Country General Store, Michael Matherly
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Puzzle by Barry C. Silk, edited by Will Shortz
If one likes seeing the complete alphabet utilized in a crossword puzzle then today’s should be quite satisfactory with its octet of FOMENT (44D. Stir up); GROCERY (24D. Checkers’ place); INDEXER (17A. Librarian, at times); JAMB (10D. Threshold adjoiner); PLOW (49A. It turns up in a field); QUASI (30A. Seeming); STEVE (48D. Jobs in technology?); and WHIZKID (1A. Westinghouse/Intel award winner). I guess with the opening of school this week, the ABC’s are in vogue; and although the definition of pangram is an incorrect one for a crossword puzzle, the entire alphabet is represented. The term can only be properly applied to a sentence. So, if you're up to the challenge of turning the aforementioned octet into a sentence, have at it!
Double-letter entries -- HURRYUP (26D. Shout to a 25-Across); KIXX (D. Aptly named Philadelphia indoor soccer team); OOHED (31. Marveled aloud); OOCYTE (41D. An egg develops from it); QUAALUDE (34D. It’s a downer); RUFFS (42A. Plays a trump card); SANTAANA (12D. Orange County seat); TOCCATA (51A. Improvisatory composition); UNZIPPED (35D. Open, as a jacket); ZEE (4D. One of a jazz duo?). HURRYUP is a shout to a SNAIL (25A. Sluggard). OOCYTE and OVI (41A. Egg head?) share their initial O, and more. Ice appears twice, crossing itself with HOMEICE (15A. Place for a skating edge) and ICERS (6D. Some players in penalty boxes).
AVERSETO (36D. Not at all excited by); CLIMAXED (37D. Reached the peak); DERANGED (7D. Sick) and THISISIT (13D. “Here we go!”) form a quartet of sorts. Other entries of length include ARAPAHO (16A. Fox’s cousin); CUTRATE (37A. Discounted); DESERTS (61A. Comeuppance); DETROIT (58A. Home to Hitsville U.S.A.); EDOMITE (60A. Ancient Negev dweller); EVILONE (59A. Satan, with “the”); GEMINIS (18A. They come out in the spring); MAJESTY (8A. Stateliness); QUACKED (34A. Sounded like a bufflehead); UPEARLY (54A. Seeing the sun rise, say); XEROXED (56A. Ran off, in a way); XRAYLAB (20A. Where inside info is revealed?); YOSEMITE (14D. Half Dome’s home).
Those of six letters -- DARNIT (33A. “Phooey!”); FLEXOR (43D. Biceps, e.g.); HONKAT (2D. Alert while driving); IMDONE (3D. “No more for me”); MAGLIE (8D. Losing pitcher in the 1956 World Series perfect game); SWEDES (45D. Dwellers on lake Vänern); UNVEIL (38A. Show to the public); WHIRLS (1D. Reels).
The remainders: AIRY (46A. Insubstantial); ALMAY (39A. Name in cosmetics since 1931); 9D. “AREAL Nice Clambake” (“Carousel” tune); ARIS (52D. Onassis and others); ARM (55D. Trunk attachment); 39D. AVEC raison (sensible: Fr.); AZERA (40A. Luxury Hyundai sedan); 33D. “DUM spiro, spero” (motto of South Carolina); EME (53A. Suffix in linguistics); EPI (11D. Prefix with cycle); GRE (29A. Princeton Review subj.); HAIM (26A. One of the Coreys on “The Two Coreys”); HEL (32D. Daughter of Loki); LANG (23A. “The King and I” film director); LPS (50A. Records that may be broken); OLE (57D. Root word?); POEMS (47A. Their feet don’t walk); POLIT (47D. Like many parties: Abbr.); RKO (19A. “Notorious” company); STERN (27A. Far from soft); TROI (51D. Counselor on “Star Trek: T.N.G.”); TSE (22A. Where Japanese trade shares: Abbr.); YARD (21D. Prison part).
At the grocery, Steve, a whiz kid and indexer, did a quasi foment to the jamb with a plow.
Click on image to enlarge.
Puzzle available on the internet at
THE NEW YORK TIMES -- Crossword Puzzles and Games
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