No racist boogeyman? No problem we’ll make one up.

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Sadly, few people are aware of the fact that International Talmudic Jewry is having a lot of problems these days getting away with the same old lies they’ve been perpetrating on society for hundreds of years.

For alleged “anti-Semites,” like myself, the idea that Jewry has been concocting stories about racism and anti-Semitism isn’t anything new, in fact they fabricate the vast majority of the so-called “hate crimes” you hear about on network television.

“Hate Crime” legislation has gotten so far out of hand in Britain, that British police will even unashamedly arrest children with Downs Syndrome who have been accused [an accusation is all that’s necessary in Britain these days] for allegedly uttering a racial epithet while pushing another child with Downs Syndrome. If you don’t think this level of ignorance will ever end up as law in the United States you simply haven’t been paying attention.

One purveyor of fake hate crimes is a homosexual named Mark Potok, who heads of the anti-hate department at the Southern Poverty Law Center [SPLC]. In respect to hate crimes, Potok stated the following:

“A person who is a victim of a hate crime can probably expect to get almost universal sympathy on a college campus. Out in the world at large, that's not necessarily true.”

Potok continues to do everything he can to change this. Recently the SPLC has been forced to admit that they invent Ku Klux Klan Klaverns [units]. How do they do this?

“In fact, simply having one person - or even a post office box - in a town affiliated with a hate group is enough to have a town listed on the Southern Poverty Law Center's 'Hate Map.”

A group is defined by Merriam-Webster’s dictionary as follows:
two or more figures forming a complete unit in a composition.”
So it seems that the SPLC has its own special definition for the word “group,” because they’ve admitted to the fact that they’ll include towns with a single individual posting information on the net that International Jewry doesn’t want you to see.

In other words, if the SPLC knows that there is a blogger in Bugtussle Nebraska that writes articles critical of Jews, they’ll put Bugtussle Nebraska on their hate map,” and label it as the home of some KKK or Nazi organization. Ah, come one Curt, they really don’t do this do they? Oh yes they do, and I’ll provide the reader with another example other than those listed by Benjamin Yelle in his recent article KKK Branch no longer in town.”

I lived in Lake Jackson Texas some time ago, I was committed to an employment contract and had to stay there for a year. At the time I was working closely with a friend and his blog the Politically Correct Apostate, which has been subsequently and quite effectively shut down by Google who also happens to own the PC Apostate’s host. Both companies are owned and under the strict censorship of ethnic Jews, but that’s a different story. In any case, while in Lake Jackson Texas I opened a post office box and posted it on the Politically Correct Apostate. Not long after doing that I noticed that the SPLC had listed Lake Jackson Texas as the home of a Klavern called the “Brotherhood of Klans Knights of the Ku Klux Klan.” I knew at the time they did this that they were lying but not until a few days ago did I have any corroborating evidence I needed to write an article about the SPLC‘s manufacturing of hate groups. Now it seems some small town journalist from New Hampshire has finally provided the proof I’ve needed.

So you see, there is no Brotherhood of Klans Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, the SPLC should have called it Curt’s Klan, but then they’d be taking the chance that some of their Gentile readers [many of whom are police officers] might actually read some of my material, or worse, investigate whether or not what I write is true, which would be an unmitigated disaster for the SPLC and its sponsor, International Jewry, because unlike them, what I write is backed up with citations and sources.

Occasionally the SPLC will set up false front operations, actual groups that portray themselves as if they were Klaverns or Nazi organizations. At present, one of the best examples I know of is Bill White’s American National Socialist Workers Party [ANSWP]. Be wary of them and be wary of anyone that actively supports them, they probably aren’t working for the good guys. White is always having problems with his membership information being stolen, most recently he’s complaining that the FBI stole some information from him through someone else’s computer, but the fact of the matter is he’s handing them this information and then seeking to explain to his compatriots how it is that the FBI has obtained it without giving away his dog and pony show. Every now and again the SPLC helps him in this effort by listing him as one of America’s naughtiest Nazis. It’s really so transparent, it’s a wonder anyone believes anything the man says.

I saved a copy of the SPLC’s hate map with Lake Jackson Texas on it, because they’ll erase the information and pretend it never existed once one of their shabbas goyim has had an opportunity to peruse this article and inform Potok or the child molester Morris Dees of its content.

Wake up America, you’re being taken for a ride

By Curt Maynard

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