09.20.08 -- Quadrupuzzle III

Colour Studies -- Wassily Kandinsky

September 20, 2008

Puzzle by Joe Krozel, edited by Will Shortz

Today's crossword is essentially four small puzzles which are joined weakly in the center by two four-letter across entries, ANON (25. Soon enough) and NICE (33. “Sweet!”) with a few scattered common letters on the periphery, e.g., E, L, and R. Divided by four big black "hammers", each quadrant must be solved separately in that as much use as any letter is from another section, the center might as well be completely closed. This is the third crossword of this type over the past year -- See
12.01.07 -- Quadrupuzzle with the exact same diagram and 12.22.07 -- Quadrupuzzle II, a variation.

Puzzle 1 (Upper left): Across -- 1. Agreed; 12. Drama queen; 16. “You BETCHA!“; 18. Break by hitting; 20. Apt to turn out badly; 22. Something taken before swinging; 24. Opening and closing facilitator; 26. Loafer attachment. Down -- 1. Founder of the Foundation for Florida’s Future; 2. “That wasn’t a joke!“; 3. Its capital is Gaborone; 4. Artistic impressions?; 5. Bursts open, as legume seedpods; 13. Asian Royal.

Puzzle 2 (Upper right): Across -- 6. “Only bad witches are ugly” speaker; 14. They might be weaving; 17. Asian range, with “the”; 19. Prompts; 21. Trademark relatives; 23. Lame excuse. Down -- 6. Set piece?; 7. Ballerina, often; 8. Inactivity; 9. By; 10. Least exciting; 11. Politico Hutchinson and others; 14. Send from abroad; 15. Blouse coverer.

Puzzle 3 (Lower left): Across -- 37. Bit of regalia; 42. Separator of light and dark; 44. Delivered by a third person, perhaps; 46. It contains the three-fifths clause; 48. Setting one back the most; 50. Ecclesiastical districts. Down -- 25. Heirs, legally; 27. Licenses; 34. It needs to be built up when it’s bad; 37. Like some nights and eyes; 38. Deliver by truck; 39. Lucia’s brother in “Lucia di Lammermoor”; 40. Opposite of turbulent; 44. Refreshing things.

Puzzle 4 (Lower right): Across -- 28. Common household pest; 35. Sports equipment wired for scoring; 41. Mixed with something else; 43. “Les Mains Sales” playwright, 1948; 45. Snow-covered cover-up; 47. It’s typically easier to give than take; 49. Comparatively shrewd; 51. Trivial stuff. Down -- 29. Said while pounding the fist, say; 30. One signing off; 31. It’s free of charge; 32. Apartment adjuncts; 36. Participants in a kids’ game; 41. Singer of the 1991 hit “Wicked Game”.

Go four it!


For today’s cartoon, go to The Crossword Puzzle Illustrated.

Click on image to enlarge.

Puzzle available on the internet at
THE NEW YORK TIMES -- Crossword Puzzles and Games

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