10.03.08 -- Alienation

Bibi Andersson, Liv Ullmann in Persona

The main feature of this Friday’s crossword is two blocks of three 15-letter across totally unrelated entries: The upper three -- DISHFITFORAKING (1. Unforgettable edible); INTERNALREVENUE (16. Concern of a certain federal commissioner); ATOMICSUBMARINE (17. Fission boat?). The lower three -- INCONSIDERATION (58. On account [of]); TOALESSEREXTENT (62. Not so much); STREETADDRESSES (63. They’re usually even on one side).

Other entries across of any length include ASTORIA (42. Neighbor of Sunnyside in New York); CODEINE (31. Opium product); EMPTOR (21. Nero’s buyer); PICNIC (52. Take-out meal?); RUNATAB (37. Be in the red for black and tans?); SATIRE (50. Mad specialty); SLEIGH (23. Vehicle for an annual round-the-world trip).

The down entries include ALCOTTS (43. 19th-century literary family in Massachusetts); DIALER (1. One entering a number); HEMATIC (4. Of blood); INITIALS (13. You might exchange words with them); INNIES (47. They’re below some chests); INTIME (2. One day); KERNELS (12. They cover the ears); RENTACAR (36. National service); SCENTS (49. Trackers’ aids); SIMONE (48. 2002 Al Pacino film); SKIPOLE (41. One stuck in the snow); STOMPS (3. Defeats decisively).

Throughout the puzzle, the five letter entries include AVAIL (11D. Advantage), BLISS (46D. Nirvana), DENSE (27D. Not very sharp), DUANE (32D. N.F.L. cornerback Starks), INCUR (6D. Rack up), ONTOP (29D. Leading), PARER (52D. One stripping on a kitchen counter), RENEE (51D. Longtime “Days of Our Lives“ actress Jones), RESIN (26A. Ingredient in plastics), RIATA (28D. Western costume accessory), SPEAR (23D. Shoot in the garden).

The fill: APE, ARES, ARIA, AXE, BIBI (38D. Actress Andersson of “Persona”), DROP, GEE, GRAS, HAMS, FLUE, FRI, IDED, INT, ITS (58D. With 57-Across, welcome words when the check arrives) ONME (57A. See 58-Down), JAWS and JARS, LARA, LIMA, NEAP, NERD, NOT, NUN, ONOR, ORBS, PINA and PISA, REM, SLAM, SSS and SST, TASS, USES, WINK (44A. Indication that one is just teasing).

Overall, a distant crossword, distant and cold…


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Xword Info -- Across: 18. Capital on the Rimac River; 19. Plays; 20. 1040 amt.; 27. Mention casually; 30. Her theme song was a 1966 hit; 33. Pan; 34. Clash sharply; 39. Registration agcy.; 40. His chariot was drawn by four fire-breathing horses; 44. Indication that one is just teasing; 45. Occurrence after the first and third quarters of the moon; 53. Large copier; 54. Tropical fruit, in Toledo. Down: 5. Good day?: Abbr.; 7. Old name in news; 8. Drawing device; 9. Regal symbols; 10. Occurrence after retiring; 14. Order member; 15. “I don’t know” lead-in; 22. ___ around (close to); 24. Fat, to Francois; 25. Many skit actors; 34. Head pieces; 35. Unlikely number for a rock concert; 38. Actress Andersson of “Persona”; 54. City noted for its campanile; 55. Fingered; 56. Square; 59. Kidder’s word; 60. Historic barrier breaker; 61. Hacker’s aid.

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