12.05.09 -- Count

The presidential election of 2000 was decided, in essence, by the vote of one Supreme Court justice.


Saturday, December 5, 2009

Puzzle by Brad Wilber, edited by Will Shortz

BUSH V GORE (30A. 2000 Supreme Court case hinging on the 14th Amendment) and SECRETIVE (46A. Not open) are the only two nine-letter entries in this Saturday crossword -- it was and is all downhill from there!

Eight -- DECREPIT (38D. Condemnable?); DETERRED (63A. Opposite of encouraged); EARLY AGE (66A. 6 or 7, but not 60 or 70); EX-YANKEE (15A. One who used to get Bronx cheers?); GROUP HUG (42A. Corporate retreat closer, perhaps); LIBEL LAW (33A. Tabloid publisher’s check); LOITERER (13D. Laggard); OKEY DOKE (37D. “You got it”); ROBOCALL (1A. Modern campaign element); SHERBETS (17A. Ice varieties); SIDE DOOR (12D. It may be used to avoid paparazzi); X-RAY EYES (68A. Producer of a piercing look).

Seven -- LES PAUL (8D. “Vaya con Dios” hitmaker, 1953); LET IT BE (7D. 1970 hit documentary); PER YEAR (45D. Annually); UV INDEX (44D. It drops to 0 after sundown).

Six -- AKIMBO (65A. One way to stand); ALLEGE (50D. Hold); BYE NOW (3.D “Later!”); GO GRAY (49D. Start developing achromotrichia); MODENA (36A. Maserati headquarters city); OPTION (16A. To be or not to be, e.g.); OX HIDE (2D. Leather type); POP DUO (62A. The Carpenters, e.g.); READ ME (47D. Common text file name); REST UP (1D. Recharge); RETEST (67A. Second chance in education?); ROADIE (18A. Band hand); SBARRO (39A. Alternative to Uno Chicago Grill); SLIDES (51D. Begins to fail); STALAG (11D. War film setting); TUSSLE (9A. Fracas).

Five -- AKELA (6D. Cubs’ leader); 64D. Ad ASTRA (National Space Society’s magazine); DEANS (56A. They work to maintain their faculties); INLET (21A. Mooring site); PEWIT (28A. Plover named for its call); SAGAS (48A. Trilogies, often); TINGE (29D. Soupçon); VW BUS (32D. Model featured in “Little Miss Sunshine”).

Four -- ADEN, AGAR, ATAD, BART (34D. TV character who says “I didn’t think it was physically possible, but this both sucks and blows”), CLIP, CNBC, EELY, EYRE, HASH, LIRA, MUSE, NERO (27D. First-century coup victim), NILE, NUBS, NYSE, ROLL, SOOT, TORI, UDON and UPON.


Is that everything?… How about a recount!


For today’s cartoon, go to The Crossword Puzzle Illustrated.

Click on image to enlarge.

Puzzle available on the internet at

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Remaining clues -- Across: 19. Cigarette holder; 20. Money holder; 22. Japanese noodles; 24. Not muich; 26. Port annexed by Britain in 1839; 35. The Who’s “Love, Reign ___ Me”; 41. Arthur Godfrey played it; 52. “Notes on a Scandal” director Richard; 53. Old capital of 36-Across; 55. Undulate; 59. Frequent 5-Down topic; 61. Los : Spanish :: ___ : Italian. Down: 4. Sweeping instrument; 5. “Squawk on the Street” airer; 9. Bagels, e.g.; 10. Part of many British place names; 14. Navigation abbr.; 23. Where Aida sings “O patria mia”; 25. Upgrade from dial-up; 31. Jumble; 36. Cogitate; 40. Environment for multiplication, of sorts; 43. Covering for some wrestlers; 57. Worn-down pencils, say; 58. Film about a furnace; 60. Difficult to grasp; 62. Acceptable shooting?; 64. Kind of vodka.

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