01.16.09 -- ALLOK!

Friday, January 16, 2009
Puzzle by Mike Nothnagel, edited by Will Shortz
I have often returned to New York and looked down from the aircraft as it passed over my apartment building with regret that I could not parachute home rather than continue on to the airport and travel through traffic back to Manhattan. So, it was with some interest to observe that U. S. Airways landed a large aircraft at the end of my street into the Hudson River -- careful what you wish for! Everyone is
ALLOK (49D. Perfectly good), but their luggage? Oh well, that’s nothing new, is it? Next?…an ocean liner landing at LAG! Long story short, my thoughts are everywhere but this crossword -- a humdinger!
The entries by size and alphabetical order:

Ten-letter entries --
ETHANHAWKE (27D. Oscar nominee for “Training Day,” 2001); HOURLYRATE (14A. A raise may raise it); ICESKATING (62A. It requires spin control); IMPULSEBUY (11D. Many an item at a checkout line); LESSISMORE (26D. “Keep it simple”); MRUNIVERSE (53A. Arnold Schwarzenegger, four times); OPENSEASON (17A. When many shots are taken); persistent (19a. Not letting go); SINGLESBAR (60A. Match point?); YOUKNOWWHO (10D. Unnamed individual).
Seven-letter -- ATTUNES (42D. Adapts); EASESBY (7D. Passes gingerly);
HOT MILK (39D. Béchamel sauce ingredient); OKSHOOT (36A. Response to “I have a question for you”); SHOWBIZ (38A. Tinseltown is part of it); YESWEDO (15D. Reply to “Have you got that in stock?”).

Six-letter -- 5D. “The Two ELSIES” (Martha Finley children’s book); HEMSIN (45D. Confines); HENLEY (22A. Regatta setting); INTHAT (44A. Since); REVEAL (47D. Leak); TALESE (24A. “A Writer’s Life” writer, 2006); TENTHS (9D. Run on);
TROYER (46A. Verne of Austin Powers films); WASHOE (48A. Reno’s county).
Five-letter --
ANGST (51D. Not just jitters); BASSOS (28A. Some singing villains); 40A. Cul-DESAC; GOODY (13D. Small perk); LASSO (65A. Ringer of some necks); NOTRE (12D. Our counterpart in France?); PRATE (6D. Run on); SPREE (1A. Romp); SWEDE (33A. Uppland inhabitant);
WASPS (48D. With 64-Across, sight under the eaves, at times) and the four-letter NEST (64A. See 48-Down).
Will you miss him?
Four-letter -- 52A. Michigan’s ALMA College; ANKE (25D. Huber of women’s tennis); ASST (29D. Kind of ed.); ATKA (32D. Aleutian island); ATON 8D. Greatly); DAYS (31A. Spin cycles?);
DIME (34D. Torch site); ERGO (58D. Conclusion lead-in); ERNS (4D. Birds with “meat cleaver” bills); ESSO (23D. Brand named after the pronunciation of its parent company’s initials); ESTA (55D. Is in Spain?); EWES (21A. Some livestock); EZER (35D. Israel’s Weizman); HUME (43A. “An Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Morals” philosopher); KATO (41A. He fought Robin on an episode of “Batman”); KURD (20A. Many a Kirkuk native); OCTO (37D. Prefix with -pod); OMOO (16A. Novel about its author’s experiences on Tahiti); PORK (61A. Government largesse); POPE (2D. Poet who wrote “Hope springs eternal in the human breast”); RBIS (56D. Sluggers’ stats); RICE (54D. Force through a sieve); RUER (3D. Penitent); 57D. SANS fil (wireless, in Paris); 63A. SKEE-Ball; SHOP (1D. Steward’s domain); SLOW (59A. Somewhat dense); TAME (50A. Break); TWOD (24D. Flat); 8. UPTO snuff; WNET (30A. PBS station with a transmitter on the Empire State Building); 10A. Soprano YING Huang.
…and it’s cold!
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