02.28.09 -- ELECTRIC BLUE

Saturday, February 28, 2009
Puzzle by Frank Longo, edited by Will Shortz
ELECTRIC BLUE (27. Hue similar to cyan), ON LEAVE (36. Off for a stretch), and ALEC GUINNESS (38. Oscar winner for “The Bridge on the River Kwai”) are the only connections between the four corners of a quadrupuzzle crossword.

Upper left puzzle -- Across: 1.
Hindenburg’s predecessor as German president, EBERT; 6. Cousin of an alewife, SHAD; 14. Drive participant, DONOR; 15. Heads of Italy, CAPI; 17. Place for a tie, GARBAGE BAG; 20. Summer cooler, ITALIAN ICE; 22. Manages to get through, NEGOTIATES; 24. Multiplied, GREW. Down: 1. The rough vis-à-vis a green, EDGING; 2. Summer headgear, BOATER; 3. Bring to the boiling point, ENRAGE; 4. 2001 Emmy nominee for “The West Wing”, ROB LOWE; 5. Quality, TRAIT; 6. Elaborate solo vocal composition, SCENA; 7. It might be kicked after being picked up, HABIT; 8. With celerity, APACE; 9. Like some tracts, DIGESTIVE; 18. Cheerful, in Chalôns, GAI.

Upper right -- Across: 10.
Longtime name in news-gathering, TASS; 16. Gifford’s talk-show replacement, RIPA; 19. Magnitogorsk’s river, URAL; 21. Biblical trial word, ECCE; 23. Roger of “Cheers”, REES; 25. One doing fitting work, TAILOR; 37. Brand of octane booster, STP. Down: 10. Sternum attachment, TRUE RIB; 11. Alveoli, e.g., AIR CELLS; 12. Enter la-la land, SPACE OUT; 13. Spiel preparer, SALES REP; 26. Sports winners, ACES.

Lower left -- Across: 33. Miss at a rodeo, GAL; 41.
Water-skiing variety, SLALOM; 46. Credit report tarnisher, briefly, REPO; 53. Calls for passage, AYES; 55. Origination point, NODE; 57. Toe trouble, GOUT; 60. Dr. Foreman’s portrayer on “House”, EPPS. Down: 28. Stationery topper, LOGO; 33. Burner locale, GAS RANGE; 34. Court crowd-pleaser, ALLEY OOP; 35. Executed part of a 34-Down, LEAPED UP; 39. Shuts up, CLOSETS.

Lower right -- Across: 42. She, to Schiaparelli, ESSA; 47.
First holder of the title Supreme Governor of the Church of England, ELIZABETH I; 54. Governing group, RULE MAKERS; 56. Epithet coined for the 2002 State of the Union address, AXIS OF EVIL; 58. Recommend highly, TOUT; 59. Toy with tassels, TRIKE; 61. Title aunt in a 1979 best seller, ERMA; 62. Plant A SEED. Down: 29. Count, ENUMERATE; 40. Group with the 1967 #2 hit “Georgy Girl,” with “the”, SEEKERS; 43. English poet Smith, STEVIE; 44. Butcherbird or woodchat, SHRIKE; 45. Like supermarkets, AISLED; 48. Locale of Theban ruins, LUXOR; 48. Part of the body next to the sacrum, ILIUM; 50. Ritz rival, ZESTA; 51. Catullus’s “Odi et AMO; 52. U.K. equivalent to an Oscar, BAFTA, and Guinness won that too!
Here’s an electric blue most dread!
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