02.15.09 -- Double O

Double-O Arch, Stefan Gebenus, Photography -- Arches National Park


Sunday, February 15, 2009

DOUBLE-O SEVEN, Puzzle by Jim Leeds, edited by Will Shortz

Featured in this Sunday crossword are seven entries where a single O has increased to two effecting a “humorous” change accompanied by a justifying clue -- BOOB FOR APPLES (23A. Numbskull who likes Macintosh); T BOONE STEAK (33A. Entrees for oilman Pickens?); SIXTEEN TOONS (63A. Between a dozen and a score of Disney creations?); PHOTO OOPS (68A. Overexposure or redeye?); TEAM ROOSTERS (71A. South Carolina Gamecocks?); TOYS FOR TOOTS (101A. Kids’ whistles and horns?); ROADSIDE STOOP (114A. Place to sit by the highway?).

The remainder of the puzzle is business as usual, very usual.

Across: 1. Some people dress in them in the winter, LAYERS; 7. Bayer alternative, ANACIN; 13. Poetry movement of Ezra Pound,
IMAGISM; 20. Result of vitamin B12 deficiency, ANEMIA; 21. Military hero, WARACE; 22. 1992-93 World Series champs, TORONTO; 25. Exercised too much, OVERDID; 26. Irish patriot Robert EMMET; 27. Iron ORE; 28. Reddish-orange creatures, EFTS; 30. Caboose’s opposite, ENGINE; 31. Schubert composition; 32. POD people (sci-fi figures) 35. John McCain, e.g.: Abbr., SEN; 36. Bothers, GETSTO; 38. Burgeon, GROW; 39. “NOT interested”; 40. Mavens, PROS; 41. Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, e.g.: Abbr., MUS; 43. Who said “It gets late early out there”, BERRA; 47. “Gimme an A …!,” e.g., CHEER; 49. Williams of tennis, SERENA; 52. At the earliest opportunity, SOONEST; 56. A lot of the Bahamas, CAYS; 57. “Get ITIN writing”; 59. Turner of history, NAT; 60. Mame, for one, AUNTIE; 61. Pluses, ANDS; 66. Narrow groove, STRIA; 70. Be frugal, STINT; 73. La-la preceder, OOH; 75. Sheltered, ALEE; 76. Tightened, as shoelaces, RETIED; 77. Egg: Prefix, OVI; 78. Warehouse contents: Abbr., MDSE; 79. Abbr. on maps of the Old West, TERR; 80. Ragtime dance, ONESTEP; 82. Parlor piece, SETTEE; 84. Sanctify, BLESS; 86. Excellence, MERIT; 88. Rocket measure, YAW; 89. Intimate apparel, BRAS; 90. Rocket’s path, maybe, ARC; 93. A throw, EACH; 96. Was blinding, GLARED; 98. Sharp turn back, ZAG; 106. Drops on the lawn; DEW; 107. Roman evening, SERA; 108. Dürer, for one, ETCHER; 109. Saint ANNE, mother of the Virgin Mary; 110. Fox News anchor Pemmaraju, UMA; 111. Buenos AIRES; 112. Loose, ATLARGE; 117. Planter, SEEDMAN; 118. One treating disorders of the ear; 119. Shelby who wrote “The Content of Our Character”, STEELE; 120. Swirling, EDDYING; 121. G.E. products, DRYERS; 122. Cast, TOSSED.

Down: 1. Geoffrey Beene, Bill Blass and others, LABELS; 2. Cultural instability, ANOMIE; 3. Navy officers,
YEOMEN; 4. Plant, EMBED; 5. Start of a breakup, RIFT; 6. SAO Miguel Island; 7. Edgar and Tony, AWARDS; 8. Where a redneck gets red, NAPE; 9. Pioneering Dadaist, ARP; 10. Novelist Carr, CALEB; 11. Arctic weather phenomenon ICEFOG; 12. Counselor to the Greeks at Troy, NESTOR; 12. Spanish diminutive suffix, ITO; 14. Chess problem specifications, MOVES; 15. Bing Crosby’s ARENT You Glad You’re You?” ; 16. Stuff, GORGE; 17. Spicy cuisine, INDIAN; 18. Sotted, STINKO; 19. Limited in amount, MODEST; 24. Gray location?, ROOTS; 29. Superior sort?, SNOB; 32. Home of Caterpillar, PEORIA; 33. Band’s plan, TOUR; 34. EWES milk; 36. Kaplan Review subj., GRE; 37. Prohibition enforcers, informally, TMEN; 40. It “never won any battle,” according to Eisenhower, PESSIMISM; 42. It has its privileges, SENIORITY; 44. Bookbinding leather, ROAN; 45. No contests, ROUTS; 46. Marks in the margin; ANNOTATES; 47. Factory eatery, CANTEEN; 48. Moisten, HYDRATE; 49. Many Punjabis, SIKHS; 50. Largest of the Cyclades, NAXOS; 51. Quintillionth: Prefix, ATTO; 53. Leading lights in ballet, ETOILES; 54. All people, according to the Bible, SINNERS; 55. Perfumery employee, TESTER; 56. Revolutionary of 1957, CASTRO; 58. “TOPO the morning!”; 63. Carell of “The Office”, STEVE; 64. Classical poem, EPODE; 65. Those, to Teodoro, ESOS; 67. Sharp ridge, ARETE; 69. Dwellers along the Platte, once, OTOS; 72. European boundary river, ODER; 74. Language of Literature Nobelist Shmuel Yosef Agnon, HEBREW; 78. Whimper, MEWL; 81. Landing place, PIER; 83. IDs, TAGS; 85. Knickers wearer, lad; 87. “Ciao!”, TATA; 89. Scratch, BREAD; 90. Drill bit?, ATEASE; 91. Spoiled, ROTTEN; 92. Competed in a velodrome, CYCLED; 94 Joseph who wrote “Nostromo”, CONRAD; 95. Order of the British Empire, e.g., HONOUR; 97. Makes a member, ADMITS; 98. It’s nice when checks have lots of them, ZEROES; 99. Space on a butterfly’s wing, AREOLE; 100. Fought for air, GASPED; 102. Suspect, SHADY; 103. Manhattan Project scientist, FERMI; 104. “Rock of Ages” accompaniment; 105. Like some goodbyes, TEARY; 107. Internet destinations, SITES; 110. Mir launcher, USSR; 111. Vis-à-vis, ASTO; 113. 2012 Olympics host: Abbr., ENG; 115. Feel highly embarrassed, in teenspeak, DIE; 116. Superlative finish, EST.


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The Crossword Puzzle Illustrated.

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