technological, military, economical, and restrictive sanctions on nations who won’t assimilate under the newly termed “GDSO” (Global Democracy Security Organization). These rebel nations or people are described as “Stateless nations” that must yield to western secular democratic government if they want to be afforded protection against the threat of international terrorism, pandemics and ecological disasters.

He writes,
“Traditional wars between nation-states are declining, and unconventional conflicts involving stateless nations, or non-state actors, are dramatically increasing. Therefore, the chances of the United States finding itself engaged in prolonged nation-state wars such as the two world wars are dimensioning. But the chance that we and our allies will be subject to attacks by stateless nations is expanding. And, given access to weapons of mass destruction, such attacks could be catastrophic.

For the United States, our principles will not change. But many of our methods must. Where the uses and devices of terrorism are confronted. We will find it more effective to employ integrated crime-fighting and law enforcements capabilities rather than resort to conventional military forces to deter and destroy them. These capabilities intelligence and information, penetration of cults and cells paramilitary and special operations, and legitimate preemption will increasingly take the form of multi-national forces rather than the more proscribed capabilities of even the most powerful nation, the United States."

This statement suggests the need for integrating and unifying a “common” military and intelligence network to deal with the international threat of terrorism. When asked at the book signing to explain the term “stateless” nation and talk about whom this definition would apply to, he was vague and spoke in intellectual generalities. Does this word apply to terrorist organizations, and nations? Or does it apply to anyone and everyone who doesn’t assimilate under this new global organization?

By remaining aloof, speaking in terms of intellectual speculation, he ignores the very real and very scary possibility that this unified international military and intelligence force is really a global SS smashing in the doors of those who oppose the further centralization of an already criminal global network.

Knowing that PNAC (Project for a New American Century) needed a "New Pearl Harbor" to launch their plans in the mid-east, which against all odds they got in the form of 9/11. I asked Senator Hart how long until he thinks we will see this GDSO. "20, 50 or even 100 years?" at the end of the above video. He answered, "One can never know, but change doesn't come until after a disaster." Can you say Deja Vu?

These questions demand answers. Is this a brilliant new proposal for democratic world government? Or is this just an attempt at re-branding the New World Order by Gary Hart? While he stressed to the audience his book was only there to stimulate debate, we have to look and see if there are any real world instances of the foreign militaries training together. We also have to look for whether or not we have seen any recent statements from prominent people calling for the same thing coinciding with the release of this book. The answer to both is "yes". You can bet on the fact that they are deadly serious about having their global government, the only question remains is which global catastrophe will herald its formation?

Is the GDSO a new thought?

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