ANGEL (3D. Extremely well-behaved child)
Monday, July 28, 2008
Puzzle by Roger Baiocchi, edited by Will Shortz
START (1A. With 21-Across, begin from scratch) ATSQUAREONE (21A. See 1-Across), TAKECENTERSTAGE (41A. Move into the limelight) and ENDUPINLAST (59A. With 73-Across, be beaten by the rest of the field) PLACE (73A. See 59-Across) are the interrelated entries of this Monday back-to-work crossword, along with 72A. SITE-specific (like the answers at 1-, 41- and 73-Across).

The next longest entries of today’s crossword are those of six letters -- ANDHOW (55A. “Really!”); AROMAS (39D. Kitchen emanations); CAREEN (10D. Lurch from side to side); ENTRAP (50D. Nab in a sting operations); ERUPTS (48D. Totally loses one’s cool); RELISH (24A. Hot dog topping); SYLVAN (36A. Woodsy); THESES (22D. Dissertations); THRASH (5D. Defeat soundly); USEDTO (45A. Once did).
The welcome average-size entry of five letters makes up the bulk of the puzzle: ANGEL (3D. Extremely well-behaved child); ASNIT (70A. Peeved, after “in”); CUTUP (42D. Such a jokester); EAGER (17A. Zealous); ENNUI (53D. Ho-hum feeling); HENNA (56D. Dye in temporary tattoos); ISSUE (26A. Number of a magazine); INALL (29A. Entirely); IRAQI (7D. Baghdad native); LISTS (52D. Tilts); 57. OPTIC nerve; RENTS (66A. Lets or sublets); RUINS (23D. Aztec or Mayan cities, today); RULES (51A. Recreation center posting); SINUS (8D. Nasal congestion locale); SLANT (54D. Tilt); STEER (1D. Have the wheel of a car); TEASE (2D. Tempt); TENET (47A. Element of a doctrine); TENTH (14A. Tithing portion; TEXAS (9D. Sam Houston served as its president, senator and governor); WASTE (58D. Fritter away).

Have a great week -- start at square one, take center stage, and end up in first place!
For today’s cartoon, go to The Crossword Puzzle Illustrated.

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Puzzle available on the internet at
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Search information -- Across: 6. Heart of the matter; 10. Hair untangler; 15. Great Lake touching four states; 16. Cry to a matey; 18. Tailless cat; 19. Emulate a mob; 20. WNW’s opposite; 27. Where to store a lawn mower; 33. Christmas ___ (holiday stamp); 44. “___ was saying…”; 46. Givers and receivers of alimony; 49. Sign from above; 63. Dump cleanup grp.; 64. Gunk; 65. It’s “catchy”; 68. Fail to mention; 69. Something to whistle; 71. 7-6, 2-6, 6-4, e.g. Down: 4. 66 on a map, e.g.: Abbr.; 6. Onyx and opal; 11. One of the states touched by 15-Across; 12. Apollo 11 destination; 13. Computer unit; 25. ___ of Wight; 28. Unit of force; 30. Cleanser whose name comes from Greek myth; 31. High-priced seating area; 33. Performers Peggy and Pinky; 33. Goals or assists; 34. Simplicity; 35. Related (to); 37. Bygone Ford; 38. Nix, presidentially; 43. Be inclined (to); 59. What modest people lack; 60. City south of the Bering Land Bridge National Preserve; 61. “Go ahead!”; 62. Writer James; 67. Course for a future U.S. citizen, maybe: Abbr.
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