Who controls what you read?

What you read or watch on TV

"... the freedom of the press belongs to those who own the presses."

Without doubt the Media is the most powerful weapon for control. Newspapers, radios and televisions target millions of people worldwide every day. The news they choose to supply, and the angle they choose to take, for the average person is the only way to know what is happening.

Great Britain:

Television and Radio:

BBC Television : Alan Yentob Director General: Greg Dyke (previously Chairman of Pearson Broadcasting plc, i.e. Thames Television now under the Directorship of Tony Cohen.

ITV (controlled by Carlton Communications plc : Michael Green and Granada plc : Steve Morrison.

Daytime television on the ITV network provided by Anglia Television : Graham Creelman.

BSkyB : Rupert Murdoch.

ITN,( which provides the news for ITV,) : Michael Green.


BBC Radio and Music i.e. BBC Radios 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Live and digital radio operation Jenny Abramsky.

Film and Television Studios:

Pinewood-Shepperton Limited controlled by Michael Grade.


Express Newspapers (Daily Express, Sunday Express and Daily Star) : Richard Desmond.

News International (The Sun, The Times, Sunday Times and News of the World) : Rupert Murdoch.

Telegraph Group Limited owned by Hollinger International Inc. (Daily Telegraph, The Sunday Telegraph and Weekly Telegraph) owned by Canadian Conrad Black.

Associated Newspapers - Daily Mail (average daily circulation two and a half million) - managing director Guy Zitter.

United States:

Five Media Giants dominate:

VIACOM : holdings include CBS and UPN networks, over 35 TV stations, MTV, Showtime, Nickelodeon, BET, Paramount Pictures, Blockbuster Video, over 176 radio stations, Simon & Shuster and vast Billboard holdings : Murray Redstone

TIMEWARNER : holdings include: Warner Bros, AOL, CNN, HBO, Time Warner Cable, Turner (TN TBS), Cartoon Network, New Line Cinema, Castle Rock Entertainment, Atlantic Recordings, Elektra/Sire, Rhino, Time-Life Books, DC Comics, Fortune, Sports Illustrated, People and Netscape Communications : Gerald Levin.

WALT DISNEY : holdings include : ABC. Disney Channel, ESPN, A&E History Channel. Buena Vista, Touchstone Pictures, 10 TV stations, 60+ radio stations, ESPN Radio, Miramax Films, Hyperion Books, & theme parks. Michael Eisner.

VIVENDI UNIVERSAL holdings include Universal Pictures, Canal+. USA Networks (43%). Cineplex Odeon Theatres (42%). MCA Records, PolyGram Records, Vivendi Telecom and 26.8 million shares TimeWarner stock : Edgar Bronfman.

NEWS CORP holdings include : Fox Network, DirecTV, 34 TV stations, National Geographic Channel, FX, 20th Century Fox, the New York Post, Harper Collins Publishers, Regan Books and sports teams. Rupert Murdoch whose goal is to own multiple forms of programming - news, sports, films and children's shows - and beam them via satellite or TV stations to homes in the United States, Europe, Asia and South America.

GENERAL ELECTRIC : holdings include : NBC, Telemundo, Universal Pictures, Universal Parks and Resorts, CNBC, Bravo, MSNBC (and also vast holdings in numerous other business sectors) : Dennis Dammerman.


New York Times : Arthur Sulzberger

Washington Post : K. M. Graham

Wall Street Journal : Peter Kahn

New York Daily News : M.Zuckerman

New York Post : Peter Chernin


CanWest Global Communications Corp, owners of Global Television, acquired in 2000, 100% of the operations of the Hollinger newspaper chain in addition to the ownership of the National Post : Israel Asper.

Ukraine and Eastern Europe:

Central European Media: R Lauder/V.Rabinovich


ORT and TV6 television: Boris Berezovsky

Media-Most conglomerate: NTV plus satellite channel and TNT, Moscow Echo radio : Vladimir Gusinsky


Segodnya, Novaya Gazeta, Obshchaya Gazeta and Itogi Magazine: Vladimir Gusinsky

Sem Dnei publishing house : Gusinsky/ Vladimir Biryukov

Business daily Mommersant and popular dailies Nezavisimaya Gazeta, Komsomolskaya Pravda and Noviye Izvestia : Boris Berezovsky

Czech Republic:

TV Nova: Roman Abramovich

Reuter's, the international Press Agency, was founded in 1849 by Israel Beer Josaphat as a pigeon post service. In 1858, now known as Baron Paul Julius von Reuter, having changed his name, his religion and his nationality, he moved to England where he persuaded English papers to publish his news.

The immense coverage achieved these days by Television Channels means that a large percentage of the world's population is being indoctrinated with news and opinions handed out those who control these Channels and whose power is increased by the selective advertising policies used by Jewish merchants.

Public relations is a huge industry and its commitment is to control the public mind. Huge advertising agencies like Satchi and Saatchi wield an immense amount of power.

Politically this power can be used to whip up the population in support of foreign ventures. It can raise up bogey-men to frighten, terrorise and intimidate until the populace is afraid to travel and, where necessary, falsify history. In this way the "average" man is kept from being aware of what is really going on.

The Internet

Rivalling and rapidly superseding the influence of television, radio or newspapers is the Internet, described as the best surveillance system ever invented.

The spate of undersea cable cutting in Middle Eastern waters seems to argue for sabotage activity.

By whom? Certainly the spectacle of "Issy" Bush dancing to the tune of the Jewish fiddlers is not an edifying one but the most likely culprits are Israel/United States.

