07.31.09 -- Four-Letter Words

Marquee Letters, Olympia Film Society
July 30, 2009
Puzzle by Ashish Vengsarkar, edited by Will Shortz
FOUR-LETTER WORDS (16A. Profanities [and a hint to this puzzle’s anomalies]) and REPEAT OFFENDERS (51A. Record holders? [and a punny hint to this puzzle’s anomalies]) -- along with EEEE (1A. Facility), e.g., ease; QQQQ (8A Signals), cues; IIII (19A. Peer group?), eyes; TTTT (20A. Razz), tease; BBBB (47A. Garden sights), bees; OOOO (49A. Is behind), owes; GGGG (61A. “Man oh man!”), geez or jeeze; YYYY (63A. Hip), wise -- are the interrelated entries of this Thursday crossword.
Other entries of length include ANCESTORS (43A. Some people in a tree); FACE OFFS (36D. Starts of some sporting events);
GANGSTER (40A. Blood, e.g.); GETS THERE (28A. Arrives); MATINEES (5D. Show types); ONE TO TEN (32A. Scale range).

Mid-size -- ARBORS (43D. Pergolas); DROIDS (38A. Many “Star Wars” fighters);
EERIEST (4D. Like H.P. Lovecraft among all popular writers?); EIGHTHS (17D. Some musical notes); ICEBERG (39D. Big chip off the old block?); JANE DOE (33D. Courtroom identification); JIGGLE (33A. Do what Jell-O does); MEGATON (26D. Nuclear unit) ; QUOTING (8D. Offering, as a price); SELLERS (27D. Merchants); SENORAS (21D. They may have niños and niñas); STEP OUT (22D. Exit); YVETTE (7D. Actress Mimieux of “Where the Boys Are”).
Five-letter -- ABDUL (60A. “American Idol” judge); ARCED (45A. Wasn’t straight); CUT IT (15A. Perform acceptably); GNATS (23A. Buzzers); GOODS (28D. Stuff on a shelf); INERT (58A. Sluggish);
MEDEA (12A. Jiltee of myth); REARS (31D. Cans); SAUCY (42A. Forward); SINGS (30D. Squeals); SNEER (30A. Mean mien); TOADY (29D. Kowtower).
Three-letter -- ABT, AHS, ALA, ALI,
ARN (24D. Royal son of the comics), ATT, ATV, BAT, EDU, EDY, EEO, EMF, ENG, FAN, FEY, GNC, IMS, MAY, ONA, ONS, OOP (34A. Alley of Moo), PEG, QID, QTR, QTS, REF, RIG, RTS, RUY, SLY, SSE, STE, SYS.
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Remaining clues -- Across: 5. <-- What this is, on a calendar); 14. Yamaha offering, in brief; 21. Liverpool-to-Portsmouth dir.; 25. Some exchanges, quickly; 34. Alley of Moo; 35. Patient responses; 36. Geisha’s accessory; 37. Like; 44. Division of an office bldg.; 46. Carry-___; 59. Whistle blower; 62. ___ admin (computer techie). Down: 1. Voltaic cell meas.; 2. Abbr. in a help-wanted ad; 3. E-mail address ending; 6. Part of a 2005 SBC merger; 9. 12 or 15 min.; 10. Rx abbr.; 11. Peck parts: Abbr.; 13. Iranian supreme leader ___; 15. 100 lbs.; 18. Football linemen: Abbr.; 24. Royal son of the comics; 40. Health supplement chain; 45. Dance grp. At the Met; 48. It goes over a plate; 50. ___ leash; 51. Horse and buggy; 52. Official lang. of Barbados; 53. Part of a violin; 54. Hardly macho; 55. Actress Williams of the 1960s-’70s; 56. ___ Lopez (chess opening); 57. On the ___.

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