01.02.09 -- Friday Fare

1953 signage for the first Cinemascope picture, "The Robe."
Friday, January 2, 2009
Puzzle by Martin Ashwood-Smith, edited by Will Shortz
This first TGIF crossword of 2009 features eight 15-letter entries stretching across the grid as wide as CinemaScope:
SALES RESISTANCE (1A. Problem in closing?);
THE ELEVENTH HOUR (16A. Just before it’s too late);
AMERICAN DREAMER (17A. 1984 JoBeth Williams comedy/adventure film);
AVERSION THERAPY (34A. One way to kick a bad habit);
INVITED AUDIENCE (40A. Preview crowd);
WEATHER STATIONS (59A. Pressure points?);
ADLAI E STEVENSON (62A. Who said “A hungry man is not a free man”);
REAL ESTATE AGENT (63A. One who’d like to put you in your place).
Six-letter entries --
BARRELS (23D. Rodeo trio); CONTOUR (19A. Bucket seat feature); GREASED (52A. Like some cookie sheets); HERRING (21D. Whitebait, e.g.); ICED TEA (42D. Brewer’s product); SLICERS (5D. They might be full of baloney); THE ROBE (11D. First film in CinemaScope, 1953); TOUGHIE (41D. Real poser).
Five-letter --
ANNAN (28D. Ban succeeded him in 2007); BASED (30A. Grounded); 33D. CLASS (45A. Social group); DYNES per centimeter (surface tension measure); EPICS (32D. Big pictures); GOUDA (27D. City NE of Rotterdam); LAPIS (24D. Stone, to Caesar) and LOPER (24A. Gazelle, at times); MUNRO (38A. Alice who wrote the short-story collection “Open Secrets“); OVINE (25D. Like a shepherd’s charges); PEEVE (26D. Really get to); SAUNA (31D. Luxury hotel amenity); 43A. “ … ye shall SEE NO more vanity”: Ezekiel 13: 23; RECON (6D. Brief scouting outing?); STRUM (10D. Not be picky with an instrument?) and STRUT (29D. Supporting piece).
Short stuff -- four-letter: AHME, ANON, ASTA, AWAR, BEDE, CUED, EVAN, ERRS and ERST, INDO, ISNT, JOSE, LEES,
NOME, PIER, RUIN, SALA, STAY which shares its’ clue with STRUT (Supporting piece), STET and SENT. Three-letter: ABS, AHA, ANT (44A. Social group member), EDS, EER, GAS, GUT, HEN and HOD, IME, ING, JAI, MOB, TAL, WES and YES (18A. Ouija option).
For today’s cartoon, go to
The Crossword Puzzle Illustrated.
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Xword search information -- Across: 20. Seventeen people, briefly; 21. One whose deposits are often collected; 22. Hit-making group?; 27. Beetle’s need; 37. It’s a shore thing; 39. Utter collapse; 46. Instinctive; 48. 1980s N.B.A. guard Matthews; 49. They look better when they’re ripped; 56. I have, in Le Havre. Down: 2. World-weary words; 3. Refuse; 4. Poet’s ending with what or how; 7. ___ and Jaron (identical-twins pop duo); 8. Posted; 9. Prefix with Germanic; 12. Word associated with a light bulb; 13. It’s on Norton Sound; 14. Given a line; 15. Goes off; 35. George Harrison’s “___ Mine”; 36. V-shaped carrier; 49. Start ___ (be extremely aggressive); 50. Eliot hero; 51. A room with una vista?; 53. Formerly archaic?; 54. Fictional wirehair; 55. Decide to leave; 56. Cuban patriot Marti; 57. Like some sources: Abbr.; 58. Abba’s “Love ___ Easy”; 60. Jazz guitarist Farlow; 61. Like Mahler’s Symphony No. 4.

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