Between You and I, Anthony McCall
You and I are confronted today by four challenging corners with three ten-letter entries each, the main feature of this Friday crossword. Upper left across: JULIACHILD (1. Subject of the 1989 musical monologue “Bon AppĂ©tit!”); IRONMAIDEN (15. Old torturer); MICRONESIA (17. Country whose capital is Palikir). Upper right down: AMERICANME (12D. 1992 film directed by and starring Edward James Olmos); KARLMALDEN (13. Warden player in “Birdman of Alcatraz”); STREAMLINE (14. Simplify). Lower right down: HOTTAMALES (27. Sexy numbers); EXHILARATE (28. Send); SLEEPERCAR (29. Berth place). Lower right across: ONECALORIE (60. It’s easy to burn); DEADRINGER (65. Twin); STRIKEZONE (67. Thing to swing from).

The short stuff: ALP, AMAT, CAM, CDI, DNAS (10D. Strands of biology), EAR (62D. A hoop may be attached to it), ERGO, ETAT, HIE, IDS, INRO, JIMA, LACS, LEI (10D. Strand on an island?), LOCK, MENE, NET (61D. It‘s attached to a hoop), ODA, OMN, RIEN, SERA and SERE, SKA, TERR.
A puzzle with plenty of company, including YOUANDI (40A. We)!
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Puzzle available on the internet at
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Xword information -- Across: 16. Latin trio member; 18. Union member of the future: Abbr.; 33. Spying aid; 44. View from the Arlberg Pass; 47. Bit of biblical graffiti; 59. Geneve and others; 64. Target of un coup; 66. Evening for Evangelo. Down: 1. Chichi-___ (largest of Japan’s Bonin Islands); 3. Sure winner; 4. Obi accessory; 7. Rush; 8. Some bracelets; 24. Every, in prescriptions; 37. Vitiate; 39. Calypso relative; 56. Sum lead-in; 57. Zip around France?; 58. Sun-damaged; 63. Century-beginning year.
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