Rip Van Winkle by Arthur Rackham.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Click here for abridged post in LARGE PRINT.
Puzzle by Karen M. Tracey, edited by Will Shortz
YAHTZEE (23D. Classic game with 13 categories), according to all accounts, was invented by a wealthy Canadian couple to play aboard their yacht. Not being familiar with the game, I researched it, and it sounds about as exciting as Sudoku…(yawn)…zzzzzzz! The upside, I suppose, is being that some 40 million copies are floating around, one need no longer own nor hail a yacht!
YOLATENGO (57A. Indie rock band whose name is Spanish for “I have it”) turns out to be a terribly boring music group -- HERE! Unattractive, seldom-heard product names for crossword entries is becoming de rigueur; and today we also suffer SINEX (39A. Decongestant brand). Except that they're here to stay, it would be high time to declare MORATORIA (14A. Suspensions) on TEARY (15A. Pathetic) commercial entries -- that includes TANDY (50D. Commodore competitor) and EVIAN (16A. Aquafina alternative).
REAGANS, REAGENT, REARENDER (19A. Family in 1980s news; 42D. Assaying aid; 60A. Bump in the road?) are this puzzle‘s three …(yawn)…zzzzzzz! R’s.
OZONEHOLE (17A. Antarctic environmental concern) and EQUATOR (40D. It’s just north of Nauru), along with SEAQUAKE (43A. Source of some big waves); Santa ANAS (meteorological phenomena) (13D.); EMIRATES (48A. Gulf states); LAOS (28D. Part of French Indochina until 1949); CROAT (3D. Dalmatian, e.g.); CANAANITE (31A. Hebrew or Phoenician); MIAMIVICE (11D. 1980s TV show or 2006 film); ERIECANAL (30D. Work on it began in Rome in 1817) take us for a spin around the globe. Wake me me when it’s over!
BARENAKED (12D. In the raw); EXULTANT (36D. More than happy); SAMBA (9A. Dance of African origin); SECO (29A. Like some vino); REDS (42A. Oenological category); RANATAB (53A. Kept charging shots, say); AMORE (1D. Venetian balladeer’s topic) would make do for your ORDINARY (37D. Stock) orgy; however, I won’t be involved, and you can thank your lucky stars for that!
Other than the above, nothing really has anything to do with anything else and nothing elicits more than a you-know-what in this puzzle, which I am sure, is totally intended, if not laboriously devised…
Across: 1. Ledger no.; 5. Painter Fouquet; 18. It might be jewel-encrusted; 20. Falafel seasoners; 22. It’s hit with a pinky; 24. Be a part of, as a film; 25. Nixon adviser Nofziger; 32. Nixon creation of 1970: Abbr.; 34. “The Cosby Show” actress Alexander; 35. Rudy’s coach in the 1993 football film “Rudy”; 36. Preferred seating for many; 38. Top suit?; 41. Mogul; 45. John DOE; 47. Stop up, in a way; 55. Back together, for now; 56. “The Red Tent” author Diamant; 59. Finger; 61. Not nodding; 62. Lake craft; 63. Spare in a boot.
Down: 2. Gull; 4. Citrus tree; 5. 16th-century founder of Scottish Presbyterianism; 6. Jagged-edged; 7. Bother; 8. Caledonian contradictions; 9. Bit of securing hardware; 10. One whose idea may be taking off; 21. “Israfel” writer’s monogram; 27. Professional helper, for short; 29. Freshness; 33. Really warped; 44. Booking letters; 46. Make an impressive delivery; 49. Meat grinder; 51. Peak southeast of Bern; 53. Hard to find in Latin?; 54. Longtime West Virginia senator; 58. War on Poverty agcy.
This one gets the SNORE (52D. Boredom indicator) of APPROVAL (26A. Blessing). Yawn!…Zzzzzzz!
For today’s cartoons, go to The Crossword Puzzle Illustrated.
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Puzzle available on the internet at
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