Originally called the Macy’s Christmas Parade, the parade started in 1924. It initially featured live animals, but they were replaced by larger-than-life balloons a few years later. The first balloon was modeled after Felix the Cat, photo c. 1932
Puzzle by Paula Gamache, edited by Will Shortz
MACY’S (47D. See 51-Across) PARADE BALLOON (51A. What 20-, 31- and 40-Across were each introduced as by 47-Down), KERMIT THE FROG (20A. Introduction of 1977), FELIX THE CAT (31A. Introduction of 1927) and ELSIE THE COW (40A. Introduction of 1963) are the interrelated group of this light and airy Thanksgiving Day crossword.
Other entries of length include FIGMENT (5D. Bit of imagination), JACKKNIFE (33D. Double over), LITERAL (41D. Verbatim), ROCK SOLID (3D. Highly unlikely to change), THE LEFT (42D Democrats, as a whole) and YESHIVA (9D. Place for Torah study).
Six-letter -- ERASER (44D. Stationer’s item), HECKLE (45A. Badger), IDEALS (26A. Paradigms), IMARET (46A. Turkish hostel), REFFED (10D. Called the game), SHOGUN (27A. James Clavell best seller).
Five -- 61A. Turn A DEAF ear; 11D. Marie Osmond’s ADORA Belle dolls; 48D. “Give it A REST!”; AS FIT (23D. Comparable to a fiddle); 12D. “CAROL of the Bells” (holiday favorite); DEWEY (35D. Loser of 1948); EMAGS (13D. Online compilations, briefly); EXITS (44A. Emergency info on a plane); FLEAS (49D. Tiny pests); FOGGY (5A.Not clear); GALAS (18A. Big dos), INANE (15A. Dopey); IPANA (46D. Classic toothpaste name); LEAST (64A. Bare minimum); 34D. Moliere’s “L’ ECOLE des femmes”; LEVIS (29D. Some casual wear); LIVID (29A. Incensed), ON AIR (6D. Studio alert); 56A. RAREE show; 24. “Solomon and SHEBA,” 1959 biblical epic.
Short stuff --ACES, AFAR, AREA, ASS, ASTR, ATOB (14A. First step in a series), AVE, BADE, EDAM, EDIT, ERS, ETA, EXED, FER, FORA, GALT, GIS, GNAT (8D. Tiny irritant), HAST, HERO, IBIS (36A. Head of the Egyptian god Thoth), ICEE, JED, KEY, LETS, NYSE, OBOE, OER, ORAL, PACE and PACO (17A. Rabanne who was the costume designer for “Barbarella“), PAT, PEC, RACE, RIPE (57A. Smelly, as post-workout clothes), ROUX (21D. Gumbo thickener), ZAP and ZERO.
Spider-Man, Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade official Super Hero balloon, keeps a watchful eye on a pedestrian walking his dogs prior to the start of the parade,Thursday, Nov. 27, 1997 in New York. Wind gusts of 40 mph were reported in the area as the parade, famous for its huge helium balloons of cartoon characters, got under way. AP Photo/Emile Wamsteker
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