Tuesday, July 21, 2009 Puzzle by Donna S. Levin, edited by Will Shortz MEN WALK ON MOON (20A. New York Times headline of 7/21/69), NEIL ARMSTRONG (28A. Subject of a photo beneath 20-Across), WE CAME IN PEACE (45A. With 55-Across, message left by 28-Across for future explorers), FOR ALL MANKIND (55A. See 45-Across) are the interrelated entries of this 40th anniversary of The New York Times newspaper reportage of the first moon walk. It marks the first time the newspaper used 96-point type on a front-page headline. For more on the subject of that edition, go HERE. I’ve a tale to tell on this one --living one block away from The New York Times where one could pick up a newspaper before the ink was dry, I walked over at about 9:30 pm on the 20th and picked up the City Edition with the headline and photograph(s) quite different than the Late City Edition which is quoted in this crossword. The following morning, I picked up the Late City from a newsstand, the headline of which had changed -- I preferred the headline of MAN WALKS ON MOON, a more universal statement; however, by the later edition, two men had set foot on the moon, and thus the plural. I still have both, so I unearthed and photographed them for this post… the City Edition below: Other entries of length -- ABANDONS (11D. Forsakes); A FORTIORI (59A. Even more certain: Lat.); DOPAMINE (38D. Pleasure-associated neurotransmitter); LEGAL PADS (18A. Places to put briefs); ROCKFORD (36D. 1970s James Garner TV title role); TALK BACK (6D. Sass, with “to”). Mid-size -- ELAINE (46D. Julia’s “Seinfeld” role); EMILIO (48D. Estevez of the Brat Pack); HORATIO (5D. Whom Hamlet calls “A Man that Fortune’s buffets and rewards / Has ta-en with equal thanks”); IGLOOS (47D. Inuit homes); IRON ON (3D. Like some patches); MAGNUM (8D. Large wine bottle); STAMPS (9D. They may come in sheets); TAINTED (44D. Not pure).
Five-letter -- AND OR (53D. Choice words); AROAR (17A. Like stadiums after touchdowns); 32A. La DOLCE vita; DOORS (67A. Opportunities metaphorically); EDINA (29D. Minneapolis suburb); ELIOT (64A. “Silas Marner” author); GOTTI (43A. The Dapper Don); HENIE (33A. Old-time Norwegian skating sensation); ICONS (41A. Desktop symbols); IMAMS (1D. Mosque leaders); IRISH (1A. Almost of U.S. immigrants in 1840); LULLS (21D. Respites); MARLO (14A. Actress Thomas); ODETS (54D. “Waiting for Lefty” playwright); SKIDS (37A. Loses traction); RARER (2D. Less common); REIGN (30D. Have the throne); RELIC (31D. Archaeologist’s find) and STELA (39D. Inscribed pillar); SMART (42D. Natty); TILDE (61A. Diacritical squiggle). Short stuff -- ABE AGES, ALG and ALI, ARAT, BERG, DOA, EARP, EDDY, ESNE, EXPO, FED, KILO, KIRI and KIWI, ICER, IRK, LRON, LSTS, MAO, NOON, ONIT, OREO, ORGY (56D. Bacchanalian revelry), PXS, ROD, SLAW, SRO, TOMS, TUB, UPA, XBOX. Walter Cronkite and the news of the landing on the moon, HERE. ------------------ For today’s cartoon, go to The Crossword Puzzle Illustrated.
Click on image to enlarge.
Puzzle available on the internet at
THE NEW YORK TIMES -- Crossword Puzzles and Games
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Remaining clues -- Across: 6. Male tabbies; 10. O.K. Corral figure; 15. Smell ___ (be suspicious); 16. Console used with the game Halo; 22. Letters that please angels; 23. Clumsy boat; 24. Hoagy Carmichael lyric “___ lazy river …”; 25. 1988 Dennis Quaid/Meg Ryan movie; 34. Soprano ___ Te Kanawa; 40. D-Day vessels; 49. Peeve; 50. Geom. Prerequisite; 51. “Aladdin” hero; 52. Little Red Book writer; 62. Sight in the Arctic Ocean; 63. When morning ends; 65. Whirling water; 66. Anglo-Saxon laborer. Down: 4. Cabbage dish; 7. McFlurry flavor; 10. ___ 67 (onetime Montreal event); 12. Reel’s partner; 13. Stores for G.I.’s; 26. Handling the matter; 27. Matures; 34. Fuzzy fruit; 35. Cupcake finisher; 57. “Dianetics” author ___ Hubbard; 58. D.E.A. seizure, maybe; 59. The Rail Splitter; 60. G-man.
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