Peter Piper Picked a Peck of Pickled Peppers, Sharon, Lois, & Bram's Mother Goose. Illustrated by Maryann Kovalski. Boston, MA: Little Brown and Co., 1985.
Monday, August 25, 2006
Plosives have the run of the puzzle today with PACKAPUNCH (16A. Be very potent); PECKINGORDER (22A. Social hierarchy); PICKOFTHELITTER (35A. Very best puppy or kitten); POCKETCHANGE (45A. Miscellaneous coins); and PUCKEREDUP (57A. Got ready to kiss). So, we’ve got PACK, PECK, PICK, POCK and PUCK, nicely placed in the puzzle in alphabetical order.
Worthy of Mother Goose’s tongue twister, Peter Piper, etc., the puzzle continues with PEEVE (21A. “Pet” annoyance); POLICE (24A. Shout before “Open up!”); LAPAZ (29A. Capital of Bolivia); STP (32A. Engine additive brand); TARP (59A. Tent floor, maybe); AMPS (1D. Concert equipment); SPICE (14D. Zest); PONZI (21D. Kind of scheme that’s fraudulent); PINK (22D. Like the sky at dawn or sunset); 24D. Boston POPS; PER (31D. The “p” in m.p.g.); PROS (34D. Experts); SKIMPY (42D. Meager); PUTTS (45D. Strokes on the green); OPTS (55D. Chooses, with “for”); and PEN (57D. Quill, sometimes).
People in the puzzle include AARONS (43A. Burr and Copland); ADAM (53D. Father of Cain and Abel); ALBERT (9D. Physicist Einstein); ALEC (17D. Baldwin of “30 Rock”); AMES (64A. Ed with the 1967 hit “My Cup Runneth Over”); ANSEL (43D. Photographer Adams); a BRIT (18A. Londoner, e.g., for short); CLARA (47D. Barton of the Red Cross); ETHEL (60A. Lucy’s pal on “I Love Lucy”); HECHE (49D. “Men in Trees” actress Anne); HESSE (52A. “Steppenwolf” writer Hermann); LINDA (20A. Singer Ronstadt); ONEAL (46D. Hollywood’s Ryan or Tatum); an OCTET (36D. Eight-piece band); a RATER (12D. Consumer Reports employee); a TEAM (56A. Squad); a TEEN (33D. College freshman, usually); and the notorious Charles PONZI.
The remaining clues across: 1. Opposed to; 5. Leg part below the knee; 9. Come from AFAR; 13. Have as a definition; 14. Tour of duty; 15. Singsong syllables; 19. “Seats sold out” sign; 27. Toronto’s prov.; 28. Neighbor of Yemen; 39. Pig’s place; 40. Moth-repellent wood; 41. Lower-priced spread; 42. RR stop; 51. Dark; 53. Fuss; 61. Go ballistic; 62. Kill; 63. Requirement.
The downs: 2. Within easy reach; 3. Stuffed tortilla; 4. What a quill may be dipped in; 5. Reeked; 6. Language of India; 7. Of an old Andean empire; 8. To the NTH degree; 10. Got along; 11. Dead’s opposite; 23. Aim; 25. Leave out; 26. Like some delicate lingerie; 29. Inc., in England; 30. “I get it!”; 32. Normandy town in W.W. II fighting; 37. Accomplishment; 38. Ripped; 44. Ripening agent; 48. Water park slide; 50. Inquired; 54. Hill you might drive a buggy over; 58. Eisenhower years, e.g.
Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, /
A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked. /
If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, /
Where's the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked? / ask Mother Goose!
What a pleasant puzzle!
Click on image to enlarge.
Puzzle available on the internet at
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