08.21.08 -- AGELESS

The Picture of Dorian Gray, Ivan Albright 1945

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Puzzle by Gary J. Whitehead, edited by Will Shortz

AGELESS (68A. Eternal … and a hint to 19-, 34-, 42- and 55-Across) along with ADHESIVEBAND (19. Musical group that stays together?); MASSTHERAPY (34. Faith healing service?); SPORTSCOVER (42. Stadium’s dome?); and GARBDISPOSAL (55. Donation to the Salvation Army?) are the interrelated entries of this Thursday crossword. That’s right, adhesive bandage, massage therapy, sports coverage and garbage disposal -- all “age“-less.

Fourteen seven-letter entries, twelve across trios in the four corners and two more down, TANDOOR (11D. It’s hot in an Indian restaurant) and REIGNED (43D. Held sway). In the corners: Upper left, KAMPALA (1. Capital on Lake Victoria); AREARUG (15. Part of a floor décor); VISCERA (17. Innards). Upper right, TVSTARS (8. Morrow and Murrow, e.g.); RATATAT (16. War movie sound effect); ICINESS (18. Hostility). Lower left, JEANNIE (61. 1960s sitcom title role); ACTEDAS (65. Played the role of); BOLDEST (67A. Most brazen). Lower right, DIORAMA (64. Three-dimensional scene); ENRAGED (66. Ready to blow); and the aforementioned AGELESS.

Six-letter entries occupy two down columns center right and left -- ADAGIO (23. How “Moon River” is played); DEPART (24. Take off); SAYYES (25. Give permission) on the right; SUSSEX (26. Northernmost county in New Jersey); STAPLE (27. Chase scenes, in action films); RECOIN (28. Bring back, as silver dollars) on the left. Two more six-letter entries are PACERS (4D. Conseco Fieldhouse team) and 48D. Beethoven’s CHORAL Symphony.

The five-letter group includes AANDE (50D. Former “Biography” channel); AGAVE (7D. Tequila source); ARESO (5D. “Am not!” rejoinder); CRUSH (51A. Infatuation); LURID (6D. Shocking); 52D. RIDEA cock-horse to Banbury Cross”; RODEO (21A. Bulldogger’s event); SPORE (54D. Germ); STINT (10D. Tour of duty); 22A. Herd : buffalo :: knot : TOADS; USING (53D. Not abstaining); and XENIA (49A. City near Dayton).

The fill -- AHME, AMES, ARID, ASP, ASST, ATE, ATL, BEST, COTS, EAR, ECO, ELIE, GAY (41A. Frolicsome), JAB, KAVA (1D. Intoxicating Polynesian drink), LADS, MAT, MESH, NSA, ODEA, RAS, RIAS, SAC, SAGE (58D. Brush material?), SPCA, SSRS, STS, STUV, TAN, TRIB, UMA, VACA (9D. Cow: Sp.).

Finally, just above AGELESS in the down right corner, within what could be read as an ENRAGED SAGE, AGE crosses AGE, while the entry of EONS (20D. Stretches of history) completes this puzzle’s agenda of agelessness.


For today’s cartoons, go to The Crossword Puzzle Illustrated.

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