Rockefellers - Big Oil, Ethanol And Big Global Warming

The Rockefellers are a BIG OIL and BIG ETHANOL (for increased land rents from higher food prices), and BIG GLOBAL-WARMING family, which explains everything. Here is my solution to this threefold problem.

We don't have royalty or nobility, we have inherited corporation stock

Exxon made $40 billion in profit last year, those profits going to more than 100 Rockefeller descendants through a variety of trusts -- but don't worry, the Rockefellers are on top of this global warming problem.

The Rockefeller family network -- "own individually, act as one" -- is removing the top hireling at ExxonMobil from power.

As head of the the world's largest company, Rex Tillerson made the mistake of saying to the International Energy Agency's something more than the usual thing.

The usual thing which he said was that the global energy industry will not produce the oil needed to meet increased world demand unless oil-producing nations first end financial protectionism allowing unrestrained international investment. In other words, oil starvation will remain the continuing punishment unless Rockefeller imperialism has control of credit and investment in oil lands like Iran and Venezuela. Tillerson added that the "isolationism" -- read non-support of the globalization agenda -- of oil-dependent nations and the financial and industrial protectionism of oil-supplying countries will be followed by "severe consequences" for energy security if all nations do not yield to international investment capital. In other words if the investments in more oil are not being made by the Rockefeller interests and other kosher international investers there will be hell to pay all over.

But then Tillerson said the other thing which I suspect brought about his demotion. (He can no longer be chairman and CEO). He made the mistake of pointing out to the World Energy Congress in Rome what everyone of course knew already, viz., that the gas price crisis is the fault of Congress (see above) for keeping its underground oceans of oil and its vast gas reserves off limits to development.

MobilExxon produces only 4.2 million barrels of oil a day, earning last year $404.5 billion. So let me jump right to the solution to the present crisis: If the US government had instead spent not even one fourth of that amount since 2002 on bringing up oil existing in the US alone -- running oil as a vertically integrated public utility -- maybe letting the states develop the own oil industries with government loans paid by greenbacks (no interest, not debt-funded, but merely spent into existence by the treasury with printed currency) that would get us all employed again (new money is not inflationary if it results in new production where industrial capacity and human skill are currently idle). Economist Neva Rockefeller Goodwin may not agree, but think of this -- In Venezuela, gas at the pump costs $0.17 a gallon (or did a few weeks ago -- I'm sure the dropping dollar has changed that figure, but you get the idea.)

Remember -- government red tape to keep oil in the ground and keep oil prices high is red tape that the Rockefellers have instructed their hirelings in Congress to put there to fix higher prices by restricting supply in the markets. Of course it is impolite and costly to one's remaining in eliteworld to say that the Rockefeller interests control Congress and that they control the think tanks and academic chairs and research grants "proving" that global warming exists too. Can we doubt that Tillerson's replacement will be highly vocal in ensuring everyone that the abundant new oil reserves that have been discovered all around the world must stay in the ground for environmental reasons? And of course the investment banking allies the Rothshilds, Schiffs, Goldman-Sachs, JPMorgan etc. have their agents on the left -- great wealth alway has agents running its own opposition -- and so we see the communists and radical environmentalists (young Hillary Clintons) opposing utilization of American oil reserves or the use of cheap, clean and safe atomic power (unless sabotaged to discredit the industry as with Chrenobyl and Three Mile Island) they too will push global warming as the fearsome idol to whom we must all sacrifice our wealth and our newborns etc. And of course the Rockefeller left never criticizes merchant banking and international credit and big oil, as the true culprits. Read Marx's Communist Manifesto -- it is the Protocols of the Elders of Capitalism, calling for central banks etc. Communism = Internationalism = Zionism = Finance Capitalism = Imperialism = World Slavery. You will never find a communist who will cooperate with a populist. Now you know why.

So the American people are not to be told that the oil is in the ground ready to be taken out -- but that the Rockefellers and the other bankers behind the global oil companies and the ruling-minority big land owners of the world are simply are not allowing it to happen. Like Sarkozy, the Rockefellers' alibi is to blame global warming for the current food shortage and that is why they see no problem with a major shift to ethanol and other synfuels that will crowd out production of grains for food, which limited supply will raise food prices higher, increasing Rockefeller (and other billionaire crime family) agribusiness profit and agricultural land rent. (Remember, the Rockefellers are also in banking and they and their kind own all of the securitized mortgages on farm land as well as houses, apartments and businesses that are being foreclosed.)

When the "peak oil" hoax to justify high fuel prices was exposed, global warming was revived -- even the Bush administration, which had been following the old Tillerson line, has gotten the new orders. Now, instead of the old "peak oil" song about increased depletion scarcity of oil in the ground causing the high prices -- which is the opposite of the truth -- , it's going to be global warming causeing the food shortages (and high food prices/land rents) as oil is kept in the ground simply by willful inefficiency and red tape.

Here is the message that will be drummed into every American head in the years to come unless we overthrow the Rockefellers: We can't take more oil from the ground because burning fossil fuel causes global warming. And so we are forced to trade off agricultural land for food and agricultural land for fuel and we have to accept the high food prices and the high fuel prices and all of the deaths and foreclosures and misery around the world that that will mean. (The high oil profit -- more revenue with less output cost -- and the high land rent and agribusiness profit will not be mentioned much, except in stock reports and behind doors closed to us.)

There will also be another kind of message that people will receive reinforcing the lie of global warming upon which this great system of plunder will be based. A few more major weather disasters brought about by weaponized weather modification will keep people in highly respectful and fearful of "global warming."

(Remember -- government red tape to keep oil in the ground and keep oil prices high is red tape that the Rockefellers have instructed their hirelings in Congress to put there to fix higher prices by restricting supply in the markets.) It was Senator Jay Rockefeller, who oversees this process, who wrote to Mr Tillerson in 2006 instructing the company to stop funding groups that denied the existence of global warming. This is what the Rockefeller's mean when they announce a change of course for Mobile Exxon, that in denying global warming the company had been "failing to address the future of energy and related industry hurdles".

One final thought in this discursive note to my friends -- the 9-11 false-flag attack and the frame-up wars are about Zionism and war profits, but they are also about keeping oil in the ground that nations not under the high heel of Rothschild-Rockefeller would be willing to provide cheap. Saddam did not allow a central bank in his country and he was willing to throw Iraqi oil into the market -- and he was tricked into the first Gulf War (he actually asked Bush Sr. if it would be OK and he got the go-ahead to throw out the nasty masters of Kuwait, which is really the same peoples as Iran, only carved out by the British before World War One.) and the Clinton sanctions which also prevented Iraq from selling its oil on the "free market" and the invasion and occupation -- although a big pipeline is being built to Israel. The invasion, insofar as it involved oil, had the purpose of keeping the oil in the ground, not getting it to the consumer and lowering oil prices worldwide. Iran and Venezuela are also fresh targets for frame-up and invasion and occupation and restriction of oil output. That is how it works until we overthrow it.

Anyone is free to borrow or rewrite anything of mine -- with or without attribution. I am putting out ideas that I think can save us -- I don't care under whose name or in what form the ideas reach people as long as they reach them.

Dick Eastman
Yakima Washington

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