07.13.09 -- Counting Sheep

Sheep grazing in the range study area, Tenderfoot sheep allotment, Wallowa National Forest. 372024. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Wallowa-Whitman National Forest.
July 13, 2009
Puzzle by C. W. Stewart, edited by Will Shortz
ALL TUCKED IN (59-Across. Comfily ready to sleep … or a hint to 17-, 24-, 37- and 47-Across), MANUALLABOR (17. Ditch digging, e.g.), PERSONALLOAN (24. Money borrowed from a friend, e.g.), SPIRITUALLEADER (37. The Dalai Lama, e.g.) and DIAGONALLINE (47. Slash symbol, e.g.) are the interrelated entries of this Monday crossword. Incidentally, there’s also ALLOT (50-Down. Mete out) tucked in between 47- and 59-Across, sans the e.g. Hey, hey, there’s no counting sheep on a Monday morning!
Unrelated other interrelated --
ANNE and PARR (40D. First name of Henry VIII’s second, 24D. Last name of Henry VIII’s last), ANT and NESTS (65A. Tidbit for an aardvark, 67A. Homes for 65-Across), EER and ERE (41A. At any time, to a poet, 61D. Before, poetically), MAS and PAS (62A. Moms, 32D. Dads).
HARD LIFE (10D. What a serf led) and IGNORANT (38D. Unaware) are the other long entries, followed by four of six letters, 46D. ANAKIN Skywalker of “Star Wars”, ARMADA (26A. Fleet), REAMED (5D. Cleaned out, as with a pipe cleaner) and ZANTAC (45A. Acid blocker sold over the counter).
Five letters -- 1A.
Chicago’s ADLER Planetarium; 7D. “Remember the ALAMO!“ (rallying cry of 1836); ALOHA (15A Hilo Hello); AORTA (12D. Main artery); ATEST (49D. Event that could be seen as far away as Las Vegas in the ‘50s); CRUDE (14A. Like oil directly from a well); DANTE (22A. “Inferno” writer); DRAMA (47D. Comedy’s counterpart); DRANO (11D. Clog-busting brand); GALAS (6D. Black-tie affairs); GARTH (6A. Country singer Brooks); 42A. Six GEESE a-laying (gift in a Christmas song); IOWAN (48D Cedar Rapids native); IRENE (64A. Ryan of “The Beverly Hillbillies”); LEONA (54A. Hotelier Helmsley); LETME (51D. “I’ll do it!“); LOUIS (52D. 1930s-‘40s heavyweight champ Joe); MIAMI (21A. City name before Heat or Vice); NAOMI (63A. One of the Judds); ROBIN (8D. Harbinger of spring); ROTOR (53A. Helicopter part); SPOOF (31A. “Airplane!” or “Spaceballs”); TOKEN (13D. Thimble or shoe, in Monopoly); TOTES (66A. Lugs).
EGG and EGO, ENE, LIRA, LAO, LUNG, MUIR, NITA, OLE, ONES, PINT, POUR, ROPE, SUE, TEEN, THO, WIG and ZINC (45D. Next-to-last element alphabetically).
Y'all have a good week!
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Remaining clues -- Across: 11. Opposite of dis; 16. Aussie hopper; 20. Yolk’s site; 29. Bald person’s purchase; 30. Serve, as tea; 34. Flow back; 43. Silent screen star Naldi; 44. Reverse of WSW; 55. Address for an overseas G.I.; 58. Wonderment. Down: 1. Pinnacle; 2. Wet blanket; 3. Aqua-___; 4. Univ. 3-mail ending; 9. Even if, informally; 18. Franc : France :: ___ : Italy; 23. 2x + 5 = 15 subj.; 25. M.P.’s quarry; 26. Cathedral recess; 27. Hillbilly’s belt; 28. John who founded the Sierra Club; 31. Take to court; 33. Shout after a bull charges; 34. Blue-pencil; 35. Gamma preceder; 36. Bric-a-___; 39. Many a driver’s ed student; 44. Self-esteem; 55. Fruit drinks; 56. Pub serving; 57. Small bills; 60. Thai neighbor.

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