Time for a New Tune

We are hearing calls for the tightening of borders all across the globe as the War on Terror perpetuates one "Muslim" attack after another upon the slowly awakening Western World.

It won't be long now until sweeping domestic and international laws require that each human being be appropriately marked in order that governments may determine each individual's "threat potential" to the Masonic-ordered status quo.

So bewildering amongst all this is that some in the alternative thinking crowd believe this to be a good idea, as many feel an obligation to defend their beloved countries. What it really shows is how thoroughly some mind control patterns have successfully pervaded the world populace.

The line that divides those of goodwill from those who seek to do harm is at times extremely difficult to discern. When such a conundrum appears, it is usually because both the do-gooder and the evil-doer are operating from the same systemic mindset that created the problem in the first place. In either case, the challenge of discerning the intentions of one party or another becomes irrelevant. Instead, the focus should be on changing the thinking from which the problem and its supposed solutions are born.

Next to religion, the belief-system known as nationalism has enjoyed widespread success for its architects in the modern age. We hear all the time how the most noble in our societies are loyal to their god, their country, and their family. The first two are fomented diseases of the mind and the last is a relationship determined by pure chance, poor luck, karmic destiny or creative self-expression, depending upon your worldview. Unquestioning loyalty to any of these is more apt to be due to successful cultural manipulation than a highly idealistic choice grounded in reason and righteousness.

If you can grasp this principle, you will begin to see clearly that the idea of nation-states must erode if humanity is to truly live free on the surface of the earth. But one must be careful in choosing how to let go of old-programming. More likely than not, the architects of manipulation have a new idea ready and waiting to ensnare your willpower and life force to their advantage again.

The issue of immigration is being used in just such a manner. In the United States, many so-called "patriots" are taking it upon themselves to patrol the US-Mexico border in order to stem the tide of illegal aliens entering the country. Germans have been bemoaning the flood of immigrants ever since the fall of the Eastern Bloc of Soviet states in the 1990s. Paris and London have significant Muslim populations who will now surely be in the crosshairs of nationalistic "threat assessment" immigration policies.

Those examples are among the newest, but the Jingo Jingle is an old song. It began once the feudal lords resigned control of their fiefdoms over to the cult of central bankers, whose management skills won them the favor of the occult lords who farm the earth. The land-locked slavery to lords and their courts was slowly replaced with "freely-chosen" democratic governments. The sell was difficult at first, and many humans had to be vanquished in wars that reorganized the globe around language, race and currency instead of fealty to a divinely appointed ruler.

Even though many perceive the nation states of the world to be under assault at this time, the Jingo Jingle is still highly useful in getting the people of the world to dance in tune. The rise of global organizations like the United Nations, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, and World Court, along with regional trading blocs like the European Union, CAFTA, NAFTA, GATT, APEC and the Pan-African Congress, have pushed many into fearful reactions of nationalism. This is by design. Nationalism's last great role for the world dominators will be to implement advanced "security measures" to protect each nation from "terror threats" both at home and abroad.

Once these security measures are firmly in place, the nations will be destroyed along with those who still think along those lines. Once again, it will be good people who will be doing the dirty work for the pyramid builders; people who believe they are doing the "right thing" by protecting "their country" from "illegal invaders". It will continue to be so until the light of consciousness emerges from the awakened individual.

That clear light would show the unlearner that the idea that a human has rights in one part of the world, but not in another, simply because of the determining factor of where one was born, is completely absurd. Every human, by the grace of his or her presence here, is entitled to all the natural beauty and glory this surface world can muster. The fact that we have organized ourselves to deprive each other of these natural rights is but a symptom of the sickness of scarcity consciousness that has plagued the human mind for too long.

When humans come to realize that there is more than enough wealth to go around this planet, as well as develop the will to distribute it more equitably, there will be no more talk of nations and borders in the sense that we understand them now. Instead, we will talk of facilitating greater human understanding and comfort through our technology and ease of travel. We will not fear the loss of anything on a collective level because we will be certain that the Kosmos is an unending and infinite source of energy, limited only by our imagination and fears.

Is this "globalist thinking"? It certainly is. But you must remember that there are two types of globalist thinking; one which is based in fear and one which is based in trust and love. The one based is fear is the one organizations like the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations and the Royal Institute of International Affairs have been promoting for nearly a century as the culmination of the "grand work of the ages". It will be born out of a mass sacrifice of blood caused by wars, famine, disease, and ignorance.

The other kind of global age will be born out of clear thinking coupled with care and concern for all on this planet. It will lead to less centralization of power, yet greater communication and harmony with all regions of the globe. The desire to travel will be born out of curiosity and entertainment, not the opportunity to "live better" somewhere else. It will be this way because all will have figured out that a small minority do not need to be wealthy in order to have "stability" in the world. Once freed from pure survival consciousness, humanity will achieve a greatness not witnessed in ages.

Whether that age is experienced in our lifetime or not is the great answer worth seeking. To bring it about, one simply has to make the decision to think differently and behave in a way that increases personal power at the expense of government centralization. As the Illuminist ideas of tribe, city-state, nation-state, and now global-state have emerged, they have required us to pay for these "comforts" in ever increasing amounts of blood, upon which these vampires have feasted mightily. Only when we are ready to sing a different song, one whose lyrics and beat give no rhyme or measure to fear and lack, can we create a new "studio" and make the recordings of our highest collective dreams.

Institute of Unlearning

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