Well aware of the nature of their fellow man, the fathers of our country wisely structured our system of government to safeguard the liberty and freedom of future generations.

We are now living under a dictatorship in all but name, who intentionally lie and deceive the American people in order to advance their agenda for worldwide hegemony. Beginning with the theft of a national election, and followed by the events of 9/11, this cabal of evil has stopped at nothing to achieve their goals.
The orgy of slaughter, plunder, and war profiteering we are seeing in Iraq, Afghanistan and Palestine is not, as we are being told, a war on terrorism, but part of a much larger strategy. What we are actually seeing is the implementation of the agenda of the Project for the New American Century. or PNAC for short.
The PNAC is a study released in 1997 by a private organization headed by William Kristol, editor of the neo conservative Weekly Standard news letter, and former Chief of Staff to former Vice President Dan Quayle, and Secretary of Education Bill Bennett. This study puts forth proposals for defense, foreign policy, and energy policy for the United States in the 21st century. The PNAC has some very powerful and influential supporters, among which are present and former high ranking government officials. Among those supporters presently serving in government are Vice President Dick Cheney, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, and Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz.
It is interesting to note that Jeb Bush, the brother of the President, and Governor of the State of Florida, is also a supporter. It was in the State of Florida where the will of the people was subverted during the 2000 election, and with the complicity of the Supreme Court, installed PNAC conspirator, GW Bush, as President.
The stated principles of the PNAC recommend huge increases in the defense budget, (preparation for a war of aggression), to aggressively confront nations and leaders who oppose freedom and democracy, (US and Israeli hegemony), and lastly, U.S. access to, and influence over global energy resources, (the seizure of other nations resources through intimidation and military action).This study is not unusual, just one of many which pour forth from both government and private think tanks.
However, when the dots are connected, it becomes highly suspicious. Going back in time to February 12th, 1997, a hearing of the House Committee on International Relations for Asia and the Pacific took place. Giving testimony was John J. Maresca, Vice President on International Relations of Unicol Corp, a resource and development company. Meresca, spoke of the difficulty of bringing to market the Caspian Sea areas vast oil and gas reserves via a projected pipeline through Afghanistan. Meresca specifically mentioned the Taliban, as the major impediment to the building of the pipeline.
Shortly after the events of 9/11, American military forces began the invasion of Afghanistan, where Osama Bin Laden, alleged mastermind of 9/11, and his organization Al Qaida were said to be based. With the rout of the Taliban, Hamid Karzai, reported to be a former consultant to Unicol, took office as interim President of Afghanistan. As well as the large military presence in Afghanistan, US military bases have now been established in the former Soviet Republics of Uzbeckistan and Kyrgyzstan. Secretary of State Colin Powell has assured the Russian Government that the purpose of these bases are to combat terrorism, and disrupt the drug trade in the area.
However, it is impossible to ignore the close proximity of these former Soviet republics to the huge Caspian Sea oil reserves. As recommended in the PNAC, Iraq has been attacked and occupied. The public face of the cabal, the Bush Administration, in order justify the invasion, accused Saddam Hussein of possessing weapons of mass destruction, and conspiring with Al Qaida for the 9/11 attacks.
After almost two years of occupation, no weapons of mass destruction have been found, nor has any evidence been found to link Iraq with Al Qaida. However, Iraq does possess the second largest oil reserves in the Middle East, and Saddam Hussein was also a long time enemy of Americas friend and ally in the Middle East, Israel.
It is interesting to note that Paul Wolfowitz, Deputy Secretary of Defense, holds dual citizenship, US and Israeli, as do other influential members of the US Government. The agenda of the PNAC could not have been put into effect had it not been for 9/11, just as Americas entry into WWII would never been possible without Pearl Harbor.
Knowing full well the aversion of the American people to send their sons to die for oil, the conspirators of the cabal would need an incident to influence American public opinion for war. Such an incident would materialize shortly after the installment of the Bush Junta. Prior to the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, the President took an unusually long vacation, lasting a month. On the day of the attack, the President would be found in an elementary school, once again in Florida, innocently reading a book to school children.
Mossad agents, masquerading as the alleged hijackers in order to mislead any post 9/11 investigations, were living in Florida prior to the hijackings. Taking flying lessons at a flight school in Venice, Florida, and being seen in local bars and restaurants, they would leave a trail of false evidence shifting blame to non existing entities away from the real conspirators.
As Israel has as much to gain supporting the PNAC agenda as does the cabal in Washington, it would not be unthinkable for the Mossad to take an active role within the US, supporting the planning and implementation of 9/11 with the conspirators of the cabal. Every aspect of the attack, especially the psychological effect was well thought out. Whether the hijacked airliners were controlled by remote technology, or flown by highly indoctrinated individuals, willing to carry out their mission at all costs, is irrelevant. It succeeded in fooling the great majority of the public, and still does.
Taking advantage of the post 9/11 chaos to seize further power, the cabal would intimidate an already overwhelmed Congress with the threat of anthrax into passing the draconian Patriot Act. Nor has the corporate controlled media, not surprisingly, made any hint of a PNAC/ Israeli connection to US foreign policy. Nor have we heard anything from the Democratic candidate for President, John Kerry in regards to any PNAC/ Israeli connections to 9/11. The cabal has everyone running scared.
The high level criminal activity and treachery taking place behind closed doors in Washington, in Tel Aviv, and in the Boardrooms of corporate power is beyond belief. The cabal, despite setbacks to its agenda in Afghanistan and Iraq, is nonetheless, growing more brazen everyday with the knowledge that a mostly clueless, distracted and overworked American citizenry will not stand in its way. A renewed effort after the Election will be brought to bear, including conscription (the draft).
The war will be enlarged to Iran, Syria, and Lebanon respectively. New anti terrorist legislation will be rammed through Congress, putting an end to the last real vestiges of freedom and liberty in America.
Leon Fisher
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