12.17.08 -- Mnemonic

Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Puzzle by John Farmer, edited by Will Shortz
NOTES (65A. Staff members, and what the circled letters in this puzzle represent) results in E, G, B, D and F along with the
mnemonic phrase, “EVERY GOOD BOY DOES FINE” contained in the first words of the otherwise unrelated across entries of EVERY SO OFTEN (19. On occasion); GOOD OLD DAYS (27. Yesteryear nostalgically); BOY SCOUTS (35. Order of the Arrow members); DOES WONDERS (46. Makes something better in a big way); FINE AND DANDY (54. Ducky).
Four nine-letter entries follow close by -- ALANADALE (62A. Sherwood Forest minstrel); MACADAMIA (17. Nut in a can of premium mixed nuts); MESMERIZE (14. Entrance); SODAWATER (64. "Two cents plain" drink).
Seven-letter down entries -- AMMETER (1. Electric gauge); ASCENDS (3. Climbs); CONYERS (45. House Judiciary Committee); EMANATE (43. Spring); SANDLER (44. “Happy Gilmore” star, 1996); WEAVING (2. Not staying in one’s lane).
Six-letter entries -- DEAFTO (8D. Ignoring); EXPEND (9D. Lay out); NLEAST (49D. Div. for the Mets and Marlins); WAIVES (47D. Gives up).
Five-letter - AWASH (1A. Inundated); AZURE (63A. Like lapis lazuli); DICED (30D. Cut into small cubes); EELED (9A. Caught congers, e.g.); MADAT (53D. Angry with); PIXEL (18A. Bitmap bit); RAJIV (59A. One of the Gandhis); SMART (4D. Natty); STERS (67A. Suffix with road and speed); XRAYS (16A. They may have a view of the bridge).
Four-letter -- ALOE, CARB, DAWS, EBAY, ERIN, EZIO, FIRE, HEDY, JANE, LIMO, MANN, NADA, OMNI, and TINT, today’s (21A. Salon job).
Three-letter -- AOL, AWL, AZO, BBS, CDS, DNA, DSL, END and ESC, EYE, FAA, FLU, GOO, JUT, LAX, LED, LYN, MAO, OMY, ONS, OWN, RAN and RAS, REY, SLY, TEA, TIL and TIN, TYS, UAR, and USE, clued differently than yesterday -- today it's (25D. Exhaust, with “up”).
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The Crossword Puzzle Illustrated.

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Xword search information -- Across: 6. Led; 21. Salon job; 22. “One ___ Soldier” (antiwar song); 23. Yuppie ___ (chronic fatigue syndrome); 26. Wind up; 32. Some football linemen: Abbr.; 33. Hyatt alternative; 34. “A Thousand Acres” novelist Smiley; 39. Low-___ diet; 42. Competitor of uBid; 43 Emergency PC key; 50. Kind of jacket; 51. Tricky; 52. Leatherworker’s tool; 53. Singer/songwriter Aimee; 66. Celestial Seasonings product. Down: 5. Actress Lamarr; 6. Door-to-door delivery service?; 7. Opera singer Pinza; 10. Land o’ leprechauns; 11. Not enforcing all the laws; 12. CBS logo; 13. Alternative to dial-up; 15. ___ Tafari (Haile Selassie); 20. ___ Tuesday (53-Across’s pop band); 23. “Black box” regulator: Abbr.; 24. Former White House adviser Nofziger; 27. Schmaltz; 28. “Peg ___ Heart”; 29. Turn-___ (thrills); 31. Spinners of the Spinners, e.g.; 35. Air gun ammo; 36. U.K. honor; 37. Onetime Mideast letters; Game show host Treadway and others; 39. Music store stock; 40. “You’ve got mail” co.; 41. Spain’s Carlos I or II; 48. “The devil looks after his ___”; 54. Boot; 55. First-aid salve; 56. Zippo; 57. Some evidence; 58. Crow cousins; 59. Fled or bled; 60. ___ dye; 61. Project.

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