07.25.09 -- Seizing Saturday
Carpe Diem, Copyright © Marleen Provençal
----------------- Saturday, July 25, 2009 Puzzle by Victor Fleming, edited by Will Shortz Plenty of long entries in this Saturday crossword -- Coming in at 15 letters are COMING INTO FOCUS (7D. Losing the fuzz?), ELECTRICAL STORM (60A. Meteorological shocker?), PROPOSE MARRIAGE (17A. Inquire about a union contract?) and VESTED INTERESTS (39A. They benefit personally)…
Ten- and eleven-letter entries include DISTRESSED (65A. Hardly happy); INCUMBENTS (5A. They’re in seats); NEOREALISM (16A. Philosophy of Montague or Santayana), a philosophy developed chiefly by 20th-century American philosophers, including Montague and Santayana, characterized by a presentationist epistemology and by the assertion of the real status of universals; NOM DE PLUME (63A. Something often written under); NUMISMATIST (35A. Quarter master?); and also, EMPIRE STATE (41A. East Coast sobriquet) with its clue-mate ROSE (43A. One symbol of the 41-Across).
Mid-size entries -- APPEAR (4D. Be published); AREOLAS (38D. Biological interstices), OFTENER (18D. Not so rarely), come on now!, no one says anything else except “more often“ --don't even try!, RELATE (22A. Connect), SOUTER (45D. Brennan’s successor on the Supreme Court) and SLOPPY (50A. Kind of joe) with its clue-mate DECAF (46A. Certain joe). Just this past Wednesday, a SLOPPY JOE puzzle appeared -- well, the puzzle wasn’t sloppy, just the JOEs were jumbled… HERE.
Five-letter -- AARON (57A. Father of Eleazar, in the Bible); 19A. Roman ACLEF; ARILS (49D. Edible pomegranate parts); AT PAR (1D. For what it’s worth); AURAE (59A. Psychics claim to see them); 10A. St. BARTS (Caribbean hot spot); CARPE (48D. Seize, in a saying); EATER (47D. One working on the side?); ETUDE (23D. Something to practice); FARCE (2D. Play genre); MERCI (9D. Word of politesse); METES (37D. Dishes [out]); NOISE (24A. Crash accompanier); OREOS (44A. Filled treats); PARMA (52D. Province next to Piacenza); PROMO (51D. Many an ad); RETAG (26A. Alter in a clothing store?); TINCT (20A. Color faintly); TROLL (3D. Sing the parts of in succession); URANO (8D. Heavens: Prefix); YEMEN (53D. Mocha setting).
Short stuff -- AFTA (1A. Brand seen near razors) and its clue-mate NEET (6D. Brand seen near razors, once), AMIS, ASTA (30D. Hairy clue-sniffer), BEG, BEND, CAB, CDT, ELI and ELOI, EMME, ESTE, GEMS, INS, LED, NAME and NEMO, NIAS, NTSB, ONT, OVER, ROAN, SMEE, STAR, SWAN (28A. Trumpeter with a prominent neck), TARP, TIED, TSGT and TSPS, WISC (29D. Superior setting: Abbr.). ------------------ For today’s cartoon, go to The Crossword Puzzle Illustrated.
Click on image to enlarge. Puzzle available on the internet at THE NEW YORK TIMES -- Crossword Puzzles and Games
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Remaining clues -- Across: 15. Cover-up during a shower; 21. One may be prayed to: Abbr.; 32. Home to Stratford: Abbr.; 42. Crane component; 54. Seek change?; 64. Model Melissa Aronson, familiarly; 66. Relative of a chestnut. Down: 5. It’ll cover you: Abbr.; 11. “My God!,” as cried by King David; 12. Actress Long and others; 13. U.S.A.F. NCO; 14. Hook go-with?; 25. Cit near Padua; 27. “London Fields” novelist, 1989; 31. It may delve into a derailment: Abbr.; 32. Supervising; 33. Seaman whose last word were “God and my country!”; 34. Some are level: Abbr.; 36. Kindergarten “grade”; 40. Even; 54. Rive feature; 55. Wellsian race; 56. Beauties; 58. It may be dropped; 61. Spring setting in Chi-Town; 62. Had the edge.
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