Open Your Eyes”, Ada Jackson
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Puzzle by Mark Diehl, edited by Will Shortz
OPEN YOUR EYES (7D. “Look, bonehead!”) and ALL GUSSIED UP (21D. Dressed to the nines) lend a colloquial air to this Saturday crossword, and along with DARN IT (62A. “Aaargh!”), WANNABE (49A. Hanger-on), PSST (8D. Discreet call) and AHA (54A. “I knew it!), set this puzzle IN A SPIN (12D. Twirling), a DRONE (52D. Go on and on) on a RADIO SET (9D. Ham’s rig) PAGER (6D. Cell alternative) for a SAD SACK (13D. Born loser)!
Geography -- AREA MAPS (15A. Tourist booth handouts) and SEA ROUTES (35A. Lines for liners), perhaps directions for an IDAHOAN (39D. Sarah Palin, by birth) to 38D. “HOWARDS End” or FRISCO (26D. ‘67 Summer of Love locale), 28D. LASSEN Volcanic National Park), NEPAL (32A. Land where the air is thin) or a SPEEDWAY (65A. Indy, for one).
People -- 10D. Writer ADELA Rogers St. Johns; ANN BLYTH (36D. Nominee for Best Supporting Actress in “Mildred Pierce,” 1945); a BARD (57D. Minstrel); BRET (57A. Pitcher Saberhagen); DESADE (18A. “The Crimes of Love” author); ESTELLA (44D. She was a pip to Pip in “Great Expectations”); an IRON AGE (2D. Early period) JAVAMAN (1D. Early hominid); TIERNEY (14D. “Laura” star, 1944); NYES (47A. Longtime North Dakota senator Gerald and others); PELE (24D. Sports star with an accent in his name); 61D. English singer Corinne Bailey RAE; SINATRA (40D. Sands part-owner once); YMA (5D. Peruvian Sumac) with perhaps with an ADORABLE (60A. Just too cute) HAIRBOW (43D. Girlish accessory); but not for the list is ADONAI (16A. Hebrew title for God).
Culinary -- JIFFY POP (1A. Brand for preparation on a stovetop); LOAF PAN (25A. Bakery container); TUNA ROLL (63A. Sushi bar order); VOLTAGES (17A. Appliance numbers); and RICE (31A. Jambalaya need), but not ROAST (48D. Certain charity event).
Athletics -- ACHES (42A. Workout reminders); AGILE (27A. Not stiff at all); MAT (23A. Where pins are made); SNATCH (64A. Weightlifting move).
Miscellaneous -- AURIC (50D. Golden) and ULSTER (55A. Loose overcoat); INKY (34A. Black as night) and STATELY (45D. Like elm trees); RACIST (9A. Like some misguided remarks) and ROTARY (58A. Civic club); URGE (33A. Press) and ENTAIL (20A. Call for).
Short stuff -- ANT and ANTE; COS; EARS (37D. Hammer holders); FATE (4D. Them’s the breaks); HISS (38A. Moccasin sound); IDS; ITA; NETS; ODIE (46A. Funny papers pooch) and OWLS (29A. Fifth-year exams at Hogwarts); PRY, SSR; TATS (56D. Needlework, for short?).
I’d like to say this is now written, but I need must settle for WROTE (30D. Set down)!
For today’s cartoon, go to The Crossword Puzzle Illustrated.
Click on image to enlarge.
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