“We just want to go home.” -- Alien, “District 9” ----------------- Monday, August 31, 2009 Puzzle by Fred Piscop, edited by Will Shortz FOUR-MINUTE MILER (17A. Roger Bannister was the first), FOR OLD TIME’S SAKE (35A. How something may be done, nostalgically) and FORE AND AFT SAILS (54A. Features of yawls or ketches) are the interrelated group of this fine Monday crossword. Mid-size entries include CLIENTS (24A. Agents’ customers), DESPITE (45A. Regardless of), HAREMS (26A. Women’s quarters, in sultans homes), LAMINA (36D. Thin layer), LASSOS (44D. Rodeo ropes), MOIRES (19D. Fabrics with wavy patterns), PLAINS (43A. Area west of the Mississippi), SLIVER (10D. Tiny slice of pie), SPEEDS (42D. Risks being caught in a radar trap), WAMPUM (5D. Indian beads used as money).
Five-letter entries -- ALIEN (49A. Visitor in “District 9”), ANNOY (6D. Really bother), AROSE (40A. Heeded the alarm), CHIME (24D. Doorbell), DAFOE (45D. Willem of Spider-Man movies), ELOPE (46D. Run off to the justice of the peace), EVENT (12D. Long jump or 100-meter dash), O’HARA (14A. Tara’s Scarlett), ORLON (60A. Fabric introduced by DuPont), OVINE (22A. Sheeplike), PALIN (11D. Politico Sarah), REFER (48D. Direct, as for information), SCREW (1A. Fastener that may have a Phillips head), 31A. “Rise and SHINE!”, SIREN (47D. Patrol car wailer), SKEET (63A. Sport with shotguns), SMART (42A. Mensa-eligible), STORE (31D. Part of a mall), WARES (13D. Peddlers peddle them), WHIRR (29A. Fan sound) and WHIST (29D. Predecessor of bridge). Short stuff -- AIRE, AKIN, ALSO, AOL, ARK, AVOW, BAG, BARI, CHOO, DECO, DIE, DRAT, DULY, EENS, ERR, EVAC, GEMS, HEFT, ILLS, ISNT, LAVA and SPEW, LINE, LOUD, NAP, NOON, ONE, OPED, PEAS and PEAT, PEER, PILE, PLOD, PRIM, PSI, RARA, RAUL, REAM, SLOE, SOFA, SOT, SPAM, TWA. ----------------- For today’s cartoon, go to The Crossword Puzzle Illustrated. Click on image to enlarge. Puzzle available on the internet at THE NEW YORK TIMES -- Crossword Puzzles and Games
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Remaining clues -- Across: 6. “One more thing …”; 10. Eject, as 16-Across; 15. Factory whistle time; 16. Material from a volcano; 20. “You’ve got mail” co.; 21. Trudge (along); 23. In the proper manner; 30. Emergency removal of people, for short; 32. “Paper or plastic?” item; 39. Old competitor of Pan Am; 41. ___ and proper; 48. 500 sheets; 50. Little vegetables that roll; 51. Pitchfork-shaped Greek letter; 58. Essayist’s newspaper piece; 59. Suffix with billion; 61 Poetic nights; 62. Use a spyglass. Down: 1. Couch; 2. Part of a sneeze after “ah-ah-ah …”; 3. Fidel Castro’s brother; 4. “To ___ is human …”; 7. Ear-busting; 8. Drunkard; 9. Marine ___ (presidential helicopter); 18. Woes; 23. Art ___ (1920s-’30s style); 25. Queue; 26. Test the weight of; 27. Swear to; 28. ___ avis; 32. Italian port on the Adriatic; 33. Closely related; 34. Rubies, emeralds, etc.; 37. “Dang!”; 38. E-mail often caught in filters; 43. Bog fuel; 50. Whittle down; 51. Heap; 52. ___ gin fizz; 53. “Money ___ everything!”; 55. 40 winks; 56. Expire; 57. Noah’s vessel.
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