----------------- Wednesday, October 28, 2009 Puzzle by Mike Torch, edited by Will Shortz Affixing a silent K to the fore of word beginning with the letter N to change the meaning of five phrases comprises the interrelated group of this Wednesday crossword -- OLD KNICK (15A. Retired Big Apple basketball player?); KNEW TESTAMENT (21A. Was well-versed in a will?); LADY OF THE KNIGHT (38A. Guinevere, to Lancelot?); KNOT FOR PROFIT (48A. Macramé company’s goal?); KNIT PICK (64A. Select a sweater?).
Other mid-size entries -- ARREST (67A. Run in); CALL ME (63A. Theme song from “American Gigolo”); CICADAS (7A. Insects in swarms); COME LATE (60A. Miss the start, maybe); DEFERS (33D. Puts off); ETC ETC (19D. Blah, blah, blah); GOES INTO (17A. Expounds upon); HALTED (5D. Stopped); IDEATE (8D. Think up); INROAD (14A. Encroachment); NO WAIT (45D. “Uh, hold on! That’s wrong!”); OFF AIR (47D Like things said after cutting to a commercial); PITCHY (1A. Slightly sharp or flat, as a voice); SECANTS (66A. Trigonometric ratios); SKILLS (16A. What tests test); TIED UP (65A. Even).
Five -- ACT ON (12D. Follow, as advice); ASCOT (18A. English racing site); CLODS (8D. Think up); COLON (4D. List preceder); DINGE (11D. Griminess); FLIES (57A. Bloopers, e.g.); ILLER (53D. Less healthy); KICKS (48D. Fun); MERIT (24D. Earn); 49D. “NO ONE Is to Blame” (1986 hit); OSMIC (50D. Of element #76); ROTCS (51D. University mil. Programs); SKORT (13D. Woman’s golf wear); TILDE (54D. Type squiggle); TRESS (34A. Lock); TRICK (3D. What a king may win); USUAL (41A. Like some suspects); WYATT (30D. Jane of “Father Knows Best”). Short stuff -- ANI, ATTN, BLUE, BREW, CAFÉ, CKS, CTA, DOC, EDU, EGO and ENO, EMUS, ERDA, ETA and ETE, GOR, INKS, IOS, KENO, LEWD, LPN, OGRE, OLAF, PEEK, PISA (1D. Torre Pendente city), RAS, SEPT, SHY, STS, TAN, TOYS, WHA, WOES, WOLF. O.K.
----------------- For today’s cartoon, go to The Crossword Puzzle Illustrated.
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Remaining clues -- Across: 19. “Das Rehingold” goddess; 20. Brit’s oath; 25. Sawbones; 26. Hot time in la cité; 27. Make in a cauldron; 31. R-rated, maybe; 42. Lunch site; 43. Kids’ stuff; 44. What you might get in a booth; 46. Roxy Music co-founder; 55. Cyclades island; 46. Sorrows. Down: 2. Prepares, as the presses; 9. Bank drafts: Abbr.; 10. “Gimme ___!” (repeated cry of a University of Mississippi cheerleader); 15. Meanie; 22. Woman-chaser; 23. Ltr. Routing aid; 27. ___-ray Disc; 28. Dorm heads, for short; 29. E-mail address ending; 32. “Huh?”; 35. Kind of boost; 36. Short; 37. Many figs. On stained-glass windows; 39. Norwegian king; 40. Numbers game; 52. Look through half-closed blinds, e.g.; 58. Aussie runners; 59. Number of dwarfs with Blanche Neige; 61. Theta preceder; 62. Hosp. staffer; 63. Windy City transportation org.
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