The Parting of Abelard and Heloise, 1775, Angelica Kauffmann
Sunday, July 26, 2009
PUNS AND ANAGRAMS, Puzzle by Mel Taub, edited by Will Shortz
Across: 1. He could be in a class or clash, SCHOLAR; 8. Perfect announcement at a card table, IDEAL; 13. Eagerest for some ship accommodations, STEERAGE; 14. Sounds like an unfeeling diva, CALLAS; 16. Like an airplane stored with hand gear, HANGARED; 17. When to shoot, after “Ready, aim …”, ON FIRE; 18. Be there at telephone company demise, ATTEND; 19. I hear she’s a complainer, MONA; 21. Billy said it to his mother, MAA; 22. Mother of PURL (inventor of knitting); 23. Things with which a person hears, mostly, EARS; 24. Car TOMB (where to bury an auto in Sudan); 25. 243 years, perhaps, ERA; 26. Source of groan in the jungle, ORANG; 28. Cousin of Irene, ERNIE; 29. Overwhelms in duels, e.g., DELUGES; 31. Blended in dear old Yale, ALLOYED; 33. In which t’ carry things t’ Charles, TRAY; 34. Nab in L.A., NAIL; 35. Tried 2000 test, MIDTERM; 38. Form of worship in 1552? So? IDOLISM; 42. Sign of raise, ARIES; 43. Seats, to a theater or stadium, ASSET; 45. Kind of thing, SEE; 46. Noise from boarder with no bed, ROAR; 47. Like a proper girl in Rhode Island in the evening, PRIM; 48. Time it seemingly takes when one’s waiting in line, EONS; 49. End for end, ING; 50. Force Alaska inside Maine, MAKE; 51. Stately home, say, of Athena, PALLAS; 53. Governor Manning has a part in “Psycho”, NORMAN; 55. Like 50 Seattle stars, STELLATE; 57. Unlike bare L.A. field, ARABLE; 58. What emitters of shrieks were surprised to discover, TERMITES; 59. Communication that travels a mile in a split second, EMAIL; 60. I.e., a lass who’s an outlaw may have several of these, ALIASES.
Down: 1. Astuter level of attainment, STATURE; 2. Middle of a decent rally, CENTRAL; 3. Haig’ll speak to a German philosopher, HEGEL; 4. Where Nora hails from, ORAN; 5. Follower of Abe, LARD; 6. Time for a certain brand of appliance, AGE; 7. Mr. Dean of the Algonquin, REDMAN; 8. Images on coins, ICONS; 9. Who ended ban?, DANA; 109. Little fellow without owl, ELF; 11. Monthly payment from oil man? Why?, ALIMONY; 12. Where to send air male, LARAMIE; 13. Molded head: Sp., SHAPED; 15. What pollution will debase, SEABED; 20. Living being that arms go in, ORGANISM; 23. German version of a fast buck, once, EASY MARK; 24. Comptroller showing folklore figure, TROLL; 26. What horror movie goers see, OGRES; 27. Dreary, at heart, REAR; 28. He used to lie, poetically, ELIOT; 30. Out-and-out, say, UTTER; 32. Put a great deal of stuff on board, LADE; 35. Unlikely place to find an airman, MARINA; 36. Nothing Renoir dug up, IRON ORE; 37. Figure of a maid: Gr., DIAGRAM; 39. Keep from getting close to Elias, ISOLATE; 40. Where lawmakers are as tense, SENATES; 41. 1,000 S’s in disarray, MESSES; 44. Period when everyone eats, si? No!, SIESTA; 47. Group that may give a railway a bad review, PANEL; 48. E. 50s is where you’ll find him, ELLIS; 50. Where Liam paid in francs, MALI; 51. Ripe fairy in Persian myth, PERI; 52. She’s in Alabama surroundings, ALMA; 54. What a random banker holds, MBA; Let up, TEL. One more..
Click on image to enlarge. Puzzle available on the internet at THE NEW YORK TIMES -- Crossword Puzzles and Games
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