And the purpose? To put the wind up someone? Or underhand spying on the Internet? Who knows what such an unsavoury bunch have on their agenda but whatever it is, rest assured it is unpleasant.


Once again the same control is evidenced: The co-founders of Google the search engine of choice of 50% plus of all internet users are Sergey Brin and Larry Page.

Speaking in London last May, chief executive Eric Schmidt(?) said he looked forward to a world in which Google would have amassed so much intimate information about its users that it would be able to shape every aspect of their lives.

The following month, the human rights watchdog Privacy International ranked the company bottom in a major survey of how securely the leading internet companies handle their users' personal information.

There are rumblings too about Google's policy of rapaciously gobbling up smaller companies which some suggest indicates that its ultimate aim is to be the Internet rather than just a part of it.

Its latest and most significant acquisition is DoubleClick, the leading digital marketing company which it has bought, subject to ratification, for $3.1 billion. When the deal is finalised, it will give Google a massive advantage over its nearest (but still distant) competitors, Yahoo and Microsoft.

Michael Moritz , the financier formerly associated with Google and former journalist who was San Francisco bureau chief for Bronfman -controlled Time magazine, has an interest in Pay Pal and in Yahoo.

Another reason to suppose that Google looks forward to control the internet is the fact that Google controls more network fibre than any other organisation.

This is not to say that Google OWNS all that fibre just that they control it through agreements with network operators. That they have been acquiring fibre assets has not been a secret but the sheer volume has. People did not really know who was actually buying because they have operated under a number of corporate names.

Furthermore local business pages in South Carolina are filled with stories that Google is preparing to build massive data-centres in Goose Creek not far from Charleston. From information close to the action Google seems intent on building in three locations, one of which is across the border in Georgia.

It seems Google appears to be attracted to cheap and reliable electric power thus guaranteeing itself a vast and uninterruptable supply of power, much as it has done in Oregon by building a data-centre next to a hydro-electric dam or in Columbia by building near a nuclear power station.

Why? The answer is pretty simple. Google intends to take over most of the functions of existing fixed networks, notably telephone and cable television.

It is becoming obvious that over the next two or three years there will be an enormous demand on broad band internet - an increase that will place a huge backbone burden on ISPs. They will be faced with the need to increase their backbone connections which would kill all profits, or to accept an arrangement with the local Google data-centre as the only alternative to bankruptcy. They will sign on and in so doing will transfer most of their subscriber value to Google. Google will become the phone company, the cable company, stereo system and digital system recorder.


There are variable opinions as to the true nationality/religion of Bill Gates, but certainly his facial characteristics appear Jewish. In addition his co-founder of Microsoft Paul Allen, now head of Vulcan investment house, most definitely is.

2nd February 2008. Microsoft's unsolicited offer of $44.6 billion for Yahoo seems to indicate that two of the world's most powerful technology companies are trying to catch up with Google. If Yahoo's shareholders say 'yes' and it survives the heavy scrutiny expected from US and European regulators it would represent the largest merger of two technology companies to date.

Two Jewish companies competing with each other? Maybe. But be assured in common with their normal business practice they will unite against everyone else and the Internet along with other forms of information thereby becomes nothing more than a Jewish market place.

Verizon and Comcast

There are of course others who want to control the Internet. The second major threat to a free Internet comes from the huge phone and cable monopolies, such as Verizon and Comcast. Verizon and Comcast are spending millions lobbying Congress to deregulate the Internet, allowing the phone and cable monopolies to commercialise and run it as a business. They desire ever-widening power to control not only the Internet but all telecommunications. These three : Verizon, Comcast and Google are all Jewish organisations.

Verizon the largest American wireless phone company whose CEO is Ivan Seidenburg,. who serves on the Board of Directors of Viacom the world's largest communication empire.

Comcast the largest cable TV network in America is another Jewish communications monopoly lobbying for Internet control. It was founded by Ralph Roberts, whose son Brian is now CEO.

Internet Hate laws

Another form of control of the Internet is the attempt to establish in America "speech crime laws" similar to those established in Canada in 1971. Behind these efforts are the B'nai B'rith international (the Jewish Freemason lodge) and its civil liberties branch the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith.

B'nia B'rith is a global organisation with half a million Jewish members occupying 2,100 lodges and chapters in more than 50 nations.

B'nia B'rith describes itself as the voice of organised Jewry. B'nia B'rith/ADL is also the voice of Jewish anti-Christian activism. ADL occupies the front line of legal efforts to block Christian nativity scenes, prayer in schools etc.

ADL decries conservative political activism saying that it violates separation of church and state, yet is not timid about uniting synagogue and state.

ADL's definition of "hate" is simple. It means anything placing Jews in an unflattering light.

For the past five/six years ADL/B'nia B'rith has been establishing a fifty-five nation European "hate crimes" bureaucracy called the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE). OSCE contains a special department dedicated to ending Internet free speech, the International Network against "cyber hate" (INACH) dedicated to finding ways to ban Internet criticism of Israel or matters Jewish.

For the present its agenda includes:

(1) To work to establish "hate" laws worldwide.

(2) Punish satellite providers and nations which allow cyber hate into their countries.

(3)Create "hate-free" internet zones, beginning in large sections of Europe.

(4)Punish and boycott broadcasters worldwide who allow cyber hate in programming.

(5)Solicit, through toll free numbers, information about websites critical of matters Jewish.

(Jewish names throughout are shown in bold type.)


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