Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Puzzle by John Underwood, edited by Will Shortz
A dozen nations are featured as interrelated clues with underline entries in today’s crossword -- 1. Turkish BATH, 5. Dutch TREAT, 20. Russian ROULETTE, 22. Swiss CHEESE, 34. Australian CRAWL, 35. American ELM, 41. Italian ICE, 42. Canadian BACON, 55. Danish PASTRY, 57. Portuguese MANOFWAR, 66. French TOAST and 67. Spanish RICE. The underline (fill-in-the-blank) clue is no lazy clue today!
Other entries of length include ARMYANT (43D. Tiny marcher), ATTIMES (24A. Now and again), HOMESTEAD (11D. Locale for a pioneer family), HOTLINES (4D. Crisis center connections), SLEEPSOFA (33D. Convertible), THECROW (9D. Brandon Lee’s last movie), VERISMO (51A. Operatic movement circa 1900), VILIFIER (40D. Slanderer).
Mid-size -- ABLER (37D. Better trained), AFOOT (2D. Going on), AROMA (59A. Appetite stimulant), ARSON (27D. Burning issue), BALSA (36A. Light wood) and BASRA (1D. Iraqi seaport), BRASS (25A. Military pooh-bahs) and BRAUN (25D. Brand of razors and coffee makers), COCOA (34D. Après-ski drink), EVADE (39A. Skirt), HAOLE (23D. Outlander in Hawaii), MANIC (53D. Bouncing off the walls), NINON (63A. Sturdy chiffon), NORTH (15A. Toward the Arctic), ORATE (54D. Speak before throngs), OTTER (50D. Prized fur), OUNCE (18A. Measure of prevention or strength?), POEMA (49A. Spanish verse), ROUTS (6D. Licks soundly), SIXES (10D. Boxcars), SWAMI (52D. Hindu wise one), TENANT (47D. Kind of farmer), TNOTES (5D. Govt. securities), TROUT (3D. Lake catch), VAMOS (51D. “Let’s go, amigo!”).
Short stuff -- ABIT and ALOT, AFRO and AROO, ALAS, ALDO, APSE, ATC, CAFÉ, DANE, EMIT, EMU and ERNE, ERO, IANA, IDOS, IOWA, LRON, MMES, MONA, NUS, OSU, OWES, PACE and PACT, RIO, SHOD, SOOT, TAM, TEE and TEL, TSAR, XMEN (19A. Superheroes battling the evil Magneto).
For today’s cartoon, go to The Crossword Puzzle Illustrated.
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Remaining clues -- Across: 10. Like horses’ hooves; 14. Bush not seen much nowadays; 16. Sioux City’s locale; 17. Lampblack; 19. Superheroes battling the evil Magneto; 26. Preceders of xis; 27. Buck’s tail?; 28. Cap with a pompom; 31. Semicircular building extension; 38. The Buckeyes, for short; 44. Union agreements?; 46. Scientologist Hubbard; 47. Hill, in Haifa; 58. Very much; 61. Collector’s suffix; 62. Place to order a sandwich or espresso; 64. Put out; 65. Ivan or Feodor. Down: 7. White-tailed eagle; 8. Takeoff and landing overseers: Abbr.; 12. Is in the red; 13. Hamlet, e.g.; 21. Part of the Australian coat of arms; 29. Fashion designer Gucci; 30. Ladies of Versailles: Abbr.; 31. Not much; 32. Double time, for one; 48. Leandro’s partner in a Mancinelli opera; 55. Agreement; 56. “’Tis a pity”; 57. Lisa with a “mystic smile”; 60. Grande opening?
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